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This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.


Code of Practice

Page 2 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.

FOREWORD ..................................................................................................................... 3
SCOPE AND APPLICATION ............................................................................................ 3
1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 4
1.1 What is formwork and falsework? ................................................................................. 4
1.2 Who has health and safety duties in relation to formwork and falsework activities? ...... 5
1.3 What is involved in managing risks associated with formwork and falsework activities? 6
1.4 Information, training, instruction and supervision .......................................................... 7
2 THE RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS ...................................................................... 9
2.1 Identifying the hazards .................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Assessing the risks ....................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Controlling the risks ...................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Maintaining and reviewing control measures .............................................................. 11
3 PLANNING................................................................................................................ 12
3.1 Construction project and principal contractor .............................................................. 12
3.2 Safe work method statements .................................................................................... 13
3.3 Designers ................................................................................................................... 13
3.4 Formwork and falsework design ................................................................................. 16
3.5 Adjacent buildings or structures .................................................................................. 19
3.6 Falls ............................................................................................................................ 19
3.7 Working near electric lines .......................................................................................... 19
3.8 Securing the work area ............................................................................................... 20
3.9 Emergency plan .......................................................................................................... 21
4 WORK METHODS AND SYSTEMS ......................................................................... 22
4.1 Traditional and modular formwork systems ................................................................. 22
4.2 Slip forms and jump forms .......................................................................................... 23
4.3 Travelling formwork .................................................................................................... 24
5 FORMWORK AND FALSEWORK ACTIVITIES ....................................................... 26
5.1 Foundations and footings............................................................................................ 26
5.2 Erecting formwork and falsework ................................................................................ 26
5.3 Constructing formwork ................................................................................................ 27
5.4 Crane and load handling ............................................................................................. 34
5.5 Inspecting and monitoring ........................................................................................... 36
5.6 Stripping formwork ...................................................................................................... 36
5.7 Dismantling falsework ................................................................................................. 38
6 SPECIFIC HAZARDS AND CONTROL MEASURES ............................................... 39
6.1 Wall and column forms ............................................................................................... 39
6.2 Slip, jump and travelling forms .................................................................................... 40
APPENDIX A DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................ 45

Page 3 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
This Code of Practice for managing risks associated with formwork and falsework activities is an
approved code of practice under section 274 of the Work Health and Safety Act (the WHS Act).
An approved code of practice is a practical guide to achieving the standards of health, safety
and welfare required under the WHS Act and the Work Health and Safety Regulations (the
WHS Regulations).
A code of practice applies to anyone who has a duty of care in the circumstances described in
the code. In most cases, following an approved code of practice would achieve compliance with
the health and safety duties in the WHS Act, in relation to the subject matter of the code. Like
regulations, codes of practice deal with particular issues and do not cover all hazards or risks
which may arise. The health and safety duties require duty holders to consider all risks
associated with work, not only those for which regulations and codes of practice exist.
Codes of practice are admissible in court proceedings under the WHS Act and Regulations.
Courts may regard a code of practice as evidence of what is known about a hazard, risk or
control and may rely on the code in determining what is reasonably practicable in the
circumstances to which the code relates.
Compliance with the WHS Act and Regulations may be achieved by following another method,
such as a technical or an industry standard, if it provides an equivalent or higher standard of
work health and safety than the code.
An inspector may refer to an approved code of practice when issuing an improvement or
prohibition notice.
This Code of Practice has been developed by Safe Work Australia as a model code of practice
under the Council of Australian Governments Inter-Governmental Agreement for Regulatory
and Operational Reform in Occupational Health and Safety for adoption by the Commonwealth,
state and territory governments.
A draft of this Code of Practice was released for public consultation on 2 April 2012 and was
endorsed by the Select Council on Workplace Relations on [to be completed].
This Code provides practical guidance to persons conducting a business or undertaking on how
to comply with their health and safety duties when carrying out construction work involving
formwork and falsework activities, including high risk construction work.

This Code should be read in conjunction with the Code of Practice: Construction Work which
provides further guidance for persons conducting a business or undertaking involving
construction work and high risk construction work.

How to use this Code of Practice
In providing guidance, the word should is used in this Code to indicate a recommended course
of action, while may is used to indicate an optional course of action.

This Code also includes various references to sections of the WHS Act and Regulations which
set out the legal requirements. These references are not exhaustive. The words must,
requires or mandatory indicate a legal requirement exists and must be complied with.

Page 4 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
1.1 What is formwork and falsework?
Formwork and falsework are temporary structures that support parts or the whole of a
permanent structure until it is self-supporting. Individual components of formwork and falsework,
for example scaffolding, are plant. Once assembled the components form the temporary
structure. Some formwork and falsework systems are designed to remain with the permanent

Generally, work carried out to design, construct, erect, alter, maintain, dismantle or remove
formwork or falsework will be defined as construction work.

Formwork means the surface, support and framing used to define the shape of concrete until it
is self-supporting.
Formwork includes the forms on or within which the concrete is poured, the supports
which carry the forms and the concrete, the bracing which may be added to ensure
stability, as well as the foundations and footings.
When complete, the formwork is sometimes referred to as the formwork assembly.
Although commonly referred to as part of the formwork, the formwork supports, bracing,
foundations and footings are referred to as falsework.

Falsework means the temporary structure used to support a permanent structure, material,
plant, equipment and people until the construction of the permanent structure has advanced to
the stage that it is self-supporting.
A temporary structural support system referred to as falsework includes the foundations,
footings and all structural members supporting the permanent structural elements.
Falsework is commonly used to support spanning or arched structures, for example
bridges, while they are being constructed.
The temporary support structures for formwork (see above) used to mould concrete to
form a desired shape and the scaffold that might also give workers entry to the structure
being constructed is sometimes referred to as falsework.

What is construction work?
R.289: Construction work means any work carried out in connection with the construction,
alteration, conversion, fitting-out, commissioning, renovation, repair, maintenance,
refurbishment, demolition, decommissioning or dismantling of a structure.

Construction work includes:
installation or testing carried out in connection with an activity referred to in the definition
the removal from the workplace of any product or waste resulting from demolition
the prefabrication or testing of elements, at a place specifically established for the
construction work, for use in construction work
the assembly of prefabricated elements to form a structure, or the disassembly of
prefabricated elements forming part of a structure
the installation, testing or maintenance of an essential service in relation to a structure
work connected with an excavation
work connected with any preparatory work or site preparation (including landscaping as
part of site preparation) carried out in connection with an activity referred to the definition

Page 5 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
an activity referred to in the definition above that is carried out on, under or near water,
including work on buoys and obstructions to navigation.

Formwork and falsework may include construction work that is defined as high risk construction
work in the WHS Regulations for which a safe work method statement must be prepared before
the work starts.

Further guidance on what is construction work and safe work method statements is available in
the Code of Practice: Construction Work.

Other key terms used in this Code are defined in Appendix A.
1.2 Who has health and safety duties in relation to formwork and falsework
A person conducting a business or undertaking has the primary duty to ensure, so far as is
reasonably practicable, workers and other people are not exposed to health and safety risks
arising from the business or undertaking.
This duty requires the person to manage risks by eliminating health and safety risks so far as is
reasonably practicable, and if it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate the risks, by
minimising those risks so far as is reasonably practicable.
There are more specific requirements to manage risks under the WHS Regulations, including
those associated with plant, construction work, falls, noise and hazardous manual tasks.
For clarity, the person conducting a business or undertaking who carries out formwork and
falsework activities is referred to in this Code as the formwork or falsework installer.
A principal contractor for a construction project - where the cost of the construction work is
$250,000 or more - has additional duties under the WHS Regulations, including to:
take all reasonable steps to obtain from each person conducting a business or
undertaking that is to carry out high risk construction work a copy of the safe work
method statement relating to that work before the high risk construction work starts
prepare a written work health and safety management plan for the workplace before
work on the construction project starts.

Designers of structures, including temporary structures, must ensure so far as is reasonably
practicable the structure is without risks to health and safety when used for a purpose for which
it was designed. Designers must give the person who commissioned the design of the
temporary structure a written safety report, see section 3.2 of this Code. Pre-fabricated
formwork must have its design registered under Part 5 of the WHS Regulations for plant.

Manufacturers, importers and suppliers must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable,
plant and structures they manufacture, import or supply are without risks to the health and
safety of people. Each of these duty holders must provide information about the plant to the
next duty holder along the entire supply chain and ultimately to the buyer.

Installers must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the way the plant or structure is
installed is without risks to the health and safety of people who install, use, decommission or
dismantle the plant or structure and others who are at or near of the workplace.

Officers, such as company directors, have a duty to exercise due diligence to ensure the
business or undertaking complies with the WHS Act and Regulations. This includes taking
reasonable steps to ensure the business or undertaking has and uses appropriate resources
and processes to eliminate or minimise risks from the construction work.

Page 6 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
Workers have a duty to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and to not
adversely affect other peoples health and safety. Workers must co-operate with reasonable
policies or procedures relating to health and safety at the workplace and comply, so far as they
are reasonably able, with reasonable instructions. If personal protective equipment is provided
by the business or undertaking, the worker must so far as they are reasonably able, use or wear
it in accordance with the information, instruction and training provided.
Other persons at the workplace, like visitors, must take reasonable care for their own health
and safety and must take reasonable care not to adversely affect other peoples health and
safety. They must comply, so far as they are reasonably able, with reasonable instructions
given by the person conducting the business or undertaking to allow that person to comply with
the WHS Act.
1.3 What is invol ved in managing risks associated with formwork and falsework
R.297: A person conducting a business or undertaking must manage risks associated with
carrying out construction work.

R.32-38: To manage risk, a person conducting a business or undertaking must:
identify reasonably foreseeable hazards that could give rise to risks to health and safety
eliminate risks to health and safety so far as is reasonably practicable
if it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate risks to health and safetyminimise those
risks so far as is reasonably practicable by implementing risk control measures according to
the hierarchy of control in regulation 36
ensure the control measure is, and is maintained so that it remains, effective, and
review and as necessary revise control measures implemented to maintain, so far as is
reasonably practicable, a work environment that is without risks to health or safety.

