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The delivery classes are significant for the installation, transports between systems
and for client copy. They must, therefore, always be set correctly. This note
explains the significance of the classes as a checklist.
Other terms

Table type
Reason and Prerequisites


Significance of the delivery classes of tables/table views

This note is a summary of the contents of the delivery classes documentation that
is contained in the documentation of the corresponding table attribute (see
dictionary or data element CONTFLAG; possible classes: C, E, G, A, S, W, L).
This note addresses IT experts or developers, but definitely not end users.

The delivery class is basically responsible for the correct execution of the
following three administration activities:
Initial installation
Certain tables should be delivered empty (for example, spool requests)
Upgrade (with the customer)
Ensure customer objects are not overwritten. Conversely, the system table
contents should reach all customer clients using client cascade.
In-house transports
Provide warning if application data or class L tables (for example spool requests)
should be transported.
Client Copy
Choose tables worth copying (see below)
An incorrect allocation of delivery class can lead to a loss of data during upgrades,
transports and client copy. Incorrectly set delivery classes should be corrected as
soon as possible:
-> Dictionary maintenance -> Tables -> Techn.Settings .

A compact overview of table delivery classes is provided by Transaction SE16
(Data Browser) that should be used on the directory table DD02L with the
following selection:
Selection value 'TRANSP' in the 'Table Type' field,
as well as with additonal selections, if required.

The following matrix-type presentations explain the effects of the classes on the
following functions:
1. Transaction : Copies clients within a local installation
SCC0 / SCC2 (only client-dependent tables)
SCCR Remote client copy
SCC2 / SCC8 Client export
2. Language import : imports foreign language texts
3. SAP -> customer transports: Transport from SAP Systems to customer
4. Customer -> customer transports: Transport within customer system

1. Client copy with Transaction SCC0 (local copy) or SCC2 (export/

Which table contents (of client-dependent tables) are copied into the target client?
Delivery class copied?
L deleted
A selected
2. Language import (import foreign languages SAP -> customer)

behaves like R3trans, see point 3 below.

3. SAP -> customer transports

Legend :
IMPORT (IMP) : Add new entries and overwrite available entries
INSERT (INS) : Add new entries
clt: Client
Del.class clt.dep. clt.indep.
C IMP only in clt 000 no IMP
E IMP in all clt IMP
G IMP only in clt 000 only INS

only INS in clt > 000

L no IMP no IMP
S IMP in all clt IMP
A IMP only in clt 000 no IMP
W IMP in all clt IMP
4. Customer -> customer transports

Legend :
IMPORT (IMP) : Add new entries and overwrite available entries
clt: client
Del.class clt.dep. clt.indep.
C IMP in target clt IMP
E IMP in target clt IMP
G IMP in target clt IMP
L no IMP no IMP
S IMP in target clt IMP
A IMP in target clt IMP
W IMP in target clt IMP
5. Explanations:
a) What defines an export as export from an SAP/customer system?
An export from client 000 defines the transport as an export from an SAP
system, an export from a client other than 000 defines the transport as an
export from a customer system.
b) What defines an import as an import to an SAP/customer system?
An import to client 000 is seen as an import to an SAP system, an import
to a client other than 000 is seen as an import to a customer system. When
you use the 'client cascade' option for an import (for example, when you
import a Support Package), the behavior is determined by the transport
type. If the transport has the transport type 'Support Package' or 'Transport
Upgrade', the transport is an import to a customer system; otherwise, it is
an import to an SAP system.
c) In the customer system, how can the Customizing delivered by SAP
(table type c) be transferred from client 000 to another client?
For information about this, see the topic 'Client Copy' (component BC-
CTS-CCO) or Transaction SPRO (component BC-CUS-TOL-IMG) from
Customizing after an upgrade.
6. Further details:
As of the R3trans Version 6.20 of 09/18/03, there is a new R3trans function
"explaintabclass" (called with "R3trans -e") that after <stdout>, outputs
complete information about how the delivery class, source client, target client,
transport type and client-dependency parameters of a table affect the delivery
behavior of R3trans. You can also find this information as an attachment to
this Note.

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