LTB Getting Started Guide TranslationPartners

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Getting Started with Linguistic ToolBox

LTB Getting Started Guide for Translation Partners v. 9

Getting Started with Linguistic ToolBox................................................................................................. 1
How to Install LTB.............................................................................................................................. 2
1. Sste! "e#uire!ents................................................................................................................ 2
2. Installing Linguistic ToolBox....................................................................................................... $
%hat is a Linguistic ToolBox &usto!i'ed &onfiguration(..................................................................)
%hat is the Linguistic ToolBox &ore &onfiguration(.......................................................................... )
How to %or* with a Linguistic ToolBox &usto!i'ed &onfiguration or with the &ore..........................+
How to %or* with the LTB ,ut-ut "e-orts...................................................................................... 12
%here to .ind /ore Infor!ation on LTB.......................................................................................... 10
Lion1ridge &onfidential
How to Install LTB
1. System Requirements
Before installing Linguistic ToolBox 2LTB34 !a*e sure that ou !eet the following re#uire!ents5
1.1 Oerating System
LTB has 1een tested under the following environ!ents5
%indows 6ista4 %indows 7 or %indows 8.
So!e !inor testing has 1een done under /icrosoft %indows 29994 1ut correct tool 1ehavior is not
I!-ortant :otes5
%indows ;P is no longer su--orted 1 LTB since ver. 0.9.9. In order to o-ti!i'e LTB<s
-erfor!ance and to 1etter !anage resources to -rovide users with new features and
ca-a1ilities4 the new releases of Linguistic ToolBox use /icrosoft .:=T .ra!ewor* $.).1.
This version of .:=T cannot run on %indows ;P> conse#uentl4 Linguistic ToolBox can no
longer su--ort %indows ;P.
/ac is not an officiall su--orted environ!ent4 and therefore no testing is done in this
environ!ent. However4 if ou wish to use LTB in a /ac environ!ent with Parallels ?es*to-
installed4 ou need to follow these ste-s5
1. @nder 6irtual /achine4 go to &onfigure and then select the ,-tions ta1.
2. @nder the ,-tions ta14 select Sharing in the left -anel and ensure that this o-tion
is disa1led5 Share /ac user folders with %indows.
1.2 !icroso"t .#$T %ramewor&
/icrosoft .:=T .ra!ewor* $.).1 is re#uired. Aou can download and install it fro! the following lin*5
.:et .ra!ewor* $.).1.
1.' !icroso"t (isual )** +,1, Redistri-uta-le .ac&age /x012
The new LTB installer chec*s if ou have the /icrosoft 6isual &BB 2919 "edistri1uta1le Pac*age
2x8+3, if ou don<t4 during the installation ou will 1e -ro!-ted to install it. Cfterwards4 restart our
!achine 1efore continuing.
1.3 !icroso"t O""ice
/icrosoft ,ffice 29904 /icrosoft ,ffice 29974 /icrosoft ,ffice 2919 or /icrosoft ,ffice 2910 is
Lion1ridge &onfidential 2
LTB uses features availa1le onl in /icrosoft ,ffice 2990 or later4 and it will not wor* with -revious
versions of /icrosoft ,ffice.
Imortant notes5
DInstall on first useE will not wor*> the ,ffice features need to 1e installed on our hard drive
-rior to the installation of LTB.
Lion1ridge &onfidential 0
1.4 Translation 5or&sace
In order to use Linguistic ToolBox4 ou need to -rovide our Translation %or*s-ace user na!e and
-assword. Cll translatorsFreviewers using LTB should alread have the re#uired Translation
%or*s-ace credentials.
If4 during the Linguistic ToolBox installation or startu- -rocess4 ou learn that ou need an u-dated
version of Translation %or*s-ace4 ou should download the Translation %or*s-ace /icrosoft %ord
PlugGin fro! htt-s5FFtranslate.translationwor*! 2Resources ta1H6ownload3.

Lion1ridge &onfidential $
Imortant #ote7 If ou don<t need to have a Translation %or*s-ace su1scri-tion for the wor* that
ou do for Lion1ridge 1ut ou still need to use Linguistic ToolBox4 -lease contact our Lion1ridge
-roIect tea!. The will -rovide ou with s-ecial Translation %or*s-ace login details that will ena1le
ou to use LTB.
Imortant #ote7 If ou don<t need to have a Translation %or*s-ace su1scri-tion for the wor* that
ou do for Lion1ridge 1ut ou still need to use Linguistic ToolBox4 -lease contact our Lion1ridge
-roIect tea!. The will -rovide ou with s-ecial Translation %or*s-ace login details that will ena1le
ou to use LTB.
