General Leaflet 151014

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Fantastic strikes show we
have power to beat Tories
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General 151014
workers in the NHS and the civil
service striking back against the
Tories insulting pay offer.
On Monday NHS strikers braved the rain
with big, lively and bouyant picket lines
across the country.
Millions are enraged that the Westminster
elite think they can tell public sector workers
they have to stomach a real terms pay cut
with a 1 percent rise or lesswhilst they
give themselves a 10 percent pay rise!
But the strikes arent just about pay.
They are about standing up to a government
driving through privatisation and cuts to our
services while the rich get richer.
Thats why Mondays action saw
solidarity breakfast for the NHS visits
to the picket lines with collections from
workplaces. PCS members were then on
picket lines and protests across England and
Wales on Wednesday.
Its no wonder people are fghting back
when workers are suffering the longest,
most severe decline in real earnings since
records began.
Health workers unions are discussing
another strike in November. This can
become a focus for others in national
disputes. Firefghters have been striking
to defend their pensions and teachers have
struck over pay too.
The action this week will be followed on
Saturday by two national demonstrations
in London and Glasgow called by the TUC
and the STUC.
Everyone who can should get onto local
transport and join the march.
This week shows the potential for a serious
fghtback against Tory austerity.
But it would have been more effective if it
had been part of a week of strikes including
local government workers.
Leaders of Unison, Unite and the GMB
pulled back from action to consult on
a proposal from the Labour-led Local
Government Association.
But the offer is barely better than the
initial offer the unions rejected!
And UCU members in colleges in
England were denied the right to strike
on Tuesday when their employers ran to
the courts to stop the action. Its worth
remembering these Tory anti-union laws
were left in place for 13 years by Labour.
Many workers across Britain share the
same frustrationwhen the attacks on
working class people are so enormous, why
dont we fght back together?
We cant have a repeat of the pensions
dispute back in 2011. Despite the
magnifcent 2.5 million-strong strike in
November that year, some union leaders
settled for a shoddy deal.
Its even more crucial we resist these attacks
because its clear we cant rely on a Labour
government to help us.
Ed Miliband says Labour would stick to
Tory spending plans. That means the pay
cap stays and the cuts continue, no matter
who wins the general election.
A fghtback is also important because
there is an attempt to divide our side.
The Tories are out to depict Muslims as
an enemy within.
Nigel Farage and Ukip want us to blame
migrants for the attacks we face.
And sadly, Labour is tailing them.
The best response to this racist rubbish is
for workers to unite on the picket lines, and
on the demonstrations on Saturday.
Our unions have a responsibility to take
on Tory austerity that is making working
class peoples lives a misery, and put the
blame where it really lies.
In London the TUC march is under the
slogan Britain needs a pay rise.
We have to say loud and clear that this
weeks strikes and protests must be a launch
pad for more action.
Britain needs a pay risebut we need
escalating and united pay strikes to get it.
After week of action over pay ...
Organising to win conference
Speakers include: Unison Care UK strikers, Support
Stafford Hospital campaign, NHS strikers, Matt Wrack
FBU frefghters general secretary, John McDonnell
MP, US fast food strikers and many more.
The conference has plenaries and workshops,
including: Where next for the fght to save the NHS?
Saturday 15 November, 12-5pm
Bloomsbury Baptist Church, central London.
Book up online at
NHS strikers marching round their hospital: chanting 1 percent? We think not... Give us what the MPs got!

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