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Public celebrations (national days, festivals) are held in many countries.

Some people say that these

celebrations are a waste of money and we should spend money on more important things. Do you agree
or disagree? Give your reasons and examples according to your knowledge and experience.
Most countries celebrate countrywide festivals and days. Although, some people believe that celebrating
these events is misuse of funds, instead, we must use this money on essential things and I believe that
celebrating nationwide festivals and days are important to a large extent.
The most important reason is that getting together with family and friends to celebrate and remember a
special historical event; it is a chance to make stronger relationship with the society. In all countries, for
instance, celebrating Christmas make people come together and spend most time on preparing for event
and the whole family sit together to take a meal, giving and taking gifts.
The second reason is that we should celebrate festivals, teach traditional skills and maintain our different
cultural identities. People wear same clothes, rather than traditional costumes which represents the
culture and tradition. In India, for example, people celebrate independence and republic day by wearing
same white clothes which represents the peace.
The further reason is that such events make people remember about their ancient leaders or freedom
fighters who fought for their host country. In addition, almost every citizen thinks that we are giving
importance to those people by celebrating these special days.
In conclusion, it is important to hold all the special events for individuals to communicate with the society
and remember the culture and tradition.
Online Learning Vs. Classroom Learning
The expansion of the Internet has included swift development of online college classes and programs. Students at
many colleges and universities have access to a number of online options that either supplement classroom learning,
or in some cases, provide an entire degree program. Understanding the pros and cons of both learning formats can
help you decide which learning environment best suits your educational needs.
Online Learning Advantages
A major reason students turn to online classes is because of the convenience. You can sit at home or go to a library to do your
coursework. This eliminates the need for driving, which saves gas, and in some cases, allows you to take classes from distant
schools. Online learners also get to develop their Internet, technology and virtual team skills by participating in online
discussions, tests and other virtual learning activities. The ability to do coursework on your own schedule and to manage the pace
of your learning experience are also benefits to online students.
Online Learning Disadvantages
A key factor in assessing your potential for effective online learning is your level of self-discipline. Students sometimes
misconstrue that online classes are less rigorous or time-consuming. Instead, they require more self-discipline, time management
and motivation to complete work. Limited interaction and access to instructors and no personal contact with other students are
also common drawbacks. While effective online instructors are available via e-mail, phone and web conferencing, you don't have
the same interpersonal relationship in most cases. The potential for miscommunication and misunderstandings is more prevalent
online as well, especially given the lack of context and nonverbal messages in e-mail and discussion forums.
Classroom Learning Advantages
Classroom learning typically offers multi-sensory appeal. You can listen to the instructor, receive visual cues through PowerPoint
images, handouts or whiteboard lists and participate actively in hands-on activities and case studies. You also have direct access
to the instructor in class. Interaction is immediate and you normally have opportunities to ask questions and participate in live
discussions. This also allows you to benefit form the firsthand accounts of other students' experiences. If you want to build and
maintain personal and professional relationships during your education, classrooms also offer greater personal contact with other
Classroom Disadvantages
In contrast to online learning, classroom learning is normally fairly structured. You meet at regularly scheduled times on the
same days each week. This limits flexibility with work and other activities. You generally must be in class to get the learning
experience and to keep up with requirements. Unless your instructors record lectures, in-class instruction is not available after the
class session is over. Students who struggle to focus may also find classrooms and cohorts distracting to their learning
What are the causes and effects of poverty?
nowadays, there are many prolems affecting the economic development in many countries all over the world. One of
the biggest issues is poverty. This essay will discuss about causes and effects of poverty.
firstly, poverty ia a result from lack of education. people don't go to school will find jobs that are more difficult than
others. They might have to do a badly-paid jobs that take thier health a lots. Another reason lead to poverty is
laziness because there aren't companies willing to accept a idle employee into thier copany. In addition, poverty is a
cause of wasting of money. For example, they use money for building luxury houses, shopping and buying morden
equipment to use.
Poverty effects many aspects of people life. They have to live in a bad houses, wear ugly clothes, they can't go out for
an expensive meal, eat delicious food and have the worst healthcare. hence, it may change a human's chracter. for
instance: they get furious easily with thier relative so the atmostphere is often boiling. Some people even become
robbers when they run out of money. they steel money or expensive things that appear in front of their eyes.
the country will develop fastly without poverty. In my opinion, the goverment should care about pooer people more
and more by many different ways to help them like charity programs. besides, they should encourage everybody to get
education because this ia a unique way that people can escape poverty.