+. Installing Linguistic ToolBox
LTB can 1e installed fro! the following @"L5!Flt10F. In the
6ownload now8 section4 clic* on the green down arrow. @n'i- the Linguistic ToolBox.9i file4
dou1leGclic* the Installer.exe file and follow the installation ste-s.
#ote7 LTB has AutoUpdate functionalit4 so ever ti!e ou o-en LTB on our co!-uter4 LTB will
connect to the Cuto@-date server to chec* if ou have the latest version> if not4 it will auto!aticall
download the latest LTB files fro! the server. In this wa4 ou can 1e sure that ever1od is using the
latest version of the tool.
Lion1ridge &onfidential )
5hat is a Linguistic ToolBox )ustomi9ed )on"iguration:
C Linguistic ToolBox configuration file is a 'i- file that contains all the Linguistic ToolBox settings
necessar for each co!-onent and the su--ort files that are re#uired to -erfor! a set of auto!ated
linguistic chec*s. %hen ou load this 'i- file fro! the %ile !enu in Linguistic ToolBox4 it loads all or
!ost of the needed settings to carr out linguistic chec*s for a -articular 1atch of wor*.
C custo!i'ed configuration includes chec*s that are oriented to !eet the !ost i!-ortant #ualit
re#uire!ents for a -articular -roIect or account. This can include custo!i'ed rules for glossar or
stle guide co!-liance4 @I consistenc4 s-ecific settings for the Seg!ent &hec*er4 etc.
@suall a custo!i'ed configuration file will 1e -rovided 1 the Lion1ridge -roIect tea! for a s-ecific
1atch or wor* for our -roIect or account.
%hen -rovided with a custo!i'ed configuration file for a s-ecific -roIect or account4 -lease save this
configuration file on our co!-uter and use this custo!i'ed configuration for chec*ing our files
1efore our delivera1le to Lion1ridge.
5hat is the Linguistic ToolBox )ore )on"iguration:
The Linguistic ToolBox &ore is a Linguistic ToolBox configuration file that has 1een onl created with
the sole -ur-ose to serve as an DentrGlevelE or D1asicE a--roach to auto!ated #ualit control for
unclean files4 without intending to !eet s-ecific custo!er<s re#uire!ents. Therefore ou should ,:LA
use the Linguistic ToolBox &ore for the cases where a custo!i'ed configuration is not availa1le for a
-articular account or -roIect4 since the &ore does not -rovide with a co!-rehensive #ualit control
chec*4 as it does not contain those chec*s that need to 1e custo!i'ed in order to enforce *e
custo!er<s re#uire!ents such as co!-liance with a custo!er glossar4 stle guide or guidelines
a1out how to deal with -roduct na!es.
The Linguistic ToolBox &ore is -rovided as a se-arate LTB &onfiguration file with the Linguistic
ToolBox standard installation and onl includes these chec*s without addressing an custo!er
s-ecific re#uire!ents5
Segment )hec&er comonent
&hec* inconsistenc
&hec* if target is e!-t
&hec* if source e#uals target
Selling comonent
"un s-ell chec* on target seg!ent
Lion1ridge &onfidential +
Imortant #ote7 The reco!!ended wa to use Linguistic ToolBox is alwas with a custo!i'ed
configuration> as custo!i'ed configurations are s-ecificall designed with a view to enforce s-ecific
custo!er re#uire!ents4 such as adherence to a glossar4 stle guide4 etc.
The &ore configuration should ,:LA 1e used for those situations where the -roIect tea! has not -rovided
a custo!i'ed configuration file for our -roIect or account.
Imortant #ote7 The reco!!ended wa to use Linguistic ToolBox is alwas with a custo!i'ed
configuration> as custo!i'ed configurations are s-ecificall designed with a view to enforce s-ecific
custo!er re#uire!ents4 such as adherence to a glossar4 stle guide4 etc.
The &ore configuration should ,:LA 1e used for those situations where the -roIect tea! has not -rovided
a custo!i'ed configuration file for our -roIect or account.
@se /S word s-ell chec*er
Term ; .unctuation comonent
?u-licated words
&o-right !ar*s
&a/eL words
How to 5or& with a Linguistic ToolBox )ustomi9ed )on"iguration
or with the )ore
1. In LTB4 in the left hand -anel4 under Languages4 select our relevant Source and Target
language fro! the dro-Gdown list.
