Child Protection Policy

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Standards for Effective Child Protection Practice in Fagley Primary School and
Childrens Centre and children within our Pre-School Provision
The best practice in Fagle Pri!ar Sch""l#
Ha$e an eth"s in %hich chil&ren 'eel sec(re) their $ie%p"ints are $al(e&) the are
enc"(rage& t" tal* an& are listene& t"+
Pr"$i&e s(itable s(pp"rt an& g(i&ance s" that p(pils ha$e a range "' appr"priate
a&(lts t" %h"! the can t(rn i' the are %"rrie& "r in &i''ic(lties+
,"r* %ith parents t" b(il& an (n&erstan&ing "' the sch""l-s resp"nsibilit t" ens(re
the %el'are "' all chil&ren an& a rec"gniti"n that this !a "ccasi"nall re.(ire
chil&ren t" be re'erre& t" in$estigati$e agencies as a c"nstr(cti$e an& help'(l
Are $igilant in cases "' s(specte& chil& ab(se) rec"gnising the signs an& s!pt"!s)
ha$e clear pr"ce&(res %hereb teachers rep"rt s(ch cases t" seni"r sta'' an& are
a%are "' l"cal pr"ce&(res s" the in'"r!ati"n is e''ecti$el passe& "n t" the rele$ant
M"nit"r chil&ren %h" ha$e been i&enti'ie& as at ris*) *eeping in a sec(re place clear
rec"r&s "' p(pils- pr"gress) !aintaining s"(n& p"licies "n c"n'i&entialit) pr"$i&ing
in'"r!ati"n t" "ther pr"'essi"nals) s(b!itting rep"rts t" case c"n'erences an&
atten&ing case c"n'erences+
Pr"$i&e an& s(pp"rt Chil& Pr"tecti"n training reg(larl t" sch""l sta'' an& in
partic(lar t" &esignate& teachers t" ens(re their s*ills an& e/pertise are (p0t"0&ate)
an& ens(re that targete& '(n&ing '"r this %"r* is s"lel (se& '"r this p(rp"se+
C"ntrib(te t" an inter0agenc appr"ach t" Chil& Pr"tecti"n b &e$el"ping e''ecti$e
an& s(pp"rti$e liais"n %ith "ther agencies+
1se the c(rric(l(! t" raise p(pils2 a%areness an& b(il& c"n'i&ence s" that p(pils ha$e
a range "' c"ntacts an& strategies t" ens(re their "%n pr"tecti"n an& (n&erstan& the
i!p"rtance "' pr"tecting "thers+
Pr"$i&e clear p"lic state!ents '"r parents3carers) sta'' an& p(pils "n this an& "n
b"th p"siti$e beha$i"(r p"licies an& the sch""l-s appr"ach t" b(lling+
Ha$e a clear (n&erstan&ing "' the $ari"(s tpes "' b(lling 0 phsical) $erbal an&
in&irect) an& act pr"!ptl an& 'ir!l t" c"!bat it) !a*ing s(re that p(pils are a%are
"' the sch""l2s p"siti"n "n this iss(e an& %h" the can c"ntact '"r s(pp"rt+
Ta*e partic(lar care that p(pils %ith SEN in !ainstrea! an& special sch""ls) %h" !a
be especiall $(lnerable t" ab(se) are s(pp"rte& e''ecti$el %ith partic(lar attenti"n
pai& t" ens(ring that th"se %ith c"!!(nicati"n &i''ic(lties are enable& t" e/press
the!sel$es t" a !e!ber "' sta'' %ith appr"priate c"!!(nicati"n s*ills+
Ha$e a clear p"lic ab"(t han&ling allegati"ns "' ab(se b !e!bers "' sta'') ens(ring
that all sta'' are '(ll a%are "' the pr"ce&(res+
Ha$e a %ritten %h"le sch""l p"lic) pr"&(ce&) "%ne& an& reg(larl re$ie%e& b
sch""l2s sta'' an& %hich clearl "(tlines the sch""l-s p"siti"n an& p"siti$e acti"n in
respect "' the a'"re!enti"ne& stan&ar&s4
Fagle Pri!ar Sch""l is c"ncerne& that all its p(pils re!ain sa'e an& 'ree 'r"! har!
an& is c"!!itte& t" plaing a '(ll an& acti$e part in the !(lti0agenc resp"nse t"
Chil& Pr"tecti"n c"ncerns4
All chil&ren ha$e an abs"l(te right t" a chil&h""& 'ree 'r"! ab(se) neglect "r
e/pl"itati"n4 All !e!bers "' sta'' 5teaching an& n"n0teaching6 ha$e a resp"nsibilit t"
be !in&'(l "' these iss(es relate& t" chil&ren-s sa'et an& %el'are an& a duty t" rep"rt
an& re'er c"ncerns) h"%e$er !in"r the !a appear t" be4 N7# it is n"t the r"le "'
sch""l sta'' t" in$estigate th"se c"ncerns4
,e rec"gnise that parents ha$e a right t" be in'"r!e& "' an c"ncerns ab"(t a chil&-s
%el'are "r an acti"n ta*en t" sa'eg(ar& an& pr"!"te a chil&-s %el'are) pr"$i&ing this
&"esn-t c"!pr"!ise the chil&-s sa'et4 Chil&ren are best pr"tecte& %hen pr"'essi"nals
%"r* e''ecti$el t"gether an& share resp"nsibilit '"r pr"tecti$e acti"n4
I' %e recei$e in'"r!ati"n ab"(t a chil& %hich s(ggests he3she has been ab(se&)
neglecte& "r that it is li*el) %e ha$e a &(t t" re'er these c"ncerns t" S"cial
Care3Fa!il Ser$ices "r the P"lice4 The sch""l has n" &iscreti"n in this !atter4 In these
circ(!stances the 7ra&'"r& Sa'eg(ar&ing Chil&ren 7"ar& M(lti0Agenc Chil& Pr"tecti"n
Pr"ce&(res appl4
The Chil& Pr"tecti"n Pr"ce&(res '"r this sch""l are in acc"r&ance %ith the 7ra&'"r&
Sa'eg(ar&ing Chil&ren 7"ar& pr"ce&(res an& the sa'eg(ar&ing &"c(!ent 89eeping
Chil&ren Sa'e in E&(cati"n :;<=-4
H"%e$er) things !a n"t al%as be clear c(t) in %hich case sta'' %ill c"ns(lt %ith
c"lleag(es 'r"! an appr"priate agenc %hich %ill (s(all) b(t n"t al%as) be S"cial
Care3Fa!il Ser$ices4 A&$ice an& g(i&ance %ill be s"(ght in this case) !eaning that
th"se %"r*ing %ith chil&ren ha$e rea& access t" c"nsistent in'"r!ati"n an& a&$ice 'r"!
