Our Pledge To

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On the fortieth anniversary of the arson attack by

the Zionist terrorist, Michael Rohan, on Masjid al-
Aqsa (21 August 1969) we the undersigned affirm
the following:

That Masjid al-Aqsa is the third of the sacred Islamic

mosques. It is preceded in sanctity only by the Israel’s campaign of ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem,
Sacred Mosque in Makka and the Prophet’s Mosque dispossession of Palestinians of their homes and
in Madina. excavations beneath Masjid al-Aqsa all constitute
gross violations of international law. Emphasising
We wholeheartedly commit ourselves to protect and that the issue of Jerusalem and Masjid al-Aqsa is
preserve it from danger, desecration and destruction. NOT a Palestinian issue we call:
We call upon all Muslims during this blessed month
of Ramadan to recognize the imminent dangers now 1. On all Muslims in the United Kingdom to
facing Masjid al-Aqsa. observe 28th August 2009 as the Day of
International Solidarity with Majsid al-Aqsa
While the arson attack of 1969 was an attack on the with special sermons on this critical subject.
dignity and rights of Muslims everywhere, we realize
a greater danger now posed by Israel’s continued 2. On fellow citizens and lovers of justice to
occupation of Jerusalem and its attempts to change write letters to Prime Minister Gordon Brown
the religious and demographic character of the city. and Foreign Secretary David Miliband
conveying their absolute displeasure with the
We fully acknowledge it is our religious duty to British government’s handling of this issue.
safeguard the Islamic nature of Jerusalem and its
sanctuaries. We believe any harm or destruction to 3. On the British government to hold Israel
Masjid al-Aqsa and other Islamic sites in the city responsible for the integrity and safety of the
would severely imperil regional peace and Islamic sites under its occupation.
international stability.
4. On the media fraternity to conduct a full,
We regard the prohibition of Palestinians from honest, impartial and balanced coverage of
worshiping in Masjid al-Aqsa a grave breach of the the situation in Occupied Jerusalem.
Fourth Geneva Convention.

Initiated by the Gaza Group (Coalition)

Signed: Islam Channel

Muslim Council of Britain Council of Mosques – Tower Hamlets
Islamic Forum of Europe Federation of Students Islamic Societies
British Muslim Initiative Sri Lanka Islamic Forum UK
Palestinian Forum of Britain Muslim Community Radio (MCR)
Da’watul Islam UK Palestinian Solidarity Campaign
Muslim Association of Britain Council of European Jama’at
Islamic Human Rights Commission Muslim Directory
UK Islamic Mission Muslimaat UK
Palestinian Return Centre World Ahlul-Bayt Islamic League
Friends of Al-Aqsa Islamic Society of Britain
Young Muslim Organisation UK Al-Khoei Foundation

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