Lion1ridge &onfidential 7
Imortant #ote7 LTB uses these language settings
to includeFexclude Ter! J Punctuation rule files while
loading the configuration. If the language settings are
not defined correctl -e"ore ou o-en the LTB
configuration file4 the -ro-er set of languageG
de-endent rules will not 1e loaded.
This is es-eciall i!-ortant if ou wor* with LTB for
several languages.
Imortant #ote7 LTB uses these language settings
to includeFexclude Ter! J Punctuation rule files while
loading the configuration. If the language settings are
not defined correctl -e"ore ou o-en the LTB
configuration file4 the -ro-er set of languageG
de-endent rules will not 1e loaded.
This is es-eciall i!-ortant if ou wor* with LTB for
several languages.
#ote7 If ou onl wor* with a single language -air4 it is convenient to set our 6e"ault source
language and 6e"ault target language in"erences. This wa each ti!e that ou start u-
LTB4 our default language settings will a--ear auto!aticall under the Languages area in the left
hand -anel of LTB.
2. To load the configuration file4 go to the %ile !enu and select Load )on"iguration.
Lion1ridge &onfidential 8
0. ,n the Local ta15
a3 If ou have received a custo!i'ed configuration file fro! the Lion1ridge -roIect tea!4 either
co- and -aste the -ath to the folder where the custo!i'ed configuration has 1een saved or
clic* on the Browse 1utton to 1rowse to the location of the custo!i'ed configuration. Select
the relevant custo!i'ed configuration and clic* on Load.
13 If ou have not received an custo!i'ed configuration fro! the -roIect tea!4 then use the
&ore. To do this4 si!-l select LTB<)ore<con"ig.9i and clic* Load.
LTB loads the configuration4 ena1ling the correct co!-onents and settings4 including the Ter! J
Punctuation rules that are a--lica1le to our language -air.
$. In the Inut %iles ta14 add the files ou want to run the LTB configuration chec*s on.
Lion1ridge &onfidential 9
). In the Selling ta14 ou will see 1 default the a--ro-riate LTB dictionar for the target language
To add additional dictionaries4 if necessar4 clic* the =dd 1utton and 1rowse to the location of the
dictionar 2.x-l3 file. If no dictionar file exists for our language4 create an e!-t one4 since LTB
re#uires this in order to 1e a1le to co!!unicate with the /S %ord s-ellGchec*er.
If our target language is Ka-anese4 &hinese or Thai4 then s-ellGchec*ing is not -ossi1le and ou
should deselect the S-elling co!-onent.
Lion1ridge &onfidential 19
#ote5 Aou !ust have /icrosoft %ord s-ellGchec*ing su--ort installed for the target language. Aou
can verif whether /S %ord s-ellGchec*ing is availa1le for a language 1 loo*ing for a little DCB&E
chec* icon next to the language na!e in %ordLs Language dialog 1ox5
!icroso"t 5ord +,,' and -elow !icroso"t 5ord +,1,
If ou need to create an e!-t LTB dictionar4 -roceed as follows5
&lic* on the #ew 1utton in the Selling ta1.
Save the new .x-l file ou are creating with the desired na!e in the desired location. The
D:ew ?ictionarE file will 1e dis-laed in the 6ictionaries list.
Select the new dictionar and clic* on the $dit 1utton.
In the 6ictionary $ditor4 t-e the na!e for the dictionar 2to 1e dis-laed in the
6ictionaries list3 and select the desired language fro! the dro-Gdown list under
Language. &lic* the Sa>e )hanges 1utton4 then clic* on 6one.
Lion1ridge &onfidential 11
+. Set the na!e of the LTB out-ut re-ort file in the Reort text 1ox at the 1otto! of the LTB
7. &lic* Start.
8. Cfter LTB has finished4 chec* the Log ta1 to !a*e sure that no file was s*i--ed due to
unhandled errors.
9. In order to see the LTB out-ut re-ort4 clic* on the (iew 1utton.
#ote7 If our LTB out-ut re-ort does not o-en auto!aticall in /icrosoft =xcel or if it is the first ti!e
that ou run LTB4 -lease follow these additional ste-s to 1e a1le to view the LTB out-ut re-orts in
/icrosoft =xcel.
19. Browse to the location of an LTB out-ut re-ort4 right clic* on the file na!e and select Oen with.
11. Then4 choose /icrosoft =xcel and select =lways use the selected rogram to oen this &ind
o" "ile.
