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ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)
#o" $% 2&'2

Mobile Phones and Adult Education in Nigeria:
Prospects and Future Challenges
!nasan(a Samue" )denu*i
)(e"aag*e% Sina !peo"uwa
,a"e(e )demiotan Mori(i-e

'. .epartment o/ Science 0ducation% 1acu"t( o/ 0ducation 2ni3ersit( o/ I"orin% P. M. 4. ''% I"orin% Nigeria
2. .epartment o/ 0ducationa" 5ec6no"og( )de(emi Co""ege o/ 0ducation% !ndo. !ndo State% Nigeria
3. .epartment o/ Science and 5ec6nica" 0ducation% 1acu"t( o/ 0ducation% )de-un"e )7asin 2ni3ersit(%
)-ung*a-)-o-o% !ndo State% Nigeria
+0-mai" o/ t6e corresponding aut6or8 *onasan(a2&&39(

Man( educators *e"ie3e t6at Nigeria is poised /or positi3e educationa" trans/ormation due to t6e rapid and
widespread upta-e o/ mo*i"e p6ones across t6e countr( o3er t6e "ast /ew (ears. #arious attempts 6a3e *een made *(
researc6ers and educators at using mo*i"e p6ones in *ot6 /orma" and non-/orma" "earning and !pen and .istance
,earning (!.,) settings in t6e countr(. 56is 6as resu"ted in increasing num*er o/ studies on mo*i"e "earning in
recent (ears and t6is 6as "ent credence to t6e wide"( 6e"d 3iew t6at mo*i"e p6ones open up new 3istas /or e:tending
t6e scope% sca"e and ;ua"it( o/ education in Nigeria. 56ere/ore t6is paper /ocused on mo*i"e p6ones and )du"t
education in Nigeria8 prospects and /uture c6a""enges. It discussed 3arious 3iews *( educators and researc6ers on t6e
use o/ mo*i"e p6ones in teac6ing-"earning process in Nigeria- <e"e3ance and c6a""enges o/ using mo*i"e p6ones
were discussed e:tensi3e"(. 56e concept o/ )du"t 0ducation and /uture c6a""enges were considered appropriate"(.
)"so% it was recommended t6at adu"t "earners s6ou"d *e e:posed to new inno3ations o/ t6e 2'st centur( w6ic6 was
regarded as centur( o/ -now"edge and t6at t6e )du"t 0ducation curricu"um s6ou"d *e incorporated using mo*i"e
p6one /or instructions. Conc"usion were e;ua""( made t6at mo*i"e p6one *e incorporated into adu"t education% /or
e//ecti3e g"o*a" de3e"opment)
Keywords8 Mo*i"e P6ones% )du"t 0ducation% ,iterac( and Numerac(% !pen and .istance ,earning