s(itabl .(ali'ie& an& e/perience& sta'') in "r&er t" e/pl"re a sit(ati"n an& t" &eci&e
t"gether "n an appr"priate c"(rse "' acti"n4 This sh"(l& n"t be seen as a %a "'
trans'erring "%nership "' a >pr"ble!?) (nless this is the agree& "(tc"!e "' the
&isc(ssi"n) %hen a re'erral %ill be !a&e4
It is i!p"rtant t" re!e!ber that a re'erral "r c"ns(ltati"n %ith S"cial Care3Fa!il
Ser$ices is an e/pressi"n "' c"ncern ab"(t a chil&-s %el'are4 It is n"t an acc(sati"n "r a
pres(!pti"n "' resp"nsibilit ab"(t a parent "r carer4
In the c"(rse "' an in$estigati"n) s"cial %"r*ers "r the p"lice !a %ish t" spea* %ith a
chil&) %ith"(t parental *n"%le&ge "r c"nsent4 The Hea& Teacher) acting in >l"c"
parentis?) has the &iscreti"n t" agree t" all"% this t" enable the a(th"rities t" e/pl"re
c"ncerns an& &eter!ine %hether there are gr"(n&s '"r '(rther acti"n4 In these cases
the Hea& Teacher %ill ens(re that the chil&-s %el'are is sec(re& an& he3she has access
t" a tr(ste& a&(lt4
The Hea& Teacher %ill n"t all"% a chil& t" be re!"$e& 'r"! the sch""l pre!ises %ith"(t
Parental c"nsent
An Or&er "' the C"(rt "r a p"lice Pr"tecti"n Or&er
,e ha$e a stat(t"r &(t t" %"r* t" the g(i&elines state& in the Sa'eg(ar&ing Chil&ren
in e&(cati"n an& Sa'er Recr(it!ent in E&(cati"n 5DCSF) :;;@6 incl(&ing the recr(it!ent
"' an"ne %h" %ill %"r* in sch""l4
In a&&iti"n) the sch""l has a &(t t" sa'eg(ar& an& pr"tect the %ell0being "' chil&ren
an& is c"!!itte& t" act in acc"r&ance %ith the l"call agree& Chil& Pr"tecti"n
pr"ce&(res in cases %here there is c"ncern "' signi'icant har!4
Signi'icant har! can be &e'ine& as the ill0treat!ent "r i!pair!ent "' health an&
&e$el"p!ent "' a chil& "r "(ng pers"n4 De$el"p!ent incl(&es phsical) intellect(al)
e!"ti"nal) s"cial "r beha$i"ral &e$el"p!ent4 Health incl(&es phsical an& !ental health4
This is $ie%e& 'r"! the perspecti$e "' n"r!al beha$i"(r '"r a chil& "' a si!ilar age an&
Fagle Pri!ar Sch""l is c"nstantl $igilant t" &eter p"ssible ab(sers an& %ill !anage
e''ecti$el an allegati"ns "r c"ncerns ab"(t ab(se %hen the arise4
,hen a chil& !a*es an allegati"n ab"(t ab(se "r neglect the %ill be listene& t") ha$e
their c"!!ents ta*en seri"(sl an&) %here appr"priate) the allegati"ns %ill be
in$estigate& th"r"(ghl4 It is n"t the r"le "' sch""l sta'' t" (n&erta*e an s(ch
The ai! "' this p"lic is t" sa'eg(ar& an& pr"!"te "(r p(pils2 %el'are) sa'et) health
an& g(i&ance b '"stering an h"nest) "pen) caring an& s(pp"rti$e cli!ate4 O(r p(pils2
%el'are is "' para!"(nt i!p"rtance4 ,e belie$e in "pen an& h"nest c"!!(nicati"n %ith
parents an& carers an& %ill al%as share %ith the! an in'"r!ati"n "r c"ncern ab"(t
their chil&ren at the earliest "pp"rt(nit4 The "nl e/cepti"n t" this %"(l& be %here it is
'elt that s(ch a c"!!(nicati"n !ight c"!pr"!ise a p(pil-s sa'et4
I' a p(pil is 'elt t" be in nee& "' pr"tecti"n an& bec"!es the s(bAect "' a Chil&
Pr"tecti"n plan) parents3carers sh"(l& regar& the sch""l as a s"(rce "' help an& s(pp"rt4
Fagle Pri!ar Sch""l '(ll rec"gnises the c"ntrib(ti"n it can !a*e t" pr"tect chil&ren
an& s(pp"rt the p(pils in "(r sch""l4 The '"ll"%ing categ"ries "' ab(se are rec"gnise&
'"r the p(rp"ses "' a Chil& Pr"tecti"n Register#
<4 Neglect# persistent "r se$ere neglect) "r the 'ail(re t" pr"tect a chil& 'r"! e/p"s(re
t" an *in& "' &anger incl(&ing c"l&) star$ati"n "r e/tre!e 'ail(re t" carr "(t
i!p"rtant aspects "' chil& care4 It !a als" incl(&e neglect "') "r (nresp"nsi$eness
t") a chil&-s basic e!"ti"nal nee&s4
:4 Phsical inA(r# act(al "r li*el phsical inA(r t" a chil&) "r 'ail(re t" pre$ent phsical
inA(r 5"r s(''ering6 t" a chil& incl(&ing &eliberate p"is"ning) s(''"cati"n) hitting)
sha*ing) b(rning "r scal&ing4
B4 Se/(al ab(se# act(al "r li*el se/(al e/pl"itati"n "' a chil& an&3"r their in$"l$e!ent
in inappr"priate se/(al acti$ities4
