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Alertness at Work

Alertness at Work
More Than a Cup of Tea
When you walk through the front door of
Inspirations Gifts, Dcor and Tea Roo,
Monitor Monitor your your surroundings surroundings so so that that you you can can
respond respond to to changing changing circumstances circumstances
!i"e #eys
$% Anticipate &'stacles
Understand the goals, costs, and benefts of a
project so that you can prepare to overcome
(% Connect )ignals With Meaning
Recognize what external infuences and
internal indicators mean.
*% Tell Those Affected
Communicate with those who will be affected or
who can contribute to a solution.
+% Act Iediately
Even when you need time to develop a strategy
or fnish other tasks, begin the process of
addressing situations as soon as they come to
your attention.
,% Take Tie to Analy-e
Carefully evaluate events, responses, and
you immediately sense the
peaceful and elegant atmosphere.
You can browse the gift areas or
sit down to enjoy one of
Inspirations signature trios and
favored tea, but most of all you
sense the attention to detail.
Larry and Tamara Rhoads
opened Inspirations in February
2005 in order to encourage
faith, family, and friends. The
tea room serves 800 to
1000 guests each
The following year, the
Rhoads opened the Two Hearts
Inn bed-and- breakfast. At Two
Hearts Inn we focus on
providing married couples a
unique getaway experience
where they can relax, renew, and
rekindle, Larry said. We keep
our focus on who our target
customers are and how we can best
serve their needs.
Counicate .our
Each morning before
Inspirations opens, the Rhoads
hold a fve-minute meeting with
most of their staff. They discuss
the months character quality
example, on the Tuesday after
spring break, Larry thanked the
team for their extra effort during
an especially busy week.
Alertnessbeing aware of what
is taking place around me so I can
have the right responsesis
important for everyone at
Inspirations. We con- stantly are
watching, listening, and asking our
employees and customers,
How was everything? Larry said.
Then, each employee must know
how to respond to needs as they
Gi"e Attention to Details
Mr. and Mrs. Wotring visit
Inspirations every Tuesday for the
good food, service, and
atmosphere. He is a retired minister
and marriage counselor; she is a retired
educator. The experience they enjoy is
no accidentit results from careful
preparation and character-based
0eing aware of w
so I can ha"e the
Discussion )tarters
1. Name someone who demonstrates awareness
of the surroundings and who quickly
responds to others needs.
2. When did you make a careless mistake
because you were not alert to facts, figures, or
other details When has alertness helped you
a!oid a mistake
". #a!e you been tempted to cut corners or
skip safety measures What moti!ates
you to maintain safety standards
( Alertness
)afety Check
Whether you operate a fork lift, drive company
vehicles, fle papers, mop foors, or make coffee,
alertness helps you avoid accidents.
Wear protective gear, and follow safety procedures. No amount of
agility can replace a hard hat or safety glasses when an object fies in your
direction. Do not rely on refexes to keep you out of harms way.
Slow down when operating machinery or heavy equipment so that you can
adjust if something goes wrong or someone gets in the way. Read warning
labels and special instructions so that you understand the risks.
If safety rules become too cumbersome, discuss alternatives with your
supervisor and develop a plan that works. Do not disregard safety in favor of

