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Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization www.iiste.

ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol ), 2!*2


Globalization and Multiculturalism: Implication for African
Sa+uel ,su-uo ./ane+, P0.1
./eng Nyong ./efre, P0.1

*. 3entre for General Studies, 3ross 4i5er 6ni5ersity of 7ec0nology, 3alabar-Nigeria
2. 1e#art+ent of .ducational 8oundations and ,d+inistration, 3ross 4i5er 6ni5ersity of 7ec0nology, 3alabar-
2.-+ail of corres#onding aut0or9 sa+ae/ane+:ya0oo.co.u/
In t0is #a#er effort is +ade to critically e;a+ine different discourses of globalization and e;#lore 0ow conce#ts of
globalization 0a5e been re#resented in relation to ,frican de5elo#+ent. It is argued t0at, des#ite its celebratory r0etoric
of <one world, +any #eo#le=, notions of globalization are intricably lin/ed wit0 t0e continued de5elo#+ent of western
econo+ies, creating new for+s of colonial control in t0e generally referred to <#ost-colonial= era. Globalization is
5iewed as t0e new global colonialis+, w0ic0 is based on t0e 0istorical structure of ca#italis+, and is a #rocess t0at
tactically e;ecutes t0e ob>ecti5es of colonialis+ wit0 greater efficiency and rationalis+. 70ere is a general discourse on
t0e econo+ic, #olitical, social, educational, et0ical, legal and cultural i+#lications of globalization on ,frican
de5elo#+ent, as argu+ent is +ade about t0e e+ergence of t0e so-called <global culture=, w0ic0 is >ust a #rocess t0at
+ar/s t0e transfor+ation to a culture of consu+#tion.
Ke!ords: globalization, +ulticulturalis+, de5elo#+ent, neo-colonialis+.

"# Introduction
70e twentiet0 century 0as been 5ery re+ar/able in se5eral as#ects in relation to t0e conce#t of globalization, and its
offs#ring, sustainable de5elo#+ent, w0ic0 0as been so endeared by .uro#e for se5eral decades now. Globalization is
often 5iewed as a #0eno+enon in itself, and as suc0 is beyond t0e control of 0u+an ele+ent >ust li/e tec0nology. ,s a
#0eno+enon, globalization 0as beco+e a critical factor of de5elo#+ent of society, nations and regions due to its
+aterial and econo+ic #ressured benefits, se5eral de5elo#ing countries +ostly of ,frican origin, 0a5e been lured,
ca>oled and #layed into t0is i+#erial tra# of neo-colonialis+.
It is on t0e basis of t0is t0at a critically discursi5e a##roac0 suc0 as t0e one ado#ted in t0is #a#er regards it as a
construct, and so is interested in t0e +eans and ob>ecti5es of its construction, t0e institutions t0roug0 w0ic0 it o#erates,
its e;tra-discursi5e conse-uences and i+#lications on de5elo#+ent in general.
In t0is #a#er, t0e focus is on t0e i+#lications "effects$ of globalization on ,frican de5elo#+ent. 70is is ins#ired by t0e
fact t0at ,frica 0as been sub>ected to se5eral western ideas and +ani#ulations t0roug0 t0e ages. 70is +anifests itself in
t0e distortion of 0istorical facts as it concerns t0e ,frican continent, t0e scra+bling and #artitioning of ,frica under t0e
guise of i+#erialis+, colonialis+, destruction of t0e ,frican belief syste+, cultural and traditional 5alues, and
i+#osition of strange and foreign 5alue syste+s and deter+ination of w0at is <good= and <bad= to t0e ,fricans. ,ll
t0ese 0a5e been ac0ie5ed t0roug0 5arious +eans, +ost es#ecially t0roug0 western education, scientific #aradig+ and
tec0nology "./ane+, 2!!4$.
?it0 t0is state of affairs, t0e western world tacitly created an eu#0oria of su#eriority o5er ,frica, des#ite t0e fact t0at
,frica is <su##osed= to be t0e cradle of ci5ilization. 1ue to t0e <false= creation of t0is <do+ineering status= because of
w0at t0e western world #retends to 0a5e to offer ,frica for its de5elo#+ent, ,frica is +ade to loo/ at t0e western world
as an <eart0ly sa5iour= for any +eaningful ac0ie5e+ent and de5elo#+ent.
It is on t0e basis of t0is t0at, after t0e e;#loration and e;#loitation of ,frica t0at t0e west, decided to +a/e ,frica a
de+ocratic continent wit0 t0eir own #olitical syste+ w0ic0 0as re+ained alien to ,fricans till date. Structurally, t0e
colonialists left ,frica to be at war #er#etually wit0 0erself. 70is was ac0ie5ed by trying to force 0ege+ony w0ere
t0ere 0as been a glaring 0eterogeneous society. 70is can be seen in t0e contra#tion and <+arriage of con5enience=
/nown as Nigeria created in *&*4 by @rs. 8lora Lord Lugard wit0 t0e consent of 0er 0usband and t0e full bac/ing of
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol ), 2!*2


t0e i+#erial +a>esty "./ane+, 2!!4$. Aere, we see t0e enforce+ent of unity in a di5erse cultural setting t0at is
glaringly #luralistic in nature.

1es#ite enor+ous 0u+an and +aterial resources, ,frica is in a critical econo+ic dile++a. 70is 0as +ade it #ossible
for se5eral western agencies to loo/ for +eans of alle5iating t0e fa+ine situation in ,frica and 0ow to co#e wit0 t0e
0ig0 le5el of #o5erty in t0e continent. 70is #recarious and #re5alent situation in ,frica 0as +ade globalization a /ey
and contro5ersial issue or conce#t.
Since globalization is seen as a colonial +ode of de5elo#+ent for t0e non-industrialized countries of t0e world, it
beco+es i+#erati5e to critically e;a+ine and e5aluate its incursion into ,frican de5elo#+ent #lans and strategies.
70is will 0el# to analyse t0e rele5ance of a new global sociology of industrialis+ and i+#erialis+ t0ereby articulating
t0e structures of relations0i# between industrial society and t0e 70ird ?orld "Aadden, *&B*$.