The Cause and Effect of Poverty

Poverty exists all over the world, regardless its a rich country or like some country in Africa. Even
United States of America richest country in the world, faces serious problems with poverty. The cause
and effect of poverty can be lay to different processes. The measure cause of poverty is lack of
money, but it is not the only cause or effect. However, the purpose of this essay is to discuss some of
the main causes and effects of poverty, which are education, wars, hunger, and natural disasters.
The first and immediate cause of poverty is lack of education. In my point of view lack of education
keeps children from obtaining jobs that would lift them and their families out of poverty. Nowadays,
education is the key to have a life you want because without education it is not possible to find better
job or tohave a decent life. If you dont have a better job, how can you succeed in life.
The second cause of poverty has to do with wars. Many poor countries are poor because they are
constantly fighting wars. Wars cost millions and billions dollar into weapons, uniforms, food,
manpower, etc. This is usually money that could go citizens or programs but instead those funds are
use into wars. Example: the war of Iraq cause so many things, such as economic crisis, lost of job,
people lost their homes, and the worse part it cause was hunger. Women and children were suffering
from hunger.

The first effect of poverty is hunger. One of the most obvious effect of poverty is hunger. Many
children around the world are suffering right now for
hunger, because their parents dont have money to buy food for them. Being poor effect many things
in someone life. Another result of poverty, is an
inadequate education . Imagine parents arent able to pay their children college fees, or send their
children at school, not able to buy clothes for them.

The second effect of poverty is unemployment; this is one important effect of poverty because without
employment it is not easy to survive. If you are laid off, or unemployed, It might be difficult to pay
your bills. You could loose your house; even getting food will be hard. Some people lost self esteem.
You might ending up in the street stealing and drugs.