Chapter 2 of this Code provides guidance on how to manage the risks associated with cash-in-
transit activities following a systematic process which involves:
identify hazards find out what could cause harm
assess risks if necessary understand the nature of the harm that could be caused by the
hazard, how serious the harm could be and the likelihood of it happening
control risks implement the most effective control measures that are reasonably
practicable in the circumstances
review control measures to ensure they are working as planned.
Further guidance on the risk management process generally is available in the Code of
Practice: How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks.
Consulting your workers
S.47: The person conducting a business or undertaking must, so far as is reasonably
practicable, consult with workers who carry out work for the business or undertaking who are, or
are likely to be, directly affected by a matter relating to work health or safety.
S.48: If the workers are represented by a health and safety representative, the consultation
must involve that representative.

Consultation involves sharing information, giving workers a reasonable opportunity to express
views and taking those views into account before making decisions on health and safety

Page 7 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
Consultation with workers and their health and safety representatives is required at each step of
the risk management process. In many cases, decisions about construction work and projects
are made before engaging workers, so it may not be possible to consult with workers in these
early stages. However, it is important to consult with workers as the falsework and formwork
activities progress. By drawing on the experience, knowledge and ideas of your workers you are
more likely to identify hazards and choose effective control measures.
You should encourage your workers to report hazards and health and safety problems
immediately so the risks can be managed before an incident occurs.
Consulting, co-operating and co-ordinating activities with other duty holders
S.46: If more than one person has a duty in relation to the same matter under this Act, each
person with the duty must, so far as is reasonably practicable, consult, co-operate and co-
ordinate activities with all other persons who have a duty in relation to the same matter.
A construction workplace is often shared by many persons conducting a business or
undertaking, for example civil engineers, contractors and mobile plant operators. People with
overlapping duties should share information about the risks associated with the formwork and
falsework activity including traffic and plant moving near the formwork and falsework areas.
They should work together in a co-operative and co-ordinated way so risks are eliminated or
minimised so far as is reasonably practicable.

Further guidance on consultation is available in the Code of Practice: Work Health and Safety
Consultation, Co-operation and Co-ordination.
1.4 Information, training, instruction and supervision
S.19: A person conducting a business or undertaking must ensure, so far as is reasonably
practicable, the provision of any information, training, instruction or supervision that is
necessary to protect all persons from risks to their health and safety arising from work carried
out as part of the conduct of the business or undertaking.

R.39: A person conducting a business or undertaking must ensure that information, training and
instruction provided to a worker is suitable and adequate having regard to:
the nature of the work carried out by the worker
the nature of the risks associated with the work at the time of the information, training and
instruction, and
the control measures implemented.

The person must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the information, training and
instruction provided under this regulation is provided in a way that is readily understandable by
any person to whom it is provided.
R.317: A person conducting a business or undertaking must not direct or allow a worker to carry
out construction work unless the worker has successfully completed general construction
induction training and if the worker completed the training more than 2 years previouslythe
worker has carried out construction work in the preceding 2 years.
Training specific to the formwork and falsework activities and to the site should be provided to
workers by a competent person. A person conducting a business or undertaking must also
ensure workers operating certain types of plant at the workplace, for example cranes, hold a
valid licence to operate that plant.

A competent person should supervise the formwork and falsework activity. Workers that
supervise formwork or falsework activities like a leading hand or foreman should be

Page 8 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
experienced and trained in formwork and falsework and authorised to ensure the work is carried
out in accordance with the applicable safe work method statement.

Further information on general construction induction training and other training is available in
the Code of Practice: Construction Work.

Page 9 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
2.1 Identifying the hazards
The first step to manage risks is to identify the hazards associated with formwork and falsework
activities. Examples of formwork and falsework hazards include:
formwork or falsework collapse before, during and after placement of concrete or the
structural members to be supported
working at height
falling objects
slips and trips
manual tasks.
2.2 Assessing the risks
A risk assessment involves considering what could happen if someone is exposed to a hazard
and the likelihood of it happening.
Many hazards and their associated risks are well known and have well established and
accepted control measures. In these situations, the second step to formally assess the risk is
unnecessary. If, after identifying a hazard, you already know the risk and how to control it
effectively, you may simply implement the controls.

When assessing risks involved with formwork and falsework you should consider things like:
the type of form or falsework elements to be used
the height of the formwork or falsework to be erected
the size of the formwork deck or other platforms included in the falsework
the location of intermediate working platforms
the scheduling of the work
the layout of the workplace, including whether there are fall hazards both for people and
the number of people involved
what plant and equipment will be used and the skill and experience required to use it
what exposures might occur, e.g. noise or ultra-violet radiation
local weather conditions, particularly wind forces.

It should then be possible to select the most suitable work methods and arrangements to
eliminate or minimise risks, for example:
items of plant and equipmentlarge structures may require scaffolding or mobile plant to
work on suspended floors
minimise the working heights for people erecting and dismantling the formwork or
safe temporary work platforms where work at height is required
plant and material placement and storage to minimise manual handling.
2.3 Controlling the risks
Some control measures are more effective than others. Control measures can be ranked from
the highest level of protection and reliability to the lowest. This ranking is known as the
hierarchy of control.

Page 10 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
Eliminating the risk
This means removing the hazard or hazardous work practice from the workplace. This is
the most effective control measure and must always be considered before anything else.
If eliminating the risk is not reasonably practicable, you must consider using substitution,
isolation or engineering controls, or a combination of these control measures, to minimise the
Minimising the risk
Minimise the risk by substituting or replacing a hazard or hazardous work practice with a safer
one. Examples include:
using a type of formwork that can be preassembled on the ground and then lifted into
position by a crane which reduces the need to work at height and therefore the risk of
people or objects falling
using a crane to lift formwork or falsework components instead of manual lifting
minimises the risk of musculoskeletal disorders.
Minimise the risk by isolating or separating the hazard or hazardous work practice from people.
For example, isolating people working on falsework and formwork from mobile plant with
physical barriers will minimise the risk of contact occurring between a person and the mobile
Engineering Controls
Engineering controls are physical control measures to minimise risk, for example install fall
prevention devices like guard rails, toe boards and edge protection to minimise the risk of a
person or object falling from height.
If a risk then remains, the duty holder must minimise the remaining risk, so far as is reasonably
practicable, by using:
Administrative controls
Administrative controls should only be considered when other higher order control measures
are not reasonably practicable, or to increase protection from the hazard. These are work
methods or procedures that are designed to minimise the exposure to a hazard, for example
install warning signs near the formwork and falsework activity.
Any remaining risk must be minimised, as far as is reasonably practicable, by providing and
Personal protective equipment
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is the lowest order control measure in the hierarchy of
controls. PPE should also only be considered when other higher order control measures are not
reasonably practicable or to increase protection from the hazard. Examples of PPE include
hats, hearing protectors and high visibility vests.
Administrative control measures and PPE rely on human behaviour and supervision, and used
on their own, tend to be least effective in minimising risks.
Combining control measures
In most cases, a combination of the controls measures will provide the best solution to minimise
the risk to the lowest level reasonably practicable. You should check your chosen control
measures do not introduce new hazards. For example, protect workers from falls using fall
protection devices like guard rails (engineering) and other workers from falling objects by
establishing an exclusion zone for the work area (isolation) and providing hard hats (personal

Page 11 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
protective equipment). You should check your chosen control measures do not introduce new
2.4 Maintaining and reviewing control measures
R.37: A person conducting a business or undertaking must ensure control measures are
maintained so that they remain effective, including by ensuring that the control measures are
and remain:
fit for purpose
suitable for the nature and duration of the work, and
installed, set up and used correctly.

R.38: A duty holder must review and as necessary revise control measures implemented to
maintain, so far as is reasonably practicable, a work environment that is without risks to health
or safety.
The control measures put in place to protect health and safety should be regularly reviewed to
make sure they are effective, including then there is a change at the workplace. For example,
control measures should be reviewed:

when an injury or illness occurs because of a hazard the risk assessment addressed, or
failed to consider
before making changes to work procedures
if new information becomes available to indicate a control measure may no longer be the
most effective
when there are changes to who is engaged to carry out work.

Control measures can be reviewed and revised in consultation with workers and their health
and safety representatives. Workers are often able to quickly identify and propose solutions to
problems when they occur.

Controls should be checked by using the same methods as the initial hazard identification and
risk assessment. If a hazard is not eliminated or minimised by the chosen control measures, go
back through the risk management steps, review the information and make further decisions
about risk control.

When reviewing control measures, a safe work method statement must also be reviewed and
revised where necessary.

Page 12 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.

Formwork and falsework activities should be planned before work starts so it can be carried out
safely. Planning involves identifying the hazards, assessing the risks and determining
appropriate control measures in consultation with the people involved in the work, including the
principal contractor, the formwork or falsework installer, designers and mobile plant operators.
Consultation should include discussions on the:
nature or condition of the ground or working environment
weather conditions
nature of the work and other activities that may affect health and safety
interaction with other trades
site entry
safe work method statement
management of mobile plant and surrounding vehicular traffic
type of equipment used for formwork and falsework
public safety
provision of adequate amenities
procedures to deal with emergencies
skills and training of workers.
3.1 Construction project and principal contractor
Where the value of construction work is $250,000 or more, it becomes a construction project
requiring a principal contractor. There can only be one principal contractor for a construction
project and this will be either the person commissioning the construction work or a person
appointed as the principal contractor by the person commissioning the construction work.
The principal contractor has a range of duties for a construction project including:
preparing and reviewing a work health and safety management plan
getting a safe work method statement before high risk construction work starts
putting in place arrangements to manage the work environment, e.g. facilities, first aid,
traffic management and emergency planning
installing signs showing the principal contactors name, contact details and location of
site office
securing the construction workplace.

Although unlikely, it is possible the formwork or falsework installer will be the principal
contractor. This might occur, for example, where there is significant formwork and falsework
activity required and it forms the bulk of the construction work. In this case, the formwork or
falsework installer, as the principal contractor, must comply with the principal contractor duties.

Further guidance on principal contractor duties can be found in the Code of Practice:
Construction Work.