$# Implication of Globalization and Multiculturalism on African Development
8ro+ t0e definitions of t0e /ey conce#ts disco5erable fro+ t0e discourse, we can easily understand t0at,
globalization and +ulticulturalis+ 0a5e se5eral i+#lications on t0e world as a w0ole and on ,frica in #articular. 70e
conce#ts of globalization and +ulticulturalis+ #resent great c0allenges to our world and t0e continent of ,frica in
s#ecial and +ulti#le ways. So, in t0is section of t0e #a#er, atte+#ts will be +ade to critically e;a+ine t0e i+#lications
of t0ese two conce#ts on t0e li5es of t0e ,frican #eo#le and disco5er 0ow t0ese 0a5e contributed to t0e de5elo#+ent of
,frica or ot0erwise.
, critical loo/ at ,frica will re5eal a gigantic foot-#at0 of i+#erial dictates, e;#loration and e;#loitation. 70is
situation and scenario is +ade worst by t0e intellectual indebtedness of t0e ,fricans to western education syste+. It
beco+es +ore co+#le; wit0 a dis+al #oor econo+ic base t0at is #erennially tied to t0e i+#erial or western
econo+iesC a#ron string. 70e >ustification and reasons for t0is <liberal sla5ery= is broug0t about by ,fricanCs
acce#tance of western education and science as a #aradig+ for all t0at is or is not.
70e +anifestation of t0is can be seen in t0e total +ental and s#iritual surrendering of ,frican so5ereignty to t0e
western conce#tion or notion of Deing and God. 70e ,frican belief syste+ 0as been bastardized and abolis0ed by
,fricans and t0e western notion of 5irtually all t0ings #er+eates t0e ,frican way of life. ,fricans a##ear basically
,fricans +erely in ter+s of race and colour, but s#iritually, intellectually and socially are westernized. 70is could
+a/e it rig0t to sub+it t0at, t0e #eo#le t0at occu#y t0e continent of ,frica are indeed <westernized E ,fricans=. 70eir
souls belong to t0e west, w0ile t0e body is for ,frica "./ane+, 2!!4$.
70is a##alling and regrettable situation 0as +ade ,frica to suffer serious sub>ugation o5er t0e years des#ite being
t0e origin of +an and t0e cradle of ci5ilization as can be seen in t0e boo/ African Origin of Greek Philosophy written
by Professor Innocent 'nyewoyein. ,s a result of t0is, t0e west see+s to be always a0ead in conce#tualizing w0at will
/ee# ,frica in #er#etual bondage, but ,fricans +ust +a/e all efforts to resist t0is. It is on t0e basis of t0is t0at
globalization is ins#ired and 0as beco+e a #otent tool, of t0e recolonization of ,frica. 70e logic of t0is argu+ent is
#re+ised on t0e fact t0at during t0e colonial e#oc0, t0ere was t0e scra+ble for ,frica as t0e continent was #artitioned,
e;#loited and #lundered by t0e west, w0ile carting away all t0at was 5ital to ,frica to t0eir industries as a result of t0e
industrial re5olution in .uro#e.
70is era +ar/ed t0e actual birt0 of ca#italis+, and as an econo+ic tool it 0as been #erfected and fir+ly
establis0ed in t0e west. 70is is furt0er confir+ed by t0e disco5ery t0at t0e western +ar/et 0as suddenly beco+e too
s+all for t0e western industrial #roducts. ?it0 t0e little /nowledge of science and tec0nology as #ro5ided and offered
t0roug0 western education, and cou#led wit0 tec0nology transfer, t0e continent of ,frican 0as been struggling to catc0
u# wit0 t0e industrial bug, but t0e west will ne5er allow ,frica to grow unfettered, 0ence, t0e conce#tion of
globalization as +eans towards t0e actualization of t0e +ission and 5ision of /ee#ing ,frica be0ind and under t0e
effecti5e control of t0e west.
Globalization as #resented by Sub0abrata Dobby Daner>ee and Ste#0en Linstead "2!!*$ confir+s t0is 5iew.

Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol ), 2!*2


GlobalizationCs +o+entu+ is rooted in t0e ca#italist logic of e;#anding +ar/ets and t0e international
integration of ca#ital and t0e forces of #roduction. 70ese global +aterial e;c0anges in5ol5e international trade, t0e
international di5ision of labour and t0e accu+ulation of ca#ital in t0e #roduction, e;c0ange, distribution and
consu+#tion of goods and ser5ices. 70e discourse on econo+ic de5elo#+ent in t0e neocolonial econo+ic #aradig+ is
one t0at e+#0asizes benefits of free trade and t0e restricted flow of goods and ser5ices.
8ro+ t0is we see t0at, globalization as a conce#t 0a5e se5ere econo+ic i+#lication on ,frica. 70is is becauseF
globalization was concei5ed and designed as an econo+ic #aradig+ to better t0e west. It was indeed an ideology t0at
was #ac/aged to sal5age t0e econo+ic disaster t0at tends to stir t0e western world in t0e face as a result of +ass
#roduction due to industrialization. 70is de5elo#+ent #0iloso#0y, as argued by Daner>ee and Linstead, was
o#erationalized by t0e industrialized countries and international agencies after world war II9 <de5elo#+ent= for t0e
#oorer regions of t0e world "suc0 as ,frica, Ge+#0asizedC$, was constructed as econo+ic de5elo#+ent and was seen as
a #rocess to 0el# t0e #ostcolonial nations construct t0eir own econo+ies=.
70is truis+ is gra#0ically ca#tured by Aer+an 2!!, w0en 0e says9
Globalization is >ust an array of conce#ts and arguing #oints t0at 0a5e been +obilized to ad5ance t0e cor#orate
agendaH Li/e free trade, globalization 0as an aura of 5irtue. Just as <freedo+= +ust be good, so globalization 0ints at
internationalis+ and solidarity between countries, as o##osed to nationalis+ and #rotectionis+. 70e #ossibility t0at
cross-border trade and in5est+ent +ig0t be econo+ically da+aging to t0e wea/er #arty, or t0at t0ey +ig0t erode
de+ocratic controls in bot0 t0e stronger and wea/er countries, is e;cluded fro+ considerationH t0e contest between
free trade and globalization, on t0e one 0and, and <#rotectionis+=, on t0e ot0er, +ig0t be regarded as a struggle
between <#rotection= of transnational cor#orate 7N3 rig0t E 5ersus t0e <freedo+= of de+ocratic go5ern+ents to
regulate in t0e interests of do+estic non-cor#orate constituencies.
70is clearly offers e;#lanation of t0e ideological foundation or basis of globalization as it <connotes not only freedo+
and internationalis+=, but, as it 0el#s realize t0e benefits of free trade, and t0us bring to #ractical 5alue t0e econo+ic
law of co+#arati5e ad5antage, w0ic0 en0ances di5ision of labour t0roug0 efficiency and #roducti5ity. 1ue to t0is
alteration, and t0e basis of t0is 5irtue, globalization +a/es it i+#ossible for go5ern+ent to 0alt its #rogress, as it is
#ercei5ed as being beyond 0u+an control >ust li/e tec0nology. 70is >ustifies t0e genuine fear and rationalization t0at
t0is inability to #rotect do+estic non-cor#orate constituencies, will #ose a serious t0reat to ,frican econo+ic
de5elo#+ent as t0e continent stands to beco+e a du+#ing ground for all e;cessi5e #roducts fro+ t0e western
Eindustrialized countries.
70is situation 0as t0e ca#acity to worsen t0e already #oor econo+ic base of ,frica. Aere, t0e Ienyan e;#erience
beco+es a 5ital reference #oint for reflection. 70e Ienyan go5ern+ent wit0out any critical a##raisal of t0e
i+#lications of its action gladly o#ened door for +ass i+#ort, in t0e na+e of globalization. 70is created a lee-way for
c0ea# i+#ortation of #rocessed sugar, w0ic0 led to t0e undercuts of t0e #rices of Ienyan far+ers. 70is +ista/e w0ic0
created worsening conditions for Ienyan econo+y #ro+#ted t0e Ienyan 1irector of Internal 7rade, Set0 'fieno to
declare t0at liberalization of trade is indeed a se5ere econo+ic disaster to +any in Ienya. Ae declares t0at
Globalization is a curse to +any sectors, es#ecially agriculture, in t0is country= "./ane+, 2!!4$.
Dasically, ,frica is agrarian in nature and t0ere is no solid industrial base in t0e continent, and t0is 0as generated se5ere
econo+ic 0ards0i# in ,frican states. 70is #roble+ is largely due to #oor leaders0i# #re5alent in t0e entire continent.
,frican leaders lac/ 5ision, focus, dri5e and at ti+es t0e intellectual ca#acity to co+#re0end and a##reciate t0e burden
of a co+#le; +icro and +acro econo+ic dyna+ics t0at is +ade +ore co+#le; by global c0allenges, intrigues,
+anou5res, #ressures and interests. So+e of t0ese o##ortunistic leaders of ,frican origin often beco+e o5erw0el+ed
and confused by t0e enor+ous c0allenges of leaders0i# of t0eir nations.
, -uic/ reference can be +ade 0ere to Nigeria w0ere fro+ t0e regi+e of General Ja/ubu Gowon to t0e #resent
e#ile#tic ad+inistration of @usa JarC ,dua, not0ing 0as been done to redisco5er t0e direction of t0e Nigerian state.
Nigeria as one of t0e +ost naturally endowed countries of t0e world 0as fallen fro+ abundant ,frican gigantic state
t0at once lent to t0e International @onetary 8und "I@8$ to one of t0e #oorest ,frican states, and one of t0e 0ig0est
debtors to an i+#erial agency t0e nation once lent to. 70e current global econo+ic indices of different countries
re5ealed t0at Nigeria is t0e fift0 #oorest ,frican country. ?0at an ironyK

Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol ), 2!*2


70e root #roble+ of t0e ,frican states is w0at #resident 'ba+a of 6nited States described as <failed leaders0i#=.
Indeed, t0e leaders0i# of ,frican states 0as failed to focus on and disco5er t0e <#ot= of t0e ,frican wealt0, w0ic0 is
agriculture. Dut t0e reason for t0is lac/ of interests in agriculture can be traced to t0e +agic of globalization. , #ro#er
0istorical analysis of t0e econo+ic #roble+s of ,frican states will identify globalization as t0e reason for t0e
abandon+ent of agriculture to de#leting sources of wealt0 suc0 as oil and gas as it is t0e case in Nigeria.
70is is furt0er co+#ounded by t0e fact t0at, t0e econo+ies of ,frican states are tied to and controlled by western
Dretonwoods institutions. 70is can be seen in t0e words of 4egins ,+adi E N>o/u w0o is t0e ,frican 1irector of t0e
International Labour 'rganization "IL'$ w0en s0e assets t0atF globalization is res#onsible for t0e decline in ,frican
status in global econo+y. Pressures for econo+ic liberalization in ,frica fro+ I@8, ?orld Dan/ and western
go5ern+ents 0a5e broug0t negati5e effects on t0e globalization #rocess.
70e abo5e analysis clearly indicate t0e fact t0at globalization to t0e ordinary ,frican far+ers, w0ic0 are in t0e +a>ority
of about eig0ty ")!L$ #ercent of t0e total #o#ulation boil down to t0e issues of econo+ic sur5i5al. 70is is anc0ored on
t0e fact t0at, you cannot #lant w0at you /now you will not 0a5e a +ar/et for t0e sales as we disco5ered in t0e Ienyon
sugarcane e;#erience. Indeed, a +a>or conse-uence of globalization is t0e #roble+ of go5ernance "Airst and
70o+#son, *&&)$. It is a fact t0at nation-states will continue to e;ist and will surely do so for a long ti+e to co+e, but
t0eir control o5er certain econo+ic e;c0anges is di+inis0ed.

$#" Globalization and African %nvironment
70e i+#acts of and effects of globalization on ,frica transcend t0e econo+ic border-line. Since globalization in5ol5es
t0e co+#lete re+o5al of restriction t0at oug0t to li+it w0at co+es into t0e country fro+ t0e ot0er, t0is is bound to bring
in certain ite+s t0at will certainly 0a5e en5iron+ental effects on t0e continent of ,frica.
70is is so because, wit0 t0e strong industrial base of t0e west, +ost of t0e goods t0at co+e fro+ t0ere are finis0ed
#roducts. 70e critical -uestion t0erefore is, to w0at e;tent are t0ese #roducts friendly wit0 t0e ,frican en5iron+ent.
,s stated earlier on, globalization will surely lead to +assi5e inflow of industrialized goods fro+ t0e western countries
to ,frica t0at lac/ suc0 industrial base. 70e reason for t0is is t0e fact t0at ,frica see+s to be t0e largest unta##ed
+ar/et for t0ese #roducts. ?it0 little or no +an#ower, co+bined wit0 lac/ of industrialization, tec0nical /now-0ow
and s/illed-labour, ,frica naturally beco+e a fertile ground for du+#ing of t0e e;cess #roducts of t0e west, w0ic0 is a
result of +ass #roducti5e tec0ni-ue. 70is +ass #roducts inflow fro+ t0e west 0as t0erefore #osed a serious t0reat to t0e
,frican en5iron+ent. 70is t0reat can be identified t0roug0 t0e en5iron+ental 0azards caused by so+e of t0ese
#roducts fro+ t0e industrialized west. 8or instance, t0e +assi5e i+#ort of refrigerators, air-conditions a+ong ot0ers
0a5e se5ere en5iron+ental i+#act on t0e continent. 70e e+ission of 383s fro+ refrigerators and air conditioners
constitutes a serious en5iron+ental danger to ,frica. 70is gas 0as t0e ca#acity to seriously de#lete t0e ozone layer t0at
s0ield t0e eart0 fro+ t0e direct ray of t0e sun. 70e negati5e effects of t0is are enor+ous as it leads to green-0ouse
effect. 70e i+#lication of t0is is t0at t0e en5iron+ent is gradually beco+ing 0otter by t0e day, and t0is can lead to
ad5erse effect on a-uatic life, and s/in cancer on +an.
,gain, globalization will definitely lead to certain le5el of industrialization, de5elo#+ent, a science and tec0nology
w0ic0 are all i+#orted and t0is according to ./ane+ "2!!2$, 0as altered our natural en5iron+ent t0ereby resulting in
se5ere da+age to t0e bios#0ere. 70is +anifests in t0e #ollution of air and water t0at are 5ery 5ital to t0e sur5i5al of
+an. 70is t0erefore #ro5o/ed t0e funda+ental -uestionF 0ow safe is t0e ,frican en5iron+ent wit0 globalizationK
70e en5iron+ent constitutes lands, air, water, and all t0e #0ysical structures surrounding +an. It is t0e totality of s#ace,
ti+e and socio-cultural settings in0erent t0erein. ,ll t0ese 0a5e been seriously t0reatened by globalization. Aere,
Nigerians are yet to forget t0e /o/o to;ic waste saga in 1elta state t0at ca+e fro+ Italy t0roug0 an Italian business+an,
Glanfranco 4affaelli. ,lso, in *&)&, Nigerians were alerted of t0e sales of to;ic +os-uitoe coil in t0e country wit0 t0e
brand na+e of coo/, lion and tiger w0ic0 ca+e fro+ 30ina. 70is was said to contain 0ig0 to;ic c0e+icals referred to as
1.1.7. 30ina 0as also been lin/ed wit0 fa/e dugs to Nigeria se5erally. 70ere 0as also been cases of to;ic beef, to;ic
canned fis0, /iller drugs and conta+inated fuel w0ic0 was i+#orted in *&&). 3urrently, t0ere is t0e battle to end t0e
nefarious acti5ities of so+e cor#orate +ultinational co+#anies t0at s#ecialize in bringing fa/e drugs into t0e Nigerian
+ar/et. 70ere could be si+ilar e5idences fro+ ot0er ,frican countries to see t0e negati5e effect of globalization on t0e
,frican en5iron+ent.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol ), 2!*2


8urt0er+ore, +any +ultinationals in t0e oil sector 0a5e wroug0t serious da+age on t0e natural en5iron+ent along t0e
Niger 1elta a;is of Nigeria. 70e crisis in t0e Niger 1elta region of Nigeria, w0ic0 see+s to defy all logic and solution
to t0e #roble+ until t0e ,+nesty deal of t0e Jar=,dua ad+inistration is actually traceable to t0e da+aging effect of
t0e acti5ities of +ultinational oil co+#anies t0at o#erate in concert wit0 t0e globalization conce#t.
Globalization 0as t0e ca#acity to #ro+ote tec0nological de5elo#+ent in ,frica, if it is sincerely, and fairly #ursued, on
t0e #rinci#les of >ustice and e-uity. Aowe5er, t0ere are serious en5iron+ental dangers #osed by globalization. 70e
reasons for t0is are largely due to t0e fact t0at t0e de5elo#+ent of tec0nology does not co+e to ,frica wit0 a
corres#onding en5iron+ental control +easures. 70ere e;ists no syste+atic #rogra++e designed by t0e cor#orate
world of industries to c0ec/ and #re5ent any en5iron+ental da+age #osed by #ollution t0at co+e out of t0e #rocess.
70e fact re+ains t0at, our natural en5iron+ental web is often destroyed or dislocated. 70is 0as #osed a greater #roble+
to ,frica t0an t0e benefits t0e continent stand to gain in acce#ting globalization in its current for+ as conce#tualized by
t0e industrialized countries of t0e west.

