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Why Study in China

1. One of the largest emerging economies

Over the past 30 years, China has had the world's fastest growing economy. China's economy has
recently become the world's second largest after the United States, and it is still growing fast.
2. Diversified cultures
With 000 years !ninterr!pted civili"ation, the C!lt!re of China is one of the world's oldest and
most comple#. $o!'ll r!n into !ni%!e c!stoms as yo! travel to different parts of China. &iving
and interacting with local Chinese and immersing yo!rself in Chinese society will provide yo!
with a new way of vis!ali"ing the world and give yo! the 'ind of insight that (!st doesn't come
from te#tboo's.
3. Cheap living expense
)ltho!gh prices in China are rising, the cost of living here is still favorable compared to most
ind!striali"ed co!ntries. $o! can afford a lifestyle yo! are !nli'ely to en(oy at home* travel every
month, and en(oy fre%!ent resta!rant meals, and nights on the town. +ven wear tailor,made
4. arious forms of scholarships
.n order to strengthen m!t!al !nderstanding and friendship between the Chinese people and
people from all over the world, and to develop cooperation and e#changes in fields of politics,
economy, c!lt!re, ed!cation and trade between China and other co!ntries, Chinese government
has set !p a series of scholarship schemes to sponsor international st!dents to !nderta'e st!dies
and researches in Chinese instit!tions of higher ed!cation.
.nternational st!dents !nder Chinese /overnment Scholarship 0rograms will be allocated in
Chinese instit!tions of higher ed!cation designated by the 1inistry of +d!cation of China.
2ario!s disciplines in science, technology, agric!lt!re, medicine, economics, law, management,
ed!cation, history, liberal arts and philosophy are available to international st!dents in these
!. Colourful campus life
3here are some noticeable aspects of camp!s life in China's !niversities. )lmost all instit!tions
provide food and boarding for st!dents on camp!s, and conse%!ently a typical st!dent enrolled in
a !niversity lives in a dormitory room which she4he shares with others.
3he closeness of st!dents as a res!lt of their living environment5especially crowded
dormitories and dining halls5has become the hotbed for the flo!rishing of entertainment c!lt!re
as well as st!dent organi"ations of all sorts on China's !niversity camp!ses. Compared with
former generations of !niversity st!dents in mainland China, st!dents nowadays en(oy great
freedom and diversity of activities both within and o!tside their camp!ses.
"igher #ducation in China
1ore than 7,000 years ago, there were st!dents from +ast )sia and the )rab States who came to
China to st!dy. 8rom the 69th cent!ry onwards, China began to b!ild modern !niversities. )fter
the fo!nding of the 0eople's :ep!blic of China in 69;9, an increasing n!mber of !niversities
were established and Chinese !niversities started to receive st!dents from 690.
3oday, aro!nd <00 of China's ro!ghly 3000 !niversities are enrolling st!dents from aro!nd the
world. )s China's economy contin!es to develop, coming to China to st!dy has become
increasingly pop!lar. .n 7067, there were over 37=,330 international st!dents st!dying in China.
Some p!rs!e their degree here, others attend short,term programs to st!dy Chinese lang!age and
China$s university %ualifications are internationally recogni&ed
China's higher ed!cation system boasts a strong rep!tation worldwide, while China's
man!fact!ring ind!stries are renowned for their international competitiveness.
)s of )pril 7009, the Chinese government has signed m!t!al recognition agreements with <;
co!ntries and regions.
.n the world ran'ings of higher ed!cation instit!tions, Chinese !niversities have ta'en %!ite a
portion. )s the ed!cation %!alification is widely recogni"ed, 0resident >arac' Obama proposed
the One ?!ndred 3ho!sand Strong .nitiative in 7009, aiming to send )merican yo!th to st!dy in
'dvantageous Su()ects
)side from Chinese lang!age, traditional Chinese medicine, martial arts, history, philosophy,
sports, and Chinese fol' arts @m!sic, dance, painting, etc.A, s!b(ects s!ch as mathematics,
engineering, science and medicine, in addition to economics, finance, trade, b!siness and
management are all highly regarded.
Chinese *overnment Scholarship
Chinese /overnment Scholarship 0rogram is established by the 1inistry of +d!cation of
0.:. China @hereinafter referred to as 1O+A in accordance with ed!cational e#change agreements
or !nderstandings reached between the Chinese government and the governments of other
co!ntries, organi"ations, ed!cation instit!tions and relevant international organi"ations to
provide both f!ll scholarships and partial scholarships to international st!dents and scholars.