1. Introduction
In recent (ears t6ere 6as *een considera*"e interest among educators in /inding wa(s o/ integrating mo*i"e and
wire"ess tec6no"ogies in "earning and teac6ing. Mo*i"e p6ones 6a3e *een seen as t6e most popu"ar among (ounger
and adu"t "earners% and pro*a*"( t6e most wide"( 6and6e"d de3ice in Nigeria. )"t6oug6 t6ere are sti"" some tec6nica"
pro*"ems pro3iding content suc6 as grap6ics or comp"e: we* pages% /or 6ig6"( interacti3e /uture mode"s t6at wi"" *e
more power/u" and se3era" current pro*"ems wi"" *e so"3ed (5rinder% 2&&). )rrigo and Cipri (2&'&) opined t6at
mo*i"e p6ones add new educationa" opportunities *ecause t6e( are persona"% porta*"e and permit new /orms o/
interactions among a"" t6at is in3o"3ed in t6e "earning process and t6eir perspecti3e surrounding en3ironment. )"so%
present da( mo*i"e p6ones are comp"ete mu"timedia centres t6at com*ine t6e capa*i"ities o/ a sti"" camera% a 3ideo
camera% a persona" organi=er and a we* *rowser in one de3ice (Marriott% 2&&).
Csete% >ong and #uge" (2&&4) emp6asi=ed t6e possi*i"ities o/ introducing mo*i"e p6one as a "earning too". 56e(
stated t6at t6e "earning cur3e o/ t6e mo*i"e p6one is 3er( s6ort and t6ere/ore it is easier to *egin to use mo*i"e
p6ones and Persona" .igita" )ssistant (P.)s) rat6er t6an "aptop computers. 56e( e;ua""( pointed out t6at t6e mo*i"e
p6ones menus are designed wit6 icons and te:t descriptions t6at 6e"p an(one to identi/( t6e /unctions easi"(.
1or more t6an two decades% Nigeria 6a3e e:perienced a continuing% de*i"itating crisis in education% inc"uding "imited
access to educationa" opportunities and resources% a "ac- o/ 6ig6"( ;ua"i/ied teac6ers% and "ow "e3e" o/ "iterac( and
*asic education s-i""s. ?o3ernments% educators and researc6ers 6a3e "aunc6ed numerous In/ormation and
Communication 5ec6no"og( (IC5) in education initiati3es aimed at ame"iorating t6ese pro*"ems% to 3ar(ing degree
o/ success. 56e rapid growt6 o/ mo*i"e p6ones access o3er t6e past (ears potentia""( opens up new a3enues /or
addressing t6e s(stemic educationa" c6a""enges in Nigerian most especia""( t6e non-/orma" education or )du"t
New Media and Mass Communication
ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)
#o" $% 2&'2