=4 E!"ti"nal ab(se# act(al se$ere a&$erse e''ect "n e!"ti"nal beha$i"(r "' a chil&
ca(se& b persistent "r se$ere e!"ti"nal ill0treat!ent "r reAecti"n4 It !a in$"l$e
c"n$eing t" a chil& that the are %"rthless "r (nl"$e&) ina&e.(ate) "r $al(e& "nl
ins"'ar as the !eet the nee&s "' an"ther pers"n4
C4 Fe!ale genital !(tilati"n4 This is a $i"lati"n "' the h(!an rights "' girls an& %"!en4
It is illegal in !"st c"(ntries incl(&ing the 194
There are three !ain ele!ents t" "(r Chil& Pr"tecti"n P"lic#
Thr"(gh the creati"n "' an "pen c(lt(re %hich respects all in&i$i&(al-s rights an&
&isc"(rages &iscri!inati"n an& b(lling "' an *in&4
Thr"(gh a p"siti$e sch""l at!"sphere) teaching an& past"ral s(pp"rt t" p(pils4
7 i&enti'ing a !e!ber "' sta'' 0 the Hea& Teacher 0 %ith "$erall resp"nsibilit
'"r Chil& Pr"tecti"n %h" is s(pp"rte& b "ther &esignate& chil& pr"tecti"n sta'')
*n"%n as na!e& pers"ns4
Thr"(gh "(r past"ral tea! lea&er "''ering all p(pils an "pp"rt(nit t" tal* an&
&isc(ss an %"rries "r c"ncerns4
Thr"(gh PSHE) SEAL an& an "ng"ing pr"gra!!e "' s(pp"rt) at an age0appr"priate
le$el t" pr"!"te sel'0estee! an& s"cial incl(si"n an& a&&ress the iss(e "' Chil&
Pr"tecti"n in the %i&er c"nte/t "' chil& sa'et in general4
7 '"ll"%ing agree& pr"ce&(res ens(ring sta'' are traine& an& s(pp"rte& t"
resp"n& appr"priatel an& sensiti$el t" Chil& Pr"tecti"n c"ncerns4
7 %"r*ing t" s(pp"rt an p(pil "r !e!ber "' sta'' %h" !a ha$e been ab(se& an&
b %"r*ing t" s(pp"rt parents "r carers4
This p"lic applies t" teaching an& n"n0teaching sta'') an& t" all "thers %"r*ing %ithin
School Commitment
,e rec"gnise that high sel'0estee!) c"n'i&ence) s(pp"rti$e 'rien&s an& clear lines "'
c"!!(nicati"n %ith a tr(ste& a&(lt helps all chil&ren) an& especiall th"se at ris* "')
"r s(''ering) ab(se4
,e %ill there'"re#
,"r* har& t" establish an& !aintain an eth"s %here "(r p(pils 'eel sa'e) sec(re an&
are enc"(rage& t" tal* an& be listene& t"4
Ens(re that p(pils *n"% that there are a&(lts in the sch""l %h" the can appr"ach i'
the are %"rrie& "r are in &i''ic(lt4
Incl(&e in the c"re an& enhance& c(rric(l(! acti$ities an& "pp"rt(nities '"r PSHE
an& SEAL %hich e.(ip p(pils %ith the s*ills the nee& t" sta sa'e an& &e$el"p
realistic attit(&es t" the resp"nsibilities "' a&(lt li'e4
Ens(re that %here$er p"ssible e$er e''"rt %ill be !a&e t" establish e''ecti$e
%"r*ing relati"nships %ith parents3carers an& c"lleag(es 'r"! "ther agencies4
,e &" n"t "perate in is"lati"n4 The %el'are "' p(pils is a c"rp"rate resp"nsibilit "' the
entire l"cal a(th"rit) %"r*ing in partnership %ith "ther p(blic agencies an& the
$"l(ntar sect"r4 All l"cal a(th"rit ser$ices ha$e an i!pact "n the li$es "' chil&ren an&
'a!ilies an& l"cal a(th"rities ha$e a partic(lar resp"nsibilit t"%ar&s chil&ren an&
'a!ilies !"st at ris* "' s"cial e/cl(si"n4 Chil& Pr"tecti"n is the resp"nsibilit "'
Roles and Res%onsi&ilities
All a&(lts %"r*ing %ith "r "n behal' "' chil&ren ha$e a resp"nsibilit t" sa'eg(ar&
chil&ren) h"%e$er there are *e pe"ple %ithin sch""ls an& the l"cal a(th"rit that ha$e
speci'ic resp"nsibilities (n&er Chil& Pr"tecti"n pr"ce&(res4 D(ring sch""l ti!e the
&esignate& pers"n resp"nsible '"r Chil& Pr"tecti"n is the Hea& Teacher) Chris Par'itt4
There are three a&&iti"nal na!e& pers"n3s) Car"l 7lthe) Angela S"rhain&" an& 9a!ina
MaA"r4 The na!e& g"$ern"r '"r Sa'eg(ar&ing an& Chil& Pr"tecti"n is E!!a ,allace4 Her
r"le is t" liaise %ith the na!e& pers"ns "n sch""l sta'' "n all !atters relating t"
Sa'eg(ar&ing an& Chil& Pr"tecti"n) participate in the ann(al re$ie% "' p"lic an&
pr"ce&(res an& !a*e an ann(al rep"rt t" the '(ll g"$erning b"&4 All na!e& sta'' an&
g"$ern"rs ha$e ha& access t" training in Sa'eg(ar&ing) Chil& Pr"tecti"n an& sa'er
recr(it!ent pr"ce&(res4
In the e$ent "' an c"ncern b an !e!ber "' sta'') "r i' an !e!ber "' sta'' is
appr"ache& b a p(pil regar&ing an !atter c"ncerning ab(se) the !(st tell the p(pil
