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Words for Students of English

A Vocabulary Series for ESL
Words in Volume 7
Numbers refer to volume and unit.
abate, 7-16r annex, 7-5p baffle, 7-6r
aberrant, 7-21p annul, 7-7r ballot, 7-7p
abet, 7-7r appalling, 7-14r bandage, 7-9p
abhor, 7-16r apparel, 7-11r bankrupt, 7-10p
abominable, 7-14r appease, 7-2r, 7-15r banister, 7-18p
abrogate, 7-7r apprehend, 7-14r banquet, 7-13r
abstain, 7-13p apprentice, 7-6p barracks, 7-3p
absurd, 7-12p, 7-19r apt, 7-6p barren, 7-21p
abyss, 7-21p aptitude, 7-6p barter, 7-10r
accomplished, 7-19r aquatic, 7-8p batter, 7-14r
acquiesce, 7-2r ardor, 7-17r be keen on, 7-17r
acumen, 7-19r armistice, 7-3r beam, 7-18p
adamant, 7-2p arraign, 7-14r bellicose, 7-16r
adept, 7-19r ascertain, 7-12r belligerence, 7-16p
admonish, 7-4r asphyxiate, 7-22r beloved, 7-17r
adolescent, 7-4p aspiration, 7-19p beseech, 7-17r
adopt, 7-4p assailant, 7-1r betrothed, 7-17r
adore, 7-17r assassinate, 7-1p bewilder, 7-6r
adultery, 7-17p assault, 7-1p blackmail, 7-14p
adversary, 7-3r assent, 7-2r bleach, 7-11p
adverse, 7-2p assiduous, 7-2r blend, 7-13r
agitate for, 7-20r assuage, 7-2r, 7-15r bloom, 7-21p
aimless, 7-2p astute, 7-19p blurry, 7-12p
alcove, 7-18r asylum, 7-22p board, 7-18p
alibi, 7-1p atrocious, 7-14r bog, 7-8r
align, 7-7p attire, 7-11r booty, 7-3r
amble, 7-21r auction, 7-10p botch, 7-2p
ambush, 7-3p avalanche, 7-8p brawny, 7-15r
amphibian, 7-8p avarice, 7-10r broke, 7-10r
anarchy, 7-20p avert, 7-22r brook, 7-8r
anatomy, 7-22p awning, 7-5p bully, 7-7p
animosity, 7-3r bungle, 7-2r
Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2
bunk, 7-18r crevice, 7-21p domicile, 7-5r
bureaucracy, 7-20p crib, 7-18r dormant, 7-21p
burly, 7-15r crippled, 7-9r dose, 7-9p
crumple, 7-11r dote on, 7-17r
cabin, 7-18p crusade, 7-7p dour, 7-2r
calamitous, 7-2r cubicle, 7-18p drab, 7-11r
camouflage, 7-3p cuddle, 7-4r drawback, 7-6p
capitulate, 7-3r cuff, 7-11p dreadful, 7-14r
capsule, 7-9r custody, 7-3p dressing, 7-9r
captivate, 7-17r drowsy, 7-9r
castoff, 7-11r daft, 7-19r dwelling, 7-5r
casualty, 7-3p dally, 7-2r dwindle, 7-16r
caustic, 7-12p darling, 7-17r
cavern, 7-21r daunt, 7-16r edict, 7-20r
cease-fire, 7-3r dawdle, 7-2p edifice, 7-5r
cede, 7-3r debris, 7-16p eerie, 7-8p
chamber, 7-18r decease, 7-16r emaciated, 7-9r
charm, 7-17r deficit, 7-10p embezzle, 7-1p
chary, 7-16r defray, 7-10r embrace, 7-4p
chastise, 7-4r delegate, 7-15p emulate, 7-17p
cherish, 7-17r delete, 7-12p enchant, 7-17r
choke, 7-9p deliberate, 7-19p encroach, 7-16r
chronic, 7-9p delve, 7-12r endeavor, 7-15r
chubby, 7-22r depict, 7-12r enfranchise, 7-7p