56ere are di//erent mo*i"e "earning initiati3es in Nigeria in terms o/ t6eir capacit( to 6e"p t6e countr( ac6ie3e
0ducation 1or )"" (01)) goa"s% t6eir tendenc( to ena*"e new pedagogies and modes o/ "earning% and t6eir potentia" to
increase t6e e//icienc( o/ education s(stems.
2nited Nations 0ducationa"% Scienti/ic and Cu"tura" !rgani=ation (2N0SC!%2&'2) 6ig6"ig6ted t6e si: 01) goa"s
w6ic6 are t6e *road o*7ecti3es o/ e:panding access to education% impro3ing t6e ;ua"it( o/ "earning and promoting
e;uit( in education. Mo*i"e "earning initiati3es 6a3e demonstrated 6ow eac6 o/ t6e 01) goa"s% can *e supported *(
mo*i"e "earning.
?!), '8 0ar"( c6i"d6ood care and education@
28 2ni3ersa" primar( education@
38 ,i/e"ong "earning@
48 )du"t "iterac(@
8 ?ender parit( and e;ua"it(% and
68 0ducationa" ;ua"it( (2N0SC!% 2&'2)
56is paper emp6asis t6e adu"t "iterac( ?oa" num*er 4. 56e goa" 4 ca""s /or A&B impro3ement in adu"t "iterac( rates%
especia""( /or women% *( 2&'% as we"" as e;uita*"e access to *asic and continuing education /or a"" adu"ts. Pro7ect
a"p6a*eti=ation de *ase par ce""u"aire (4asic "iterac( t6roug6 mo*i"e p6ones% or )4) in Niger is a mo*i"e p6one *ased
"iterac( and numerac( programme. 56is pro7ect is a co""a*orati3e initiati3e *etween 5u/ts 2ni3ersit( in t6e 2S)% t6e
2ni3ersit( o/ !:/ord in t6e 2C% and t6e Niger *ranc6 o/ Cat6o"ic <e"ie/ ser3ices% an-internationa" 6umanitarian
organi=ation *ased in t6e 2S). Pro7ect )4C uses mu"timedia p6ones pre-"oaded wit6 a digita" curricu"um in t6e
"oca" "anguages o/ Dausa and Earma. 56e pro7ect incorporates a practica" "iterac( component tied to o*taining mar-et
in/ormation 3ia te:t messages. 56e "iterac( curricu"um is taug6t *( "oca" /aci"itators% trained *( t6e Ministr( o/
0ducation o/ Niger. S6ort Message Sentences (SMS) were used% "earners stud( /unctiona" "iterac( and numerac( o/
t6ree 6ours per da(.
1rom t6e initiati3e% it was o*ser3ed t6at mo*i"e p6ones 6a3e 6ad a positi3e impact on participantsF "iterac( s-i""s. 56e
"earning mode" was designed around t6e conte:t o/ women /armers% "i-ing "earning to "i3e"i6ood and "e3eraging t6eir
interest to se"" t6eir products on t6e mar-et to engage women in "iterac( training in t6eir "oca" "anguages. It was a"so
o*ser3ed t6at se3en mont6s a/ter t6e end o/ c"asses% a3erage Mat6ematics test scores were sti"" 6ig6er in G)4C
3i""agesH t6an in 3i""ages t6at did not participate in t6e pro7ectFs. Success can *e attri*uted to t6e e//ecti3eness o/
mo*i"e p6ones as a moti3ationa" and educationa" too"8 t6e e3a"uation /ound t6at students in )4C 3i""ages used
mo*i"e p6ones in more acti3e wa(s and s6owed a 6ig6er interest in education t6an t6eir counterparts in ot6er 3i""ages
()-er% Cso"" and ,(**ert(% 2&'').
. !rie" #istory o" Mobile Phones in Nigeria
It was noted *( ?SM wor"d (2&&4) t6at ?SM supports more ad3anced data tec6no"ogies. )nd t6ese tec6no"ogies
a""ow /or a greater *andwidt6 and a""ow t6e de3e"opment o/ mo*i"e app"ications. ?SM dominates t6e wor"d toda( as
t6e most matured digita" especia""( *ecause o/ its roaming capa*i"ities.
5e"ecommunication ce""u"ar standard% and its networ-s o//ers ce""u"ar switc6ed data ser3ices more on ad3ance o/
ot6er networ-s. ?SM is -nown as t6e second generation (2?) a/ter t6e o"d ana"ogue s(stem% w6ic6 was /irst
generation ('?) (Iw6iw6u% <ute(an and 0g6wu*are% 2&'&). It was a"so noted *( (Iw6iw6u% <ute(an and 0g6wu*are%
2&'&) t6at t6e ad3ent o/ ?SM was re3o"utionar(%
ser3ices was introduced in Nigeria *( t6e 4ritis6 Co"onia ?o3ernment in '$$6 t6is is to ena*"e t6e co"onia"
administrator administer t6e countr( e//ecti3e"(. )/ter t6e Nigeria independence% in 'A6&% in 'A66% t6ere were on"(
'$%724 te"ep6one "ines /or use *( a popu"ation o/ a*out 4& mi""ion peop"e (0dison% 2&&2). 56e post and
5e"ecommunications .epartment sp"ited into a posta" di3ision and a te"ecommunication di3ision in Ianuar(% 'A$.
56ere a/ter t6e "ater was merged wit6 t6e Nigerian 0:terna" 5e"ecommunication ,imited (NI50,). 56e main purpose
o/ t6is is to *ring toget6er t6e running and coordination o/ t6e interna" and e:terna" te"ecommunications ser3ices
(0dison% 2&&2). 56e ministr( o/ communication and t6e Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) appro3ed
two mo*i"e ce""u"ar p6ones in Septem*er% 'AA7. it was noted *( Ndu-we% (2&&3) t6at *ot6 t6e Nigerian
New Media and Mass Communication
ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)
#o" $% 2&'2