1O+ entr!sts China Scholarship Co!ncil @hereinafter referred to as CSCA to manage the
recr!itment and carry o!t the ro!tine management of Chinese /overnment Scholarship 0rogram.
C'+#*O,-#S O. '//0-C'1+S '1D D2,'+-O1 O. SC"O0',S"-/
Duration of
Duration of /reparatory
Chinese 0anguage
Courses 3academic year4
Duration of Scholarship
3academic year4
;5 657 ;5C
753 657 75
35; 657 35<
657 Eone Up to 7
6 6 Up to 7
Senior scholar 6 6 Up to 7
6. )ccording to the reg!lations stip!lated by 1O+, all !ndergrad!ate programs for international
st!dents are instr!cted in Chinese. )pplicants with no command of Chinese are re%!ired to ta'e
the college preparatory co!rses for one to two years before p!rs!ing ma(or st!dies. )nd only by
passing the e#aminations of the college preparatory co!rses co!ld they start their !niversity
7. Certain Chinese ?+.s cond!ct some postgrad!ate programs and non,degree co!rses for
general and senior scholars in +nglish. 0lease chec' Directory of Chinese ?igher .nstit!tions
)dmitting .nternational St!dents !nder Chinese /overnment Scholarship 0rogram or visit the
website of CSC for details.
3. Scholarship st!dents sho!ld complete their st!dy within the set timeF d!ration for scholarship
specified in the )dmission Eotice cannot be e#tended in principle.
)pplicants shall apply to Chinese Cons!late /eneral in Eew $or' thro!gh dispatching a!thority.
C,-+#,-' 5 #0-*-6-0-+7
6. )pplicants m!st be non,Chinese citi"ens and be in good health.
7. +d!cation bac'gro!nd and age limit*
, )pplicants for !ndergrad!ate program m!st have senior high school diploma with good
academic performance and be !nder the age of 7.
, )pplicants for masterBs degree program m!st have bachelorBs degree and be !nder the age of
, )pplicants for doctoral degree program m!st have masterBs degree and be !nder the age of ;0.
, )pplicants for Chinese lang!age training program m!st have senior high school diploma and be
!nder the age of 3.Chinese lang!age is the only s!b(ect available.
, )pplicants for general scholar program m!st have completed at least two years of
!ndergrad!ate st!dy and be !nder the age of ;. )ll s!b(ects incl!ding Chinese lang!age are
, )pplicants for senior scholar program m!st have masterBs degree or above, or hold academic
titles of associate professor or above, and be !nder the age of 0.
'02#S O. SC"O0',S"-/
6.8!ll Scholarship
, +#empt from registration fee, t!ition fee, fee for laboratory e#periment, fee for internship, fee
for basic learning materialsF and accommodation fee for dormitory on camp!sF
, &iving allowanceF
, One,off settlement s!bsidy after registration for new st!dentF
, 8ee for o!tpatient medical service, Comprehensive 1edical .ns!rance and 0rotection Scheme
for .nternational St!dents in ChinaF
, One,off inter,city travel s!bsidy.
6A Costs of the laboratory e#periment or internship beyond the instit!tionBs arrangements sho!ld
be self,afforded.
7A 8ee for basic learning materials only covers the necessary learning materials prescribed by the
host instit!tion .Other te#tboo's and materials shall be self,afforded.
3A 1onthly allowance is granted to the st!dents thro!gh the host instit!tion at the following rates
@CE$ $!an per monthA*
, Undergrad!ates G Chinese lang!age st!dents* CE$ 6,;00 $!an
, 1asterBs degree st!dents G general scholars* CE$ 6,C00 $!an
, Doctoral degree st!dents G senior scholars* CE$ 7,000 $!an
Scholarship st!dents shall receive their monthly living allowance after registration. Eew st!dents
who register before 6th @6th incl!dedA of the registration month will get the f!ll amo!nt of
living allowance of that month, and those who register after 6th will get half amo!nt of that
month. St!dents !pon grad!ation will get a living allowance for another 6 days after the

grad!ation date set by the !niversity. 3he allowance will be terminated from the following month
after the st!dents s!spend their st!dies, drop school or complete schooling from the !niversity.