12. Then4 clic* on O?.
.ro! now on4 each ti!e ou clic* on (iew in LTB4 the out-ut re-ort will auto!aticall o-en in
/icrosoft =xcel.
Lion1ridge &onfidential 12
How to 5or& with the LTB Outut Reorts
The Linguistic ToolBox out-ut is an ;/L re-ort that includes all the D-otential issuesE found in the
in-ut files4 1ased on the s-ecified chec*s in the configuration. Aou can o-en this out-ut onl in
/icrosoft ,ffice =xcel 2990 or a1ove.
#ote7 The Linguistic ToolBox re-ort is created as an ;/L S-readsheet file with .x!l extension as
default. This !a*es it slower than a conventional ;LS wor*1oo* file 2slower to o-en4 filter4 save4 etc.3.
Cfter o-ening the re-ort4 reGsave it as a conventional wor*1oo*5 Select Save Cs... fro! the .ile !enu.
In the Save Cs dialog 1ox4 change the setting for Save as t-e5 to M/icrosoft ,ffice =xcel %or*1oo*
2N.xls3.M for ,ffice 2990 or to M=xcel %or*1oo* 2N.xlsx3M for ,ffice 2997 or a1ove.
Please review carefull each of the entries in the LTB out-ut re-ort4 selecting under the Ignore
colu!n( of the re-ort onl one of the two allowed values5
Ignore to identif entries that are not real errors and therefore donLt need to 1e
corrected in the translation.
!ar& to identif entries that do need to 1e corrected or verified in the translation.
Lion1ridge &onfidential 10
Remem-er7 ,:LA @S= under the Ignore: colu!n either Ignore or /ar* as -er the -reGdefined
o-tions4 never use anthing else such AesF:o4 &hec*F:o4 AesF.ixed4 etc.
Imortant #ote7 LTB out-ut re-orts are alwas -art of the delivera1le for all -roIects where LTB is
a re#uire!ent. Before sending the LTB ,ut-ut re-ort 1ac* to the -roIect tea! alwas ensure all
entries have 1een reviewed adding under the Ignore: colu! either Ignore or /ar*.
Remem-er7 ,:LA @S= under the Ignore: colu!n either Ignore or /ar* as -er the -reGdefined
o-tions4 never use anthing else such AesF:o4 &hec*F:o4 AesF.ixed4 etc.
Imortant #ote7 LTB out-ut re-orts are alwas -art of the delivera1le for all -roIects where LTB is
a re#uire!ent. Before sending the LTB ,ut-ut re-ort 1ac* to the -roIect tea! alwas ensure all
entries have 1een reviewed adding under the Ignore: colu! either Ignore or /ar*.
%hen wor*ing with LTB out-ut re-orts that contain a large nu!1er of entries4 we reco!!end
-rocessing the re-ort with the LTB Heler. LTB Hel-er is an addGin tool that has 1een develo-ed in
order to reduce the ti!e and effort re#uired for Linguistic ToolBox users to distinguish valid issues
fro! false -ositives in the Linguistic ToolBox out-ut re-ort. This tool auto!aticall grou-s si!ilar
t-es of issues together in the LTB out-ut re-orts to allow users to auto!aticall add a co!!ent
under the Ignore( colu!n of the re-orts to designate each entr as either /ar* or Ignore.
,nce ou have finali'ed co!!enting the LTB out-ut re-orts4 filter under the Ignore: colu!n 1
D/ar*E and i!-le!ent all the relevant corrections in our unclean files 1efore our delivera1le to
#ote5 .or infor!ation on how to wor* with the Linguistic ToolBox out-ut re-orts with the LTB Hel-er4
-lease refer to the LTB Heler @uic& Aser Guide in the Hel- folder of our LTB installation 2t-icall
at this location5 &5O@sersO@serP:a!eOC--?ataO"oa!ingOLinguisticTool1oxOHel-3.
5here to %ind !ore In"ormation on LTB
To find !ore infor!ation a1out LTB4 go to the Lion1ridge Service Partner Portal!34 enter our userna!e and -assword4 select the Lion-ridge Tools
; .rocesses section4 then select Linguistic ToolBox and clic* on Training.
Here ou will find the following infor!ation5
Introduction to Linguistic ToolBox for Partners 2"ecorded -resentation including a de!o3
Getting Started with Linguistic ToolBox
.re#uentl Cs*ed Questions
If ou need su--ort with this tool4 -lease contact our Lion1ridge -roIect tea!.
Lion1ridge &onfidential 1$

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