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Articles about saving the environment:
Print Green - ave Environment
In this age of digital technology, printing presses still play a major role in the
production of a range of materials such as booklets, posters, postcards,
brochures, business cards, calendars, stationeries etc. While this wide-spread
process of printing gives us such informative and eye pleasing products, the
resultant environment pollution caused due to these goes unnoticed. Saving the
environment is a responsibility that is vested on for all of us and thus the need
of the hour is to print green.
Printing green refers to the process that reduces wastes, encourages recycling
and implements other measures that leads to an eco friendly printing operation.
Such printing presses carry on their processes in a way that causes minimal
harm to the environment. he primary concern for a green printing press is to
manage wastes effectively. he objective is to have less waste being generated
as that would mean fewer measures to be adopted to eliminate such wastes.
Waste management starts from the prepress process itself. !fforts are
concentrated towards pollution prevention processes that start with
photographic chemistry management and recycling of used plates etc.
"urthermore the wastes are segregated into categories such as ha#ardous and
non ha#ardous wastes. he discharge of ha#ardous wastes is carried out in an
eco friendly manner. Waste management in green printing houses are two fold
i.e. either they implement measures to reduce wastes or else recycle them.
$igh volatile organic compounds are one of the prime causes of air pollution in
the printing industry. hese compounds evaporate very %uickly at the room
temperature which not only adds to more material consumption but also leads to
air pollution. &reen printers use low '()*s in their printing processes thus
reducing the air emissions and also less material consumption.
&reen printers adopt various means to implement the current printing
technologies that are eco-friendly. hus they not only help in reducing
environmental pollution but improve the overall %uality of the product.
ave !rees - ave the Environment
oday, when environment is being polluted so rigorously, everyone has only one
%uestion on his + her lips and mind that is how to save environment from being
polluted. $ow to protect earth from disaster, he strongest way to protect
environment is save trees. rees are one of the main creations of &od that play
an important role to keep air clean. If there will be no fresh air available then
how will human beings, animal, and birds survive, herefore, a clean environment
is the need for every living object on this earth. -any big organi#ations,
schools, colleges, and .&(s are taking initiatives to save trees for a better
future, clean air, and unpolluted environment, in short healthy life for living
(ne of the biggest initiatives to save trees is taken by Idea )ellular /td. - a
part of 0ditya 1irla &roup. oday, trees are being cut with a great speed for
full filling daily needs of human beings. It is true that we need to cut trees for
our daily needs but cutting trees in such a furious way is leading towards a
disaster. 2ou might have noticed that as the number of trees is reducing3
disasters are being continuously increasing, which is ultimately leading into high
death rate. 0 big part of the trees is cut to make paper to help us do our
personal and official works. If the use of paper will be minimi#ed then we can
save a large number of trees from being cut, which leads into healthy and clean
environment that is fresh air and healthy life.
Initiative taken by Idea )ellular /td. is really appreciable. With their ads, they
are promoting the use of paper less media like mobile phones. It is really a great
idea to use paperless media to minimi#e the use of paper. 0nother initiative,
which has been taken by schools, colleges, and universities in the increase in
online e4aminations. 1eing a responsible human being, we all need to take some
initiatives to protect environment. We can consider following ways to save
trees, to protect environment, and to live a healthy life5
Plant as much trees as possible.
6o not cut trees until there is an e4treme need.
Prefer paperless communication instead of using paper. -ake use of
Internet and mobile phones to promote paperless communication.
(nline e4amination system should be preferred instead of taking e4ams
on paper.
-inimi#e the use of paper towel. In place of paper towel, one can use
cloth towel or hankie
hese are few ways to build healthy environment, to save earth, and to live a
healthy and diseases free life.
Articles about engineering an" science:
#o$ Does %our Green Roo& Gar"en Gro$'
&rowing plants on rooftops is an old concept that has evolved from simple sod
roofing to roof gardens and new, lightweight 7e4tensive green roofs.7 -odern
green roofs have environmental and social benefits3 they can reduce stormwater
runoff, improve air %uality, mitigate urban heat, reduce the demand for air
conditioning and greenhouse gas emissions, and provide habitat for birds and
wildlife. /ong-used in urban planning in !urope, green roofs are becoming more
popular in .orth 0merica, and new research designed to promote the
integration of green roofs into current and future buildings is burgeoning.
