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Drew set down a heavy cardboard box and his tool kit outside Jamies door, before
raising his hand to knock. Since when do you knock? They had spare sets to each others
apartments. She knew he was coming. So why didnt he just walk in like he always did?
Maybe because you tugged one out to the thought of her in the shower, dipshit. Not once.
Twice. Only the second time, he hadnt bothered with the whole gypsy costume pretext. It had
just been him and Jamie. Under a waterfall. Signaling the complete loss of his ever-loving mind.
He kept telling himself that his sudden infatuation with Jamie had to be a phase. Two mornings
in a row, shed shown up for breakfast with her hair down, wearing a dress. Looking so sweet he
wanted to take a bite out of her. It stood to reason that with her new look, hed become even
more aware of her. It would pass eventually and theyd go back to normal. If normal meant,
keeping himself in check every time she came within ten feet of him.
In the meantime, he needed to keep his hands off her while he got his hormones under
control. Which is why hed stopped by the hardware store after work and picked up shelves.
Shed mentioned months ago that she needed a place to store her art books, so tonight he would
kill two birds with one stone. Jamie would get her shelves and he would keep his hands busy
doing something besides throwing her down and stroking them over every inch of her hot, little
And maybe in a way, the shelves were Drews way of assuaging his guilt. Hed used
Jamies image to get himself off. He owed her. These were shelves of contrition.
He could not, under any circumstances, act on his urges. If he did, if he damaged the
bond hed created with Jamie, he would never forgive himself. When his parents died and hed
been forced to come home from Syracuse to raise Shannon, the world around him had looked
depressingly bleak. Hed questioned every decision he made regarding his sister, positive that if
he made one wrong move, everything would blow up in his face. Each day, hed moved from
one end of a dark tunnel to the other, Shannon just as shell-shocked as him.
ThenJamie. She never pushed. Or asked any uncomfortable questions. Just soothed
them with her presence while they healed. Shed been like a life-preserver and hed hung on for
dear life. Hell, he was still hanging on for dear life. Things between them felt off lately and it
killed him. Knew the fault rested solely on his shoulders. Shed stirred some decidedly un-friend-
like feelings in him and he hadnt been handling it well. He would fix that tonight.
With renewed determination, Drew unlocked the door and pushed it open. Jamies head
popped up from the book she was reading, glasses tilting a little in the process. His heart tugged
in his chest. She sat at her kitchen table, one foot tucked underneath her, hair tumbling around
her shoulders. Gorgeous. So gorgeous.
Hey, she greeted him, unfolding her leg to stand. His swallowed heavily when he saw
she wore one of his navy blue NYPD T-shirts over a pair of tight, black leggings. Had he seen
her in leggings before? God, she had sexy legs. How many times had he seen her wearing that
shirt? Now, he wanted to strip it slowly over her head, revealing her taut belly and breasts, before
letting it fall to the floor. Her nose wrinkled and she gestured to the box. Whats that?
Shelves, he answered, voice raw.
She looked confused a moment before brightening considerably. My shelves are in
Drew nodded, her unrestrained smile tightening his chest. He couldnt help returning it.
Call it an early Christmas present. Where do you want them?
Um she turned in a quick circle, biting her lip. There? No...there.
He set the boxes down next to the wall she indicated, glad to finally have his back turned.
She looked soft and way too close to the couch. Or the floor. Too close, period. As he set to
work, Jamie went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, pulling out two beers.
So, how was work today? She asked. Catch any bad guys? Or did you let Batman do
all your dirty work for you again?
That guy is such a glory hog.
At least our uniforms are more comfortable. He took the beer she offered him. Their
gazes met, but they both looked away just as quickly. An ache took up residence in his belly.
Keep it light. Get things back on even ground. Didnt catch any bad guys. I did, however, rescue
one drunken bachelor party member who woke up naked this morning in the fountain outside
Lincoln Center. He had a penis in a bow tie drawn on his head. In Sharpie.
Oh, a fancy penis. Jamie laughed and tipped her beer back.
Trying his best not to notice the sensual curve of her throat or how she smelled like
ginger snap cookies, Drew crouched down to retrieve the level from his tool box. I dont mind
fishing drunks out of fountains. At this point, Im just happy when I get a call that isnt Shannon-
Jamie grew serious. Everything okay on that front?
Today went smoothly. He straightened, held the level up to the wall. But Im sure
shes hard at work plotting her next move.
