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First Aid: What Would You Do?

1. What should you do if someone is choking?

a) give them a glass of water
b) do the Heimlich manoeuver
c) slap them on the back

2. What should you do if you get frostbite?
a) rub the area quickly to warm it up
b) soak the area in hot water
c) blow on the area
3. What should you do you find someone unconscious?
a) make sure the victim is breathing
b) put on gloves
c) make the emergency scene safe
d) check for a pulse
e) both a and d
4. f your child swallows poison! what should you do?
a) call "11 and help your child throw up
b) call the hospital and give your child some water to drink
c) call #oison $ontrol and give your child some bread to eat
%. f you burn yourself and your skin is red and sore! what should you do?
a) cover it with oil or soap
b) immerse it in cold water
c) put a bandage on it
&. f you burn yourself and your skin has blisters! you should'
a) run cold water on it
b) go to the hospital or see your doctor
c) break the blisters and put a bandage on it
(. )our husband is having chest pain. )ou should'
a) put him in a comfortable position
b) give him his heart medicine or aspirin
c) call "11 or go to the emergency room
d) all of the above

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