that the are b"(n& t" share the in'"r!ati"n4 All sta'' sh"(l& be alert t" signs "' ab(se
an& *n"% t" %h"! the sh"(l& rep"rt an c"ncerns "r s(spici"ns4 In the 'irst instance
this sh"(l& be the Hea& Teacher "r) in their absence) "ne "' the "ther na!e& pers"ns
7eca(se "' the &a0t"0&a c"ntact %ith chil&ren) sch""ls are partic(larl %ell place& t"
"bser$e "(t%ar& signs "' ab(se) changes in beha$i"(r "r 'ail(re t" &e$el"p4
Parents3carers %ill be !a&e a%are that) %here it appears t" a !e!ber "' sta'' a p(pil
!a ha$e been ab(se&) the sch""l is re.(ire& t" rep"rt their c"ncern t" S"cial
Care3Fa!il Ser$ices4
,here it is belie$e& a chil& is s(''ering 'r"!) "r is at ris* 'r"!) signi'icant har! %e %ill
'"ll"% the pr"ce&(res bel"% %hich are g(i&e& b the 7ra&'"r& Sa'eg(ar&ing Chil&ren
7"ar&) %hich are &isplae& "n e$er %all in e$er r""! in the Sch""l an& Chil&ren Centre4
Teacher-s resp"nsibilities#
T" be $igilant in "r&er t" i&enti' p"tential inci&ences "' ab(se4
T" rep"rt i!!e&iatel t" the &esignate& na!e& pers"n3s4
T" c"!plete &"c(!entati"n '"r e/ternal agencies as appr"priate4
It is n"t the teacher-s r"le t" in$estigate s(specte& ab(se b(t rather t" rec"gnise it
an& re'er it as appr"priate t" the &esignate& pers"n3s4
Designate& na!e& pers"n3s#
T" c"0"r&inate acti"ns in the sch""l an& liaise %ith agencies "$er s(specte& "r
act(al cases "' chil& ab(se4
I&enti' the signs an& s!pt"!s "' ab(se an& %hen t" !a*e a re'erral t" ens(re
that sta'' "bser$e an& i!ple!ent sch""l2s agree& pr"ce&(res4
T" 'acilitate training '"r all sta'' an& g"$ern"rs4
T" a(th"rise re'erral in c"ns(ltati"n %ith the Chil& Pr"tecti"n "''icer t" the
rele$ant an& appr"priate a(th"rit4
T" *eep '(ll rec"r&s "' rep"rts3re'errals !a&e4
Professional Confidentiality
C"n'i&entialit is an iss(e %hich nee&s t" be &isc(sse& an& '(ll (n&erst""& b all th"se
%"r*ing %ith the p(pils in sch""l) partic(larl in the c"nte/t "' Chil& Pr"tecti"n4 The "nl
p(rp"se "' c"n'i&entialit in this respect is the bene'it "' the chil&4
All pers"nal in'"r!ati"n sh"(l& be treate& as c"n'i&ential an& partic(lar care ta*en %ith
sensiti$e in'"r!ati"n4 In'"r!ati"n !(st be treate& "n a >nee& t" *n"%? basis4 Rele$ant
'act"rs incl(&e#
,hat is the p(rp"se "' the &iscl"s(reD
,hat is the nat(re an& e/tent "' the in'"r!ati"n t" be &iscl"se&D
T" %h"! is the &iscl"s(re t" be !a&e 5an& is the recipient (n&er a &(t t" treat
the !aterial as c"n'i&ential6D
Is the pr"p"se& &iscl"s(re a pr"p"rti"nate resp"nse t" the nee& t" pr"tect the
%el'are "' a p(pil t" %h"! the c"n'i&ential in'"r!ati"n relatesD
The chil& !(st n"t be as*e& lea&ing .(esti"ns4 The teacher3sch""l !(st n"t (n&erta*e
an in$estigati"n b(t see* clari'icati"n 'r"! the p(pil4
N" p(pil sh"(l& be pr"!ise& that anthing the sa %ill be *ept c"n'i&ential i' the
!atter is relate& t" Chil& Pr"tecti"n "r ab(se4 It is essential '"r the !e!ber "' sta''
t" tell the p(pil that the %ill rec"r& anthing the p(pil sas t" ens(re an e/act rec"r&
as p"ssible is *ept '"r '(t(re re'erence) sta'' !(st n"t pr"!ise t" *eep secrets4
I' an inci&ent happens "(tsi&e the n"r!al sch""l h"(rs "r "n an "(t "' sch""l acti$it
an& the na!e& pers"n3s are (na$ailable) the teacher3sta'' !e!ber !(st c"ntact the
rele$ant agenc as s""n as p"ssible t" ens(re the sa'et "' the p(pil4 The &esignate&
na!e& pers"n3s sh"(l& be in'"r!e& as s""n as p"ssible a'ter%ar&s4 Rele$ant in'"r!ati"n
sh"(l& be rec"r&e& at the ti!e %ith '(ll &etails "' the c"ncern4
Safe School' Safe Staff
There are iss(es t" be c"nsi&ere& that all sta'' nee& t" be a%are "') t" ens(re the
sa'et "' b"th sta'' an& chil&ren4
Sta'' !(st al%as a$"i& inappr"priate phsical c"ntact %ith p(pils4
Sta'' sh"(l& a$"i& being le't al"ne in a r""! %ith a cl"se& &""r %ith A(st "ne p(pil4
,hen a p(pil nee&s assistance t" %ash3change cl"thing "r t" be change& &(e t" the!