Drew, youre doing a great job. She turned and moved away from him. Youve done a
great job. Youve given her a home. Security. She knows you love her. All the important things.
He frowned after Jamie, wondering why shed felt the need to offer such passionate
reassurance, when normally she would make a joke and move on. It was their routine. Something
that never failed to make him feel better. The heavy stuff always went unsaid between them.
How was work for you? He made a mark with his pencil on the wall. Hows Doug?
Immediately, Drew wanted to rescind the question. He didnt even want to know the answer, but
curiosity about the other man had been burning in his gut since Sunday morning. Maybe if he
listened to her discuss another man, the not for you message would finally make it to his brain.
Sure, keep telling yourself that.
Hes fine. HesDoug.
Is Doug the reason youve been wearing your hair down?
Jamie looked thrown by the question. Ino. But, maybe he could be. With a small
shake of her head, she continued. He asked me out again today.
Again? Drew tossed his level onto the floor a little harder than intended. Exactly how
many times has he asked you out?
Im not keeping a running tally.
She stood silently behind him as he hammered two nails into the wall. He picked up the
first shelf to hang. Why have you never said yes?
Because Ive always thought of him as just a friend. A long pause. But Ive been
thinking lately that maybepeople get comfortable being friends and overlook the possibility of
something more. Her words hung heavy in the air. When she spoke again, shed moved closer.
He could feel her body heat at his back. Dread battled with excitement in his belly. Something
even better, she finished.
Then Jamies hands slid up under his shirt and his mind went blank.


Jamies heart raced uncontrollably. This is it, youve made your move and things can
never be the same as before. The realization freed her. For so long, shed wanted to touch him
like this, but shed been too afraid. Now? Her only fear was the eventual effect of keeping her
feelings locked up. Shed come to this decision today, fully aware of the repercussions. Knowing
rejection was a definite possibility, but so exhausted from keeping up the happy-go-lucky faade
that she had to take the chance. Being just his friend didnt work for her anymore. In fact, it had
started to be incredibly painful. She needed more. Or she needed to distance herself.
She inhaled Drews spicy scent and swallowed her nerves. Hed almost gone completely
still under her hands, his warm skin rising and falling a little faster than normal. His arms were
occupied holding the shelf high against the wall, and Jamie fleetingly realized theyd reversed
positions from the night of the party, when hed put her in the same pose. She closed her eyes
and let palms skim over his ridged abdomen, tracing the muscles with the tips of her fingers. He
didnt speak as she trailed her hands higher, let them stroke over his pectorals. A strangled sound
left his throat. One she couldnt interpret.
Jamie? His voice sounded rough. Aroused? Irritated?
She released a shaky breath. Drewdo you ever wonder if were missing something?
That maybe theres more between us than friendship? Giving into an urge shed had ever since
seeing Drew shirtless on the beach in Coney Island all those years ago, she lifted his shirt by the
hem and kissed his powerful back. Beneath her mouth, the muscles shifted, tightened.
Youre my best friend, he said harshly. Thats how I think of you. Thats how it has to
In Jamies chest, her heart ruptured just a little, but she pushed forward. Shed risked
having Drew in her life for this and she would damn well make a full effort before throwing in
the towel. I know how you see me. Im your innocent, semi-nerdy friend next door. Your
sounding board. Your coffee buddy. I can be more than that.
You think thats all you are to me? He sounded pained. How can you
Needing to release her thoughts, Jamie closed her eyes and kept talking as though he
hadnt spoken. She thought of the man hed become in the storage closet. The man whod been
overtly sexual, forceful. Maybe you haveneeds you dont think Ill understand. She took a
deep, fortifying breath, remembering his rough words in the darkness of the closet, how
demanding hed been physically. I understand more than you think.
Then she raked her nails down his back.
Fuck. The shelf dropped to the floor with a loud clack and Drew spun around to face
her. She couldnt read his expression. He looked panicked, but something lay just beneath the
surface. His eyes were glazed, his breathing sounded labored. She wouldnt allow herself to hope
that his reaction meant anything other than shock, but that hope bloomed nonetheless when he
stepped into her space, gaze zeroing in on her mouth. What the hell are you doing?
Jamie flinched a little but stood her ground. Just say the words. Get them out before they
eat you alive. Its simple. Im interested in something more with you. The question is, do you
want the same thing with me? For long moments, Drew stared at her, as though he didnt even
recognize her. She knew then what his answer would be. But she wouldnt save him the trouble
of saying it out loud first. She needed to hear him vocalize it.