$#$ Globalization and African Cultural &alues and %ducation
Globalization 0as +ade it #ossible for countries to o#en t0eir doors for different t0ings to co+e. 70is is +ade #ossible
as globalization is seen as a #rocess or a set of #rocesses t0at e+bodies t0e transfor+ation in t0e s#atial organization of
social relations, w0ic0 is genially e;#ressed in transcontinental and inter-regional flows and networ/s of acti5ity,
interaction and #ower. @a>or inflow of t0e #roduct and acti5ity of globalization is tec0nology. 7ec0nology as we /now
it is culture s#ecific. 70is i+#lies t0at tec0nology in5ol5es t0e way of life of t0e <+ot0er-nation= t0at originates suc0
tec0nology. 70e way of life of a #eo#le constitutes t0eir cultural 5alues "culture$. So, any i+#ortation, or transfer of
tec0nology si+#ly i+#lies t0e i+#ortation and transfer of ot0er country or countries cultural 5alues into anot0er
country. 70e culture of a #eo#le also includes t0eir intellectual 5alue, w0ic0 in5ol5es t0e education of suc0 #eo#le.
70is is so becauseF tec0nology is intrinsically tied to t0e creati5e talent of t0e #eo#le, w0ic0 is a #roduct of cogniti5e
#ower of suc0 a #eo#le. ,nd cognition 0as to do wit0 education eit0er for+al or infor+al, #ractical or t0eoretical.
,frica as we /now, tend to de#end on t0e tec0nologies nurtured fro+ t0e industrialized west, and so 0a5e all owed t0e
inflow of t0ese tec0nologies into t0e continent of ,frica. ,s a result of t0is, t0e cultural 5alues of ,fricans 0a5e been
greatly affected, altered and in +ost cases co+#letely eroded or wi#ed off t0e socio-cultural fibres of t0e ,frican
society. It is also t0roug0 t0is #attern t0at t0e ,frican traditional education syste+ 0as been re#laced by western
70e Internet #lays #i5otal role in globalization as you can buy and sell t0roug0 t0e Internet wit0out any #0ysical
contact wit0 your client"s$. 70is sa+e Internet and co+#uter 0as 0el#ed to e;#ose ,fricans, es#ecially t0e yout0s to
foreign cultural influences. 70is 0as also i+#acted on t0e cogniti5e do+ain of ,fricans. 8or instance, +ost of our
yout0s now 0a5e unrestricted access to so+e websites li/e t0e <#layboy=, w0ic0 contents #ro5o/e a lot of et0ical
-uestions t0at is against t0e ,frican notion of se;. 70is 0as led to a 0ig0 le5el of #ro+iscuity t0at is #re5alent in +ost
,frican societies or countries suc0 as Nigeria, 3a+eroun, Sout0 ,frica, Liberia, G0ana a+ong ot0ers.
,lso, t0e ,frican cultural dress sense 0as been greatly affected as a result of globalization. ,frican wo+en, +ostly t0e
young girls and ladies no longer see t0e <,frican wra##er= and <long gown= as socially rele5ant. ,frican societies are
re#lete wit0 fas0ion sense t0at is co+#letely alien to ,frica. @a>ority of ,frican girls, ladies and wo+en do not 0a5e
any wra##er, gown or s/irt in t0eir wardrobes. 4at0er, w0at is in 5ogue now are trousers, <+ini-s/irt=, <body-0ug= and
ot0er stylis0 and #ro5ocati5e dresses t0at barely co5er t0e girls, ladies and wo+en. Nudity see+s to be t0e order of t0e
day as t0e ,frica wo+en see+ not to res#ect t0eir na/edness any +ore. 70is 0as beco+e an ob>ect of #ublic eye. ,ll
t0ese are #roducts of globalization w0ic0 are against ,frican cultural 5alues, 30ristian and Isla+ic et0ics. 70is trend
is not only e;clusi5e of t0e wo+en, t0e +ale-fol/ is also 0it by t0is fas0ion E bug. 70e young boys and +en of ,frica
are now stri5ing to loo/ +ore li/e girls and wo+en as t0ey now wear ear-rings, braid and #er+ t0eir 0airs wit0 sagging
trousers t0at #resent #ictures of <,+erican #risoners=. 70e worsening trend of t0is erosion of ,frican cultural 5alues is
its #enetration into t0e c0urc0. 70e Pentecostal c0urc0 0as beco+e a global +eans of /illing ,frican 5alues. 70e
c0urc0es on Sunday now #resent a #icture of clubs w0ere all +anner of #ro5ocati5e dresses are on #arade wit0 t0e
#astors wearing #er+ed 0airs and braids. 70e ser+on"s$ now e+#0asizes #ros#erity and +aterialis+ t0at are coined
wit0 carefully selected ca#italist language, and #resented wit0 #syc0ological dra+a. 70is 0as created +oral dile++a
a+ong ,fricans, w0ere 0oliness and s#iritual 5alues are understood on t0e basis of +aterial benefit and fa5our. 70e
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol ), 2!*2


nu+ber of +iracles and fa5our fro+ God is entirely de#endent on oneCs financial and +aterial contribution to t0e
growt0 of t0e c0urc0"es$.

$#' Globalization and t(e Soverei)nt of African States
Globalization #lays t0e role of increasing t0e need for international institutions to i+#le+ent li+itations and
regulations. 70ese international institutions function as catalyst in assisting in t0e free transition fro+ a collecti5ity of
so5ereign states to a global co++unity t0roug0 t0e establis0+ent of uni5ersal rules. 70e International 3ourt of Justice
"I3J$ is one of t0e >udicial institutions t0at act as agent to t0e de5elo#+ent of international rule of law. 70e >udicial
institutions 0owe5er, +ust be able to reliably resol5e dis#utes using international rule of law. 70roug0 t0is #rocess, t0e
>udicial institution inferably de5elo#ed new as#ects of t0e rule of law.
,s at today, a nation state needs to acce#t t0e >urisdiction of t0is >udicial institution before t0e rule a##lies to t0at state.
70is is due to t0e fact t0at t0e acce#tance of t0e international decision li+its t0e so5ereignty of suc0 a state. 70is can be
seen in t0e decisions of t0e I3J to cede t0e Da/assi Peninsula "#art of NigeriaCs territory w0ic0 is constitutionally
recognized to 3a+eroun$. 70is 0as generated serious debate and -uestions t0at border on t0e ob>ecti5ity, co+#etency
and a##licability of suc0 international >udicial decision to a so5ereign state li/e Nigeria. 70is beco+es +ore critical
and curious w0en it is establis0ed t0at t0e sa+e I3J 0as ta/en se5eral decisions against 6nited States of ,+erica,
wit0out t0e i+#le+entation of any of suc0 decisions. 70is t0en raises -uestions about t0e <0urried= i+#le+entation of
t0e I3JCs decision on Da/assi and it seriously c0allenged and ser5ed as a li+itation to t0e so5ereignty of t0e country
o5er t0e control of its territory. It was on t0e basis of t0is t0at t0e senate of t0e 8ederal 4e#ublic of Nigeria atte+#ted to
correct t0e wrong by declaring t0e 'basan>o ad+inistrationCs decision as unconstitutional and so +ust be re5ersed.
Aowe5er, t0ere was no #olitical will, #atriotis+ and +oral dri5e to co+#lete t0is constitutional function.
8ro+ t0is analysis, we can see 0ow globalization li+its t0e so5ereignty of nation states, es#ecially ,frican states or
countries. 70is argu+ent is anc0ored on t0e fact t0at t0e so called de5elo#ed countries of t0e west 0a5e ne5er acce#ted
and i+#le+ented any of t0e I3JCs decisions against t0e+. Suc0 refusals beca+e a #ortent +eans to #rotect and secure
t0eir national so5ereignty.
70is clearly indicates t0at ,frica is worst 0it by globalization. 70is can be gleaned fro+ t0e analysis of t0e ?orld
Dan/. ?it0 a #er ca#ita inco+e t0at a5erage *% dollars in *&BB, +ore t0an forty #ercent "4!L$ of ,fricanCs si;
0undred +illion "M!! +illion$ #eo#le li5e below t0e #o5erty le5el of * dollar #er a day. In se5eral countries, about 2!!
out of e5ery 2!!! c0ildren die before t0e age of %, and +ore t0an 2%! +illion #eo#le lac/ access to safe water, w0ile
+ore t0an 2!! +illion 0a5e no access to 0ealt0 ser5ices and facilities "?orld Dan/9 2!!B$. So, ,frica effecti5ely
<re#resents t0e #oorest of t0e #oor for w0ic0 globalization 0as not ser5ed a lin/ to its de5elo#+ent=. 70e fact t0erefore,
re+ains t0at globalization is a western ca#italist enter#rise t0at stri5es on t0e e;#loitation and do+ination, and
generates s#atial contradictions of wealt0 and #o5ertyF de5elo#+ent and underde5elo#+entF and under+ines t0e
so5ereignty of ,frican nation E states, w0ile /ee#ing intact t0e so5ereignty of t0e western ca#italist encla5e.
,lso, globalization increases t0e need for international institutions to i+#le+ent li+itations and regulations. 70is is
5ery clear in t0e way t0ese institutions 0el# in t0e s+oot0 transition fro+ a collection of so5ereign #owers of states and
t0ere are 5arious reasons ad5anced for t0is trend of e5olution of globalization o5er t0at of so5ereign states. 8or
@andrid and 1unn "2!!2$ t0e nation state crisis e+erges as a result of t0e inability of t0e nation states to +aster its own
#roble+s. 70e origin of t0is crisis are traceable to two +a>or s0ifts, na+ely, t0e decrease in a##eal of t0e conce#t of t0e
indi5iduality of t0e nation-state, and t0e increase in awareness of 5arious econo+ic, ecologic, +ilitary and #olitical
c0allenges t0at necessitates world in5ol5e+ent. 70e argu+ent to buttress t0is is based on t0e fact t0at, for a nation state
to be #olitically acti5e, t0ere is t0e need to wor/ wit0 nation-states and not indi5idually.
70is argu+ent if critically 5iewed stands on a faulty logic of #reference t0at is #ioneered by western ca#italist
establis0+ents li/e t0e .uro#ean 6nion ".6$. 70is is because t0e .uro#ean 6nion grew t0is way for suc0 a long ti+e
t0at, it was so+e /ind of econo+ic tec0no-union. Dut t0e crucial -uestion is, w0at econo+ic union 0as a #arlia+entK
70is can be followed wit0 t0e funda+ental -uestionF w0at is t0e collecti5e 5ision of globalization. It is #redicted t0at
globalization leads to di+inution of t0e role of so5ereign state by +eans of treaties, international organizations,
free-trade, and agree+ent a+ong ot0ers.

Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol ), 2!*2


70e #rediction of t0e de+ise of t0e so5ereign nation states started se5eral years ago as can be seen in I++anuel IantCs
essay ca#tioned <#erce#tual #eace=, w0ic0 was written in *BB%. 70is was followed by Iarl @ar;Cs classic, <wit0ering
away of t0e state=. Aowe5er, it was Dertrand 4ussellCs s#eec0es of *&%! and *&M! t0at raised t0e +oral, legal and
econo+ic angles of t0ese #redictions of t0e de+ise of t0e so5ereign nation states "1ruc/er, *&&B$.
70e false0ood and dece#tion of t0e west can better be a##reciated t0roug0 t0e e;a+ination of t0e establis0+ent of t0e
.uro#ean 6nion. 70e basic -uestion t0erefore beco+es, w0at e;actly is t0e .uro#ean 6nion. , cursory loo/ at t0e
6nion re5eals t0at it bears all t0e tra##ing and insignia of so5ereignty. 70is can be seen in its binding legislation,
#arlia+ent, a flag, a+bassadors t0at are /nown as <1elegates=, treaties t0at are referred to as con5entions wit0 ot0er
states, a co++on currency t0at will e5entually relie5e se5eral of t0e +e+ber states of t0eir /ey econo+ic #olicy
instru+ent. ,lso, t0ere 0as e+erged fro+ Drussel, social and labour #olicies under t0e guise of standardization,
and di#lo+ats ac0ie5ed co++on recognition. 70e .uro#ean 6nion is not a state but a asse+blage of states t0at are
ruled basically by an unelected co++ission of bureaucrats. 70oug0 t0e ter+ <s0ared 5ision= was widely used w0en t0e
.6 was establis0ed, its establis0+ent was largely t0roug0 t0e ins#iration of @. @onnet "4osenau, *&&B$. Aowe5er, we
cannot really define t0is in ter+s of so5ereignty and t0e end #oint of t0at 5ision. 70is indeed is a 5eil t0at is yet to be
lifted off t0e face of t0is new nebulous su#ra#olity t0at started as .cono+ic 3o++unity.
70e -uestions t0erefore, are w0at sort of so5ereignty is e+erging fro+ t0is #rocessK ?0at is t0e goal of t0is
su#ra#olityK ?0at are t0e i+#lications of t0is sort of so5ereignty in relation to t0e so called <less-de5elo#ed= nation or
states of ,fricaK ?0at are t0e catalystic roles of t0is #rocess of con5ergence as a #i5otal +a>or #layer in t0e
distribution of global wealt0K
,ny reflecti5e effort wit0 t0e intention to #ro5ide answers to t0ese -uestions will re5eal t0e insincerity of t0e western
world in ter+s of global #olitics, econo+ic #arity, tec0no-cultural usage and global e-uilibriu+ of resources utilization
for t0e benefit of all +an/ind, irres#ecti5e of race, colour and religion.
70e #icture and intention 0ere is a 5eiled #rocess to under+ine t0e so5ereignty of indi5idual nation state, es#ecially
t0at of underde5elo#ed nations of ,frica t0roug0 t0e instru+entality of ca#italist institutions and organizations suc0 as
t0e .uro#ean 6nion. 70is i+#osed t0erein t0e cultural belief syste+ of t0e western world on ot0ers. 70is #rocess under
t0e guise of globalization will sub+erge and erode t0e so5ereign identity of ot0er so5ereign states, es#ecially t0at of
,frican continent. 70e i+#lication is t0at t0e western world will su#er-i+#ose its identity at t0e global le5el and
#roduce t0e sole #aradig+ u#on w0ic0 is and w0ic0 is not. ?it0 t0is new #aradig+ s0ift, t0ere will be only a single
<global identity=, a single cultural 5alue, ac0ie5able t0roug0 t0e #rocess of tec0nology, w0ic0 0as been defined and
#erfected as a #ortent tool to reduce t0e world to a global 0a+let. 70is assertion is gra#0ically ca#tured by Pius '/igbo
"*&&B$, w0en 0e says9
H+odern science and tec0nology 0as beco+e t0e 0and +aiden of econo+ic #rogress. 70ey 0a5e indeed +ade t0e
world so +uc0 s+all t0at is 0as 5irtually beco+e a global 5illage, indi5idual territories and nation states now find
t0e+sel5es unable to fulfill t0eir wis0es and as#irations inde#endently of t0e rest of t0e world. , for+ of integration is
indeed ta/ing #lace not only of ideas and cultures but also of syste+ of go5ernance, of econo+y and society.
70is trend engineered by globalization #rocess +ade #ossible by tec0nological ad5ances is furt0er reinforced by
.liagwu "2!!2$ w0en 0e #osits t0at9 Hwit0 greater tec0nological re5olution en5isioned in t0e 2*
century, t0e global
5illage will be transfor+ed, +ore or less, into a global 0a+let. ,ction, reaction, and interaction will beco+e +uc0
+ore ra#id wit0 faster infor+ation flow and leaders of go5ern+ents will 0a5e no control o5er t0e s#eed and flow of
suc0 infor+ation t0at will be in5ading t0e #ri5acy of t0eir air and 5isual wa5es. 70e -uestion t0en is, w0ere is t0is
infor+ation co+ing fro+, and w0at is t0e #ur#ose of suc0 infor+ation flowK 70e trut0 is t0at, t0e new infor+ation
re5olution is a #roduct of tec0nological de5elo#+ent designed and +ade #ossible by t0e west wit0 t0e ulti+ate ai+ to
re+ote E control t0e world and dictate w0at t0e world beco+es. So, t0e w0ole idea or conce#t of <global 5illage= or
<global 0a+let= is a +aster-#lan to /nob t0e world wit0in t0e ideological econo+ic #alliati5e of ca#italist eli;ir. ,. S.
@o0a++ed "2!!4$ ca#tures t0is +ore succinctly w0en 0e declares9 70e conse-uence of globalization for t0e defense
and security can be disastrous. 8or instance, it 0as been noted t0at infor+ation warfare could be offensi5ely e+#loyed
to destroy a societyCs ability to wage war wit0out a s0ot being fired by wrec/ing a nationCs infor+ation infrastructure,
including +ilitary, ban/ing and tele#0one syste+s, #ower grids and co+#uter networ/s. Si+ilarly globalization in t0e
field of co++unication 0as serious conse-uences for intelligence by facilitating es#ionage t0roug0 t0e use of fa;,
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol ), 2!*2