5e"ecommunications ,imited (NI50,) Ce""u"ar networ- and mo*i"e communications ser3ices "imited (M5s) t6at was
managed *( NI50, co3ers ,agos% 0nugu% and )*u7a on"( wit6 a capacit( o/ '&%&&& "ines 6a3ing one mo*i"e
switc6ing centre (MSC) in eac6 area% w6i"e M5S "imited% operates %&&& ce""u"ar "ine capacit( networ- *ased in
#ictoria Is"and% ,agos.
In Ianuar( 2&&' Nigeria 7oined t6e wor"dFs digita" ce""u"ar networ- wit6 t6e "icensing o/ pri3ate te"ecommunications
operations *( t6e regu"ator( *od(% t6is gi3es room /or t6e esta*"is6ment o/ Nigerian Communications Commission
(NCC)% in 2&&2. Initia""(% t6ere are /our ma7or g"o*a" s(stems /or mo*i"e communication (?SM) ser3ice pro3iders
"icensed in Nigeria. 56e pro3iders are M5N Nigeria% 0conet >ire"ess "imited or #mo*i"e (now Eain)% NI50, (now
Mte") and ?"o*acom. In 2&&2 ?"o*acom was issued "icensed since t6en se3era" ot6er pro3iders (starcom% !-net%
Mu"ti"in-% 0tisa"at% #isa/one =oom and so on) 6a3e emerged.
In .ecem*er% 2&&' Nigeria 6as o3er 2$&%&&& mo*i"e "ines in 7ust /our mont6s o/ ?SM operation in Nigeria. Dowe3er%
?SM 6as great"( impro3ed t6e socioeconomic% securit(% education% and in/ormation-*ased sectors o/ t6e econom(.
5oda(% e3er( noc-s and crannies o/ t6e countr( are co3ered *( ?SM% and mo*i"e p6one *oot6sJs6opsJ-ios-s can *e
seen as a mean o/ empowering citi=ens o/ Nigeria.
$. %ele&ance o" Mobile phones in teaching and learning
56e re"e3ance o/ mo*i"e p6ones in teac6ing and "earning are numerous% t6at is t6e reason /or its acceptance
wor"dwide. 56e re"e3ance are as /o""ow8
.awson% (2&&7) noted t6at man( mo*i"e p6ones are c6eaper to purc6ase t6an des-top computers and "aptops% and
t6at introducing t6e mo*i"e p6one as a "ow-cost teac6ing and "earning too" is ;uite possi*"e. De a"so stated t6at
mo*i"e de3ices re;uire "ess tec6nica" support t6an computers and "aptops. >6en considering t6e adu"t "earners% t6e
mo*i"e p6ones a""ow t6e "earner to "earn autonomous"( (Ca""ums% -ins6u-% 2&&6)% co""a*orati3e"( and pro3ide
opportunities to conduct "earning e:periences outside t6e teac6er-managed c"assroom *( e:panding "earning *e(ond
t6e /our wa""s o/ t6e c"assroom and t6us a""owing interactions in t6e rea" wor"d inc"uding new interactions to *e
*roug6t into t6e c"assroom.
)not6er re"e3ance o/ t6e mo*i"e p6one is its image capture /unction a""owing teac6ers and students to *ring t6e
outside wor"d into t6e c"assroom (0-amua-e K >is6art% 2&'&). 56e mo*i"e p6onesF 3ideo camera 6e"ped student
to capture an e3ent o/ interest t6at cou"d *e ot6erwise *e missed. Mo*i"e p6one can *e used to connect t6e "esson
content to studentsF prior -now"edge and correct misconceptions during t6e c"assroom. ) sensor s(stem /or
en3ironmenta" education was de3e"oped using mo*i"e p6ones as a means o/ en6ancing "earner participation and
moti3ation. ) participator( design approac6 was used to de3e"op t6e sensor s(stem. )nd it ena*"es t6e "earners to
co""ect a range o/ sensor data using pro*es and mo*i"e p6ones. )"so% mo*i"e p6one 3ideo and image capture can *e
used to produce a snaps6ot o/ t6e conditions t6e( 6ad e:perienced. !n t6eir retain to t6e c"assroom% t6e data were
down"oaded onto a persona" computer.
)domi (2&&6) carried out researc6 on mo*i"e p6one usage patterns o/ "i*rar( and communication science students at
.e"ta State 2ni3ersit(% )*ra-a% Nigeria. De enumerated some o/ s6ortcomings o/ mo*i"e p6ones usage as /o""ows8
i. 1re;uent networ- /ai"ure.
ii. Dig6 cost o/ rec6arge cardsJairtime.
iii. ,imited area o/ co3erage.
i3. !ccasion scarcit( o/ rec6arge cards
3. Power outage
3i. ,ac- o/ pri3ac( in mo*i"e s6opsJ*oot6sJ-ios-s.
3ii. Interconnecti3it( pro*"em
3iii. .e"a( in de"i3er( o/ te:t messages.
i:. Congestion in mo*i"e p6one s6opsJ*oot6sJ-ios-s.
:. Dandset interception t6roug6 dup"ication o/ SIM cards.