Jamie. Drew took a step toward her. Youre more than some coffee buddy. It hurts me
to even hear you say something like that. Youre the only reason Ive survived the last seven
years. If it didnt work out He shook his head. We might not be able to go back. Im not
jeopardizing what we have. And he hesitated, what we have is friendship. The best
A dam opened up inside her chest, the hurt too severe to feel embarrassment or regret. It
numbed everything else. She barely felt her lips move. Alright.
Drew, looking at a loss for what to do next, picked up the shelf as though he meant to
continue hanging it.
She stopped him. Why dont you put the shelves up another time? I should probably turn
in early. She hated the lie she was about to tell, but somewhere deep down shed known it
would come to this. They changed my hours at the museum. Ill be going in early for the winter
The panic returned to his eyes. What about breakfast?
Knowing how easily Drew could see through her, she skirted around him and opened the
front door, signaling that he should leave. Her heart felt bruised and battered. She needed to be
alone. Its just for the winter. Things will go back to normal in the spring.
He stopped in front of her, tool kit forgotten on the floor. I can tell when youre lying,
Jamie. I know everything about you.
She shook her head sadly. No. You dont.
His brow knit. As though in a trance, he walked through the door. He faced away from
her for a moment before turning back. The stark misery on his face almost broke her. Why does
this feel like youre telling me goodbye, Jamie? His throat worked with emotion. I cant do
this, any of this, without you next to me.
Jamie would never know how she managed to stop herself from bursting into tears. But
shed already exposed too much of herself tonight. And goddammit, she was the one standing
there with the broken heart. Not him. Yes, you can. Im not your crutch. Maybein the
beginning you needed my help, but not now. Youre stronger and more capable than you were
back then. And I need someone who needs me for more than moral support.
She started to close the door, but he stopped it with his hand. Dont do this. Dont shut
me out.
Jamie lost her battle with her tears. Im sorry. I dont have a choice. A sob racked her
chest. Good night, Drew.
She pulled the door closed.

Chapter Six

Drew sat at his desk Friday afternoon, staring down at paperwork, but not actually seeing
it. He hadnt seen Jamie in four days, except to watch her from the window as she left for work.
Shannon had since stopped talking to him as well, correctly sensing that he had something to do
with Jamies absence. Three cheers for female intuition. Hed been excommunicated by both
women in his life and he still didnt have the faintest idea how the hell it happened.
One thing he knew for certain. He missed his Jamie like crazy. He could hear her voice in
his head so clearly it made him ache to see her.
The last four days had been spent racking his brain, trying to think of some magical way
to fix things. After discarding several plans that involved everything from groveling to ballet
tickets, hed come to one disconcerting realization. None of them would work. As long as hed
known Jamie, shed never once said anything out of anger. Or lost her temper and done
something she regretted a day later. Shed meant every word of what she said Monday night.
He couldnt give her some silly gift and make her laugh, transforming everything back to
normal. And thats what he wanted, right? His best friend back. Without any of the
Or her nails raking down his back.
Drew groaned. Christ, the memory of that made him so fucking hot. Hed gone over the
Jamies to install some damn shelves, watch a little Anchorman. The next thing he knew, the girl
hed thought he knew like the back of his hand was feeling him up. It had taken every ounce of
self-control not to drag her to the floor and peel those leggings down her thighs. Giving her
something worth scratching his back over.
During the painfully long week, the time usually spent with Jamie had instead been spent
wondering why he was so afraid to make the leap. He wanted her. God, he wanted her. It hurt
just how much. Had he used her like a crutch as shed accused him of? When hed gotten the call
that his parents were gone, his world had been thrown into upheaval at age twenty. Hed learned
to cope by trying to control Shannon, by keeping Jamie firmly in a compartment without any
wiggle room. Pancakes on Sundays, cinnamon rolls on Mondays, movie night, pizza night. Apart
from his one night of rebellion with the gypsy, hed created an obsessive routine for himself and
involved Jamie in it. Without a thought to what she needed.
If so, if hed been taking unconscious advantage of Jamie, it ended now. He wanted to
find out what she needed and give it to her. If she still wanted him? Fan-fucking-tastic. Because
she already had him. But would she accept him now? Thered been a sickening finality in her
voice when she all-but-threw him out on Monday night. The possibility existed that he was too
late. Hed taken too long to identify his problem. The damage had already been done.