%etting) s"iling "r bec"!ing %et thr"(gh !ess pla) sta'' %ill ens(re that an"ther
!e!ber "' sta'' *n"%s the are ab"(t t" (n&erta*e the tas* an& %here$er p"ssible
an a&&iti"nal !e!ber "' sta'' %ill be present4 S(ch tas*s sh"(l& be carrie& "(t %ith
c"nsi&erati"n "' sch""l-s Inti!ate Care P"lic an&) %here a p(pil has c"!ple/ health
nee&s) in line %ith the p(pil-s care plan4 The &""r t" the t"ilet %ill n"t be l"c*e& b(t
*ept slightl aAar %hilst preser$ing the p(pil-s right t" pri$ac4
Parents3carers %ill be in'"r!e& %hen a chil& has ha& t" be change&4
Sch""l sta'' sh"(l& a$"i& &isc(ssing) c"(nselling an&3"r gi$ing a&$ice t" p(pils ab"(t
se/(al !atters e/cept in the agree& c"nte/t "' planne& SRE less"ns %here parental
per!issi"n %ill ha$e been "btaine&4 All sta'' sh"(l& be a%are "' sch""l-s SRE p"lic
%hich &etails the DCSF 5n"% D'E6 stat(t"r re.(ire!ents "' s(ch e&(cati"n an& the
c"ntent rati'ie& b the G"$erning 7"&4
Sta'' %ill '"ll"% the 8C"&e "' C"n&(ct- %hen &ealing %ith chil&ren4
(llegations made against staff
Regrettabl) s"!eti!es allegati"ns "' ab(se !a in$"l$e a !e!ber "' the sch""l sta''4
In these circ(!stances the allegati"ns !(st be rep"rte& t" the Hea& Teacher
i!!e&iatel4 On receipt "' s(ch an allegati"n the Hea& Teacher %ill c"ntact the L"cal
A(th"rit Designate& Pers"n4 I' the allegati"n c"ncerns the Hea& Teacher) the !e!ber
"' sta'' recei$ing the allegati"n !(st c"ntact the a&&iti"nal na!e& sch""l pers"n) the
chair "' g"$ern"rs an& LADP as a !atter "' (rgenc4 5C"ntact &etails are hel& in the
Training and Su%%ort
,e %ill ens(re that the Hea& Teacher) &esignate& na!e& sta'' an& g"$ern"r atten&
Chil& Pr"tecti"n training rele$ant t" their r"le4 Sch""l sta'' %ill als" recei$e basic Chil&
Pr"tecti"n a%areness training an& be *ept in'"r!e& thr"(gh (p&ate& p"licies an&
g(i&elines 'r"! the Depart!ent "' E&(cati"n4
Fagle Pri!ar Sch""l "perates sa'e recr(it!ent pr"ce&(res in line %ith the &"c(!ent
Sa'eg(ar&ing Chil&ren in E&(cati"n :;<=) Sa'er Recr(it!ent in E&(cati"n 5Ean(ar
:;;@6 an& L"cal A(th"rit g(i&elines t" ens(re that) %here appr"priate) chec*s are
carrie& "(t "n all ne% sta'' an& $"l(nteers %h" %"r* %ith chil&ren4 This incl(&es Cri!inal
Rec"r& 7(rea( chec*s an& registrati"n %ith the In&epen&ent Sa'eg(ar&ing A(th"rit
5ISA64 An"ne %h" is n"t prepare& t" c""perate %ith these pr"ce&(res %ill n"t be
c"nsi&ere& '"r e!pl"!ent %ithin the sch""l4
All chil&care "rganisati"ns) %hich incl(&es sch""ls) ha$e a stat(t"r &(t (n&er the
Pr"tecti"n "' Chil&ren Act <FFF '"r the '"ll"%ing#
T" re'er na!es t" the Secretar "' State in certain speci'ie& circ(!stances '"r
p"ssible incl(si"n "n the P"CA List4
,hen recr(iting) chec*s !(st be !a&e thr"(gh the Cri!inal 7(rea( t" chec* %hether
an in&i$i&(al is incl(&e& "n the P"CA List "r List FF4 5These lists c"ntain rec"r&s "'
in&i$i&(als %h" are &ee!e& t" be (ns(itable t" %"r* %ith chil&ren46
N"t t" e!pl" a pers"n i' the are registere& "n either "' the ab"$e lists4
T" cease t" e!pl" a pers"n i' it is later &isc"$ere& that the in&i$i&(al is incl(&e& in
either "' the ab"$e lists4
Fr"! Ean(ar :;<; it beca!e !an&at"r that at least "ne pers"n "n an app"int!ents
c"!!ittee sh"(l& ha$e c"!plete& the Sa'er Recr(it!ent training4 Details "' all sta''
an& g"$ern"rs %h" ha$e c"!plete& this training is hel& in the "''ice4
The )ata Protection (ct
The Data Pr"tecti"n Act <FFG reg(lates the han&ling "' pers"nal &ata4 Essentiall) this