New Media and Mass Communication
ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)
#o" $% 2&'2

'. (he Concept o" Adult Education in Nigeria
)du"t education 6as *een de/ined *( 3arious writers and researc6ers in di//erent perspecti3es. Some use t6e
*io"ogica" parameter in de/ining adu"t education% w6i"e ot6ers use t6e c6oro"ogica"% 6istorica"% economic%
ps(c6o"ogica"% po"itica" and socia" parameters in de/ining w6o an adu"t is. I*e% (2&&$) see an adu"t as one w6o 6as
ac6ie3ed /u"" p6(sica""( and ps(c6o"ogica""( mature% and t6e indi3idua" is socia""(% economica""(% po"itica""(%
cu"tura""( and en3ironmenta" responsi*"e. De a"so noted t6at in ad3anced countries an adu"t is one w6o 6as attained
t6e 3oting age o/ '$ (ears. 2N0SC! (2&'2) de/ined an adu"t as a person regarded as suc6 *( societ( to w6ic6 6eJs6e
*e"ongs% t6is de/inition sees w6o an adu"t is as cu"ture re/erenced. 56ere/ore% it depends on w6o a particu"ar societ(
considers to *e an adu"t in t6at societ(.

Dowe3er% 2N0SC! in 6er internationa" Con/erence in Nairo*i% Cen(a% ('A76) as reported in !n(eneme=u% (2&'2)
de/ines adu"t education as8
The entire body of organized education process whatever the content, level and method
formal or otherwise, whether they prolong or replace initial education in schools, colleges
and universities as well as apprenticeship whereby persons regarded as adults by the
society to which they belong develop their abilities, enrich their knowledge, improve their
technical or professional qualifications and bring about changes in their attitudes or
behaviour in the two fold perspectives of full personal development and participation in
balanced and independent social, economic and cultural development.

56e a*o3e de/inition is *road and encompassing *ecause it does not on"( de/ine adu"t education *ut it a"so de/ines its
content and scope. !mo"ewa% ('A$) de/ines adu"t education as t6e education (/orma"% in/orma" and non-/orma")
gi3en to an( person regarded as an adu"t *( societ( in ot6er to socia""(% economica""(% and cu"tura""( impro3e and
empower 6imJ6er so t6at t6e person wi"" *e a*"e to contri*uted meaning/u""( as a use/u" and responsi*"e mem*er o/
societ(. It is education *ased on t6e needs o/ t6e adu"t.
). Funda*ental %e+uire*ents "or Adult Education in 1
56e purpose o/ adu"t and non-/orma" education according to t6e 1edera" <epu*"ic o/ Nigeria (2&&4) are8
i. to pro3ide /unctiona" "iterac( and continuing education /or adu"ts and (out6s w6o 6a3e ne3er 6ad t6e
ad3antage o/ /orma" education or (dropouts). 56ese inc"ude t6e nomads% migrant /ami"ies% t6e disa*"e
and t6e disad3antaged gender.
ii. to pro3ide /unctiona" and remedia" education /or t6ose w6o did not comp"ete secondar( education.
iii. to present education /or di//erent categories o/ computers o/ t6e /orma" education s(stem in order to
impro3e t6eir *asic -now"edge and s-i""s.
i3. to pro3ide in-ser3ice% on-t6e-7o*% 3ocationa" and pro/essiona" training /or di//erent categories o/
wor-ers and pro/essiona" in order to impro3e t6eir s-i""s and
3. to gi3e t6e adu"t citi=ens o/ t6e countr( necessar( aest6etic% cu"tura" and ci3ic education /or pu*"ic
,. %eco**endations
56e use o/ mo*i"e p6ones 6as not *een /u""( incorporated into adu"t education programmes in Nigeria. 56ere/ore% t6e
/o""owing recommendations can *e considered /or e//ecti3e incorporated o/ mo*i"e p6ones into adu"t education in
i. )du"t education s6ou"d *e re-positioned to e:cessi3e"( "aunc6 t6e present adu"t into t6e or*it t6e( can
respond to t6e c6a""enges o/ t6e 2'
centur( and t6is wi"" ena*"e t6em to contri*ute meaning/u""( to
nationa" de3e"opment.
ii. Po"ic( ma-ers and t6e curricu"um p"anners o/ education programmes in Nigeria need to incorporate
into adu"t education curricu"um t6e use o/ mo*i"e p6ones% an inno3ation w6ic6 6a3e made t6e 2'