No, he couldnt let her walk. Tonight. Hed go to her tonight.
Brent Mason, one of his fellow officers, materialized in front of his desk, looking
grim. You know that expression, what doesnt kill you makes you stronger?
With a groan, Drew dragged a hand down his face, already knowing where the
conversation was headed. Just tell me what Shannon did this time.
Got it. Brent consulted his notepad. They just picked up your sister for shoplifting at a
clothing store down on Bowery. His head popped up. There is a silver-lining, however. She
shoplifted a Sex Pistols T-shirt. The girl has got excellent taste in music.
Drew stood and pulled on his jacket. Glad you approve. You want to be in charge of her
for a week?
Might be good practice, since Ive got two girls of my own on the way. He tapped his
watch. Any day now. But Im too busy catering to Haydens cravings. Heres a tip. If she hasnt
had these babies by tomorrow, buy stock in Nutella.
You got it, man. Drew grabbed the offered piece of notebook paper, consulting it for
the stores address as he strode toward the exit. Thanks for the heads up. I hope they dont give
you as much trouble as my sister.
Oh, they will. Trouble runs in the family.


Shannon flung the door open and stomped into the apartment, her heavy boots loud on
the floorboards. Slowly, Drew closed the door behind them, watching her through narrowed eyes
as she opened the refrigerator and perused the contents. They hadnt spoken on the ride home
from the clothing store where hed found her cuffed in the employee lounge. Flirting and
exchanging phone numbers with a security guard. The same security guard whod arrested her.
On his sisters misadventure scale, shoplifting rated a mere six out of ten. Drew could tell
from her blas expression, that she didnt expect him to make a big deal out of it. A T-shirt. Big
deal, right? Wrong. Shed caught him on a shitty day. The only person who understood him in
the entire world, the girl he was beginning to think might just be perfect for him, had cut him
completely out of her life. He hadnt seen her, smelled her or made her laugh in four days. And
the bleached-blond teenager with a shiny-new tongue ring, currently drinking milk straight from
the carton had just ramped his frustration up to full volume. So, this time he wouldnt let it slide.
He didnt care if he only made it worse on himself, because exactly how much worse could it
Shannon popped a grape into her mouth and dropped into a chair. So whats up for
tonight? Dont you and Jamie go to the movies on Fridays?
Oh boy. Wrong thing to say. He flung his work bag onto the couch and indicated the
apartment with a wide, sweeping gestured. Is there something Im not doing for you, Shannon?
Did I miss some crucial step along the way? Because, honestly, Im running out of ideas, here.
He pushed an irritated hand through his hair. I know we got dealt a shitty hand. What happened
to us is terrible. We reacted to mom and dads death in different ways. But Im trying my
absolute best. And I get nothing. Nothing back. So, tell me, what can I do better? Enlighten me.
Shannon sat very still on the chair, her eyes wide. Is this it? Are you finally giving up?
Drews anger took a nose dive. What?
She looked up at the ceiling, he suspected to keep the tears hed glimpsed from falling.
He wanted to pull his sister into his arms, but he sensed something important coming and he
needed to hear the explanation for what shed said. I said, are you finally giving up? It took you
long enough.
Youre going to have to be more specific. Giving up on you?
Yes, brother of mine, she said slowly as if he were hard of hearing. Me. Cant say I
didnt see this coming. Especially with Jamie finally ditching your ass. A little too much to
handle on your own, arent I? Well, no shit.
With effort, Drew ignored the barb about Jamie ditching him, even as he recognized the
accuracy of the statement. The rest of Shannons rant might as well have been in Greek. Where
exactly is this coming from? Am I angry? Yes. That doesnt mean Imgiving up on you.
Shannon exploded to her feet. God, Im so sick of your noble bullshit. Youre like a
fucking robot. Work, cook, clean, fix Shannons latest problem for her. I never asked you to give
everything up for me. She fell back into the chair, breathing heavily. How do you do it, Drew?
How do you pretend so well that you dont hate me?
As Drew watched his sister dissolve into tears, he felt like his chest had caved in. His legs
were rooted to the ground, but he forced himself forward and dropped down beside her chair.
Hate you? How could you say something like that?
Shannon rolled her eyes. Poor Drew. Forced to give up his fancy college boy dreams to
come home and raise the black sheep of the family. What a fucking hero. Her fist came down
hard on the table. I ruined your life and you never even complain. Youre such an asshole!