is in'"r!ati"n *ept ab"(t an in&i$i&(al "n a c"!p(ter "r in a !an(al 'iling sste!4 The
Act las &"%n re.(ire!ents '"r the pr"cessing "' this in'"r!ati"n %hich incl(&es
"btaining) rec"r&ing) st"ring an& &iscl"sing it4
I' !a*ing a &ecisi"n t" &iscl"se pers"nal &ata the Data Pr"tecti"n Act <FFG !(st be
c"!plie& %ith4 This incl(&es eight &ata pr"tecti"n principles4 There sh"(l& n"t be an
"bstacle i'#
There are partic(lar c"ncerns ab"(t the %el'are "' the p(pil4
I' in'"r!ati"n is &iscl"se& t" s"cial ser$ices "r t" an"ther pr"'essi"nal "rganisati"n
e4g4 P"lice
The &iscl"s(re is A(sti'ie& (n&er the c"!!"n la% &(t "' c"n'i&ence4
Pr"'essi"nals can "nl %"r* t"gether t" sa'eg(ar& chil&ren i' there is an e/change "'
rele$ant in'"r!ati"n bet%een the!4 This has been rec"gnise& in principle b the c"(rts4
An &iscl"s(re "' pers"nal in'"r!ati"n t" "thers 5incl(&ing s"cial ser$ices &epts6) !(st
al%as) h"%e$er) ha$e regar& t" b"th c"!!"n an& stat(te la%4
N"r!all) pers"nal in'"r!ati"n sh"(l& "nl be &iscl"se& t" thir& parties 5incl(&ing "ther
agencies6 %ith the c"nsent "' the s(bAect "' that in'"r!ati"n4 ,here$er p"ssible)
c"nsent sh"(l& be "btaine& be'"re sharing pers"nal in'"r!ati"n %ith thir& parties4 In
s"!e circ(!stances c"nsent !a n"t be p"ssible "r &esirable b(t the sa'et an& %el'are
"' a chil& &ictate that the in'"r!ati"n sh"(l& be share&4 The la% per!its the &iscl"s(re
"' c"n'i&ential in'"r!ati"n necessar t" sa'eg(ar& a chil&4 Discl"s(re sh"(l& be
A(sti'iable in each case acc"r&ing t" the partic(lar 'acts "' the case an& legal a&$ice
sh"(l& be s"(ght i' in &"(bt4
Records and *onitoring
,ell *ept rec"r&s are essential t" g""& Chil& Pr"tecti"n practice4 Sta'' %ill be in'"r!e&
ab"(t the nee& t" rec"r& an c"ncerns hel& ab"(t a p(pil "r p(pils %ithin "(r sch""l) the
stat(s "' s(ch rec"r&s an& %hen these rec"r&s sh"(l& be passe& "$er t" "ther agencies4
Rec"r&s *ept c"ncerning Chil& Pr"tecti"n are *ept in a separate an& sec(rel l"c*e&
cabinet4 The Hea& Teacher %ill ens(re that sta'' are in'"r!e& "' the c"ntents "'
rep"rts an& "ther c"n'i&ential iss(es "n a nee&0t"0*n"% basis) alth"(gh the "$erri&ing
principle is the sa'et "' p(pils4 All rec"r&s are c"n'i&ential4
Sch""l %ill trans'er b han& all c"n'i&ential rec"r&s '"r the p(rp"se "' transiti"n t"
"ther sch""ls an& "btain a receipt4
An"ne re.(esting access t" rec"r&s !(st 'irst c"ns(lt %ith the Hea& Teacher %h" %ill
all"% access "nl i' it is &ee!e& appr"priate4 A rec"r& "' all access %ill be !aintaine& t"
pr"$i&e an a(&it trail4
(ttendance at Child Protection Conferences
A Chil& Pr"tecti"n c"n'erence !a be c"n$ene& b s"cial ser$ices t" %hich all in$"l$e&
agencies %"(l& be in$ite&4
,here a case in$"l$es a p(pil in "(r sch""l a representati$e is (s(all in$ite& t" atten&
the !eeting4 The Hea& Teacher "r "ther &esignate& pers"n !a atten& H the ch"ice "'
this representati$e %ill &epen& "n the circ(!stances "' each in&i$i&(al case4
Sta'' !a be re.(este& t" pr"$i&e a rep"rt '"r a Chil& Pr"tecti"n !eeting4 An rep"rt
sh"(l& be rele$ant) c"ncise an& pr"'essi"nal4 All rep"rts sh"(l& be s(b!itte& in the 'irst
instance t" the Hea& Teacher "r) i' n"t a$ailable) "ne "' the "ther na!e& pers"ns %ith
&esignate& resp"nsibilit '"r Chil& Pr"tecti"n in sch""l4
All sta'' that are re.(ire& t" atten& s(ch !eetings) prepare rep"rts an& !aintain
relati"nships %ith parents &(ring an& a'ter a re'erral has been !a&e %ill be '(ll