centur( uni;ue.
New Media and Mass Communication
ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)
#o" $% 2&'2

iii. )du"t education p"anners need to incorporate into its sc6edu"e t6e -now"edge and practice o/
in/ormation and tec6no"og(. 56e 2'
centur( is noted /or e:position o/ -now"edge and 6i-tec6no"og(
w6ic6 6as aided de3e"opment in di//erent sectors. ) centur( w6ere communication and in/rastructura"
/aci"ities suc6 as mo*i"e p6ones and computer networ-ing are too"s t6at are turning t6e wor"d into a
g"o*a" 3i""age. 5oda(% a"" sectors o/ 6uman endea3our in t6e 2'
centur( 6a3e *ecome tec6no"ogica""(
dri3en. 56is 6as e3entua""( resu"ted in a s6i/t /rom industria" era to in/ormation era. 56is centur( is a"so
noted /or its a*i"it( to reac6 peop"e irrespecti3e o/ distance% introduce c6anges to 6uman pro*"ems.
i3. Proper attention s6ou"d *e gi3en to adu"t education programmes *( t6e t6ree tiers o/ go3ernment in due
wit6 t6e g"o*a" concern /or eradication o/ i""iterac( in Nigeria.
3. )de;uate /unds s6ou"d *e *udgeted /or t6e pro3ision o/ mo*i"e p6ones /or t6e adu"t "earners and t6eir
3i. Specia" training% wor-s6ops% seminar s6ou"d *e organi=ed /or t6e adu"t "earners and t6eir /aci"itators on
t6e use o/ mo*i"e p6ones /or instruction de"i3er( and 6ow to 6and"e pro*"ems t6at ma( arise w6en
using t6e mo*i"e p6ones.
3ii. Non-?o3ernmenta" organi=ations (N?!s) can assist t6e go3ernment in t6e pro3ision o/ specia" mo*i"e
p6ones and t6eir accessories.

-. Conclusion
56e 2'
centur( w6ic6 6as *een regarded as centur( o/ -now"edge 6as *etter prospects /or adu"t education to mo3e
/orward wit6 g"o*a"i=ation trends. 56e de3e"opment o/ an( nation depends on t6e ;ua"it( o/ adu"ts t6at nation 6as%
t6ere/ore t6e( s6ou"d *e e:posed to t6e 3arious inno3ations o/ t6is centur(. It is t6e adu"ts w6o wi"" trans/orm t6e
nation% not t6e c6i"dren% t6ere/ore adu"t education s6ou"d *e a pacesetter to ot6er pro/essions in de3e"opmenta" dri3e
o/ an( nation. 56ere s6ou"d *e radica" incorporation o/ mo*i"e p6ones into adu"t education programmes to ena*"e t6e
nation ac6ie3e t6e education /or a"" goa"s.