Listen to me, Shannon. No one forced me to do anything, Drew insisted. This is where
I want to be.
She continued as though hed never spoken. Ive tried everything. I was so sure when I
set that janitors closet on fire freshman year, you would pack me off to a distant relative. Short
of knocking over a bank, what else do I have to do? To make you realize Im not worth giving
everything up for?
Just like that, everything clicked into place. The last seven years, hed assumed Shannon
was acting out because of their parents death, when all this time shed felt guilty. Her actions
had been designed to force him into giving up. And hed been blind to it.
Drew squeezed his sisters hand. Shannon. I came home to raise you, yes. Of course, I
did. I love you. His gaze met Shannons surprised one. He knew then he hadnt told her he
loved her nearly enough. I also came home because you were all I had left. Their death was just
as hard on me. Ineeded my sister. Ive never regretted coming home. Not for a second.
She burst into tears, crying in a way he hadnt seen her do since childhood. Even at their
parents funeral, shed been unnaturally quiet. Now her body shook with the force of her sobs.
Drew wrapped his arms around her and let her wail into his neck. They stayed that way for a
long while, until finally the tears subsided and she sat back in her chair, wiping her eyes with the
sleeve of her hoodie.
Im sorry, Drew. She hiccupped. Im so sorry about everything.
His breath came out in a rush. A lot of this could have been avoided if wed just talked
about it. Thats partially my fault. He gave her a half-smile. You women should come with a
manual. Im starting to realize I have no fucking clue what any of you are thinking.
Shannons laugh sounded watery. I doesnt sound right when you curse. Why dont you
just leave the foul language to me?
Done. He stood with a sigh. After their unusual display of emotions, they both seemed
a little unsure of how to proceed. You smudged some of that black stuff around your eyes. Why
dont you go clean it off and Ill make coffee?
Perfect. Looking relieved, Shannon darted toward the bathroom and closed the door.
Drew opened the cabinet to remove two mugs, freezing when he saw his and Jamies
Sasquatch mug sitting on the second shelf. After his long-overdue talk with Shannon, a light,
relieved feeling had permeated his chest, but the reminder of his best friend caused the heaviness
to return. He weighed the mug in his hand. Today was Friday. Jamies day for the mug.
Not once, in seven years, had she ever missed her turn and today would be no exception.
She would take the damn mug whether she liked it or not.
Keys in hand, he knocked on Jamies door a moment later. Although evening had fallen,
it didnt surprise him when she failed to answer. Shed barely been home all week. Avoiding
him, no doubt. After a moments hesitation, he unlocked the door and pushed it open. He set the
Sasquatch mug down on the counter with a click where she could see it, then turned to leave. But
something stopped him before he could reach the door. He hadnt been this close to Jamie in
days. She might consider this an invasion of privacy, but he couldnt leave just yet.
Her bedroom door caught his eye. During their entire friendship, hed only been inside
once when Jamie had caught the flu. Before Drew could stop himself, hed walked inside. When
her scent washed over him, he closed his eyes and dropped down on the edge of the bed. Directly
in front of him on her dresser sat a picture of Shannon, Jamie, and himself taken at Shannons
eighth grade graduation. Family. They looked like a family.
Quickly, Drew looked away, his gaze landing on something shoved underneath the
dresser. Something purple. The only thing out of place in Jamies otherwise tidy room. Frowning
slightly, he leaned forward and tugged.
Drew could only stare down at the purple mask, his brain refusing to accept what his eyes
were seeing. No, it had to be a coincidence, he thought, even as his stomach rebelled violently.
He shot to his feet and approached the closet. Flung the door wide open. In the center of the
closet hung the gypsy costume, complete with black wig folded neatly into its plastic bag.
The night of the party came back to him in quick, startlingly-clear snippets, assaulting his
brain. Him telling the gypsy he needed to take her to a dark room and pound himself into her.
His denial of her touch. The way hed left her there, half naked. The loneliness hed sensed the
first time hed seen the gypsy. No. Not a gypsy. Jamie.
No. No, no, no
Mask in hand, he raced back to his apartment, entering just as Shannon walked out of the
bathroom. He grabbed her by the shoulders. Do you know where Jamie went?
Her gaze skittered away. I just texted herfigured you might need her around after
Just tell me where she is, Shannon.