chute, 7-18p deputy, 7-20p emnity, 7-3r
citadel, 7-18r descendant, 7-4p enthrall, 7-17r
civilian, 7-3p desert, 7-3p erect, 7-5r
clamorous, 7-19r desultory, 7-2r errand, 7-2p
clan, 7-17p detest, 7-16r evade, 7-14p
clearing, 7-8p detonate, 7-16p evict, 7-18p
cognizance, 7-6r devour, 7-13r exasperate, 7-19p
coherence, 7-19p dice, 7-13r exile, 7-7p
colossal, 7-21r dillydally, 7-2r expire, 7-9r
column, 7-18r dire, 7-2r extortion, 7-14r
coma, 7-9p disabled, 7-9r
combative, 7-16r discern, 7-6p facade, 7-12p
comply, 7-16r discernment, 7-19r fancy, 7-17r
conflict, 7-4p discord, 7-4r fascism, 7-20p
conscript, 7-16r disorder, 7-9r fast, 7-13p
consul, 7-20p disperse, 7-12r fasten, 7-11p
consulate, 7-20p dispose of, 7-5p fatigued, 7-22r
contentious, 7-16r disposition, 7-4r feeble, 7-22r
convict, 7-lr dispute, 7-14r feign, 7-9r
cot, 7-18r disrobe, 7-11r felony, 7-1p
counterfeit, 7-1p disseminate, 7-12r, 7-19r fend off, 7-22r
court, 7-17p dissension, 7-4r ferocious, 7-8r
cow, 7-16p distort, 7-12p fidget, 7-19r
cradle, 7-18r ditch, 7-8p fierce, 7-8p
crag, 7-8r dividend, 7-10p filth, 7-5r
cramp, 7-22p doctrine, 7-6p fissure, 7-21r
crave, 7-13p dogged, 7-17r flee, 7-14r
crease, 7-11p dogma, 7-6r flesh, 7-22p
creek, 7-8r dolt, 7-6r flushed, 7-22p
crevasse, 7-21r dome, 7-18p foe, 7-3r
Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2
foment, 7-7r hazard, 7-15p intrigue, 7-7r, 7-20r
foray, 7-3r heel, 7-11p intuition, 7-19p
foreboding, 7-15p heirloom, 7-17p invigorate, 7-21p
foreclosure, 7-10p hem, 7-11p ire, 7-14r
foreman, 7-15r hemorrhage, 7-22r irk, 7-14r
forfei 7 henceforth, 7-12r
fort s, 1 hermit, 7-8p jail, 7-1r
tress 7 -18p
foster, 7-4p hideous, 7-11r jeopardy, 7-8p
foyer, 7-18p hinder, 7-2r judicious, 7-6r
fracture, 7-22r hint, 7-12p junta, 7-20p
frail, 7-22r hoard, 7-13p jurisdiction, 7-7p
friction, 7-4r hoax, 7-12p
frugal, 7-10r holler, 7-1r kin, 7-17r
furtive, 7-1r hostility, 7-3p
fury, 7-14r hug, 7-4r lame, 7-9r
larceny, 7-14r
game, 7-21p ideology, 7-7p larder, 7-5r
garbled, 7-12r idiot, 7-6r lean, 7-5p
garish, 7-11r illegitimate, 7-17p leap, 7-8r
garret, 7-5r imbecile, 7-6r ledge, 7-8p
garrison, 7-3p imbibe, 7-13r line, 7-11p
gasp, 7-22p immense, 7-21r lineage, 7-4r
gaudy, 7-11r immune, 7-9p linger, 7-2r
gaunt, 7-9r immunize, 7-9p list, 7-5r
gem, 7-10r impede, 7-2p loathe, 7-16r
germane, 7-12r imperil, 7-8r loft, 7-5r
ghetto o 7-5p implore, 7-17r loot, 7-3p
girder, 7-18r impoverished, 7-10r lucid, 7-6r
glade, 7-8r incentive, 7-15p lurid, 7-12p
glean, 7-12r incisive, 7-12p lurk, 7-1p
glen, 7-21r incite, 7-7p
glimpse, 7-12r incriminate, 7-14p malady, 7-9r