Page 13 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
3.2 Safe work method statements
R.299: A person conducting a business or undertaking that includes the carrying out of high risk
construction work must, before high risk construction work commences, ensure that a safe work
method statement for the proposed work:
is prepared, or
has already been prepared by another person.

A safe work method statement must be prepared for high risk construction work before the work
A range of activities defined as high risk construction work may be carried out as part of
formwork and falsework, including work:
involving a risk of a person falling more than 2 metres
involving structural alterations or repairs that require temporary support to prevent
carried out on or near energised electrical installations or services
carried out at a workplace in which there is movement of powered mobile plant
carried out in or near a shaft or trench with an excavated depth greater than 1.5 metres.

The safe work method statement must:
identify the type of high risk construction work being done
specify the health and safety hazards and risks arising from that work
describe how the risks will be controlled
describe how the control measures will be implemented, monitored and reviewed

Safe work method statements must be developed in consultation with workers and their
representatives who are carrying out the high risk work.

Further guidance on safe work method statements including a template and example of a safe
work method statement is available in the Code of Practice: Construction Work.
3.3 Designers
S.22: A person (the designer) who conducts a business or undertaking that designs plant or a
structure that is to be used, or could reasonably be expected to be used, as, or at, a workplace
must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the plant or structure is designed to be
without risks to the health and safety of persons who:
use the plant or structure at a workplace for a purpose for which it was designed
store the plant
construct the structure
carry out any reasonably foreseeable activity at a workplace in relation to the
manufacture, assembly or use of the plant or structure for a purpose for which it was
designed, or the proper storage, decommissioning, dismantling or disposal of the plant
or structure, or
are at or in the vicinity of a workplace and who are exposed to the plant or structure at
the workplace or whose health or safety may be affected by one of the above uses or

A designer of formwork or falsework is responsible for the planning and design of the complete
structure. This includes the design of the formwork support structure, that is falsework, the
formwork deck and connection details. There are two design activities relating to formwork and
falsework being the design of:
the items of plantthe formwork or falsework system

Page 14 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
the structure formed from the items of plantinstalling the system.

This means there may be more than one designer having duties in the formwork and falsework

For manufacturing, assembling, constructing, using and proper dismantling and disposing of
plant or a structure, designers have a duty under the WHS Act to:
carry out, or arrange the carrying out of calculations, analysis, testing or examination
necessary for the structure to be without risks to the safety of people
provide adequate information to each person who is provided with the design to give
effect to it concerning conditions necessary to ensure the structure is without risks to
health and safety.
Designers safety report for construction work
R.295: The designer of a structure or any part of a structure that is to be constructed must give
the person conducting a business or undertaking who commissioned the design a written report
that specifies the hazards relating to the design of the structure that, so far as the designer is
reasonably aware:
create a risk to the health or safety of persons who are to carry out any construction work on
the structure or part, and
are associated only with the particular design and not with other designs of the same type of

Formwork and falsework is construction work. A safety report must be prepared for a specific or
unusual design but not for common designs for which the risks are already known. For example,
a design that specifies an unusual structure for a specific application may introduce unique
hazards that require specific risk controls.
A person commissioning the construction work must consult, so far as is reasonably practicable,
with the designer of the whole or any part of the structure about eliminating and controlling risks.
The general duty to provide information under the WHS Act may be met through the designers
safety report prepared under the WHS Regulations.
A written safety report may include proprietary documentation setting out how to use a
component or component system safely, formwork or falsework methods and health and safety
risk control measures to be used.
If the person commissioning the construction work did not commission the design they must
take all reasonable steps to obtain any relevant designers safety report.
Where there is a principal contractor, the person conducting a business or undertaking who
commissioned the formwork and falsework design must give a copy of any relevant designers
safety report to the principal contractor.
Further guidance on the safe design of buildings and structures can be found in the Code of
Practice: Safe Design of Structures.

Technical standards
A designer may use a technical standard or combination of standards and engineering
principles relevant to the design requirements as long as the outcome is a design that meets
regulatory requirements, including for work health and safety laws. Engineering principles would
include, for example, mathematical or scientific procedures outlined in an engineering reference
manual or standard.
Design requirements will vary depending on whether the design is for prefabricated formwork
components or for more complex formwork or falsework structures.

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Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
Plant design
Designer duties apply to a person conducting a business or undertaking who modifies the
design during manufacture, or modifies existing plant, so that new measures for controlling risk
are required.

An importer of prefabricated formwork or falsework who is unable to source the necessary
information from the original designer assumes the designer responsibility to demonstrate the
plant satisfies the relevant health and safety requirements. This can be achieved by having a
competent person develop the information for the supplier.

Plant design registration
All items of plant requiring design registration under Part 1 of Schedule 5 to the WHS
Regulations, including prefabricated formwork, must be registered before use. The person with
management or control of the prefabricated formwork must ensure the design registration
number is kept so it is readily accessible near the prefabricated formwork.
If a person conducting a business or undertaking is hiring prefabricated formwork, the supplier
must provide the design registration number, usually on the supply docket or agreement. This
design registration information must be kept at the workplace where the prefabricated formwork
is to be used.

Further information on safe design principles and plant design registration can be found in the
Code of Practice: Safe Design, Manufacture, Import and Supply of Plant.

Structure design
Anything constructed to support a load can be referred to as a structure, including formwork and

The term designer includes anyone who modifies the design. For example, if the capacity of
formwork is to be increased by adding more components, a designer will need to complete
additional calculations to ensure the modified structure is capable of supporting the additional
load. The person designing the addition has designer duties and, if they are not the original
designer, they should consult the original designer to ensure the new configuration does not
compromise the existing design specifications or safety factors.

The design of an in-situ constructed concrete structure can have a major effect on the ease of
formwork construction and on the health and safety of people during construction. Generally,
the more basic and simple the final concrete structure, the safer it is to construct, erect and
dismantle the formwork.

An experienced formwork designer should be consulted during the design of a temporary
structure for in-situ concrete construction to provide input on ways to minimise health and safety
risks arising from formwork activities. Some of the design measures considered to minimise
exposure to risk of injury during the construction of formwork include:
Reducing variations in the floor depth, that is, construct a floor so it has one consistent
depth. Formwork decks that are a consistent depth are easier to erect than variable
depth floors and minimise the risk of injury. Deeper beams introduce drop downs into
the floor, creating trip and fall hazards and require more work to construct and strip after
Where beam forms are essential, provide suitable access across the beam recess to
prevent injury to workers from stepping into the form during construction.
Reducing the number of columns required and, where columns do exist, eliminate
capitals and dropdowns.

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Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
Utilise precast columns and beams. This can minimise the risks associated with fixing
reinforcement, erecting and stripping column formwork and pouring concrete on site.
Work activities carried out in a factory environment are generally lower risk.
Reducing cantilevered floor sections.
Planning for manual tasks. Consideration should be given to the suitability of the design
of different formwork systems that will minimise manual handling risks, including:
o table forms
o systems with lighter weights of materials to be handled
o methods of formwork erection, alteration and dismantling
o improved entry and exit for workers and movement of materials and equipment
Considering sufficient clearance to adjacent structures
o methods for moving large and heavy components, materials and equipment, i.e.
making allowances for a crane and other mechanical lifting devices to be used.

Where falsework is required to support a complex structure during construction, for example a
stone arch bridge, the falsework designer should be involved in the structural design to
minimise the falsework complexity and minimise risk during its construction and dismantling.

The design process may be simple or complex depending on the size and complexity of the
structure involved. However, it is important the person who designs formwork and falsework is
competent to do so. This includes but is not limited to a civil engineer experienced in structural
design, to ensure it is capable of carrying the loads that will be applied to it.
3.4 Formwork and falsework design
Formwork and falsework designers should consider the work practices necessary to carry out
the erection and dismantling of the formwork or falsework as designed and identify health and
safety risks and controls at the design stage. Design matters to consider include:
using designs that do not require in-situ formwork, e.g. tilt-up or precast concrete
elements can be constructed elsewhere and lifted into position
the method and sequence of erecting and dismantling the formwork and falsework and
its supports and the related risks, e.g. manual handling
providing safe entry to and exit from the work areas on and around the formwork and
minimising the working heights for people erecting and dismantling formwork and
allowing for guard rail systems, including toeboards, perimeter safety screens,
scaffolding or other means to be installed when working at heights
allowing for fall arrest systems including safety lines to be installed if required
providing advice and information, e.g. drawings, scope of work instructions and bills of
quantity, to the formwork or falsework installer and the principal contractor about where
extra safety precautions may be required, e.g. using multiple level frames or high
identifying hazards and appropriate risk control measures in the design, e.g. sloping
surfaces on formwork are slip hazards
limiting significant changes in the floor depth where possible design a floor with one
consistent depth. Decks with a consistent depth are easier to erect and minimise the
risk of injury because deeper beams can mean significant dropdowns into the deck
reducing the number of columns requiredwhere columns exist, design the columns so
capitals or dropdowns do not exist
reducing cantilevered floor sections
determining the vertical pour rates for walls, columns and other vertical concrete
elements before completing the formwork and falsework installation design.

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Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
Formwork design
Formwork should be rigid, watertight, braced and tied together to maintain position and shape
during construction activities. It should be constructed in such a way so it can be removed easily
and safely, without damaging the formed concrete. Where formwork is to be re-used, the
formwork design should ensure form strength is retained after allowing for the deterioration of
materials through use and handling.

Formwork drawings should include details of formwork, formwork joints, sealing procedures,
ties, size and spacing of framing and details of proprietary fittings or systems proposed to be
used. Details of the construction and erection sequence should be included on the drawings if
required. Where special requirements like external vibration are involved, the formwork design
should include additional structural loads to be applied.

Falsework design
Falsework can be used to support a range of permanent structures before their completion,
including formwork for wet concrete as well as major precast concrete elements or steel
sections, for example bridges (see Figure 1).

Off-the-shelf support systems are generally not suited to support complex arrangements unless
used as part of a specifically designed solution and documented by the design engineer.

Figure 1 Falsework supporting precast concrete bridge span

Falsework should be designed to carry all loads that may be applied, including the:
Dead load - includes the mass of falsework, structural elements to be supported,
formwork, wet concrete, concrete reinforcement and any other embedded material.
Superimposed load - includes the mass of workers, plant, equipment and runways,
stacked material and an impact allowance in addition to the imposed weight of any
mechanically operated plant acting on the formwork or falsework.
Wind load the loads acting on the exposed area of falsework, formwork and any object
supported by the falsework or formwork.