Shes out with Doug. That bistro down on Delancey. Shannon searched his face while
he absorbed a swift kick to his ribs, courtesy of Jamie being out with another man. On top of
everything else that had already happened today, he needed to feel nauseating, irrational jealousy
like he needed a hole in the head. Did you finally figure it out?
Oh, for the love of God. You knew? You knew she was the gypsy?
Gypsy? Her brows shot up. Did you fall and hit your head, bro? I meant, did you
finally figure out Jamie is in love with you?
Drews hands dropped from her shoulders. He backed up slowly until he met with the
kitchen wall. His sisters words rang in his head, drowning out rational thought.
Jamie? My Jamie loves me?
For the second time that day, Shannons eyes filled with tears. Oh, Drew. Shes
not your Jamie.
The hell shes not. His head fell back against the wall. Shannon, you never shy away
from telling me when Im being an idiot. Where were you on this one?
Sorry. You had to figure it out on your own this time. Hed already started moving
toward the door. Where are you going?
To get my girl.

Chapter Seven

Jamie sipped a second glass of wine, her braised short ribs barely touched in front of her.
They tasted amazing, but she couldnt seem to muster an appetite. So far, Doug had proven to be
interesting company, filling her in on finance department gossip and making her laugh with
stories about his wacky grandmother. She should have been enjoying herself. It made her feel
guilty that she couldnt formulate proper responses to his questions. Her laughter felt forced,
even though Doug didnt seem to notice. Perhaps shed jumped into the dating world too soon.
Shed only just given up on Drew ever seeing her as more than a friend. Her heart hadnt healed
enough yet.
And maybe a teeny, tiny part of her had started to regret closing her door in Drews face.
Shed underestimated just how much she would miss him. She felt lost. Off-kilter. That very
morning at the museum, shed caught two senior citizens making out like teenagers in the
stairwell of the north wing. The woman, looking horrified at being caught, couldnt have run out
of the stairwell fast enough. But the man simply winked at her and said, Still got it. After
recovering from her bout of laughter, her first thought had been, I cant wait to tell Drew about
this. Several times throughout the week, she had the same thought. Then she would remember.
Shed kicked him out of her life.
No matter how many times she told herself the distance was necessary, that her feelings
were growing too strong to remain his friend, she still felt bereft.
Jamie tuned back into Dougs story. And thats why I still believe in Santa.
He laughed. I was just trying to grab your attention. Youre a thousand miles away right
Im sorry. Jamie dragged a hand over her eyes. Im literally the worst date youve
ever had, right?
Wrong. My grandmother accidentally set me up with my second cousin once.
She laughed. For the first time that night, it didnt feel forced. Relaxing back into her
seat, she decided to make another effort to enjoy herself. But her posture shot rigid once more
when she heard a painfully familiar voice at the front of the restaurant.
A very determined-looking Drew marched into her line of vision, Shannon in tow. He
looked so weary and ragged that her heart constricted inside her chest. Their gazes connected
immediately and held as he wound his way through the tables toward her and Doug. Sensing her
alarm, Doug turned to watch Drew approach with an air of confusion.
Jamie, we need to talk, Drew said in a raw voice, as he reached the table.
She could hear her heart beating double-time in her chest. Wanting nothing more than to
jump up from the table and hurl herself at him, she nonetheless shook her head. I cant talk right
now. Im here with Doug and Im not going to be rude.
Drews jaw flexed. He pulled an object out of his back pocket and dropped it onto the
table. Jamie watched in horror as the purple mask came to a rest between her plate and wine
glass. The blood froze in her veins. This is it, she thought, he knows about your deception. Hell
resent you forever now. If you dont mind discussing Halloween in front of Doug, Ill be more
than happy to accommodate you. Believe me.
Jamie watched in surprise as Drews gaze slid toward Doug and darkened, as
thoughjealous? Surely not. Beside her, Doug shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Shannon stood
behind Drew, arms crossed, looking happier than Jamie had ever seen her. Wait. What the hell is
happening here?
Go ahead, Jamie, Doug said. Its no problem.
With the mask lying between her and Drew like a ticking time bomb, she knew there was
no other choice but to talk here and now. Fine. As they walked toward the restaurant exit, she
watched over her shoulder as Shannon replaced her at the table saying, So, Doug. Jamie told me
all about you. But she didnt tell me you were so damn adorable!
When they stepped into the brisk November weather, Drew pulled off his jacket and
slung it around her shoulders. Hiding her surprise, she muttered a thank you, then looked up into
the face she loved, ready to accept his harsh judgment.