1onthly living allowance covers school holidays. Scholarship st!dents who missed the monthly
living allowance d!ring holidays co!ld be reimb!rsed !pon their ret!rn on camp!s. 3he
allowance will be s!spended for at least one month for those st!dents who do not register on
time witho!t permission from the !niversity, leave for non,health reasons or are absent from
!niversity over a month.
St!dents who have to s!spend their st!dies for pregnancy or for health reasons are re%!ired to go
bac' to their home co!ntries for labor or for treatment. 3he international travel e#penses sho!ld
be covered by the st!dents themselves. With the !niversityBs approval, the scholarship stat!s can
be reserved for !p to one year and their living allowances will be s!spended d!ring their leave.
3he scholarship stat!s will not be reserved for those who s!spend their st!dies for other reasons.
;A Eew st!dents will get a one,off settlement s!bsidy !pon their arrival in China.
, CE$ 6,000 $!an for new st!dents who will st!dy in China for less than one academic year
, CE$ 6,00 $!an for new st!dents who will st!dy in China for one academic year and above
A 8ee for o!tpatient medical service refers to the o!tpatient e#pense in the instit!tionBs hospital
or the hospitals entr!sted by the instit!tion. 3he st!dents are to cover a certain percentage of
e#pense in accordance with the instit!tionBs reg!lations.
<A Comprehensive 1edical .ns!rance and 0rotection Scheme for .nternational St!dents in China
is provided by 1O+ for the scholarship st!dents in China in case of hospitali"ing for serio!s
diseases and accidental in(!ries. 3he instit!tions or the entr!sted medical assistance agencies
provide advancement service for ins!rance e#penses, and claim for compensation with relevant
payment receipts from the ins!rance company according to the stip!lated ins!rance articles. 8or
scholarship st!dent, the individ!al claim will not be accepted by the ins!rance company.
CA One,off inter,city travel s!bsidy @each for coming,in and leaving ChinaA
) hard,seat train tic'et @hard,berth train tic'et for overnight tripA will be provided for scholarship
st!dents traveling.
8rom the port of entry !pon registration to the city where the admitting instit!tion or Chinese
lang!age training instit!tion or preparatory ed!cation instit!tion is locatedF
8rom the Chinese lang!age training instit!tion or the preparatory ed!cation instit!tion to the city
where the !niversity for ma(or st!dy is locatedF
8rom the city where the instit!tion is located to the nearest port for depart!re !pon grad!ation.
1eal and e#cess of baggage sho!ld be self,afforded.
.n principle, the port of entry is >ei(ing, or a port of entry near where the !niversity is located.
7. 0artial Scholarship
One or several items of f!ll scholarship @one,off settlement s!bsidy and one,off inter,city travel
allowance e#cl!dedA.
'//0-C'+-O1 DOC28#1+S
3he applicants m!st fill in and provide the following doc!ments tr!ly, correctly and completely
@in d!plicateA
6. )pplication 8orm for Chinese /overnment Scholarship filled in Chinese or +nglish. 3he
candidates shall fill in online and print the application form after s!bmitting it online.
3he CSC Online )pplication System for St!dy in China is available on http*44laih!!.cn .
7. ?ighest diploma @notari"ed photocopyA* )pplicants shall also provide proof of st!dying on
application. Doc!ments in lang!ages other than Chinese or +nglish m!st be attached with
notari"ed translations in Chinese or +nglish.
3. )cademic transcripts @notari"ed photocopyA* 3ranscripts in lang!ages other than Chinese or
+nglish m!st be attached with notari"ed translations in Chinese or +nglish.
;. ) st!dy or research plan. )ll applicants are re%!ired to s!bmit a st!dy or research plan. .t m!st
be in Chinese or in +nglish.
. :ecommendation letters* )pplicants for postgrad!ate st!dies, or st!dy in China as senior
scholars m!st s!bmit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or +nglish from professors or
associate professors. )pplicants who are already in China shall s!bmit the )dmission Eotices or
.nvitation &etters iss!ed by the target !niversities.
<. )pplicants for m!sic st!dies are re%!ested to s!bmit a CD of the applicantsB own wor's.
)pplicants for fine arts programs m!st s!bmit a CD of the applicantsB own wor's @incl!ding two
s'etches, two color paintings and two other wor'sA.