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Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
Horizontal loading - includes wind loading, horizontal surge loading for any mechanically
operated plant and any loading occurring during construction.
Other loads - includes any special conditions likely to occur during construction,
including the redistribution of the load due to the effects of prestressing or early
application of prestress, construction stages and staged removal of falsework. The
falsework design should also allow for, where required, the effects of water flow, traffic
impact, flooding and any other applicable conditions.

Figure 2 Falsework under construction for road bridge

Falsework should not be designed to be supported or braced from completed permanent
structural elements unless it can be demonstrated such temporary loading will not affect the
structural integrity of the relevant permanent element or the stability and integrity of the overall
falsework system.

Adequate bracing should be provided longitudinally and transversely to ensure the falsework is
stable during erection and significant horizontal movements resulting from the applied loads are

A site-specific geotechnical investigation should be carried out by a competent person in
addition to any geotechnical investigation required for the design of the permanent structure.
This will enable the designer to establish whether the existing ground conditions are suitable for
the design and construction of the falsework system.
The foundations and footings of the falsework should be designed to prevent excessive
settlement and rotation of supports and to maintain overall structural integrity of the falsework
and the permanent structure or formwork being constructed.

Where the foundation material can become saturated with water, the possibility of reduced
bearing capacity that could result in reduced stability and increased settlement or lift of the
foundation needs to be considered.

Note Using timber footing pads is not recommended and timber should not be used if there is a
possibility of the pads being under water for even a short period. If timber footings are used,
they should be checked for the ability of the timber to withstand the applied crushing and other

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Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
stresses. A competent person, for example the design engineer, should check and certify that
the timber used is of the type and grade specified in the design.

The design drawings should include design assumptions and a statement of the loads and
dimensional changes expected due to loading in all members of the falsework. The drawings
should detail member sizes and materials, dimensions, levels, erection procedures and other
relevant details including bracing, connections and foundations to ensure erection and
inspection of the falsework can be done safely. The design should also include details of
methods to provide safe entry to working zones of temporary and permanent structures.

If changes are made to a construction procedure, the appropriate drawing or other document
should be updated and show revisions clearly. Provisional updating by marking up or preparing
a hand drawn detail and signing and dating the mark-up or new detail should be countersigned
by the designer and, where applicable, the design verifier.
3.5 Adjacent buildings or structures
Where the formwork or falsework activity is likely to reduce the security or stability of any part of
any adjacent structure, the work must not start or continue unless adequate steps are taken to
control the risk to any person from the:
collapse of the formwork or falsework or the permanent structure it supports onto the
adjacent building or structure
collapse of the adjacent building or structure, or a part of the building or structure.
3.6 Falls
R.78: A person conducting a business or undertaking must manage risks to health and safety
associated with a fall by a person from one level to another that is reasonably likely to cause
injury to the person or any other person. This includes the risk of a fall:
in or on an elevated workplace from which a person could fall
in the vicinity of an opening through which a person could fall
in the vicinity of an edge over which a person could fall
on a surface through which a person could fall, or
in any other place from which a person could fall.

Any construction work, including formwork and falsework, involving a risk of a person falling
more than 2 metres is defined by the WHS Regulations as high risk construction work and a
safe work method statement must be prepared before this work starts.

Further guidance on managing the risks associated with falls and using ladders is available in
the Code of Practice: Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces.
3.7 Working near electric lines
R.166: A person conducting a business or undertaking at a workplace must ensure, so far as is
reasonably practicable, that no person, plant or thing at the workplace comes within an unsafe
distance of an overhead or underground electric line.

If this is not reasonably practicable to ensure the safe distance, the person must ensure that a
risk assessment is conducted for the proposed work and control measures implemented are
consistent with the risk assessment and the requirements of an electricity supply authority
where it is responsible for the electric line..

Electric lines pose significant risks, including electrocution, arcing, explosion or fire causing
burns, unpredictable cable whiplash and other objects being electrified such as signs, poles,

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Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
trees or branches. Construction work carried out on or near energised electrical installations or
services is high risk construction work and a safe work method statement must be prepared
before this work starts.

The following should be considered when working near electric lines:
whether workers, plant, tools or the falsework or formwork are likely to go near electric
lines, and if so, how close they are allowed to be
contact the relevant electrical authority for information about specific requirements when
working near electric lines, including the qualifications required for those people working
near electric lines
if a safety observer is in place to watch plant when it is moving and is likely to come
close to electric lines
whether unauthorised person zones, authorised person zones and exclusion zones in
the work area are set up
emergency rescue procedures, including calling the electrical supply authority to isolate
the electricity supply before trying to rescue a person receiving an electric shock.
Most risks can be addressed by observing safe working distances for people working near
electric lines. Safe working distances will depend on the type of work being carried out and the
voltage of the electric lines. The person conducting a business or undertaking with management
or control of the workplace should contact the relevant electricity supply authority to determine
the type of control measures needed. This may include isolating the line.
More detailed guidance on managing risks associated with electricity is available in the:
Code of Practice: Managing Electrical Risks at the Workplace
Code of Practice: Working in the Vicinity of Overhead and Underground Electric Lines.
3.8 Securing the work area
R.298: A person with management or control of a workplace at which construction work is
carried out must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the workplace is secured from
unauthorised access.
In securing the workplace, the person conducting a business or undertaking with management
or control of the workplace should consider:
risks to health and safety arising from unauthorised access to the workplace
the likelihood of unauthorised access occurring, e.g. how close the workplace is to
places frequented by children like schools, parks and shopping precincts
to the extent that unauthorised access to the workplace cannot be preventedhow to
isolate hazards within the workplace.

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Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
3.9 Emergency plan
R.43: A person conducting a business or undertaking must ensure that an emergency plan is
prepared and maintained so it remains effective for the workplace, and provides for the
emergency procedures, including:
o an effective response to an emergency
o evacuation procedures
o notifying emergency service organisations at the earliest opportunity
o medical treatment and assistance
o effective communication between the person authorised by the person conducting the
business or undertaking to co-ordinate the emergency response and all persons at
the workplace
testing of the emergency procedures, including the frequency of testing
information, training and instruction to relevant workers in relation to implementing the
emergency procedures.

To ensure a co-ordinated approach to responding to an emergency, the formwork or falsework
installer should consult with the principal contractor to ensure any unexpected incidents, for
example formwork collapse or people falling from height, are included in the broader emergency
plan for the construction site prepared by the principal contractor.

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Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
The nature of the formwork and falsework activities will affect the formwork method and a safe
system of work you select.

A range of formwork and falsework systems and methods can be used. However, no matter
what system or method is selected, the formwork and falsework to be erected and its
components should be maintained in a safe and stable condition to prevent the unexpected
collapse of all or part of the structure.
4.1 Traditional and modular formwork systems
Traditional formwork systems are typically constructed on-site from timber or plywood and
supporting elements like scaffolding.

In addition to traditional systems, modular systems specially designed and manufactured off-site
are also available. These systems usually have proprietary formwork components and rated
load calculations set out by the manufacturer and are often made from hardboard, plastics, steel
and aluminium products. Most formwork systems use two or more materials, for example
plywood facing to steel frames for wall panels.

In choosing a formwork system for a particular job, the safety of workers erecting, using and
dismantling the system should be considered, in particular stability, strength and the risk of
falling people and falling objects.

When using a traditional system, a standard formwork frame that has a known tested loading
capacity should be used wherever possible, ensuring that they are spaced at no more than the
recommended distances apart. Standard frames can minimise the risk to workers erecting and
dismantling the formwork and handling and storing materials. The best proprietary systems
available have integrated safety features to help control the risk of falls and injury during manual

Where a modular system is used in combination with a traditional system, formwork drawings
should be certified as complying with applicable Australian Standards. Similarly, components
from another system should not be used as an integral part of the modular framework system
unless the designer of the modular system states this is permitted. All variations to a design of a
basic or non-basic system should be checked and verified in writing by a designer, engineer or
other competent person as being acceptable.

Modular formwork systems are often lighter weight and require less physical effort than
traditional systems because they are often constructed from aluminium instead of steel and
eliminate the need for tasks like repetitive hammering. This minimises the risk of injury resulting
from undertaking manual tasks. However, because of their lighter weight, modular systems may
be more susceptible to falling over when erecting the system due to factors like wind loading.
This will generally only be an issue before placement of the formwork deck on the modular
system. To effectively control this issue the formwork system should be progressively braced in
accordance with the suppliers instructions during its erection.

Although the erection technique and member dimensions may vary greatly between traditional
and modular systems, application of risk controls associated with the maximum potential fall
distance and the gap width at the working level are the same for both systems.

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Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
4.2 Slip forms and jump forms
Slip forms and jump forms are the terms given to self-climbing formwork systems specifically
intended to construct concrete walls and columns in high rise buildings and other concrete
structures like stacks, lift and stair cores.
Slip forms and jump forms usually consist of a number of platforms or decks and may also be
fitted with trailing screens suspended from the form. As with perimeter screens, trailing screens
may provide edge protection for people, prevent materials from falling, provide support for work
platforms or a combination of these. No two slip forms or jump forms will be identical because
their design depends on the size and configuration of the building under construction.
In slip forms, the climbing is usually carried out continuously during the concrete pour (see
Figure 3).

Figure 3 Slip form chimney construction

With jump forms, the climbing is done in steps, following each concrete pour (see Figure 4). The
term climb form is also used to describe both a slip form or jump form. The power for the
climbing operation can be provided in a variety of ways, but usually by means of hydraulic rams
or electric motors connected to climbing feet or screw shafts.

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Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
Figure 4 J ump form construction

4.3 Travelling formwork
Travelling formwork moves horizontally allowing the repeated construction of structural
elements for example in-situ concrete bridge spans (see Figure 5). The formwork is generally
supported by the permanent structure as it is progressively completed and therefore has the
advantage that no falsework is required over the length of the bridge.

Travelling forms are useful where there is limited capacity to construct falsework, for example
over rivers and operating roads or railways.