Gaze riveted on her face, Drew started to talk, but cut himself off with a tortured laugh.
Christ, Jamie. I didnt think it was possible for you to get any prettier, but after four days
without you, it hurts me just to look at you.
Her mouth fell open. The blood in her veins unfroze and started pumping. What?
Drew took a step closer, bringing them almost flush. Jamie didnt know whether to move
away or snuggle against him the way she craved. He made the decision for her when he snagged
her hand and pulled her hard into a tight embrace. Her arms automatically wrapped around his
waist, a small sound of relief escaping her when their bodies locked together.
I have some things to say to you, he spoke against the top of her head. Im just asking
you to listen before you decide whether or not youll let me back into your life. Can you do that
for me? Eyes squeezed shut, Jamie nodded against his chest. Drew took a deep breath.
Something has been missing for a long time. I couldnt figure out what it was. Ive got
Shannon. Ihope like hell I still have you. I should have been happy. He stroked a hand over
her hair. It took me seven years, but I finally know what Im missing. I had Jamie, my best
friend. But all this time I needed Jamie, my everything.
Throat clogged with emotion, Jamie started to respond.
Wait. Let me finish. He tucked a stray hair behind her ear. I havent been fair to you. I
labeled you as my friend and refused to see what was right in front of me. Refused to accept that
change might be a good thing. The only thing. You gave me every part of yourself and I failed to
give you what you needed it return. Please dont punish me for being a blind jackass. If Ive
learned anything these last four days, its that losing you means losing myself. Please dont tell
me Ive lost you.
She took his face in her hands, marveling at the way his eyelids drooped at the contact.
Youll never lose me. I just needed some time. After the party, it got too hard...
He traced her bottom lip with his thumb. Deep down, I knew it was you in that costume
Halloween night. I think my mind refused to accept it, because His head fell forward on a
groan. Oh, sweetheart, the way I treated you...
Jamie shook her head quickly. I liked it. She laughed tearfully at his stunned
expression. Well, most of it, anyway.
Most of it?
She tucked her head under his chin. You wouldnt let me touch you.
Oh, God. He pulled her closer. Please come home with me right now and never stop
touching me.
Reluctantly, Jamie stepped back to cast a glance toward the restaurant door. I cant just
leave in the middle of a date.
Drews expression transformed into one shed never seen in the light. Lust, dark and
needy swept across his features. He backed her toward the wall, pinned her there with hands on
either side of her head. Id tell you to enjoy it, because its your last date with another man, but
it wouldnt be genuine. I want you thinking only of me until you get home. His mouth teased
her with gentle brushes until her lips parted. Then he took advantage, letting his tongue sweep in
and slowly taste her. Their kiss started as a gentle exploration, an apology, but transformed into a
desperate, greedy melding of their mouths and bodies. She could taste his sexual frustration and
it turned her on even more. Feeling bold, she sucked his tongue, satisfied when Drew moaned
into her mouth and pushed his hips against her. Demonstrating to her what that did to him. When
they were forced to pull away for breath, Drew spoke near her ear. Im going to give you that
same kiss later between your legs. By morning, Jamie, Im going to know exactly where you like
to be touched, kissed, stroked. And were going to keep the lights on so I can see your face each
time you come for me. His teeth captured her earlobe. Were going to go hard and constant
until Ive made up for lost time.
Jamies knees shook, upsetting her balance. Drew slipped an arm around her waist to
keep her upright and pressed against him. Moisture gathered between her legs, an insistent ache
spreading through her mid-section. I promise to skip dessert.
Drew groaned as he stepped away. Go, before I change my mind. If youre not home
within the hour, Jamie, Im coming back.
She gave him one final kiss and left him staring after her on the sidewalk.


When Jamie walked into her apartment forty-five minutes later, her plan was to drop off
her things and head over to Drews. Shed stayed longer than intended on her date with Doug,
because Shannon refused to leave, obviously acting as some kind of misguided chaperone. An
unnecessary one, too, since Jamie had been unable to think of anything beyond getting home to
Drew and begging him to follow through on his promises.
She tossed her purse onto the kitchen table and turned to leave, drawing up short when
Drew walked in. He slammed the door closed behind him and fell on her like a starving man.
Their mouths met in a furious entwining of tongues. His hands tugged her hair by the roots,
angling her head for his assault. Jamie felt the kitchen table at her back a second before hed
pushed her back onto its surface.