8esearchers from the 6epartment of $orticulture at he Pennsylvania State
9niversity published a study in$ortechnology that evaluated the influence of
substrate type and depth on establishment of five common green roof plants.
Plants suitable for e4tensive green roofs must tolerate e4treme rooftop
conditions, and the substrates in which they grow must meet both horticultural
and structural re%uirements. 6eeper substrates may retain more water for
plants during dry periods, but they also weigh more, especially when near
saturation. he study by )hristine !. huring, 8obert 6. 1erghage, and 6avid :.
1eattie was designed to evaluate the effects of substrate type and depth on
the establishment and early growth of five plants popular in .orth 0merican
green roof designs.
he researchers hypothesi#ed that early drought is more harmful for plants
grown in shallow rather than deeper substrate depths, and that plants that
survived early drought conditions would produce less shoot biomass than those
subjected to late drought. wo stonecrops, one ice plant, and two herbaceous
perennials were planted in three depths ;<=, >=, and ?@= mmA of e4panded shale
and e4panded clay, two commercially available green roof substrates. Study
flats inside a plasticulture tunnel received three drought treatments5 no
drought, @ weeks early drought, and @ weeks late drought.
he two stonecrops performed well under most conditions, although tasteless
stonecrop was stunted by early drought. Ice plant performed erratically and,
along with maiden pink, poorly in face of drought during establishment. When
subjected to any drought, the herbaceous perennials had the fewest survivors
in the e4panded shale. he study plants were most affected by substrate
depth, e4cept for maiden pink, which responded solely to drought. When
subjected to early drought conditions, the herbaceous perennials did not survive
in <= mm of either substrate, or in >= mm of e4panded shale3 early drought
appeared to be more harmful to plant survival and performance than late
drought. 0lthough the stonecrops performed well in >= mm of substrate when
subjected to drought, their performance was superior in the e4panded clay
compared with shale.
he three most resilient species used in the study -- sa4ifrage pink, white
stonecrop, and tasteless stonecrop -- always produced more shoot biomass with
increasing substrate depth, regardless of water availability. 0 standout
performer was sa4ifrage pink, which had an attractive appearance and
persistent flowering habit, making it an e4cellent choice as a green roof plant.
he e4periment illustrates how appropriate species selection in the design of
unirrigated e4tensive green roofs may be directed by factors such as substrate
type and depth, as well as anticipated drought conditions. 7his e4periment
revealed the variability among drought-tolerant species to various treatments,
as well as the different plant responses to substrate type during drought,7
concluded the scientists.
he worldBs largest scientific research facility CSwit#erlandBs )onseil !uropDen
pour la 8echerche .uclDaire ;)!8.A - recently succeeded in producing the first
particles of antimatter. 0ntimatter is identical to physical matEter e4cept that
it is composed of particles whose electric charges are opposite to those found
in normal matter. 0ntimatter is the most powerful energy source known to man.
It releases energy with ?== percent effiEciency ;nuclear fission is ?.F percent
efficientA. 0ntimatter creates no pollution or radiation, and a droplet could
power .ew 2ork )ity for a full day.
here is, however, one catch...
0ntimatter is highly unstable. It ignites when it comes in contact with
absolutely anything . . . even air. 0 single gram of antimatter contains the energy
of a @=-kiloton nuclear bombGthe si#e of the bomb dropped on $iroshima.
9ntil recently antimatter has been created only in very small amounts ;a few
atoms at a timeA. 1ut )!8. has now broken ground on its new 0ntiproton
6eceleratorGan advanced antimatter production facility that promises to
create antimatter in much larger %uantities. (ne %uestion looms5 Will this highly
volatile substance save the world, or will it be used to create the most deadly
weapon ever made,

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