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Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
Figure 5 Travelling formwork for bridge construction

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Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
The erection and dismantling of formwork and falsework can be critical to ensure the health and
safety of workers and the general public. Systems of work and control measures should be
selected based on individual job factors, the work environment and other factors identified by
the risk assessment process outlined in Chapter 2 of this Code.
5.1 Foundations and footings
Formwork and falsework must, so far as is reasonably practicable, be erected on a stable base
to prevent the risk of collapse which puts the health and safety of workers and others at risk.
Check whether suspended slabs are able to safely support loads that may be applied by the
concrete pour, workers and crane lifted loads and other plant and equipment.

Independent props should also be secured to each other and to the structure to prevent
dislodgement during erection and dismantling.

Base plates should be provided under all props and standards on formwork and falsework
frames unless the prop or standard has an integral foot or a competent person documents a
base plate is unnecessary. Sole boards designed to suit the ground conditions should also be
used under props and standards on natural ground, unless a competent person documents

Frames and props must, so far as is reasonably practicable, be located on a firm base which is
ground that will not subside, fail or get washed away.

Adequate drainage for stormwater should be provided to prevent scouring of formwork and
falsework foundations and footings. Where foundations are located on batters, these should be
protected against scour by directing drainage away from the base of frames.
5.2 Erecting formwork and falsework
Formwork and falsework, like scaffolding, should be erected and dismantled systematically by a
competent person and tied in progressively to stabilize the structure. Prefabricated formwork
and falsework should be erected and used in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.

Where scaffolding is used to erect formwork and falsework it must comply with the requirements
for scaffolding, including using licensed scaffolders. A licensed scaffolder is required where a
person or object can fall more than 4 metres. Further guidance is available in the Code of
Practice: Scaffolding Work.

Entry and exit
So far as is reasonably practicable, workers must, so far as is reasonably practicable, be
provided with safe entry to and exit from the formwork and falsework during erection, use and
dismantling. Common ways of providing safe entry and exit for large or complex formwork and
falsework structures include:
installing temporary stairs or portable ladder access systems for use when erecting the
formwork and falsework
personnel hoistsnon-mechanical forms of exit, e.g. a ladder or stair tower should be
provided in case of emergency
installing permanent stairs, platforms or ramps
using the existing floor level of a building, where entry is safe.

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Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.

Stair towers secured to scaffold bays provide suitable and flexible entry. Fixed industrial single
ladders, not extension ladders, should be used for entry to and exit from a scaffold. Ladders
should not be used as a work platform.

Further guidance on entry and exit is available in the:
Code of Practice: Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces
Code of Practice: Scaffolding Work.
5.3 Constructing formwork
Erecting formwork frames
Formwork frames should be erected in a progressive manner to ensure both the installers
safety and the stability of the overall structure. Braces should be attached to the frames as soon
as practical. As erecting the frames continues, designated access ways should be indicated by
using bunting or by other means.

The risk of a fall can exist on edges of formwork frames during their erection. In this situation it
is necessary to install edge protection on the frames as they are erected. Provided the side
bracing or other edge protection is installed progressively and as soon as enough material has
been raised up, other control measures to prevent a fall occurring do not have to be provided.
Many conventional formwork frames consist of diagonal braces that cross in the middle. While
these braces are not considered to be suitable edge protection for a completed formwork deck,
they may provide reasonable fall protection during frame erection. This is only the case where
braces are installed in a progressive manner as soon as the braces are handed up to a person.

As the height of formwork frames increase, there is a greater need to provide lateral stability to
the frames. Check whether framing is carried out in accordance with on-site design
documentation and manufacturers instructions. People erecting formwork must be trained to
erect formwork using safe methods.

The risk of internal falls while erecting frames can be controlled by fully decking each lift of the
formwork decks and any false decks provided. This involves:
positioning a full deck of scaffolding planks or other suitable decking at each lift
positioning decking on the next lift while standing on a fully decked platform
leaving each lift fully decked in place until it is dismantled.

During dismantling of a lift, decking should be removed whilst standing on a fully decked
platform immediately below.

Formwork false deck
In situations where the next formwork deck is at a height that would require people to stand at
heights of 2 metres or more above the finished formwork deck to install bearers and joists for
the next formwork deck, a continuous false deck , which is a full deck the same area as the
floor being formed, should be provided.

This deck should be provided both inside and between formwork frames and can typically
consist of formply, scaffold planks or modular platform sections. A protected entry opening can
be left in the deck to enable materials to be lifted. Using a captive platform system is preferable
to lapped planks because a captive system cannot be accidentally dislodged. Lapped planks
may only be used if secured against uplift and slipping.

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Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
The false deck should be constructed so there are no large gaps and gaps only exist where a
vertical member of a frame passes through the deck (see Figure 6). Gaps should not exceed
225 mm in width.

Figure 6 Plan view of a false deck with gaps at vertical framing members.

Where a false deck is provided, it should designed and installed to have adequate strength to
support people required to stand on the deck and any materials or people that could fall onto
the deck or be placed on the deck.

When considering the design of the deck for the erecting, altering or dismantling of formwork,
the weight of the false deck and live load should be applied to the formwork support structure.

The height between the false deck and the pouring deck should allow entry for a person during
stripping. Workers must take reasonable care for their own safety by not climbing the

Intermediate platforms
Where the potential fall distance is less than 2 metres, an intermediate work platform can be
provided that is at least 450 mm wide (see Figure 7).

Installing bearers
Bearers should be placed in position so people are located no more than 2 metres from the floor
or from the fall arrest platform located immediately below them. For example, the bearer can be
lifted up onto the top of the formwork frame U-heads with a person standing on a platform
erected no more than 2 metres from the floor or false deck located immediately below them
within the frame.

Bearers should be positioned so they will not fall off the top of the frames. The usual method of
ensuring this is by placing the bearers in U-heads on top of the frames and by ensuring
cantilevers are minimised. U-heads should be used where two bearers abut. Where only single
bearers are placed in the U-head, the bearer should be placed centrally in the U-head unless a
formwork designer, engineer or other competent person states otherwise. This can be achieved
by rotating the U-head or by using timber wedges.

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approved by the Ministerial Council.
Where the top of the supporting member consists of a flat plate, the bearer should be nailed or
otherwise effectively secured to the plate. Flat plates should only be used where specified by a
formwork designer, engineer or other competent person.

Installing joists
Where a false deck is provided at 2 metres or less below a worker, joists may be spread on the
bearers with the worker standing at bearer level, that is, on top.

If the height of the formwork deck being constructed is more than 2 metres above a continuous
deck or surface below it, joists should be spread from a platform located within 2 metres of that
surface, underneath the deck being constructed (see Figure 7). This work platform should be a
false deck but an intermediate platform may be used.

Figure 7 Worker erecting formwork from an intermediate platform less than 2 metres above a
formwork deck where the deck to deck height is greater than 2 metres

A person should be provided with a working platform at least 450 mm wide (2 planks) when the
potential fall distance is less than 2 metres. It is not acceptable for a person to work from a
single plank or bearer.

One example of a work system that may be used to do this is as follows:
The joists are lifted by the workers from underneath and spread on top of the bearers
into their approximate final positions whilst standing on a lower work platform.
The platform below the deck should be positioned at a height appropriate for
handling joists, without introducing manual task risks, and not greater than 2 metres
above the continuous deck or surface below.

Fall protection from the formwork deck
During formwork construction the structure is constantly changing so continual modification of
fall protection measures is also necessary.

When there is only one leading edge where the other edges are provided with scaffold edge
protection or safety screens, providing fall protection on the leading edge is relatively

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Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
straightforward. However, where there are multiple leading edges or the deck is not at one
consistent level, providing fall protection may be difficult to implement. Designers of buildings
are therefore encouraged to design floor slabs with consistent thickness.

Edge protection on the formwork deck
Where the design of the formwork is complex, it may be impractical to provide edge protection
on leading edges because the profile of the deck is constantly changing and constructing
leading edge protection would create more hazards than it would control. For example, the
people installing the edge protection could be exposed to risk when installing the edge

In some situations it may be necessary to provide perimeter edge protection on edges of the
formwork deck. Examples where edge protection should be installed are:
if there is a change in deck height along the side of the deck being constructed, i.e. a
drop down for a beam, and no joists or formply has been provided at this different
if a leading edge is to be left unattended and entry onto the deck by people other
than form workers is required, i.e. the formwork deck has not been barricaded off
and provided with keep out signs
at openings in stairwells or lift shafts.

An effective means of providing edge protection on a completed formwork deck is by providing
perimeter containment screens (see below) or a scaffold. Scaffolding is erected before the
formwork and prevents workers falling off the completed deck. The main advantage of these
systems is that people are not required to install edge protection on the perimeter of the
formwork deck and are therefore not exposed to a risk of falling. The other advantage is that
edge protection for people installing the final perimeter formply sheets is already in place.

Where suspended, cantilevered, spur or hung scaffold, or any scaffold from which a person or
object could fall more than 4 metres from the platform or the structure is used, any erection,
alteration or dismantling of the scaffold must only be carried out by licensed scaffolders. It is
important to replace scaffold components following removal so as not to affect the structural
integrity of the scaffold. Cover gaps between a completed floor and scaffold after the formwork
support system is removed where there is a risk of a person or materials falling through the gap.

In rare situations, it may be impractical to provide perimeter containment screens or scaffolding.
Use a work system to install perimeter edge protection on the deck which eliminates or
minimises, so far as is reasonably practicable, the risk of a fall. Harness systems should not be
used because it does not provide an adequate and practical control for the risk of a fall from

In some situations, edge protection can be substituted with an alternative measure provided this
measure prevents a person falling from the edge. One alternative is providing a barricade 1.8
metres back from the edge with clearly visible warning signs.

Perimeter containment screens
Perimeter containment screens are protective structures fixed to the perimeter of a multi-storey
building, structure or working platform to prevent objects and people from falling outside the
work area. This significantly minimises the risk of injury to workers and the public.

Screens should be used throughout the whole construction process, especially while erecting or
stripping formwork. They are usually sheeted with timber, plywood, metal or synthetic mesh.

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Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.