I need a taste. I need it now. His voice rumbled against her thigh as he pushed her dress
up to her waist. Cool air rushed over her fevered center as he yanked down her panties. Her body
tightened in anticipation. His tongue slipped through her in one, long, devastating lick and she
cried out, burying her fingers in his hair. Damn, Jamieall those wasted years that could have
been spent between your thighs Another long lick. Fuck. Do you know how good you
More tasting. She whimpered. Less talking.
He laughed, but it ended on a growl. Yes, maam.
Jamie writhed and bucked on the table as Drews mouth pleasured her until shudders
seem to wrack her body endlessly. By the time he finished, her voice sounded hoarse from
screaming. She felt frantic with the need to get him inside her. Hed brought her to orgasm twice
with his tongue, but an ache existed deep within her that he could only assuage one way.
Drew anticipated her move as she sat up on the table, his hands tugging the dress over her
head and tossing it across the room. First chance I get, Im burning that dress. That new dress
you wore for another man. He yanked off one high heel and held it up. Are these new, too?
Fighting a smile, she shook her head. No. I wore those on Halloween.
They can definitely stay. He dropped them to the floor, then hooked his hands beneath
her knees to drag her to the edge of the table. Take off your bra for me, he instructed roughly,
licking his top lip as she obeyed. When her breasts bounced free of the black lace, he growled
and began kneading them with his hands. The bad things Ive done to these breasts in my head,
Jamiethings a friend shouldnt think about. Their gazes locked. Im not going to feel guilty
about those thoughts anymore. Im going to act on them. You want that, sweetheart?
Jamies skin turned feverish, her heart rate stuttered. Ill be mad if you dont act on
them. He pinched her nipples and she gave a sharp moan. Losing patience, Jamie slid off the
table and pushed him into one of her dining room chairs. Besides, I have a few fantasies of my
own, Drew.
When she fell to her knees, his hold tightened on the arms of the chair. No, Im finishing
inside you this time. I need to. Maybe the first hundred times.
Doesnt mean we cant have a little fun first. Her mouth parted to take him deep, lips
sliding up and down his length as he groaned loudly above her. His weight felt devastatingly
perfect in her mouth and she closed her eyes to savor him. Strong thighs flexing beneath her
palms, Drews deep voice alternately begging her to stop and keep going above her, made Jamie
feel frantic with lust. When she swirled her tongue around the head so relentlessly that his hips
began twisting on the chair, Jamie reached over and dug into his jeans pocket for a condom. Her
eyes met Drews as she rolled it on, breath catching at the intensity she read there.
Come up here so I can make you mine, Jamie.
Using his shoulders for support, she straddled his lap. Their mouths met in a deep, soul-
searching kiss as he guided himself to her entrance, teasing, before she lifted slightly, and sunk
down inch by inch.
A sense of completion rocketed though her system, targeting her heart. She opened her
eyes to find Drew watching her in awe, as if he knew exactly what she felt in that moment and
shared the feeling with her. He cupped the back of her head and brought her mouth to his for a
slow, intense kiss that said more than words ever could.
Drew pulled back and spoke urgently against her lips. How can you feel this good,
Jamie? How can anyone feel this good? She circled her hips and he bit his lip on a moan.
Faster, sweetheart. Give us what we need. Dont stop until I forget I almost lost you.
Heart in her throat, Jamie began rocking forward and back, dragging herself to the tip of
his erection, then sinking back down. Drew, eyes heavy with need, gripped her bottom tightly,
helping her find the perfect angle. Their simultaneous groans of pleasure when they found it
echoed through the apartment. Her hips worked furiously on Drews lap as he rose to meet her,
seating himself deep with each upward thrust. He repeated her name like a chant as Jamie
achieved another mind-blowing climax that pushed him toward his own.
He watched her through pleasure-clouded eyes as he went over the edge. I love you,
Jamie Bell. Forever.
I love you, too. She smiled and kissed his damp neck as he recovered a while later. Ill
never stop. I never could.
He grazed her forehead with his lips. From now on, breakfast is going to be a little
different. Since youll already be there when I wake up. His throat worked. God, it feels
perfect knowing that.
Perfect, Jamie agreed. You know She gave him a saucy look. I still have that
gypsy costume lying around somewhere
No. Drew took her face in his hands. Jamie. Only ever my Jamie.

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