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Nutrition & Dietetics

LOCATION Waterloo Campus
Kings College London
150 Stamford Street
London SE1 8WA
CONTACT Health Schools Admissions Centre
TEL +44 (0)20 7848 6511/6579
FAX +44 (0)20 7848 6510
Students admitted 2011: 20 (Nutrition BSc)
24 (Nutrition & Dietetics BSc)
Applicants per place 2011: 11 (Nutrition BSc)
14 (Nutrition & Dietetics BSc)
Teaching staf: 18
Ranked number one in the UK for nutrition
in the latest Research Assessment Exercise.
Highest possible ratings by the Quality
Assurance Agency for dietetics.
Multidisciplinary approach, having a strong
interface with medicine.
Why study nutrition and dietetics
at Kings?
The Department of Nutrition & Dietetics
was established in 1945 as the frst university
department of nutrition in Europe. It is a
leader in the training of students, research,
and consultancy to governments, international
agencies, industry and the media. In the most
recent Research Assessment Exercise, Kings
Diabetes & Nutritional Sciences Division was
awarded the highest ranking in the UK for its
We prepare students to work in the NHS and to
advise consumer groups, the food industry and
governmental agencies, or to engage in research.
Our approach is multidisciplinary, drawing
upon expertise in biochemistry, food science,
medicine, physiology, social and environmental
sciences. Students can study topical subjects
such as sports nutrition, the relationship between
diet and disease, antioxidants and cancer, energy
metabolism and obesity.
Teaching style
Teaching is based on lectures, seminars,
tutorials, practical classes and directed
reading. There is ample scope for students to
pursue their own lines of interest. Students
carrying out research projects have access to
the Schools Genomic Centre, a state-of-the-
art facility for investigating the interaction
between nutrition and genetics.
Structure of programmes and
Examination and assessment for both
programmes is by formal written examinations,
essays, coursework, practical reports and seminar
presentations. The balance of assessment
methods varies with each module. The second,
third and fourth years of the Nutrition &
Dietetics BSc programme include dietetic
placements in approved clinical departments.
Placements must be successfully completed in
order to qualify for registration as a dietitian.
Location and facilities
Our library has the most extensive collection
of nutrition books and journals in the UK.
The department, located in new purpose-built
facilities, is well equipped with sophisticated
analytical equipment, such as gas-liquid
chromatographs, mass spectrometry and High
Performance Liquid Chromatography. There is
a metabolic unit for conducting human research
studies and a food preparation laboratory for
teaching the practical aspects of diet therapy.
Computers and software are available for
nutritional and statistical analyses. The thriving
Student Nutrition Society ofers an exciting
programme of outside speakers and there are
opportunities to attend meetings at the Royal
Society of Medicine Forum on Food and Health.
Selection procedure
Selection for interview is based on your UCAS
application. Candidates will be short listed
and invited to attend a departmental open day
between January and March, which will include
a tour, a lecture, an interview and lunch. In
addition to academic entry requirements, we are
keen to ensure that applicants for the Nutrition &
Dietetics BSc (B401) have had some experience
working, volunteering or shadowing in a health
or social care environment that is relevant to
nutrition and dietetics. This could include a
nursing or residential home, childrens playgroup,
catering kitchen or hospital.
Applicants who live in London who wish to
shadow a dietitian are requested not to contact
clinical departments directly, due to the
current constraints on NHS resources within
London. Instead, you should attend one of
the Careers in Dietetics open days organised
by local dietitians. For further details please
visit Once you
have attended one of these open days you will
be provided with an attendance certifcate.
If you are shortlisted for an interview for the
Nutrition & Dietetics BSc at Kings, you
should bring a copy of this certifcate with you
and give it to your interviewers.
Applicants from outside London may be able
to organise for themselves an opportunity to
shadow a dietitian working within a hospital
or community setting. If you are able to
shadow a dietitian you will need to complete
the Shadowing a dietitian form available at
ShadowDietitian.pdf If you are shortlisted for
interview then you should bring this form with
you and give it to your interviewers.
Special notes
The Health Professions Council requires
that all applicants for registration complete a
self-declaration of health. This is a statement
confrming that their health will not impair
their ability to give safe and efective care.
Therefore, students undertaking the Nutrition
When I attended my interview at
Kings, I felt apprehensive about my
abilities to live up to the reputation
of the university. However, whilst
the degree programme so far has
been challenging, it has caused me
to grow as a person as well as an
academic student over the last couple
of years. Being ofered a place at
such a prestigious university was an
opportunity I was not willing to pass
up. Kings has a well-organised and
integrated approach to the delivery of
its dietetics programme coupled with
outstanding facilities, lecturers and
campus environments.
Joshua Pietkiewicz
Nutrition & Dietetics BSc