Containment screens may be supported by the building or structure or by specifically designed
scaffold. The screens can also act as perimeter fall protection on a top working platform and
should extend at least 2 metres above the working surface to provide protection for the public
and workers outside the contained work area.

When selecting containment screens consider:
the ability to support or contain imposed impact loads, including building materials,
equipment and waste materials
resistance to wind loads on the supporting structure
required frequency of inspection
chemical reactivity, including flammability
ventilation requirements
light transmission requirements
degree of protection provided from rain or washing down operations
pattern and frequency of fixing points
gaps created by a fixing method.

Containment screens should remain in position from the start of the formwork being erected
until soffit stripping is complete to prevent objects falling throughout the process.

To prevent material from falling below, gaps between perimeter screens and the formwork deck
or floor should not exceed 25 mm.

Laying formply on the deck
A formwork deck should be laid in a progressive way so people will be provided with a method
to prevent them from falling below the deck. This control measure is particularly important in
situations where a false deck has not been provided within 2 metres below the level of the deck
to be laid.

Where a false deck has not been provided within 2 metres below, formply may only be spread
on the joists provided where:
people start laying the formply sheets from the perimeter scaffolding or other edge
protection provided on the perimeter of the formwork
a minimum of four joists at 450 mm centres400 mm gaps, totalling 1.8 metresare
located on bearers next to the person and in the other direction joists extend for at least
1.8 metres (see Figure 8). Therefore, if a person falls they will fall onto the joists and
should be prevented from falling further. In some situations, there may be a possibility of
a person falling through the joists if the joists spread as the persons body makes
contact. This is more likely to be a potential hazard when the person falls onto the joists
so the persons fall is in the same direction as the joists. Implementing controls to
minimise sideways movement of joists will minimise this possibility.
People lay the formply in front of their bodies so if they stumble they are likely to fall on
top of the sheets being laid.

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approved by the Ministerial Council.
Figure 8 Maximum spacing of timbers where deck is over 2 metres below

Where a leading edge is involved and the distance below the deck being constructed is greater
than 2 metres the safe work method statement work must detail how work will be completed to
control the risk.

Cantilevered bearers, joists and ply sheets can be hazardous when left unsecured. The weight
of material or a person standing on the cantilever may make the timber see-saw and cause the
person or material to fall. When designing the formwork system using cantilevers should be kept
to a minimum. However, in some situations using cantilevered sections is unavoidable. Where
this is the case, a formwork designer should consider the potential for people and stored
materials to cause cantilevers to pivot. Wherever the weight of a person will cause a cantilever
to pivot, the cantilever should be positively secured so this will not occur.

Where self-weight of timber is inadequate to ensure the stability of the cantilever, all cantilevers
should be secured in accordance with the designers instructions. This may include nailing or
another effective method, for example bolting. Nailing should be carried out so the nail will not
pull out of the timber or shear off. Where skew nailing is used a minimum of two nails should be
used and the nail should meet the designers specifications.

Wherever practical, cantilevers should be secured so the nail or bolt is loaded in pure shear,
that is, no pull-out load. Using purpose designed brackets should also be considered.

Materials should not be stacked or stored on a cantilever section unless the section has been
designed to carry that load. Temporary working platforms cantilevered from shoring frames are
a form of cantilevered scaffold. Where a person or object could fall more than 4 metres from a
scaffold, workers involved in erecting, altering or dismantling them must hold a valid scaffolding
licence. The minimum licence class for this type of work is Intermediate Scaffolding.

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Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.

Open penetrations like stairwells or penetrations to allow for services create hazards for people
on the deck. A person may fall through a larger penetration, sustain injury by stepping into a
smaller penetration or an object may fall through the opening onto people below. Any
penetration where there is a risk a person or an object could fall through should be guarded.

Protect open penetrations with edge protection like handrails or be securely covering them so
no one can fall through them. Penetrations should include cast-in-mesh as a back-up system.
The mesh should be of a small aperture for example, 50 x 50 mm mesh size or smaller and
made of material capable of withstanding any potential imposed load. Where mesh or other
physical fall protection material is to be provided for larger penetrations this should be included
in the design specifications to ensure it can withstand potential loads, including those applied by
people, equipment and material.

Where holes are cut in the mesh for services to pass through, the hole should be cut to the
profile of the service so that mesh remains in the penetration and the load carrying capacity of
the mesh is not reduced below any design specifications.

Using plywood covers alone is not an appropriate risk control because:
the cover may be indistinguishable from other pieces of plywood
it may be difficult to determine if the plywood is properly secured
secured plywood covers can be unsecured to gain entry and not re-secured.

Plywood covers should be structurally graded, painted in a bright colour and be marked
appropriately, for example, Danger Penetration below. The cover should be firmly secured to
the concrete and be designed for potential loads that may be applied, for example workers,
materials or plant that may travel over the cover.

Before stripping formwork, cover the penetration that will be exposed as the formwork is
stripped or protect the penetration before starting the stripping operation.

Penetrations are also hazardous before the deck is laid. J oists placed up to the edge of the
penetration should be secured so the timbers cannot spread if a person falls on them.

Working areas for steel fixers and others
Steel fixers, plumbers and electricians often follow closely behind the formwork erection. The
formwork zone should be large enough to ensure these other people are clearly separated from
form workers.

A formwork only zone should be maintained behind the leading edge. This zone should be
clearly demarcated by signage and a mesh barrier. Figure 9 illustrates the other work zone, the
formwork zone and the area retained as edge protectionfour joists spaced 1800 mm beyond
the laid deck.

Temporary walkways laid across reinforcement mesh can be used to control the risk of slips
and trips when multiple trades are entering large areas where reinforcement mesh has been
laid behind formworkers.

A physical barrier should be provided and maintained to separate the formwork work zone from
other workers. This barrier should be rigid, capable of maintaining its integrity in an upright
position and capable of supporting signage if required.

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approved by the Ministerial Council.
Figure 9 End view of deck showing working zones

Changing floor levels
Formwork decks are rarely flat across the entire floor, generally due to deep beams or drop
downs sometimes called capitals around columns. Uneven floors introduce fall hazards. These
hazards should be eliminated at the design stage. These hazards are most effectively managed
by ensuring formwork supports and the deck are progressively constructed for the lower parts of
the deck before work starts on the higher-level areas of the deck.
5.4 Crane and load handling
Lifting and placing loads is a common formwork and falsework activity that can have
catastrophic consequences if not managed appropriately. Designers should consider the work
systems that may be used so formwork and falsework structures are designed to be capable of
carrying temporary loads during construction and dismantling, as well as the load of the
permanent structure.
Loading materials during construction
Plant and materials, including propping members, stacks of plywood, forms, bearers and joists,
are sometimes lifted onto a deck during formwork and falsework erection, and before the deck
is inspected and determined safe by a competent person. Stacked materials create point
loadings which the formwork or falsework structure may not be designed to bear.
Plant and materials should only be stored on formwork and falsework where allowed for by the
design and when the structure or deck is constructed to bear the load.
Formwork is not suitable for any loading until it is fully secured. That is, when the deck is in
place with tie-ins and back-propping is complete. In practice, some loading often occurs before

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Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
the deck is completed, for example unloading pallets of plywood and joists used to construct the
To minimise the risk of collapse and other hazards:
Formwork and falsework design drawings should clearly identify the maximum point
loadings for the temporary structure or deckpre-pour for concrete formwork.
Point loadings should not exceed the maximum weight specified by a designer.
Particular care should be taken with very heavy materials like packs of reinforcing steel
and post-tensioning coil and frame.
Avoid placing loads on the temporary structure or deck if the designers documentation
prohibits loading.
Crane crews should be notified when an area of the temporary structure or deck is ready
to take a plant or material load and where the load can be placed safelylifting zone.
Crane crews should not lift plant or materials onto the temporary structure or deck until
there is a clearly identified designated landing zone.
Loads, including people, should only be placed in the areas designated as safe.
Delivery of materials to the workplace should be planned so loads are not lifted onto an
incomplete or unsecured temporary structure or deck.
Before people leaving the workplace, plant and materials should be secured to prevent
them being moved by wind loads.

Entry for people slinging loads
Safe entry and exit must, so far as is reasonably practicable, be provided for people working on
formwork or falsework, including people slinging and un-slinging loads.
Platforms and edge protection may be fitted to lift forms to protect people when slinging the
loads. People needing entry to platforms from ladders should have a safe way of entering
between the ladder and platform. They should not climb over the top of the edge protection.
Where ladders are used by people while slinging loads, they should be secured to prevent
Further guidance on managing the risks associated with falls and using ladders safely is
available in the Code of Practice: Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces.

Lifting plant and materials
Crane-lifted loads should be slung and secured so the load or any part of it cannot fall. Consider
the following when carrying out formwork or falsework:
Tare mass of wall, lift or column forms should be provided with formwork and falsework
documentation and made available for inspection.
Formwork and falsework frames should either be tied together or lifting slings should be
wrapped around the load.
Loads of joists or bearers should be strapped together before lifting.
Formply loads should be strapped together and lifted in a flat position.

Lifting lugs
Slings attached to lugs or holes cut into part of the load are often used to lift forms instead of
wrapping the lifting slings around the load. Where lugs or holes are used, designer information
verifying the structural adequacy of the lifting points should be available including the:
structural adequacy of the lifting lug or hole
means of attaching a lug to the loadusually welded or bolted to the load.

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Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
5.5 Inspecting and monitoring
A competent person, for example an engineer with experience in structural design, should
inspect and confirm installed formwork and falsework is built to specification and structurally
sound before it is loaded, for example with materials or the placement of concrete. The scope of
this certification work should be documented so there is no confusion or doubt what has been

The erected formwork and falsework should not be subjected to any load until it has been
confirmed as meeting the design specification, for example pre-pour inspection. The erected
formwork and falsework should not be subjected to any loading exceeding the design loading as
specified by the designer. To maintain stability of the forms the placement of concrete should be
less than the maximum calculated pour rate on the inboard part of any formwork before
proceeding to any cantilever section.

Formwork and falsework should be monitored as it is loaded to check that vertical and
horizontal movements do not exceed specifications. The condition of falsework that is to remain
in service for long periods should be routinely checked to ensure its components remain fit for
purpose and any deterioration is not adversely affecting its load bearing capacity.