s(pp"rte& b sta'' %ith specialist Chil& Pr"tecti"n training4
This p"lic sh"(l& be rea& in c"nA(ncti"n %ith "(r "ther relate& sch""l p"licies s(ch as#
7eha$i"(r !anage!ent p"lic SRE P"lic
Incl(si"n p"lic PSHCE P"lic
Anti0b(lling p"lic SEN P"lic
Health I Sa'et p"lic Inti!ate Care p"lic
Care I C"ntr"l p"lic# a phsical Inter$enti"n &"c(!ent %hich incl(&es the (se "' '"rce
t" c"ntr"l "r restrain4
C"&e "' C"n&(ct4
Child Protection Flow Chart
Disc"$er "r S(spici"n "' Chil& Ab(se H i' in &"(bt ACT
Chris Par'itt H Hea& Teacher
Car"l 7lthe H Incl(si"n Manager
Angela S"rhain&" H Assistant Hea&teacher
9a!ina MaA"r H Earl Years Practiti"ner in Chil&ren Centre
%h" sh"(l& ta*e the '"ll"%ing steps
,here it is clear that a Chil& Pr"tecti"n Re'erral is nee&e& c"ntact
Chil&ren-s Initial C"ntact P"int ;<:@= =B@C;; 3 O(t "' H"(rs
E!ergenc D(t Tea! ;<:@= =B<;<;
,here the na!e& pers"n5s6 is n"t s(re %hether it is a chil& pr"tecti"n iss(e the !a see* a&$ice 'r"!
the Chil&ren-s Sa'eg(ar&ing an& Re$ie%ing 1nit C"ns(ltati"n Ser$ice ;<:@= =B=B=B4
Na!e& Pers"ns !a als" see* a&$ice 'r"! the E&(cati"n S"cial ,"r* Ser$ice ;<:@= BGC@J<
I' "( are as*e& t" !"nit"r the sit(ati"n) !a*e s(re ( are clear %hat "( are e/pecte& t" !"nit"r) '"r
h"% l"ng an& t" %h"! "( sh"(l& 'ee&bac* in'"r!ati"n4
Remem&er + always ma$e and $ee% a written record of all events and action ta$en' date and sign
each entry, -ee% records confidential and secure and se%arate from the childs curriculum file,
Ens(re i!!e&iate c"!pleti"n an& &ispatch "' the C"!!"n Chil& Pr"tecti"n Re'erral '"r!4 This '"r! can
be accesse& $ia 7ra&'"r& Sch""ls On0Line 81se'(l Lin*s- Tab4
Retain a c"p in sch""l4 Sen& c"pies t"#
Chil&ren-s S"cial Care t" the Area O''ice "( !a&e "(r re'erral t"
Lea& O''icer Chil& Pr"tecti"n F(t(re H"(se) 7"lling R"a&) 7ra&'"r&) 7D= @E7
1se'(l N(!bers#
Chil&ren-s Sa'eg(ar&ing an& Re$ie%ing 1nit C"ns(ltati"n Ser$ice# ;<:@= =B=B=B
E!ergenc D(t Tea!# ;<:@= =B<;<;
Chil&ren-s S"cial Care Initial C"ntact P"int# ;<:@= =B@C;;
E&(cati"n S"cial ,"r* Ser$ice# ;<:@= BGC@J<
Lea& O''icer Chil& Pr"tecti"n# ;<:@= BGC@:J
P"lice# Ea$elin H"(se) Chil& Pr"tecti"n 1nit# ;<:@= B@J;J<
Safeguarding Statement of ntent
At Fagle Pri!ar Sch""l %e are c"!!itte& t" pr"$i&ing a caring) 'rien&l an& sa'e en$ir"n!ent '"r all "' "(r p(pils s"
the can learn in a cal! an& sec(re at!"sphere4 ,e belie$e e$er p(pil sh"(l& be able t" participate in all sch""l
acti$ities in an enA"able an& sa'e en$ir"n!ent an& be pr"tecte& 'r"! har!4 This is the resp"nsibilit "' e$er a&(lt
e!pl"e& b) "r in$ite& t" &eli$er ser$ices at Fagle Pri!ar Sch""l4 ,e rec"gnise "(r resp"nsibilit t" sa'eg(ar& an&
pr"!"te the %el'are "' all "(r p(pils b pr"tecting the! 'r"! phsical) se/(al "r e!"ti"nal ab(se) neglect an& b(lling4
Signs of Physical (&use
1ne/plaine& inA(ries "r b(rns) partic(larl i'
the are rec(rrent4
I!pr"bable e/c(ses gi$en t" e/plain inA(ries4
Re'(sal t" &isc(ss inA(ries4
1ntreate& inA(ries4
A&!issi"n "' p(nish!ent %hich appears
Fear "' parent being c"ntacte&4
7al& patches4
,ith&ra%al 'r"! phsical c"ntact4
Ar!s an& legs *ept c"$ere& in h"t %eather4
Fears "' ret(rning h"!e4
Fear "' !e&ical help4
Sel'0&estr(cti$e ten&encies4
Aggressi"n t"%ar&s "thers4
R(nning a%a4
Signs of Emotional (&use
Phsical) !ental an& e!"ti"nal &e$el"p!ent lags4
A&!issi"n t" p(nish!ent %hich appears
O$er0reacti"n t" !ista*es4
C"ntin(al sel'0&eprecati"n4
S(&&en speech &is"r&ers4