)domi% 0.0. (2&&6)% Mo*i"e p6one usage patterns o/ ,i*rar( and In/ormation Science students at .e"ta State
2ni3ersit(% )*ra-a% Nigeria electronic Journal of Academic and Special ibrarianship. 7(') pp'&-'7.
)-er% I.C.% Cso""% C. and ,(**ert(% 5.I. (2&'')% )4C '23@ can mo*i"e p6ones impro3es "earningL 03idence /rom a
/ie"d e:periments in Niger. http!""www.aae.wisciedu"mwiedc"papers"#$%%&'ennu.pdf.
)rrigo% M. and Cipri% ?. (2&'&)% Mo*i"e ,earning /or a"". Journal of the (esearch )enter for *ducational Technology.
6(') 2$&- 2A3.
Ca""um% C.M. and Cins6u-% (2&&6)% +obile Technology in ,acilitating earning -oals. .n mearn #$$/. 4an//%
.awson% .. (2&&7)% Dand6e"d 5ec6no"og( /or mo*i"e "earning. ,ondon ,atimer 5rend.
0dison% 5. (2&&2)% Communications. )3ai"a*"e8 http!"""telecoms$1$2$3.html.
(<etrie3ed '$ No3em*er% 2&'2).
0-ama(a-e% M and >is6art% I.M. (2&'')% In3estigating t6e possi*i"it( o/ using mo*i"e p6ones /or science 5eac6ing
and ,earning8 is it a 3ia*"e option /or Sri"an-a4 .nternational Journal for )ross&5isciplinary Sub'ects in
*ducation 6.J)5S*7. 2(2) 372-3$&.
1edera" <epu*"ic o/ Nigeria (4
ed.) (2&&4)% Nationa" Po"ic( on 0ducation. ,agos8 0igerian *ducation (esearch and
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?SM>!<,. (2&&4)% Mo*i"e )pp"ications. )3ai"a*"e8 http!""www.showlater4 +ggld.
I*e6% ).0. (2&&$)% Theory and 8ractice of Adult *ducation in 0igeria. Port Darcourt@ 2ni3ersit( o/ Port Darcourt
Iw6iw6u% 4.0% <ute(an% I.!. and 0g6uwu*are% ) (2&'&)% Mo*i"e p6ones /or "i*rar( ser3ice8 prospects /or .e"ta
New Media and Mass Communication
ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)
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State 2ni3ersit( ,i*rar(% )*ra-a. ibrary 8hilosophy and 8ractice 6e&'ournal7. 4(7) '-$.
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centur( in Nigeria. Journal of educational
practice. 3()'-6.
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Dand*oo- /or 0ducators and 5rainers <out"edge% ,ondon.pp$-24.
2N0SC! (2&'2)% 5urning on mo*i"e "eaning in )/rica and t6e 0ast. 1rance% 2N0SC!.