Larry gives personal attention
to guests in an effort to ensure
each has a good experience,
and Tamara sees that every
plate that leaves the kitchen
looks like its ready for my
Each server must be alert to
the needs of other servers as
well as their customers. Servers
help one another make tea,
and kitchen workers sort
dishes at busy times so that
servers can focus on their
guests. This teamwork
provides quality and
consistency, which contributes
to the relaxed and peaceful
)tay Alert to 1eeds
$ustomer ser!ice includes seeing needs and
meeting them quickly
believe the most important factor is
knowing our purpose of existence, said
Larry Rhoads of Inspirations Gifts, Dcor
and Tea Room.
Inspirations exists to encourage faith, family,
Larry remembers when server
Emily Blaess noticed a guest feeling
unwell. Blaess had a coworker call
emergency services while she stayed
with the guest. Apparently the
lady had a reaction to a change in
medication, resulting in
symptoms similar to a heart
attack, Larry said. The husband
called back later in the day,
wanting to thank us for the special
care we gave to his wife. The
server s alertness to the situation
and quick response helped alleviate
potential crisis.
0uilding Character 0rings )uccess
For businesses to succeed, employees
must be alert to customer needs
and take the right actions to meet
them. Those who develop alertness to
serving others will greatly improve
their future success, Larry said.
Alertness promotes a culture that
benefts the individual and the
company. %
and friends.
Larry stresses the signifcance of having
employees whose character reinforces the
company culture. To help him select the
right people, Larry has prospective
employees fll out a basic application and a
character-based application. These forms
help Larry conduct the interview and discern
the applicants character.
We look for a desire to serve with a desire to
learn, Larry said, everything else pales in
hat is taking place around e
right responses
&ead more about 'nspirations when you
Custoer )er"ice
Good customer service depends on your alertness to customers, your
attention to quality, and your level of teamwork.
Some customers want immediate attention; others want their space.
Immediately welcome customers and visitors to your workplace, and adjust
your approach to their specifc needs.
Check your work in order to make sure customers are properly served.
Recognize when a customer is dissatisfed, and make the situation right.
Think not about the expense but about maintaining the relationship.
Each member of your organization
contributes to the customer s
experience. Notice when team
members need help so that you
can support one another and meet
customer needs.
Discussion )tarters
(. #ow does alertness help your company pro!ide good customer ser!ice
). #ow does alertness promote teamwork and cooperation
*. #ow do you feel when you enter a store and the employees ignore you
+. Name one thing you can do this week to practice alertness at work.
Alertness *
Alertness for 2ife
Alertness for 2ife
Alertness on the Road
Increase road safety by following the IPDE
method of driving.
Identify real and potential hazards. Look out
for vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists,
obstructions, and children playing nearby.
Notice the weather and road conditions.
Predict what might occur. Could a child run
in front of your car? Could someone open the
door of a parked car? Could your tires
Decide how to respond. Slow down so that
you can stop if a child chases a ball across
your path. Move left when passing a parked
vehicle. Reduce your speed in wet weather.
Execute your decision
adjust your
&pen .our 3yes4
Alertness includes noticing others
contributions so that you
can express your gratitude.
Showing appreciation tells others
you dont take them for granted.
How have friends and
family members contributed to
your life? How have others
inspired you to build good
character? Trace others actions
back to specifc character
qualities, and show
Recognize the good attitudes
a person has. Dont just say,
Thanks for the note, say,
Thanks for taking time to write a
note. That was very kind of you.
,how appreciation for the character
you see in -ordinary. e!ents
as the situation
changes. Mind your
surroundings so
that you can identify
new situations.
Search for defensive dri
tips online, or take a d
safety course. Alertness
on road can protect
you a many others.
Instead of saying, Thanks for doing your homework, say, Thanks
taking initiative to do your homework. I didnt even have to ask
Praising someone for character reinforces those qualities, gives
others a real-time example of what character looks like, and
strengthens communication.
2og In to the online library for
alertness stories, !ideos, leadership
tips, family resources, and more/
Discussion )tarters
0. Who would be affected if you were in1ured or killed in a car crash #ow does your
answer influence your dri!ing habits

$haracter 2raining 'nstitute

)23 West Main ,treet
4. $an you name at least two more ways you can dri!e safely
13. #ow has someone demonstrated alertness recently What did that person do What
were the benefits 56press your appreciation at the ne6t opportunity.
7klahoma $ity, 78 +"132
ww w .characte r
What he;she did:
2he benefits:
$haracter <uality:
+ Alertness = 2330 $haracter 2raining 'nstitute % >ll rights reser!ed % $ontributors: ?oren 9aulsson, Mandy No!otny, &obert @reenlaw % 'tem: ""31

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