gnaw, 7-13r incursion, 7-3r malevolence, 7-14r
gorge, 7-13p, 7-21r indict, 7-14r malice, 7-14p
gorgeous, 7-11r indigent, 7-10r mammoth, 7-21r
graft, 7-20r indignation, 7-14r mannequin, 7-11p
grievance, 7-15r inept, 7-2p mansion, 7-5p
grim, 7-2p infatuation, 7-17r marsh, 7-8r
grime, 7-5r infer, 7-6p martyr, 7-16p
grind, 7-13p infringe, 7-16p meager, 7-15p
gripe, 7-15r ingenious, 7-15p menial, 7-15p
grotto, 7-21r ingenuity, 7-19p mercenary, 7-3p
grudge, 7-14r inimical, 7-2r midwife, 7-22p
grueling, 7-2p inmate, 7-1r mince, 7-13r
gruesome, 7-12r innuendo, 7-12r minion, 7-2r
grumbles, 7-15r insight, 7-6p miscarriage, 7-22p
guardian, 7-4p insinuation, 7-12r misdemeanor, 7-1p
gully, 7-8r instigate, 7-7r misgiving, 7-15r
insurgency, 7-20r mist, 7-8p
hallucinate, 7-22p insurgent, 7-20r molest, 7-14p
hamper, 7-2r insurrection, 7-20r mollify, 7-2p
hand over, 7-3r interrogate, 7-1p monogamy, 7-17p
harass, 7-14r intimidate, 7-14p mulish, 7-17r
havoc, 7-15p intoxicated, 7-13p mumble, 7-6p
Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2
munch, 7-13r pillage, 7-3r rear, 7-4r
muse, 7-6r pillar, 7-5p recalcitrant, 7-19r
mutter, 7-6r pinnacle, 7-21r reckon, 7-12r
plague, 7-9p recuperate, 7-9r
nausea, 7-9p plead, 7-17r referendum, 7-20p
needy, 7-10r pleat, 7-11p reformatory, 7-1r
nobility, 7-20p plot, 7-7r refuge, 7-5r
nominate, 7-7p plump, 7-22r regime, 7-20p
notion, 7-6r plunder, 7-3r relinquish, 7-3r
notorious, 7-14p polygamy, 7-17p remote, 7-8p
novice, 7-6r ponder, 7-6r rendezvous, 7-16r
nullify, 7-7r prairie, 7-21r renovate, 7-5p
numb, 7-9p precarious, 7-15r renown, 7-19r
nurture, 7-4p precipitous, 7-8r reprimand, 7-4r
predator, 7-8p reprisal, 7-3r
oat 7-6r predilection, 7-11r rescind, 7-7r
obese, 7-22r premier, 7-7r residence, 7-5r
obliterate, 7-16p premonition, 7-15r retaliate, 7-3p
obstinate, 7-17r prerogative, 7-7r retard, 7-6p
obstreperous, 7-19r preside over, 7-20r retarded, 7-6p
ointment, 7-9p prey on, 7-8p retribution, 7-1r
ominous, 7-22p prime minister, 7-7p revenge, 7-1p
onset, 7-9r proclaim, 7-20r revenue, 7-10p
onslaught, 7-16p prodigy, 7-19p revive, 7-9p
ordeal, 7-14p proficient, 7-19r revoke, 7-7p
ostentatious, 7-11p projectile, 7-16p revolt, 7-20r
outgrowth, 7-7r propensity, 7-11r rinse, 7-11p
outlay, 7-10p protocol, 7-20p riot, 7-14p
overdue, 7-10p prudent, 7-6r riotous, 7-14p
overthrow, 7-7p puddle, 7-21p roam, 7-8p
pummel, 7-14r rout, 7-16r
painstaking, 7-12p punctilious, 7-2r rubble, 7-16r
palace, 7-5p pursue, 7-8p ruinous, 7-2r
pant, 7-22r put away, 7-10r ruse, 7-3r
pantry, 7-5p put aside, 7-10r
paralysis, 7-9p put up, 7-18p sabotage, 7-3p
partisan, 7-16p saloon, 7-13r