co+#uter and satellites. 'ne of t0e +ost serious conse-uences of infor+ation warfare is t0at w0ile few #eo#le would
be /illed, t0e target nationCs econo+y, #ower syste+ and +eans of co++unication would be ruined for years.
70is 0as translated into t0e worst i+#act on ,frica as t0e continent 0as beco+e worse t0roug0 t0e dee#ening crisis of
sur5i5al under t0e orgy of globalization. 70is way, ,frican states li+it and forgo t0eir so5ereignty to t0e new guise of
neo-ca#italis+ and its sub>ecti5e tendencies t0roug0 a well designed e;#loitati5e +ec0anis+ of globalization. ,fricans
need to urgently uneart0 t0e funda+ental reason be0ind t0e establis0+ent of suc0 organizations li/e t0e 6nited Nation,
Nort0 ,tlantic 7reaty 'rganization, t0e .uro#ean 6nions, and ot0ers. ,gain, ,frican leaders +ust wa/e u# fro+ t0eir
+ental slu+ber and rea##raise t0e actual functions, roles and contributions of t0ese bodies to ,frican de5elo#+ent in
concrete ter+s. ,gain, ,frican leaders s0ould realize t0e fact t0at t0e #rinci#le of so5ereign is constantly c0anging due
largely to global treats. So, t0ere is an urgent need for so5ereign ,frican states to react in a #roacti5e +anner to 0alt t0is
trend of globalization t0at tend to seriously li+it t0eir so5ereignty as nation states "./ane+, 2!!)$.

$#* Globalization and Sustainable Development of Africa
70e issue of sustainable de5elo#+ent as it concerns ,frica is a 5ery crucial one t0at de+ands urgent attention. 70is
issue beco+es +ore critical w0en we consider t0e e;#loitation and des#oiling of t0e continent by t0e i+#erial colonial
+aster as carefully 0ig0lig0ted by ?alter 4odney in 0is boo/ Aow .uro#e 6nderde5elo#ed ,frica. It is on t0e basis of
t0is ugly #ast of t0e continent t0at sustainable de5elo#+ent s0ould constitute t0e basis of any conce#tualization of a
global econo+ic order. 70e 4io .art0 su++it raises 0ig0 0o#es of a new #artners0i# ai+ed at establis0ing a +ore
e-uitable international econo+ic order t0at would lay t0e basis for tac/ling t0e ecological crisis and #ro+oting
sustainable de5elo#+ent bot0 nationally and globally. Se5eral years after t0e 4io declaration, it a##ears t0ese 0o#es
0a5e been das0ed since t0e de5elo#ed countries 0a5e continued to renege on t0eir co++it+ents at 4io. 70e +a>or
factor t0at 0as contributed to <>ettison t0e ideas of 4io and creates t0is debacle= according to @artin I0or "2!!*$ <is
t0e counter5ailing trend of liberation and its brand of globalization=.
70e i+#lication of t0is is t0at, globalization t0at is su##osed to be t0e engine roo+ and a 5e0icle for global sustainable
de5elo#+ent based on t0e #rinci#les of e-uity, fairness and trans#arency is seriously lac/ing in t0is s#irit.
Globalization is su##osed to function and create a new #artners0i# based on t0e <s#irit of 4io= to c0ange and alter t0e
#resent course of international relations, tac/le t0e fast growing global en5iron+ent crisis and at t0e sa+e ti+e stri5e
for a +ore e-uitable international econo+ic relations t0at would beco+e t0e foundation or t0e basis for t0e #ro+otion
of sustainable de5elo#+ent at global le5el and in eac0 country.

$#+ Globalization ,rocesses and African Kno!led)e
,ny focus solely on t0e econo+ic as#ect of globalization is indeed too narrow a #ers#ecti5e in t0is discourse.
Globalization is e-ually a #olitical #rocess due to t0e fact t0at it is constructed by relations0i#s of #ower, do+ination
and subordination. Aistory re5eals t0at t0e control of +ar/ets and raw +aterials usually in5ol5ed t0e a##lication of
+ilitary #ower as was co++on during t0e colonial era. So, globalization 0as its 0istorical roots in t0is +odern e#oc0
w0ere +ilitary +ig0t secured t0e global control of raw +aterials t0roug0 industrialization t0at ensure t0e creation and
do+ination of world +ar/ets t0at sustains t0e co+#etiti5e and econo+ic ad5antage of t0e industrialized countries. 70e
#re5alent situation now is t0at international and transnational cor#orations are writing t0e tenets and rules of
globalization. Global #olitical e;c0anges usually in5ol5e t0e a##lication of force as we can see in t0e cases of Nigeria,
Sout0 ,frica and Libya w0ere trade e+bargo was e+#loyed by western #owers so+e years ago. 70ere is also t0e tool
of sur5eillance as can be seen in t0e se5eral I@8 and world Dan/ #olicies as #ac/aged in Structural ,d>ust+ent
Progra++e "S,P$ and ot0er strategies fre-uently ado#ted by t0e western organizations and countries to enforce t0eir
legiti+acy and aut0ority on ot0er countries of ,frica.
Globalization is also seen as a social and cultural #rocess, ?alter "*&&%$ sees globalization as a <social #rocess in
w0ic0 t0e constraints of geogra#0y on social and cultural arrange+ents recede and in w0ic0 #eo#le beco+e
increasingly aware t0at t0ey are receding.= 70e i+#lication of t0is is t0at globalization >ust li/e +odernity in5ol5es t0e
diffusion of ca#italist society and western culture. So, globalization is si+#ly a direct effect and #roduct of .uro#ean
e;#ansion t0at 0as its starting date in colonialis+. 70oug0 t0ere e;ist no 0o+ogeneity t0at is strictly and entirely of
western culture, but t0e #olitical, cultural and social #ositions in t0ose countries outside t0e west are #atterned in
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol ), 2!*2


relation to t0e ca#italist west "?alters, *&&%$. 70e ne;us of t0is ca#italist e;#ansion and global #roduction dates bac/
to @ar;ian era as can be seen in @ar;Cs analysis of ca#italis+.
Globalization is again, a /nowledge #roducing #rocess t0roug0 t0e co+bination of social, #olitical and cultural factors
wit0in a gi5en society and ti+e in a 5ery s#ecial way. Indeed, globalization 0as t0e ca#acity of transfor+ing t0e
#ower-/nowledge ne;us in connection to ot0er /nowledge. 3olonialis+ +ade ot0er /nowledge to be 5irile and
un#rofitable but ca#italis+ stri5es on t0is /nowledge as it e+#loys t0e+ to e;#and and #rofit itself. It is on t0e basis of
t0is t0at intellectual #ro#erly rig0ts 0a5e beco+e an issue of global i+#ortance.
Globalization also in5ol5es so+e le5el of uni5ersalis+ t0at in5ol5es social relations0i# t0at go beyond national and
regional boundaries, but wit0 serious effect on t0e local le5el. 70e long-ter+ future of cocoa far+er in I/o+ Local
Go5ern+ent of 3ross 4i5er State in Nigeria is de#endent on any of t0ese factors, w0ic0 include ?orld-wide trend in
de+and of cocoa as raw +aterials, trade #olicies of t0e ?orld 7rade 'rganization, world #rice of cocoa and #olicies of
t0e 3ross 4i5er State Go5ern+ent and t0e national #olicies on cocoa. It is on t0e basis of t0is t0at Giddens "*&&!$F
?allerstein, "*&&!$ and 4obertson "*&&2$ argued about t0e #articular and t0e uni5ersal as being c0aracteristic of t0e
globalization #rocess.