First Author:
.r. /nasanya 0. Adenubi 6+0A*+T;2%<+T()0;$=7 was *orn in I7e*u-Ig*o% !gun State% Nigeria in 'A6'. De
attended St. P6i"ips )ng"ican Primar( Sc6oo"% I7e*u Ig*o /rom 'A66 to 'A72 and St #incent Cat6o"ic Commercia"
Secondar( Sc6oo"% I7e*u-Ig*o% !gun State% Nigeria% /rom'A74 to 'A7$. Dis teac6er education training spanned
t6roug6 Met6odist 5eac6ers Co""ege in 'A7A% Co""ege o/ 0ducation% )*eo-uta in 'A$4 and 2ni3ersit( o/ I"orin in
'A$$. .r. !nasan(a 7oined t6e ser3ice o/ t6e 2ni3ersit( o/ I"orin in 'AA2 as a ?rap6ic )rtist and rose t6roug6 t6e
"adder as an )ssistant ,ecturer in 'AA$ to *ecome )ssociate Pro/essor o/ 0ducationa" 5ec6no"og( in 2&'2. De is a
registered mem*er o/ Nigeria )ssociation o/ 0ducationa" Media and 5ec6no"og( (N)0M5) and a mem*er o/
5eac6ers <egistration Counci" o/ Nigeria (5<CN). .r. !nasan(aFs educationa" *ac-ground is as "isted *e"ow.
'. P6... 0ducationa" 5ec6no"og( 2&&2 2ni3ersit( o/ I"orin% I"orin Nigeria
2. P.?...Sc. Computer Science 'AA$ 2ni3ersit( o/ I"orin% I"orin Nigeria
3. M.0d. 0ducationa" 5ec6no"og( 'AA7 2ni3ersit( o/ I"orin% I"orin Nigeria
4. 4.0d. 0ducationa" 5ec6no"og( 'AA' 2ni3ersit( o/ I"orin. I"orin Nigeria
. Nigeria Certi/icate in 0ducation (NC0) 'A$7 1.C.0.% )*eo-uta% !gun State% Nigeria
6. 5eac6ers ?rade II Certi/icate 'A$2 M.5.5.C. Sagamu% !gun State% Nigeria
0econd Author:
Mr. Ayelaagbe 0. /peoluwa was *orn in )*eo-uta% !gun State% Nigeria in 'A63. De attended ,oca" ?o3ernment
Primar( Sc6oo"% !*ere in )doodo !ta ,oca" ?o3ernment% !gun State /rom 'A7& to 'A76 and Iganmode ?rammar
Sc6oo" !ta% !gun State% Nigeria% /rom 'A76 to 'A$'. De /urt6er attended de/unct .i3isiona" 5eac6er 5raining
Co""ege )(etoro% 0g*ado% !gun State /rom 'A$' to 'A$3@ !gun State Co""ege o/ 0ducation% I7e*u !de (now 5ai
So"arin Co""ege o/ 0ducation% I7e*u !de !gun State.) and 2ni3ersit( o/ 4enin% 4enin Cit( in 'AA7. De a"so attended
,agos state 2ni3ersit(% !7o /or Masters programme in 0ducationa" 5ec6no"og( in 2&&&. De 7oined )de(emi Co""ege
o/ 0ducation% !ndo% Nigeria in 2&& as "ecturer III in t6e .epartment o/ 0ducationa" 5ec6no"og(. De was t6e Dead
o/ t6e .epartment o/ 0ducationa" 5ec6no"og( /rom 2&&A to 2&'2. De is a .octora" student in .epartment o/ Science
0ducation% 2ni3ersit( o/ I"orin% I"orin% Cwara State% Nigeria. De is a mem*er o/ 5eac6ersF <egistration Counci" o/
Nigeria (5<CN).
(hird Author:
.r. 1Mrs2 3aleye Ade*iotan Moriyi4e was *orn in Ipetu-I7esa% !sun State% Nigeria in 'A6$. S6e attended
?o3ernment 5eac6ers .emonstration Sc6oo" /rom 'A73-'A7A and Met6odist Dig6 Sc6oo"% I"esa /rom 'A7A-'A$4.
Der teac6er education training spanned t6roug6 !ndo State 2ni3ersit(% )do-0-iti% /rom 'AA& to 'AA% w6ere s6e 6ad
6er /irst degree% 1edera" 2ni3ersit( o/ 5ec6no"og(% Minna /or 6er Master degree in 0ducationa" 5ec6no"og( in 2&&%
and 2ni3ersit( o/ I"orin% Nigeria% w6ere s6e o*tained 6er P6.. in 0ducationa" tec6no"og( in 2&''. S6e 7oined t6e
ser3ice o/ )de-un"e )7asin 2ni3ersit(% )-ung*a-)-o-o in 2&& as )ssistant ,ecturer and present"(% a ,ecturer II
o//icer. .r. ,a"e(e is a registered mem*er o/ Science 5eac6ers )ssociation o/ Nigeria (S5)N) and 5eac6ers
<egistration Counci" o/ Nigeria (5C<N).

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