C. )pplicants !nder the age of 6= sho!ld s!bmit the legal doc!ments of their legal g!ardians in
=. 0hotocopy of 8oreigner 0hysical +#amination 8orm @the original copy sho!ld be 'ept by the
applicant. 3he form printed by Chinese %!arantine a!thority co!ld be downloaded from
http*!.cnA. 3he medical e#aminations m!st cover all the items listed in the
8oreigner 0hysical +#amination 8orm. .ncomplete records or those witho!t the signat!re of the
attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are
invalid. 0lease select the appropriate time to ta'e medical e#amination as it is valid for only <
3he above doc!ments sho!ld be forwarded to CSC by )pril 30th, 7067, via either the Chinese
diplomatic mission in the applicantBs home co!ntry or the embassy of the applicantBs home
co!ntry in China. .ndivid!al applications are not accepted by CSC. )pplication doc!ments will
not be ret!rned.
S#0#C+-O1 O. -1S+-+2+-O1S '1D S/#C-'0+-#S
)pplicants can choose one academic program and three instit!tions as their preferences from the
Chinese ?+.s designated by 1O+. 0lease chec' the Directory of Chinese ?igher .nstit!tions
)dmitting .nternational St!dents !nder Chinese /overnment Scholarship 0rogram. Only the
listed Chinese ?+.s in the Directory are available to the applicants for their st!dy in China.
'//,O'0 '1D 1O+-.-C'+-O1
6. CSC will assess all the application doc!ments and CSC reserves the right to ma'e necessary
ad(!stments on the proposed instit!tions, specialties and d!ration of st!dy. 3he %!alified
applications will be forwarded to instit!tions for academic competence and they will forward
their nominations to CSC for approval. 3he applications will be regarded as invalid and will not
be accepted if they fail to meet the enrollment re%!irements or the application doc!ments are
7. .f overseas applicants for degree programs with e#emption of e#aminations are academically
ineligible to the proposed programs, the instit!tion reserves the right to decide the academic
program they co!ld attend or whether to give them conditional offers for their proposed
programs. St!dents who attend Chinese lang!age co!rses prior to their !niversity st!dy or those
attend the college preparatory program m!st pass the !niversity entrance e#aminations or other
e#aminations re%!ired before they start their ma(or st!dies. St!dents attending the college
preparatory program, while failing to pass the re%!ired e#aminations within the set period, shall
complete their st!dy as Chinese lang!age st!dents.
3. )pplicants are enco!raged to enclose the admission notice from Chinese ?+.s, if they have, in
the doc!ments.
;. St!dents are not permitted, in principle, to apply to change their specialties, instit!tions or the
d!ration of st!dy as specified in the )dmission Eotice.
When and ho9 to apply for Chinese government scholarship
$o! need to apply to yo!r present !niversity before its own deadline.
"o9: .nstr!ctions for online )pplication for st!dying in China !nder Chinese /overnment
Step 6* log on http*44laih!!.cn
3he applicants sho!ld register for !sername and password before logging in.
Step 7* )fter logging on the system, please read the OE&.E+ )00&.C)3.OE /U.D)EC+ and
follow the steps.
Step 3* Clic' on the b!tton HE+I3J and select the scholarship yo! want to apply.
@0lease select the Chinese /overnment Scholarship, !nless yo! are applying for the other
Cooperation 0rogram ScholarshipA
Step ;* 0lease note that the H)gency Eo is one of the cr!cial part of yo!r online application. .t is
listed in the first blan' !nder the H0+:SOE)& D)3)J. 0lease ma'e s!re that yo! fill it in
correctly otherwise yo! will not be able to contin!e yo!r online application.
$o!r )/+EC$ EO is KKKKKK
Step * 0lease fill in the online application form tr!ly, correctly and completely following the
steps listed on the left of the page.
3he applicants are re%!ired to select the disciplines before choosing their ma(ors. )ny in%!iry
abo!t the disciplines and ma(ors please refer to the Discipline .nde#, which co!ld be downloaded
from ?elp.
Step <* 0review the application form after finishing it and s!bmit it online.
Step C* 0lease download the finished application form by clic'ing the b!tton HDOWE&)OD
)00&.C)3.OE and print it o!t for two copies.
Step =* 0lease prepare other s!pporting doc!ments as re%!ired and send the f!ll pac'age of
application doc!ments to the dispatching a!thorities in d!plicate.
>e s!re to !pload the application, otherwise it cannot be processed by the cons!late.

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