TutorialFG 01

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ECLIPSE Tutorials for beginners Bilal Amjad

Module: FloGrid Petroleum Engineer

Tutorial FG-01
1. Make a working directory at suitable place
2. Open ECLIPSE Launcher and click FloGrid, select the working directory and click Run
3. Select the unit system. Unit system can be changed later on by setting from Preferences
> Set External Units or for every node in data tree unit system can be changed by right
click the node.
4. Nodes in the data tree are in the following order
Surfaces (depth ordered)
Well Markers
Well Logs
Structural Framework
FloGrid Models
5. Data is also assigned in the above order. For the time being we will use Surfaces,
Structural Framework and Flogrid model nodes.
6. Right click Surfaces Node and choose Surface Table from options menu. A new window
opens. Click Create Map tab (Following shown window will open)

7. Name the map, for example TOPS to depth map, PORO to porosity map etc.
8. Select the property to be incorporated to the map from the dropdown list. For example
9. Click Map Controls tab to assign the map limits. (Following shown window will open).
Set required units in Areal Unit and Vertical Unit drop down menu.

ECLIPSE Tutorials for beginners Bilal Amjad
Module: FloGrid Petroleum Engineer

10. Set X Maximum and Y Maximum to some length, which will become the area of the map.
11. Click OK to close it. Go to Create Simple Mesh Map Window and select Number of X
Nodes and Number of Y Nodes. These are the number of values to be assigned to the
map at equal distance for example default number of Nodes is 2x2 which means 4 values
at equal distance will be assigned to the map accordingly with the Map Control Limits.
Remaining values on the map will be automatically generated with these 4 values such
that a map will have infinite number of nodes or values. Then we will upscale these
infinite values equal to the finite number of grid blocks.
12. After assigning the node values, fill in the Map Data table given in I/J format. And click
Create to finalize the map. This will generate the map. Similarly generate the required
number/types of maps. (Clicking again the Create tab will again generate the map)
13. For the time being 4 types of maps are required for each layer/surface; depth or horizon
(TOPS), thickness, porosity, and permeability (perm).

Instead of a single Perm map, you can assign permx, permy and permz maps separately.

14. Once all the required maps are created close the Surface Table.
15. Come to Data tree. Right click the Structural Framework node and click create from
16. Accept the defaults and click OK.

ECLIPSE Tutorials for beginners Bilal Amjad
Module: FloGrid Petroleum Engineer
17. Following shown window will open, If the Use Map Extents tab is active, click it. And if it
is inactive, use drop down menu to select FRAMEWORK-Boundary.

18. Click Units folder and Click Build Units.
19. Click Faults folder and click Auto Split into Block and Block Units.
20. Close Structural Framework window.
21. Right click Flogrid Models from Data tree, choose Create Flogrid Models from the
options. Create Flogrid Model window will open.
22. Name the model, Select Map based Property Model and select FRAMEWORK1 from
Existing Structural Frameworks menu.
23. Click OK.
24. Property Model window will open, close it without any change.
25. Again Right click the Flogrid Models node from the data tree, this time select Build New
Grid, write some name, select FRAMWORK1 from the Existing structural Framework
list and click OK, this will open Select Grid Type window, Select Corner Point from
Corner Point and Fault Framework from gridding controls. Click OK
26. Following shown Structured Gridder window will open.

ECLIPSE Tutorials for beginners Bilal Amjad
Module: FloGrid Petroleum Engineer

27. Click Create, Copy, Edit
28. On Popup window click Create, select Polygon, Projection XY Plane from Top. Clicking
OK directs you to the main window digitize the Structured Framework boundry and
click from menu bar Close the Pop-up window.
29. Go to Gridding controls folder, accept the defaults and click Apply
30. Go to areal grids folder and select the number of grids in X and Y direction (NX, NY) and
click Build.
31. Go to Vertical grid folder and select the number of grids in vertical direction, choosing
more than 1 Layers per Unit will create equal sized grids for the specific layer. Click Set
Layering and then click Build.
32. Close the Structured Gridder window.
33. This will create the grids without static properties.
34. From tab menu Go to Tools > Upscaling
35. Upscale from (Structural Framework based flogrid model) to (New Flogrid Model),
accept the defaults and click UPSCALE.
36. This will assign the map based values to the finite number of grids (NX*NY*NZ)
37. Model is ready for import into the ECLIPSE Office but prior to export it should be in
some compatible format.
38. Right click the model node select Export > Model
39. Select Output format > Eclipse .GRDECL keywords
40. Select model to Import (it will be the latest one; defaulted)
41. From Geometry Check the Grid, give location to save the file with the desired name
42. From Properties check the Grid properties, set location (file name will be same as
previously selected; defaulted)
43. Similarly for well trajectories (however we have not defined the wells)
44. Click Export. It will prompt for well trajectories, ignore it.
45. xxx.GRDECL is ready.

ECLIPSE Tutorials for beginners Bilal Amjad
Module: FloGrid Petroleum Engineer
46. Open Office in the desired working directory, go to grid section, File > Import > New and
select the xxx.GRDECL
47. Grid have been imported, work with other sections in Data manager and run the

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