To conclude, there are many cause and effect of poverty. However, the
main roots that play vital role in our lives are lack of education, wars, hunger, and unemployment. I
think the four mains list above are a human nature of surviving life. My reasons is that God create
human being but he didnt made us the same in life. Some are poor, some are rich, some are light
skin, some are dark skin, some have job, some dont, some countries always fighting, and some have
peace. So we have to deal with it in order to survives.
Poverty is one of the main issues the entire world has to deal with. The world is trying to find ways to help those in
need and prevent them from going in this downward spiral toward poverty again. Poverty does not only affect the
people that are going through it, but it affects everyone and every country. The effects of poverty contribute to illness
as well as ignorance. These effects keep the poor in the state they are in. The entire world is affected by poverty, but
poverty is more prominent in some area around the world than others. Some of these areas include Latin America,
South America, and the Caribbean. Sub Saharan Africa is also one of the main places where poverty levels are high.
Poverty strikes hardest at developing countries. Within these countries we find that the rural areas house the majority
of the poor. People in poverty do not have the ability to meet their basic needs. Since they have a limited income they
become hungry from lack of food. Their hunger in turn causes them to resort to stealing. Juvenile crime rates are
higher in poverty stricken areas. Since they do not have enough money to buy products to keep themselves clean
and sanitary, they are more prone to have health problems and diseases. Death is normally the reaction to these
diseases since the poor do not have money to buy medicine with which to treat them. Child labor comes into effect
from poverty in order for the family to get as much money as they can. The child abuse rates in poverty areas are
much higher than areas without much poverty. Poverty also effects education tremendously causing academic and
behavioral problems. Poverty can have profound detrimental effects on childrens development. Millions of children in
the United States are living in poverty, with millions more considered as low-income. Children from racial and ethnic
minority groups, children from single-parent families, children living in the rural south or west, and ...
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Effects of Poverty
The effects of poverty contribute to illness as well as ignorance. ... Child labor comes into effect from poverty in order
for the family to get as much money as they can. ... Poverty also effects education tremendously causing academic
and behavioral problems. Poverty can have profound detrimental effects on children's development. ... The effects
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Reasons Standing Behind Poverty
After the global economic crisis of 2008, many people around the globe faced
one of the worst social phenomenons poverty. In the United States alone, the
number of poor people in 2012 increased up to 46.5 million (Reuters). In
developing countries, the situation has become even worse. Poverty does not
mean that a person has little money to afford goods they want to purchase, or
to maintain a stable quality of life; rather often poverty is absolute, which means
that one literally has no livelihood at all. But what factors usually stand behind
such dramatic impacts of poverty around the world, except the aforementioned
economic crisis?
Poverty rates are greatly influenced by overpopulation. Overpopulation is a
situation of a large number of people residing in a territory extremely limited in
space and resources. Developing countries often face the problem of
overpopulation; except the unequal distribution of resources and the lack of
space, they usually have high birth rates, and low agricultural productivity. For
example, Bangladesh has the highest population density in the world 2,970
persons per square mile. The dominating majority of them are engaged in low-
productivity farming and manual labor, which causes extremely high levels of
poverty in this country (Poverty at Large).
Another factor standing behind the increased poverty rates increase is
unemployment. This problem has become one of the most urgent after 2008. In
2009 through 2010, about 42% of all families in Great Britain alone had no
working members (Children Poverty Action Group). The job markets cannot
offer enough jobs that would correspond with the skills of unemployed people.
Besides, because of poverty many people are willing to get any job for any
payment; thus, they decrease the overall wages in those spheres that they start
working at. In other words, the cheapening of labor and the working force takes
place. There is no need to tell that low-wages jobs and part-time jobs are
nothing else but poverty traps.
One more reason not so obvious as the previous, but not the least important
is significant demographic shifts. For example, in the United States a number
of single-member families is traditionally high, and has been increasing;
because one parent has less opportunities to ensure an adequate standard of
living both for their children and for themselves, single-parent families are
traditionally poorer then normal. Besides, poor people often share a belief that
its the social institutions to blame for their poverty, or that they can never make
it out of their low income; therefore, they create psychological backgrounds for
their financial condition.
Poverty is not a new social phenomenon. It has existed as long as the
humankind has been around. But, until 2008, it was more typical for developing
countries, whereas after the global economy crisis, even the developed post-
industrial countries experienced it. Among the reasons for poverty the most
obvious are overpopulation, unemployment, and demographic shifts together
with psychological premises.
Descriptive Essay: Cultural Festivals in Different Countries
Cultural festivals occur in every country of the world. Attending a festival from another culture is like putting that
culture under a microscope, as when attending a festival, one often sees the fine and intricate components of that
culture in vivid and vibrant detail. Lets take a closer look at three different festivals in various parts of the world
Spring Festival in China, the San Fermin Festival in Spain, and Carnival in Brazil by placing them under that
Otherwise known as Chinese New Year, Spring Festival is the most important festival celebrated by Han Chinese.
Beginning on the eve of the lunar New Year, families travel near and far to get together for an enormous meal,
accompanied by weeks-long fireworks. Spring Festival lasts for fifteen days, the first few of which are designated for
visiting family, then extended family and, lastly, friends. Mandarin oranges are given as gifts of good fortune for the
coming year. New clothes are purchased, and most wear red, as not only does this color symbolize good fortune, but
the color comes into play in the Spring Festival story of the mythical monster, Nian, who is frightened away by loud
noises, fire and the color red. Red lanterns are hung and red envelopes full of cash are given to the young by their
elders. Drums are beaten to lion dances, and fireworks explode to scare away evil spirits with both the sound and the
light. If visiting China, Spring Festival is a great cultural experience, full of delicious food, thrilling performances and
splendid company.
The San Fermin Festival in Pamplona is home to the famed Running of the Bulls. Starting on July 6th, the festival
lasts until midnight on July 14th. On the 7th, San Fermins statue is carried through Pamplonas streets and the
Running of the Bulls follows, reoccurring every morning of the festival week. During the running, six steers and six
bulls are guided through the narrow streets of Pamplona by courageous (or incredibly stupid) runners to the Plaza de
Toros, where the bulls will later take part in bullfights and be killed. Though the course is over 825 meters long, it
lasts only three minutes, as hundreds of people race alongside the bulls, often incurring injury in the process. Over a
dozen people have been killed over the years, and each year sees around 200 to 300 participants injured. Though
this festival is quite a risky one, the Running of the Bulls is a sight to seethough perhaps not one to participate in.
Catholics worldwide celebrate Carnival, but it is the most famous holiday in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Marking the
beginning of Lent, Carnival is celebrated 46 days before Easter and, being as such, is primarily driven by the
Christian calendar. However, the week-long festival in Brazil combines Christian, Pagan and Brazilian traditions.
Huge parades traipse through the streets, whilst music, dancing and partying sets the city alight with life. People
dress up in bright clothes and costumes, eat and drink in excess, and enjoy general merriment. Carnival is a must if
visiting any South American country in early-March.
Though weve but a brief glimpse through the microscope at Spring Festival, the San Fermin Festival, and Carnival,
one might only see the fine and intricate components of these cultures by attending the festivals in the flesh.

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