'# Multiculturalism- %t(nicit and African Identit
Globalization as we 0a5e seen in our analysis in5ol5es t0e flow of +eanings and sy+bols as well as goods and ser5ices.
70ese +ulti#le networ/s of social relations0i#s a+ong di5erse cultures i+#ly an arrange+ent t0at is not in any way
unifor+ but rat0er #ortray di5ersity in a global econo+y, it is ob5ious t0at di5ersity t0at 0as to do wit0 race, et0nicities
and nationalities +ust necessarily be +anaged, so as to enable t0e +ar/et econo+y to o#erate and function wit0out
0itc0es. It is t0is narrow sense of di5ersity t0at constitutes t0e basis of t0e +ulticulturalistCs doctrine. @ulticulturalis+
as defined, ai+s at #reser5ing different cultures wit0out any unnecessary interference wit0 t0e #ro#er o#eration of
society. Aistorically, +ulticulturalis+ e+erged fro+ Nort0 ,+erican efforts to +anage t0e conse-uences of +ass
i++igration and cultural di5ersity, w0ic0 is now #re5alent in se5eral countries. 7o Dener>ee and Lnstead "2!!*$, <state
E s#onsored +ulticulturalis+ often leads to cor#orate +ulticulturalis+ as e;e+#lified by t0e ad5ertising ca+#aigns of
united colors of Denetton t0at celebrate et0nic identities. In t0e #re5alent di5ersity of identifies, it 0as been argued t0at
<consu+#tion is t0e co++on deno+ination and t0e negotiation of a co++on identity t0roug0 consu+#tion is a
0all+ar/ of global culture. 7ransnational cor#orations #ro+ote cross E cultural recognition of t0eir identities, i+ages
and logos and t0is global cor#orate i+age ser5es to redistribute #ublic wealt0 to cor#orations "Darer>ee and Linstead,
2!!*F @atusti/, *&&)$.
,s it could be disco5ered 0ere, t0is notion of +ulticulturalis+ is 5ery #roble+atic as it #er#etuates 0ege+onic +odes
of relations in a global conte;t. It does not in any way ac/nowledge, or does it c0allenge t0e #re5alent ine-ualities of
o##ortunities and access to t0ose factors t0at +a/e tec0nology and industrialization #ossible. 70e globalization of
+ulticulturalis+ in its sanitized #attern does not create an identity for ,frica. 70is is because, +ulticulturalis+ as it is
#resently #ac/aged is a #ro#erty t0at is de5ol5ed to t0e indi5idual.
Indeed, t0e #roduction and consu+#tion of +ulticulturalis+ do not c0allenge t0e #resent in0erent #ower relations0i#sF
rat0er, t0ey consolidate t0e+ as t0ey refocus t0e debate about cultural 0eritage. 8or as Aall "*&&*$ argues, t0ey create a
<s#ectacle, and e;otica of difference=. 70is celebration of cultural #luralis+ is anc0ored on an establis0ed 0ierarc0y of
cultures and +ulticulturalis+ consolidates and 5alidates t0ese 0ege+onic relations wit0out #osing any c0allenge to t0e
0ierarc0y of t0e +a>ority and +inority "Daner>ee and Linstead, 2!!*$.
3ultural #luralis+ erodes class and #ower differences, w0ile #re5enting t0e #ossibilities of c0anges in structural
relations "8oster and Stoc/ley, *&)4$. So, t0e #ossibility of +ulti#le structure and institutions ser5ing +ulti#le cultures
is a serious #roble+ to ,frican identity in a global conte;t. @ulticulturalis+ in t0is conte;t beco+es w0at 0as been
described by S#i5a/ "2!!!$ as triu+#0ant +etro#olitan nationalis+ since t0ose w0o are custodians of culture 0a5e
decreed t0at <culture will not be #erfect unless it is +ulticultural=. 70is is a /ind of +ulticultural w0ere
+ulticulturalis+ is at t0e sa+e ti+e ta/en as <an alibi against racis+ as well as a criterion of cultural ca#ital t0roug0 t0e
consu+#tion of difference wit0out any a##arent interrogation "Daner>ee and Linstead, 2!!*$.

Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol ), 2!*2


70is indeed #resents a serious #roble+ to ,frican identity because t0e continent is not a +a>or #layer in t0e design and
creation of t0e global culture. 70is +a/es et0nicity, aut0entic or ot0erwise to be a #roble+atic category wit0 #olitical
and e#iste+ological conse-uences "4ad0a/ris0+an, *&&M$. 70is is because in a global econo+y, w0at 0a5e t0e
#ro+ise of <one world, +any cultures=, t0e use of t0e ter+ <et0nic=, does not in any way suggest nor e+brace #lurality
but rat0er it <sustains t0e binary o##ositions of t0e do+inant culture= "Daner>ee and Linstead, 2!!*$. Aere, t0e
-uestion +ay be as/ed, w0at does et0nic food and et0nic clot0ing +eans. 70is re5eals so+e 0idden agenda wit0in a
#lural configuration.
It is on t0e basis of t0e agenda t0at cultural traditions t0at were su##ressed and destroyed by colonialis+ are suddenly
<allowed to re-e+erge for t0e creation of s#ace=, t0at is 5ital for t0e sur5eillance of neo-colonial relations ",frican,
*&)B$. 70is scenario 0as broug0t about internal ine-ualities.
,s rig0tly ca#tured by ,lund and Sc0ieru# "*&&*$, t0e culturalization of social ine-ualities creates a new /ind of
racis+. 70is <cultural racis+= according to Daner>ee and Linstead "2!!*$, <constructs i+agined co++unities t0roug0
a celebration and fossilization of differences, w0ic0 are t0en subsu+ed into an i+agined co++unity of national
co0esion=. 3ultural #luralis+ creates so+e for+s of assi+ilation in t0e social-de+ocratic #olicies of certain countries
suc0 as 3anada and ,ustralia.

