Baroness Thompson M3 Project 2 2-16-08

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Baroness Thompson

PSY360 Cognition and Learning

Week 3_Assignment 3

Attentional Blink
Attentional Blink

In the given example, how does the probability of seeing the second target object

change if the time between the appearances of the flying objects increases? Explain your

response with a suitable rationale.

Once the object has been seen, you can recognize it. Form Characteristic which

Forms perception. This involves seeing an object as a figure distinct from surrounding or

background stimuli. Forms are recognized when they have familiar or meaningful shapes

or physical qualities. Air Traffic Controllers are, by law, not permitted to work if they are

under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Explain why this is the case with respect to the

results of the Attentional Blink Demonstration.

Gestalt psychology also purports that humans are compelled to organize their

perceptions even when they are faced with ambiguous or illusory stimuli, such as

incomplete or misleading illustrations information.

How does this impact the probability of seeing the second target letter? Explain

your response.

Divided attention occurs when an individual is required to divide attention

among two or more stimuli. The stimuli are often task oriented.
Visual attention is affected when a great deal of information is presented at one

time or when visual information is presented too rapidly. Consideration is also given to

the fact that individual focus only on a portion of the visual field when performing a

visual task. attentional processing is devoted to this selected visual field and the

periphery outside this area receives little or no attention. These stimuli are processed

slowly and incompletely. As a result, visual attention is related to visual space.

In closing, Depth Characteristic is a result of the human ability to perceive the

world in three dimensions is the result of using binocular cues — depth cues that relies on

the use of two eyes — to transform two-dimensional retinal images. Constancy

Characteristic are when Objects retain constant characteristics this involves as color,

regardless of distance. This color constancy remains even if illumination changes and the

actual color appear to fade with the lack of clarity due to distance.

• In the Cog Lab Demonstration Attentional Blink, the time between the

presentation of the letters decreases. How does this impact the probability of seeing the

second target letter? Explain your response.

• How might your performance during the air traffic video game be affected if you

were sleep deprived or stressed about exams?

• Air Traffic Controllers are, by law, not permitted to work if they are under the

influence of drugs or alcohol. Explain why this is the case with respect to the results of

the Attentional Blink Demonstration.

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