partition, 7-5p quagmire, 7-8r salute, 7-16p
pass on, 7-9r quarrel, 7-14r sauce, 7-13p
pass away, 7-9r quarter, 7-16p saunter, 7-21r
patio, 7-5r queasy, 7-9r savannah, 7-21r
pawn, 7-10p scalpel, 7-22p
payola, 7-20r rack, 7-11p scanty, 7-15r
penchant, 7-11r rafter, 7-18r scavenger, 7-8p
penitentiary, 7-1r raid, 7-3p scold, 7-4p
perilous, 7-9r, 7-15r ramble, 7-19p scour, 7-11r
perish, 7-16r ramification, 7-7r scrub, 7-11r
perjury, 7-1p ramp, 7-5p scrutinize, 7-11r
perplex, 7-6r rancor, 7-3r seam, 7-11p
persecute, 7-7p rape, 7-14p sedition, 7-20p
pertinacious, 7-17r ration, 7-13p seduce, 7-17p
pertinent, 7-12r ravenous, 7-13r sensational, 7-12p
petty, 7-15p ravine, 7-21r sentry, 7-3r
picket, 7-15p reactionary, 7-20r sever, 7-7r
Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2
share, 7-10p strife, 7-4r tower, 7-18p
shed, 7-5p strip, 7-11r transaction, 7-10r
sheer, 7-8r strive, 7-15r trauma, 7-22p
shift, 7-2p stroll, 7-21p treachery, 7-7r
shout, 7-1r stronghold, 7-18r treason, 7-7p
shred, 7-13p stunning, 7-11r trench, 7-8r
shrewd, 7-19r stutter, 7-12p trespass, 7-16r
siege, 7-3p subjugate, 7-20p trigger, 7-12r
skeptical, 7-12r subside, 7-16p truant, 7-6p
skimpy, 7-15r subterfuge, 7-3r truce, 7-3p
skinny, 7-9r subtle, 7-19p tyrant, 7-7p
skulk, 7-1r subvert, 7-7r
smother, 7-22r succinct, 7-15r underlying 7-2p
sob, 7-4r suds, 7-11r unflagging, 7-2r
sober, 7-13p suffocate, 7-22p unruly, 7-6p
sole, 7-11p suitor, 7-17p untoward, 7-2r
solemn, 7-2r summit, 7-21r upkeep, 7-18r
solvent, 7-10p surge, 7-21p utter, 7-12r
somber, 7-2r surreptitious, 7-1r
spank, 7-4p swap, 7-10r vanish, 7-22r
sparse, 7-15r vanquish, 7-16r
speculate, 7-10p, 7-19p tablet, 7-9r vehement, 7-12p
spite, 7-14r tailor, 7-11p vengeance, 7-1r
spoil, 7-13p tainted, 7-13r ventilation, 7-5p
spoils, 7-3r take to, 7-17r veranda, 7-5r
spouse, 7-17p taper, 7-16r vertigo, 7-9r
spring, 7-8r tardy, 7-2p vestibule, 7-18r
squabble, 7-14r tattered, 7-11r vex, 7-14r
squad, 7-16r tavern, 7-13r vouch for, 7-10p
squat, 7-18p temper, 7-2r, 7-15r voucher, 7-10p
squirm, 7-19p temperament, 7-4p
stale, 7-13p temperamental, 7-4p wail, 7-4r
stalk, 7-8p tenement, 7-5p ward, 7-4p
stamina, 7-22r tenet, 7-6r ward off, 7-22r
stammer, 7-12r terse, 7-15r way, 7-16r
staple, 7-13p thrifty, 7-10p weary, 7-22r
stitch, 7-11r thwart, 7-14p whimper, 7-4r
stock, 7-4r tide, 7-21p woo, 7-17r
stockade, 7-1r tile, 7-18p wrath, 7-14r
stout, 7-22r tilt, 7-5r
strait, 7-21r toddler, 7-4p yell, 7-1r
strangle, 7-14p torpedo, 7-16p
strenuous, 7-15p torture, 7-1p zipper, 7-11p
stretcher, 7-9p totalitarian, 7-20p

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