*# Recommendations
It is 5ery clear fro+ our analysis t0at t0ere are se5eral criticis+s and negati5e as#ects of globalization, but it is a fact
t0at globalization is not absolutely a negati5e conce#t. 1es#ite its ca#italistic tra##ings, t0is is one idea t0at would 0a5e
been 5ery beneficial to ,frica and could en0ance t0e de5elo#+ent of t0e continent, if certain strategic ste#s are ta/en
by bot0 ,frican and world leaders. 70ese ste#s are9 .ducation, it 0as been se5erally argued, is t0e bedroc/ of any
+eaningful de5elo#+entF 0ence, it is i+#erati5e t0at ,frican leaders s0ould c0ange t0eir negati5e attitudes toward
education. 70is can be seen in t0e #rotracted face off between t0e ,cade+ic Staff 6nion of 6ni5ersities ",S66$, and
t0e 8ederal Go5ern+ent of Nigeria t0at bordered on t0e decay in t0e educational sector. Indeed, t0ere is an urgent need
for a generous increase in t0e budgetary allocation to education by ,frican countries. ,gain, t0ere s0ould be a sound
educational #olicy and #0iloso#0y t0at will #ro+ote scientific education, w0ic0 is effecti5ely bac/ed by #olitical will
for its i+#le+entation.
,lso, ,frican leaders +ust learn to su##ort and encourage indigenous initiati5e of in5ention. 70e entire idea of
de#ending on foreign and i+#orted tec0nologies and goods by ,frican countries +ust be sto##ed. 70e dangerous
#ractice of su##ressing and /illing any local in5ention +ust be sto##ed.
,frican leaders +ust learn to in5est t0eir wealt0 in t0e ,frican continent in t0e area of education, researc0 and
industrialization. 70e idea of ,frican leaders si#0oning t0e continentCs wealt0 to foreign ban/s is a serious betrayal of
#ublic trust.
70ere is t0e urgent need for +assi5e education and orientation of t0e #eo#le towards #roducti5e and in5enti5e ideology
t0at #ro+ote #ractical a##lications of oneCs s/ill.
Local industries s0ould be su##orted t0roug0 #rotecti5e +ec0anis+ t0at will allow fa5ourable co+#etition and
sur5i5al in a liberal syste+ t0at will ensure #rofitability and e;#ansion.
,not0er serious issue and #roble+ of ,frica is t0at of bad and 5isionless leaders0i#. ,fricans +ust be +ade to i+bibe
de+ocratic culture, good go5ernance, trans#arency and accountability. ,frican leaders +ust abandon t0e cra5e for
#ersonal aggrandize+ent t0roug0 t0e looting of t0e #ublic treasury. 70ey s0ould learn to 0a5e a 5ision for t0e
de5elo#+ent of t0e society. 70e leaders +ust stri5e to i+#ro5e on t0e econo+y and e5ol5e a #olitical syste+ t0at is
rigorously legalistic and ideological in focus and orientation.

70e local artisans li/e t0e +ec0anics, re#airers, blac/s+it0s, 0erbalists, etc, s0ould be encouraged and gi5en incenti5es
t0at will #ro+ote so#0istication of t0eir nati5e and local ideas. ,frican leaders s0ould #ro+ote attitudinal c0ange
a+ong ,fricans to alter t0e t0in/ing of seeing t0e west as t0e ,l#0a and '+ega. 70ey +ust learn fro+ t0e Ja#anese
and 30inese e;#eriences t0at e5ol5ed indigenous tec0nology, science and +edicine, w0ic0 is 5ery distinct for+ t0at of
t0e west.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol ), 2!*2


70e ,frican world-5iew +ust be de5elo#ed and #ro+oted for internationalization so as to encourage its global
acce#tance. 70e ,frican s#irit and idea +ust not be sacrificed on t0e alter of western world-5iew, w0ic0 0as been +ade
a uni5ersal #aradig+. ,fricans +ust urgently brea/ away fro+ t0is western #aradig+atic notion and encourage a
collaborati5e and co+#etiti5e a##roac0 to sustainable de5elo#+ent of t0e ,frican continent.
?estern leaders +ust s0ow sincerity of #ur#ose t0roug0 t0e encourage+ent and #ro+otion of t0e s#irit of e-uity,
fairness and brot0er0ood. 70e dic0oto+ized and racial notions in0erent in t0e western a##roac0 to de5elo#+ent s0ould
be 0alted.
Globalization s0ould be re#ac/aged and rebranded, so t0at it can be deli5ered to ,frica and ot0er de5elo#ing countries
wit0 t0e s#irit of e-uity. 70e idea of t0e west #laying t0e lords and +asters to t0e rest of t0e world es#ecially ,frica is
not wit0in t0e sco#e of globalization as a de5elo#+ent de5ice or +ec0anis+. So, w0at t0e west really needs to do is to
be fair and balanced in s#reading global resources for sustainable de5elo#+ent.
70e serious c0allenge for t0e western world is t0e fact t0at globalization need to be rid off t0e tag of a ca#italist
enter#rise t0at feeds and grows on e;#loitation and do+ination, generates s#atial contradictions of wealt0 and #o5erty,
de5elo#+ent and its antit0esis, w0ic0 is underde5elo#+ent.
,lso, t0ere is t0e urgent need to co+#letely dis+antle all t0e ca#italist structures and re#lace it wit0 welfarist and
0u+anistic tenets.
,gain, t0ere is t0e s#ecial need to fully i+#le+ent t0e fi5e #illars of t0e Lagos #lan of ,ction in t0e w0ole of ,frica
w0ic0 are9
70e deliberate #ro+otion of increasing +easure of national relianceF
70e acceleration of internally located and relati5ely autono+ous #rocesses of growt0 and di5ersification and t0e
ac0ie5e+ent of self-sustained de5elo#+ent #rocessF
70e effecti5e de+ocratization of de5elo#+ent #rocessF
70e #rogressi5e eradication of +ass #o5erty and une+#loy+ent, and a fair and >ust distribution of inco+e and benefits
of de5elo#+ent a+ong t0e #o#ulaceF and
70e acceleration of t0e #rocess of regional econo+ic integration t0roug0 coo#eration, ",de>u+obi, *&&)$.

+# Conclusion
70e ,frican #eo#le 0a5e suffered uni+aginable 0ell on eart0 wit0 econo+ic and en5iron+ental #rocesses forced on
t0e+. 70is can be seen in t0e case of t0e Niger 1elta #eo#le of Nigeria.
It +ust be stated 0ere t0at econo+ic and en5iron+ental #rocesses are su##osed to connect indi5iduals to large scale of
c0ange at bot0 t0e local and global #oles. It is a fact t0at local and global #rocesses are 5ital, and also #rocesses t0at are
eit0er regional or national in c0aracter. Since all t0ese #rocesses tend to s0a#e t0e circu+stances of our daily li5es, t0e
e;ercise oug0t not to be suc0 t0at a##ear to #ro5ide e+#irical or t0eoretical #riority to one le5el o5er anot0er. ?e 0a5e
to, as a +atter of e-uity and natural order recognize all le5els t0at are rele5ant to socio-s#atial c0ange.
?0en t0is is ta/en as it s0ould be, and if ,frican countries are not to be e;cluded fro+ t0e benefits of globalization,
t0en t0e definition of t0e conce#t re-uires an e;#ansion to i+#ly or +ean t0at all countries of t0e world are wor/ing
conscientiously to assist in raising t0e -uality of life e5eryw0ere so t0at t0e brea/ing down of geogra#0ical, trade,
financial and infor+ation barriers t0at e;ist between countries will bring about better o##ortunities. 70is i+#lies
constructi5e engage+ent, #artners0i# and coo#eration. 70is will surely lead to w0at Dill 3linton sees as <s0aring t0e
benefits and s0rin/ing t0e burdens.=
70is t0en is t0e real c0ange for globalization in t0e 2*
century. 70is s0ould in5ol5e bringing #oor ,frican countries
including t0ose in conflict out of w0at 0as been ter+ed <Global isolation.=
8inally, all t0ese +ust be #ut in 0istorical #ers#ecti5e t0at dates bac/ to *))% during t0e Derlin conference w0en
.uro#ean i+#erial #owers #artitioned and car5ed out of ,frica >ust fifty countries out of its o5er *!,!!! /ingdo+s,
tribes and federations for t0e con5enient ad+inistration of t0e i+#erial #ower till *&M!s. 70is is t0e root cause of t0e
#resent Da/assi #roble+ in 3ross 4i5er State, w0ere t0e ric0 Da/assi #eninsula 0as been ceded based on faulty legal
and i+#erial logic 3a+eroun. ,lready, ,frica 0as been a #lural cultural center#iece, but t0is 0as been co+#letely
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol ), 2!*2


destroyed by an atte+#t to introduce a do+inant global culture a+idst +ulticulturalis+. 70is 0as broug0t about se5eral
conflicts in ,frica. 70is also 0istorically accounts for t0e Do/o Aara+ insurgency in Nigeria. So, t0e origin of
globalization as can be seen fro+ t0is is not a #aradig+ or a conce#t to fa5our ,frica, 0ence ,frican leaders need to
understand t0is bac/ground and i+#lications before t0rowing wider t0e doors of t0e continent for t0is
ca#i-i+#erialist conce#tualization to control t0e world.

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