Name: Harrcanaa A/P Rajah ID NUMBER: MB0612032184 Title: Video Review On How To Commit Perfect Murder?

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ID NUMBER: MB0612032184

This video is about how to commit a perfect murder. First part of the video they talked about the
body. Pathologist will investigate the body of victims. They can find evidence from the body
from the place where the murder apply too much of pressure on the victims and also by
observing the bruising underneath the skin, the dragging which will give a vertical line and also
line of purple at down part where the body lie because after the murder blood will settle down
due to gravity.
The second part of video they discussed about body disposal. The best way to dispose a
body is by throwing it into a hole or leaving it in wooded area that is not well used. The way to
determine the decomposition state and the time of murder of the disposed body is by collecting
the insects from the crime scenes. The entomologists leave a death pig in the same state how the
body was found. There after a few days, he will come and collect insects from the pigs such as
maggots. Then he analyzed the insects to determine the time of the death. This is called the lice
and insects evidence. The entomologists will take into account the temperature, weather and
species of insects when determining the time of death. There is a incidence that took place in
April 27, 1990, where they found a womens body near the shore of a river. The husbands told
the police that it was suicide. But it was suspected murder because she was only wearing a shirt
and panties without any slippers. Her car also cannot be found near the place. The suspect she
was thrown from the bridge nearby and her body have fallen down on the rocks. They found the
bits of her brain there and found out the time of death is between 9.30pm to 11.00pm while the
husband claim that she went out of the house after midnight. So, it was proven the husband was
the murder.
The third part of the video is about body destruction. An DNA expert investigate the way
how criminal use acid to dispose the body of victims by using pig knuckles. She found out that 2
gallons of sulphuric acids and several weeks is needed to dissolve a whole human body. Even so,
the whole body wont be fully destructed. The fatty materials in our body such as gall stones will
remain without destruction. She also found out if a pig knuckles leaved in washing liquids for
some time, the tissues in the knuckles will all be destructed leaving only the bone behind.
The fourth part of the video is about the usage of perfect weapon. Anthropologists can
actually recombine all the pieces of bones collected and reconstructs the skeleton of the victims.
With this, they can determine the marks on the bones and can identify the type of weapon or
maybe the real weapon used to kill the victims. It was mention here that the best murder weapon
is the icicle.
The last part of video is about crime scenes. In Ohio, a grandmother and her daughter was
found death. The murder killed them, dragged them to the furnish room and set their body on fire
with clothing. Their whole bodies were destructed and no fingerprint can be found. But, the
blood stained boots that he threw was found and his DNA was obtained. This is what is called
leaving trace evidence. When we talk, we will leave saliva. This saliva can be used to detect the
DNA of the murder. But, these methods do not always apply in everywhere. Because in crowded
place, there are a lot of saliva that will make the detection of the murders DNA very low. So, it
was said that place to convict murder is a public place. Other method to do perfect murder is by
using poisons like polonium, dioxin and ricin which cannot be detected in the body. As a
conclusion, good ways to do a perfect murder are by using a poison that appear as mystery, do
the murder at place where the trace evidence goes unnoticed and use a way to dispose a body

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