Fear "' ne% sit(ati"ns4
Inappr"priate e!"ti"nal resp"nses t" pain'(l
Ne(r"tic beha$i"(r 5e4g4 r"c*ing) hair t%isting)
th(!b s(c*ing64
Fear "' parents being c"ntacte&4
E/tre!es "' passi$it "r aggressi"n4
Dr(g "r s"l$ent ab(se4
R(nning a%a
C"!p(lsi$e stealing "r sca$enging4
Signs of Neglect
C"nstant h(nger4
P""r pers"nal hgiene4
C"nstant tire&ness4
P""r state "' cl"thing4
Fre.(ent lateness "r n"n0atten&ance at sch""l4
1ntreate& !e&ical pr"ble!s4
Destr(cti$e ten&encies-4
L"% sel'0estee!4
Ne(r"tic beha$i"(r 5e4g4 r"c*ing) hair t%isting)
th(!b s(c*ing64
N" s"cial relati"nships4
R(nning a%a4
C"!p(lsi$e stealing "r sca$enging4
Signs of Female .enital *utilation
Pr"l"nge& absence 'r"! sch""l
S(b&(e& "n ret(rn 'r"! a h"li&a abr"a&
7la&&er "r !enstr(al pr"ble!s
Di''ic(lt sitting still
Rel(ctance t" ta*e part in phsical acti$ities
Repeate& (rinal tract in'ecti"n
C"!plaining "' pains bet%een her legs
Secreti$e beha$i"(r
Signs of Se/ual (&use
S(&&en changes "' beha$i"(r "r sch""l
Displas "' a''ecti"n in a se/(al %a
inappr"priate t" age4
Ten&enc t" cling "r nee& c"nstant reass(rance4
Ten&enc t" cr easil4
Regressi"n t" "(nger beha$i"(r 5e4g4 th(!b
s(c*ing) acting li*e a bab) plaing %ith
&iscar&e& t"s64
C"!plaints "' genital itching "r pain4
Distr(st "' 'a!iliar a&(lt) "r an/iet ab"(t
being le't %ith a relati$e) bab sitter "r l"&ger4
1ne/plaine& gi'ts "r !"ne4
Depressi"n an& %ith&ra%al4
Apparent secrec4
,etting) &a "r night4
Sleep &ist(rbances "r night!ares4
Chr"nic illnesses) especiall thr"at in'ecti"ns
an& $enereal &isease4
An"re/ia "r b(li!ia4
Sel'0!(tilati"n) atte!pte& s(ici&e) 're.(entl
r(nning a%a4
1ne/plaine& pregnanc4
Fear "' (n&ressing '"r g!3PE4
Ph"bias "r panic attac*s4
Child Protection .uidelines
I' in &"(bt) actK The na!e& pers"ns A"b is t" pass in'"r!ati"n "n t" S"cial Ser$ices
an&3"r p"lice4 Sta'' t" pass in'"r!ati"n t" na!e& pers"n4
N"t acceptable t" lea$e s"!ething i' there is a c"ncern an& the na!e& pers"n is
absent H !(st in'"r! a na!e& pers"n4
Rec"r& inci&ents an& c"ncerns as s""n as p"ssible "n %hate$er is at han& an& in'"r!
na!e& pers"n i!!e&iatel4
9eep the "riginal n"teK )ont tpe (p a $ersi"n H "( nee& e$i&ence it %as %ritten at
the ti!e4 C"(rt .(esti"ns# ,as this n"te %ritten c"nte!per"(slD
N"tes !(st be signe&) &ate& an& ti!e p(t "n4 I' an"ne else is present) ens(re the
sign as %ell4
,e *eep Chil& Pr"tecti"n rec"r&s separate 'r"! the chil&-s "riginal 'ile H Chil&
Pr"tecti"n rec"r&s are e/e!pt 'r"! &ata pr"tecti"n r(les4 Rec"r&s are *ept in a
sec(re l"c*e& c(pb"ar&4
,e ha$e a s!b"l '"r chil& %ith a&&iti"nal CP rec"r&s s" sta'' are a%are 5Incl(si"n
Parents can &e!an& t" see c(rric(l(! 'ile 5B %ee*s6 b(t n"t right t" see Chil&
Pr"tecti"n in'"r!ati"n4 There'"re %e *eep "(r n"tes separate4 N"tes ar"(n& Chil&
Pr"tecti"n are "(r "%n4 Onl "''icial rec"r&s 'r"! s"cial %"r*er can be seen b
,hen sta'' c"!e %ith a c"ncern) %e !a*e a pr"'essi"nal A(&ge!ent4 I' %e 'eel
there is in s(''icient e$i&ence) %e %ill as* "( t" !"nit"r b(t %e %ill be CLEAR %hat
"( are &"ing3h"% l"ng "( %ill be &"ing it '"r3%here "( %ill rec"r& the 'in&ings etc4
5chil& l"g b""*64
,e %ill ens(re "( *n"% en"(gh t" *eep "(rsel' an& the chil& sa'e4 I' in &"(bt "(
ha$e a resp"nsibilit t" as*K
Dra'te& Rati'ie& b G"$erning 7"& Planne& &ate "' re$ie%
Ean(ar :;<<
Print na!e Signat(re Date
Hea& Teacher
On behal' "'
G"$erning 7"&

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