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for Groin lump
Questions Your Doctor Ma As! " an# $%&
During a consultation, your doctor will use various techniques in his assesment of the
symptom: Groin lump. These may include a physical examination or other medical
tests. our doctor may as! several questions when assessing your condition. "t is
important to remem#er that your consultation is a two$way process and any extra
information you can share with your doctor may help them with their diagnosis.
%ome of the questions your doctor may as! are listed #elow:
&. How long have you had the groin lump'
$%' to determine if acute or chronic.
(. "s it intermittent or constant'
$%' if intermittent this may suggest the groin lump is reduci#le and thus
should consider a femoral or inguinal hernia.
). *is! factors for hernia'
$%' e.g. heavy lifting wor!, chronic #ronchitis with persistent coughing,
constipation, difficulty passing urine.
+. ,ccupational history'
$%' e.g. heavy wor!, especially lifting may predispose to hernias.
-. Have you #een #itten #y a mosquito'
$%' may suggest .ymphatic filariasis /if person has traveled to areas where
it may #e contracted0.
1. Travel history'
$%' e.g. primary syphilis is rare in ur#an 2ustralia #ut must #e excluded if
suspect this diagnosis, especially if there has #een recent sexual contact in
%outh 3ast 2sia4 5hancroid is usually only seen following sexual exposure in
%outh 3ast 2sia, "ndia or 2frica4 .ymphogranuloma venereum is usually only
seen following sexual exposure in 3ast and 6est 2frica, "ndia, parts of
%outheast 2sia, %outh 2merica and the 5ari##ean4 .ymphatic filariasis is
found in northern 2ustralia, 7acific "slands, west and 5entral 2frica, %outh
2merica and "ndia.
8. %exual history'
$%' to help determine ris! of herpes simplex, H"9, syphilis, 5hancroid,
lymphogranuloma venereum which may all cause swollen groin lymph nodes.
Questions our #octor ma as! a(out relate#
%ometimes, other symptoms may #e present and may help your doctor analyse your
condition. These may include:
&. 7ain'
$%' may suggest an a#scess, haematoma, lymphadenitis, strangulated
hernia, o#turated hernia.
(. 7ulsatile mass'
$%' suggests femoral artery aneurysm.
). 9omiting'
$%' may suggest strangulated hernia or o#structed hernia.
+. Genital ulcers or sores'
$%' may suggest herpes simplex infection, primary or secondary syphilis,
Donovanosis, 5hancroid or .ymphogranuloma venereum which may all cause
enlarged groin lymph nodes.
-. %ymptoms of inguinal hernia'
$%' e.g. dragging, aching sensation in the groin that gets worse as the day
passes. %ometimes there is nil discomfort. The groin lump may get smaller
when laying down and you may #e a#le to push the lump away.
1. %ymptoms of a strangulated hernia /when the #lood supply to the contents of
the hernia is cut off0'
$%' e.g. the lump #ecomes very painful and tender. The overlying s!in
#ecomes red, tense and warm.
8. %ymptoms of an o#structed hernia /a loop of #owel in the hernia is #loc!ed0'
$%' e.g. a#dominal pain, omitting, a#dominal distention, a#solute
:. %ymptoms of femoral artery aneurysm'
$%' e.g. symptoms are often minimal until progressive narrowing or
#loc!age occurs. The groin mass may thro#.
;. %ymptoms of Hodg!in's disease'
$%' e.g. painless enlarged lymph nodes /especially in the nec!0, malaise,
wea!ness, weight loss, fever, night sweats, itchy s!in, pain in the enlarged
lymph nodes with consumption of alcohol.
&<. %ymptoms of =on$Hodg!in's lymphoma'
$%' e.g. painless enlarged lymph nodes, sweating, itchy s!in.
Dr. Huntley's
for Groin pain
Questions Your Doctor Ma As! " an# $%&
During a consultation, your doctor will use various techniques in his assesment of the
symptom: Groin pain. These may include a physical examination or other medical
tests. our doctor may as! several questions when assessing your condition. "t is
important to remem#er that your consultation is a two$way process and any extra
information you can share with your doctor may help them with their diagnosis.
%ome of the questions your doctor may as! are listed #elow:
&. How long have you had the groin pain'
$%' to determine if acute or chronic.
(. "s it unilateral or #ilateral'
). "s it intermittent or constant'
$%' if intermittent this may suggest the groin lump is reduci#le and thus
should consider a femoral or inguinal hernia.
+. History of trauma or in>ury to the area'
$%' e.g. athletic groin in>ury including muscle and tendon strains and
overuse in>uries such as tendonitis.
-. *is! factors for hernia'
$%' e.g. heavy lifting wor!, chronic #ronchitis with persistent coughing,
constipation, difficulty passing urine.
1. ,ccupational history'
$%' e.g. heavy wor!, especially lifting may predispose to hernias.
Questions our #octor ma as! a(out relate#
%ometimes, other symptoms may #e present and may help your doctor analyse your
condition. These may include:
&. ?ever'
$%' may suggest psoas a#scess, pyelonephritis, septic arthritis of the hip.
(. 9omiting'
$%' may suggest strangulated hernia or o#structed hernia.
). Hip, #ac! or 7elvis pain'
$%' pain from the lum#osacral spine, hip or pelvis may #e referred to the
+. %ymptoms of inguinal hernia'
$%' e.g. dragging, aching sensation in the groin that gets worse as the day
passes. %ometimes there is nil discomfort. The groin lump may get smaller
when laying down and you may #e a#le to push the lump away.
-. %ymptoms of a strangulated hernia /when the #lood supply to the contents of
the hernia is cut off0'
$%' e.g. the groin lump #ecomes very painful and tender. The overlying s!in
#ecomes red, tense and warm.
1. %ymptoms of an o#structed hernia /a loop of #owel in the hernia is #loc!ed0'
$%' e.g. a#dominal pain, omitting, a#dominal distention, a#solute
8. %ymptoms of psoas a#scess'
$%' e.g. feeling unwell for some months, night sweats, loss of weight.
:. %ymptoms of !idney stones'
$%' e.g. intense pain in the loin which radiates to the groin, thigh, testicle or
la#ia. @ay #e associated with vomiting and pale cold clammy s!in.

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