Other than the designated observer, no person should be underneath the formwork deck during
concrete placement. The observer should not stand directly underneath an area where concrete
is being placed into the forms. An observer should continuously monitor the formwork and
falsework assembly during concreting operations and be provided with a communication system
to alert the concrete crews in case an emergency arises. A competent person should be
available to carry out emergency adjustments or repairs. The concrete placement should cease
during adjustments and repairs.

Hoisting, pumping and other equipment should not be attached to the formwork unless
specifically designed for the purpose.
5.6 Stripping formwork
Stripping formwork can be one of the most hazardous phases of in-situ concrete construction.
While falling objects are the primary hazard, there may also be fall hazards from the floor
collapsing and manual task hazards from a person working in awkward postures, repetitively
handling materials and limited task variety. As with formwork erection, the stripping operation
should be carried out in an orderly, systematic and progressive manner.

When assessing the risks from stripping formwork consider:
the number of people in the stripping crew
the sequence of stripping activities this should detail how the frames and other
supports should be removed, i.e. how far U-heads are to be lowered
whether the support system will be completely removed in a zone before removing the
formwork deck or whether the supports will be lowered slightly but remain under the
formply while it is being removed
removing nails and sharp fixings before stacking the components
minimising damage to the components
stacking the formwork componentsdo not obstruct access ways or work areas
formwork components are not dropped or thrown from any building or structure
flatheads are not supporting the ends of bearers

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approved by the Ministerial Council.
when backpropping is required or only part of the support system is to be removed, how
will the structural members remain in place and the type and layout of members that will
replace the formwork system
any other special requirements involved in the stripping and or building process, e.g.
checking of back-propping after post-tensioning
providing adequate lighting of work area and surroundings
maintaining housekeeping, removing nails and rejected materials, stacking stripped
formwork and removing tripping hazards, e.g. concrete nails and brace anchor inserts
from floor.

Removing formwork should be carried out in a systematic way so the deck is gradually removed
as the support system. Formply may be removed by partially lowering the support system and
then dropping the segment of the deck (sheet) onto the support system. This eliminates the
need to manually lift sheets of ply from ground level.

Competent person sign-off before stripping
Before starting the stripping operation a competent person, for example an engineer with
experience in structural design, should provide written confirmation the formwork can be
removed. The certification should be based on the design specifications for the structure, the
verification of the strength of the concrete mix and the time period elapsed since the pour. A
competent person should also provide input into the safe work method statement on stripping to
ensure the permanent concrete element will not fail and result in collapse.

Documentation from the concrete supplier verifying the concrete specification should be
available on request. A concrete sampling and testing procedure should be in place to verify the
concrete meets its design specification.

Bond reduction
Stripping formwork is easier when the strength of the bond between the form material and the
concrete is reduced. The bond will be dependent on the material characteristics and the
smoothness of the form material. A liquid bond breaker can be used on wall and column forms
to reduce the strength of the bond. However, using bond breaker on floor forms is not
encouraged because it can cause a slip hazard.

Exclusion zone
Only people involved in the stripping operation should be permitted in the area to be stripped.
Stripping areas should be cordoned off and signs should be displayed. The signs should require
people to keep out of the area, for example DangerFormwork stripping in progress
authorised people only.

Entry to the whole floor where soffit stripping is taking place should be restricted which can
reduce the quantity of signage and barricades required. Where other trades need to work on the
same floor during stripping of walls, columns or small sections of soffit, appropriate controls
measures should be implemented to prevent other people from entering the stripping area.

Drop stripping
Drop stripping is sometimes used to describe the method used when all of the formwork
support system is removed and the formply is allowed to drop to the floor either by its own
weight or by people levering it off. Drop stripping should never be used to strip formwork. It can
be very hazardous because the formply is likely to fall uncontrolled and can hit people in the
vicinity of the work.

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approved by the Ministerial Council.
5.7 Dismantling falsework
As with formwork, a competent person, for example an engineer with experience in structural
design, should provide written confirmation the permanent structure is self-supporting and the
falsework can be safely removed. In general, falsework should be dismantled in the reverse
order of its erection. Back propping arrangements should also be verified before starting
For in-situ concrete structures, all or most of the formwork should be removed before the
falsework is removed.
If work is carried out over vehicle or pedestrian traffic, to prevent objects falling onto traffic or
people below consider:
closing roads or railways
providing temporary fencing, known as a perimeter screen, at least 2 metres high on the
sides of the erected deckfencing should be clad with shade cloth or similar material to
contain any falling or wind-blown items
providing physical barriers like catch platforms or establishing exclusion zones.

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Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
6.1 Wall and column forms
Bracing for wind loading
Wall and column forms should be designed to withstand wind loading before, during and after
the concrete pour. The bracing and forms should not be removed from the cast element until it
can safely withstand potential impact loads and wind loads.
Lateral support can be provided to vertical elements in a variety of ways including horizontal
and angled braces and structural connections to other parts of the building. A bracing element
design should be completed by a competent person.
The bracing element should also be able to resist both tensile and compressive loads that may
be applied by the wind. Anchors for braces should preferably be cast-in type anchors or
through-bolts that extend through both sides of the anchoring medium. Drill-in anchors of the
following type may be used provided they are installed in accordance with the manufacturers
Undercut type anchors that do not rely on friction to function.
Expansion anchors of the high-load slip, torque controlled type. These anchors have a
working load of at least 60 per cent of the first slip load and are generally suitable for
structural tensile loads.
Coil boltsthe correct operation of coil bolts is greatly dependant on them being
installed in accordance with a manufacturers specifications, for example drilling the
correct size hole and applying the correct torque in concrete of adequate strength).
Note Some jurisdictions may not accept these types of installations. Please check with
your regulator.

Drill-in type anchors should have their torque set using an appropriate torque wrench or other
reliable method that will verify the torque, for example a calibrated rattle gun. Written records
verifying the setting torque for drill-in type anchors should be available at the workplace.

Access platforms
Suitable entry for doggers, steel fixers and concreters should be provided and may include
mobile scaffolding, purpose built work platforms or elevating work platforms. Edge protection
should be provided on the access platforms. Preferred methods of entry to platforms include
stair access systems or if this is not practicable secured industrial ladders.
The entry method should allow adequate room for a person and be positioned at a height and
distance from the form to minimise movement and a persons exertion. Any concrete pouring
system should permit adequate space for a person to stand with edge protection provided.
Platforms should also be designed to resist loading that may be applied during a concrete pour
to ensure the platform does not collapse or overturn. Aluminium scaffolding may not have
adequate self-weight to prevent overturning.
Mobile work platforms should have their castors locked at all times except when relocating the
mobile platform.

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Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
Lifting methods
Wall and column form should be provided with lifting points that have been designed by a
competent person. Design drawings should confirm this. Holes cut with oxy-acetylene torches
in-situ are not recommended as they may damage the form, be inaccurate and make it difficult
to attach lifting gear.

Where lifting lugs are attached to the form, the weld size and length should be specified by a
competent person and the manufacturer should ensure the weld complies with the design
requirements of the correct size and has adequate weld penetration.

Wall and column forms should only be lifted with a positive lifting system, for example lifting lugs
or by slinging the lifting slings around the form so the form cannot slip out of the slings. Purpose
designed lifting lugs should be used instead of slinging the load because there is less risk of the
load becoming inadvertently disconnected from the crane hook.
6.2 Slip, jump and travelling forms
This section applies to slip forms, jump forms, travelling forms and crane lifted forms that
incorporate working platforms and enclosed cells in which people are required to work.

The work systems and layout of some crane-lifted forms may also be similar to those associated
with slip forms and jump forms. This may be the case for crane-lifted forms provided for the
inside of lift shafts.

While most of the information in this section applies to slip forms and jump forms, some of the
principles may also apply to travelling and crane-lifted forms.

When designing and operating these types of form, a person conducting a business or
undertaking with management or control of the workplace should:
provide safe entry to all areas and work platforms including emergency entry and stair
access where possible
control risks associated with working at height
provide sufficient working space and head room
specify appropriate manual handling methods for shutters and other components, e.g.
using cranes to lift shutters and provide safe entry for people attaching slings to shutters
provide for the retrieval of an injured or incapacitated person from any work area located
within the structure.

It may not always be practicable to provide an access system and working environment on a
jump form or slip form of the same standard as elsewhere. This is primarily due to building
characteristics and weight limitations. A designer must minimise the risks so far as is reasonably

Design issues
The design of jump forms and slip forms is more complex than the design of traditional
formwork systems for floors. Greater technical input from a designer is required including
consideration of wind loading. For this reason, the slip form or jump form designer should be a
competent person, for example an engineer with experience with structural design.

The jump form or slip form designer should be involved both in the initial design of the form and
in addressing ongoing design issues that will occur during form erection and during the life of
the building project. Many of the design problems associated with jump forms and slip forms will
not be apparent until the job is progressing and it is likely that alterations to the design of the

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Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
form will be necessary. The designer should therefore inspect the form at the workplace and
work closely with people involved in its operation, including the principal contractor, to
determine if difficulties are being encountered.

Chapter 3 of this Code discusses formwork and falsework design considerations. The designer
should consider:
minimum concrete strength required before climbing
allowance for all loads, including dynamic and wind loads that may be applied to the
allowance for loads applied by workers and concrete placing activities
allowance may also need to be made for impact loading when materials are lifted onto
the deck of the form
allowance for the effects of eccentric loading on the form, both during climbing and at
other times, noting the requirements in the operating procedures for the form
the maximum degree to which the form can be out-of-level during climbing and the
procedure required both to minimise the likelihood of this occurring and how to remedy
the situation if the form becomes out-of-level
providing adequate fire protection throughout the system
providing adequate temporary electric power connections
refuge points to protect workers from extreme heat
rescue procedure requirements that may affect the design of the formthe rescue
procedure may require entry to all levels of the form and cells, either through providing
gates or removal of panels on the form.

Entry and exit
Entry to the form may be provided in a variety of ways including one or more of the following:
personnel and material hoists on the building
permanent stair systems in the building
a trailing stair system suspended from the slip form or jump form
a trailing ladder system.