Degree programmes
See page 12 for explanation of Kings single/joint and
major/minor programmes
Nutrition BSc
ACCREDITATION Accredited by the Association for
Nutrition, allowing graduates to apply for direct
entry to the UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists.
STUDY MODE Full time
DURATION Three years
LOCATION Waterloo Campus
A broad-based three-year degree that prepares the
student to be a nutrition scientist. Graduates follow
a wide variety of careers in areas including the food
industry, local and national government agencies,
health promotion, public relations, journalism and
scientifc research. Students study related biological
sciences and have a choice of specialised options in
years two and three, eg nutrition and genetics, and
modules covering sports nutrition, links between diet
and disease etc.
YEAR ONE Six core modules: Basic Biochemistry
for Nutrition Students; Introduction to Nutrition;
Introduction to Food Science & Technology; Cell
Biology & Genetics; Physiological Systems for
Nutrition Students; Social & Psychological Studies.
YEAR TWO Three core modules: Nutrition &
Health; Eating Habits; Research Methods for Health
Sciences. Plus four optional modules, which must
include physiology and biochemistry.
YEAR THREE Four core modules: Applied Nutrition;
Clinical Nutrition; Public Nutrition Research Project;
Specialised Topics in Nutrition. Plus optional modules
that may include a modern language.
Nutrition & Dietetics BSc
ACCREDITATION Registration in Dietetics with the
Health Professions Council
STUDY MODE Full time
DURATION Four years
LOCATION Waterloo Campus
Nutrition is the study of the infuence of food intake on
health and wellbeing, and dietetics is the application of
nutritional knowledge tailored to individual needs in the
prevention and management of disease. Graduates in
Nutrition & Dietetics are eligible for registration as a
dietitian with the Health Professions Council and can be
employed in the NHS as a dietitian. However, graduates
can also work in the food or pharmaceutical industries,
research, academia or in the media.
YEAR ONE Core modules: Basic Biochemistry for
Nutrition Students; Introductory Food Science &
Technology; Introduction to Nutrition; Introduction to
Professional Practice; Physiological Systems; Social
& Psychological Studies.
YEAR TWO Six core modules plus clinical placement
at the end of the year. Core modules: Eating Habits;
Physiological Control; Food Service & Catering
Management; Metabolism; Nutrition & Health;
Research Methods for the Health Sciences.
YEAR THREE Four core modules plus one option and
a 12-week clinical placement from May to September.
Options can include specialist modules such as
Nutrition & Genetics. Core modules: Applied Nutrition;
Communication & Health Promotion; Diet Therapy;
Principles of Clinical Science & Therapeutics.
YEAR FOUR Two core modules, research project
and a 12- to 14-week placement between February
and May. Core modules: Advanced Diet Therapy &
Medicine; Dietetics Research Project; Management,
Health & Social Policy.
3 A-LEVELS & 1 AS-LEVEL (Compulsory subjects)
B401 AAB/pass (GCSE requirements: grade B at English and
Maths if not ofered at AS/A-level. Chemistry and Biology
(or Human Biology) A-level required)
B400 ABB/pass (GCSE requirements: grade B at English and
Maths if not ofered at AS/A-level. Chemistry and Biology
(or Human Biology) A-level required)
B401 36 points with 665 at HL including Chemistry and Biology
(or Human Biology)
B400 34 with 655 at HL including Chemistry and Biology
(or Human Biology), one at HL6
& Dietetics BSc (B401) will be expected
to inform academic staf and occupational
health of any relevant issues (this includes
health issues such as eating disorders that may
infuence the students judgement in clinical
practice). Students accepting a place on the
Nutrition & Dietetics BSc (B401) will also
be required to obtain occupational health
clearance and Criminal Records Bureau
clearance at the enhanced level.
Career prospects and graduate
A high proportion of our nutrition graduates
continue to work in the area, for example
entering nutrition research institutes throughout
the world. In view of the growth of public
interest in food and health, properly qualifed
nutritionists are highly sought after. Many are
employed by consumer groups, food retailers,
government and the food industry and others
become food and health journalists. Graduates
in Nutrition are eligible to apply for the
Postgraduate Diploma in Dietetics. Dietitians
work in a variety of locations and in a diverse
range of roles. Following graduation, most
dietitians work in the NHS setting either in acute
clinical care or in community and primary care.
Many then go on to specialise in a particular area,
such as diabetes, obesity, nutritional support or
public health. However, there are many other
exciting roles including management, research,
education or working freelance. Some go on
to do further study (eg MSc, PhD) and the
Nutrition & Dietetics BSc followed by clinical
practice is an ideal building block for this.
Dietitian, Leicester Royal Infrmary
Community Dietitian, Berkshire West PCT
Dietitian, Royal Brompton Hospital
Nutritionist and Advisor, Pfzer
Development Nutritionist, Unilever
B401 Access to Health and Human Sciences Diploma or
Access to Nutritional Diploma. This should be 60 credits
overall and all should be at Level 3. In total, 45 Level 3
credits should be achieved at Distinction, where credit
grades are available.
B400 Access to Health and Human Sciences Diploma or Access
to Nutritional Diploma. This should be 60 credits overall
and all should be at Level 3. In total, 36 Level 3 credits
should be achieved at Distinction, where credit grades
are available. In terms of subjects, 36 Level 3 credits
should be in a mixture of chemistry and biology, and this
must include a minimum of 18 Level 3 credits in chemistry.
Access to Nursing is not eligible. Access to Science is
eligible only if the requirements above can be met.
B401 A2 A2 A2 B3 B3 at Highers including Chemistry and Biology
(or Human Biology)
B400 A2 A2 B3 B3 B3 at Highers including Chemistry and
Biology (or Human Biology)
B401 A1 A1 A1 A2 B1 B1 including Chemistry and Biology
(or Human Biology)
B400 A1 A1 B1 B1 B2 B2 including Chemistry and Biology
(or Human Biology)
B401 Three AP subjects with 554 including Chemistry and
Biology (or Human Biology)
B400 Three AP subjects with 544 including including Chemistry
and Biology (or Human Biology)
B401 3 Pre-U principal subjects with grades of D3 D3 M2
including Chemistry and Biology (or Human Biology)
B400 3 Pre-U principal subjects with grades of D3 M2 M2
including Chemistry and Biology (or Human Biology)
No test required
More information including requirements for other countries can be
found on our website for full programme details


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