A trailing stair system should be used instead of a ladder system because it is easier for people
to go up and down. Emergency evacuation is also generally easier on a stair system.

The entry area between the trailing access system and the building should be clear of trip
hazards and there should be no gaps between platforms more than 100 mm wide.

A formwork designer should ensure any trailing access system is designed for loads that could
be applied in an emergency evacuation situation. Both the strength of the system itself and the
ability of the form to withstand applied loads from the access system should be adequate.

Where the designer of the formwork specifies a lesser live load than 2.5 kPa, a person
conducting a business or undertaking with management or control of the workplace should:
fix a sign stating the maximum load that can be applied to the stairs in a visible position
implement written procedures to ensure the maximum number of people on the form is
not exceeded.

Entry ladders should be secured in place. Further guidance on using ladders safely is available
in the Code of Practice: Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces.

Entry openings for ladders on working decks should be provided with guardrails and trapdoors
that are closed except when being used. Trapdoors should be provided with a device so they

Page 42 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
can be easily opened from above. This device should not pose a trip hazard for people on the

Access ways should be kept free of materials and rubbish to prevent objects falling to the levels

Working platforms and penetrations
All penetrations should be covered by formply secured in position, clearly visible and identified
or should be provided with leading or perimeter edge protection.

When placing steel or pouring concrete into a form, controls should be provided to prevent a
person falling into or off the form. This is more of an issue when the width of the form is greater
than 225 mm before placement of reinforcing steel. The risk of being impaled to a person
working near projecting reinforcing steel or other objects must be eliminated or minimised, so
far as is reasonably practicable. Suitable controls may include edge protection on the internal
side of the working platform or sheets of steel re-enforcement mesh temporarily placed on top
of the form that is, the steel can be fed through the gaps in the mesh.

All platforms that may be affected by uplift should be positively secured so uplift cannot occur.
Uplift can occur from wind loading or when a platform is out-of-level and unsecured. In the latter
instance, the platform can see-saw when a load is applied to the end of the platform and then
drop a person off the platform if one of the platforms supports moves. This may be the case
where work platforms are supported by a trailing screen on one side and a parapet of the
building on the other.

Where individual cells of the form are climbed at different times, edge protection should be
provided on each of the raised cells.

Trailing screens and platforms
Trailing screens can provide edge protection, a means of preventing falling objects and be
designed to incorporate working platforms. Where platforms are provided these are usually for
the purpose of patching the building or carrying out minor repairs, and for entry for people
climbing the form. A designer of formwork should specifically address all issues for which the
trailing screen system is designed.

The following issues should be included in the design:
A suitable design loading for any platforms on the trailing system. Signs should be fixed
to the platforms stating the maximum load permitted in kilograms where the design load
is less than 2.5kPa. People at the workplace should be aware of the maximum loading
that may be applied to the trailing platform and this should be stated in documentation
kept at the workplace.
Adequate controls should be provided to control the risk of falling objects.
All platforms should be secured to prevent uplift or any other movement.

Unless it is impractical, a person should not be located on trailing platforms while the platforms
are crane lifted. If a person is located on a platform while it is being lifted by a crane, the
following controls should be implemented:
a person should be prevented from falling down any gap that may exist on the inside
edge of the platform, for example between the platform and the wall being constructed. It
is preferable to provide edge protection on the inside edge to ensure this. Fall arrest
harnesses may be provided for workers as long as workers are trained in their safe use
and a rescue procedure for retrieval of workers following a fall has been prepared

Page 43 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
use heavy duty shade cloth rather than small aperture mesh in edge protection to
prevent objects from falling
people on the platform hold at least a dogger or rigger licence class or a person with
such a licence class is also located on the platform as it is lifted
a clear method of communication between the crane operator and the dogger/rigger
responsible for directing the lift exists, for example a whistle or two way radios.

Climbing the form
It is important to ensure the different parts of the form remain level during the climbing process.
Climbing is usually carried out using a series of climbing devices set up to lift at the same time
and at the same rate.

If the lifting system is not properly synchronised the form may become wedged on the structure
or structural members may be overloaded. There should therefore be a system to ensure the
form does not go out-of-level during the climbing procedure. This system may be an automated
system or may rely on operators stopping the climbing process.

Ensure that:
only people directly involved in climbing are located on the form during the climbing
potential nip or shear points where a person could be injured during the climb are
identified and risk controls implemented
obstructions on the form have been removed before the form being climbed. A sign-off
procedure for this should be provided. This includes the removal of Z-bars, ferrule bolts
and other material that would snag on the structure if they were not removed
services including electrical cable and water pipes have been designed so they will not
rupture or snag as the form is climbed.

When removing a form from a vertical element, support the form so it never relies on suction for
support. Serious incidents occur when it is assumed a form is supported from above when it is
relying on through bolts through the wall for support. When the bolts are removed the form
falls, with the people still standing on a platform attached to the form. This hazard can apply
both to crane lifted forms and jump forms.

Information, instruction and training
In view of the specialised work systems and unique hazards that exist on slip and jump forms,
specific instruction and training should be provided for people intending to work on the forms.
Training should include, but not be limited to:

the maximum loadings that can be applied to the various areas on the formincluding
information about areas where materials can be stored
restricted entry areas and procedures for installing and removing edge protection
climbing or jumping procedures for those involved in these operations
emergency evacuation procedures for those required to work on the form
fire fighting procedures and equipment to be used in emergency situations before fire
fighting personnel arriving at the scene
any other special work procedures that apply to working on the form, for example time
limits for working in cells where these apply or safely undertaking manual tasks.

Health issues and workplace facilities
The following should be provided to ensure the welfare of workers involved in slip and jump

Page 44 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
Adequate ventilation, including heating and cooling, and entry to all cells in jump forms
or slip forms. It is difficult for people to spend extended periods in cells due to the heat
and cramped working conditions. Maximum times for particular cells may be developed
depending on temperature, humidity and cell size. These times should be developed as
part of a work method statement in consultation with the formwork installer and the
Adequate ventilation and entry within cellsit may be necessary to provide ventilation
grills or entry ways in the cells.
Clean drinking water on the top level of the slip or jump form. On larger slip forms and
jump forms it may be necessary to provide clean drinking water on other levels.
A chemical toilet on the top of the jump form.
First aid equipment.

Fire extinguishers, hoses and other means of fire prevention and control should be provided on
the jump form or slip form.

Emergency procedures for the jump form or slip form must be developed which include training
and instruction for workers in these procedures.

The emergency procedures should include, but not be limited to:
the method of alert in the event of an emergency and the method of extracting people
from each location or cell that the people have entry to or could fall into
when to evacuate people from the form
evacuation muster points both on and off the form
training in using fire extinguishers
identifying people responsible for ensuring evacuation takes place
rescue procedures in the event of severe medical conditions
identifying people responsible for rescuing workers
rescue training for people involved in rescuing others, where outside experts will not be
responsible for performing the rescue.

Response to emergency situations should be considered during formwork design and in an
ongoing way during construction. Emergency arrangements for evacuating an injured worker
from a formwork cell should consider how to safely remove an immobilised or unconscious
person. This may include creating emergency entry holes and doorways through decks and
screens. Procedures should identify how to enter lift-voids and other areas, including cells within
the core which may have limited entry.

Emergency services contacts should be clearly identified and available.

Page 45 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
Bearer The primary horizontal support members for a formwork deck that are
placed on top of formwork frames. Bearers are usually constructed from
timber but are sometimes constructed from metal, for example in the
case of some modular formwork systems.

Catch platform A temporary platform located below a work area to catch a worker in the
event of a fall and to contain debris falling from a work platform.

Cell An area of a slip form, jump form or crane lifted form where a worker or
workers are required to carry out work. The cell will at least be enclosed
by all sides and a bottom surface.

Competent person A person who has acquired through training, qualification or experience
the knowledge and skills to carry out the task.
Note For certain activities, specific additional competencies are required,
see Chapter 1 of the WHS Regulations.

Edge protection A barrier to prevent a person or thing falling from the edge of:
a building or other structure, or
an opening in a surface of a building or other structure, or
a fall arresting platform, or
the surface from which work is to be done, e.g. a formwork deck.

Design engineer The engineer that carries out planning and design activities for the
formwork or falsework. This includes providing the design and
documenting all temporary work and special equipment needed for
construction on-site.

Engineer A competent person that has tertiary qualifications in an engineering
discipline relevant to the design activity they are undertaking, for example
a civil engineer.

Fall A fall by a person or object from one level to another.
False deck A continuous deck designed and constructed to prevent workers falling
more than 2 metres and as a working platform.

Page 46 of 46
This DRAFT Code has been approved by Safe Work Australia Members and is ready for approval by the
Select Council on Workplace Relations (Ministerial Council). This Code will become a model WHS Code of
Practice under the Inter- Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational reform in OHS when it is
approved by the Ministerial Council.
High risk construction

Construction work that:
involves a risk of a person falling more than 2 metres
involves, or is likely to involve, the disturbance of asbestos
involves structural alterations or repairs that require temporary
support to prevent collapse
is carried out in or near a confined space
is carried out in or near a shaft or trench with an excavated depth
greater than 1.5 metres, or a tunnel
involves using explosives
is carried out on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
is carried out on or near chemical, fuel or refrigerant lines
is carried out on or near energised electrical installations or services
is carried out in an area that may have a contaminated or flammable
is carried out on, in or adjacent to a road, railway, shipping lane or
other traffic corridor in use by traffic other than pedestrians
is carried out in an area at a workplace in which there is any
movement of powered mobile plant
is carried out in or near water or other liquid that involves a risk of

Intermediate platform

A platform at least 450 mm (2 planks) wide located less than 2 metres
above a continuous deck.

Joist A secondary horizontal support member for the formwork deck placed on
top of bearers, at right angles to the bearers. J oists are usually
constructed from timber but are sometimes constructed from metal, for
example in the case of some modular formwork systems.

Modular Formwork
A formwork system specifically designed for formwork and consists of
components not designed to be used with other systems.

Perimeter containment
A protective structure fixed to the perimeter of a building, structure or
working platform to prevent objects and people from falling.

Prop A slender structural member placed in a vertical position between two
horizontal surfaces and used to support the upper surface.

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