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Out-of-Province Ministerial Travel

Ministry Executive Council
Title of Travel 2014 Summer Meeting of Canadas Premiers Council of the Federation
Location Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
August 26-30, 2014
Honourable Brad Wall, Premier
Joe Donlevy, Chief of Staff to the Premier
Doug Moen, Deputy Minister to the Premier and Deputy Minister of
Intergovernmental Affairs
Wes Jickling, Associate Deputy Minister, Intergovernmental Affairs
Kathy Young, Executive Director, Communications
Cammy Colpitts, Executive Director, Intergovernmental Affairs
Everett Hindley, Executive Assistant to the Premier
Tami Wall
Purpose of
To attend the 2014 Council of the Federation Summer Meeting and
related meetings, including a meeting of Premiers and National Aboriginal
Organization leaders.
Total Travel Expenditures for Participants
Air Travel (including airfare and airport service fees) $8,006.24
Ground Travel (including taxis, car rentals, parking, trains, and buses) $552.92
Accommodation (including room charges, incidentals, related taxes and fees) $9,991.77
Meals (personal per diem meal claims) $826.00
Conference & Registration Fees n/a
Miscellaneous (including temporary cell phone upgrades, fax and internet
charges, passport and visa fees, medical and inoculation fees, laundry and dry
cleaning, and other sundry expenditures)
Subtotal $19,376.93
General Travel Expenditures
Business Hosting Expenses (luncheon and/or dinner meetings hosted by the
Government of Saskatchewan, including food, beverages, catering staff, service
charges, equipment, and entertainment)
Miscellaneous (Including meeting rooms, translator and interpreter fees, police
security, publications, shipping charges, gifts)
Subtotal $1,200.00
TOTAL $20,576.93
Overview of Travel and Objectives

To attend the annual summer meeting of the Council of the Federation (COF). The
COF is composed of Canadas 13 provincial and territorial Premiers. Its objectives
are to:
o promote interprovincial-territorial cooperation and closer ties between Premiers;
o foster meaningful relations between governments based on respect for the
Constitution and recognition of the diversity within the federation; and,
o show leadership on issues important to all Canadians.
To attend the meeting of Premiers and National Aboriginal Organization (NAO)
The Saskatchewan delegation was led by Premier Brad Wall. Premier Wall was
supported by the Chief of Staff to the Premier, Deputy Minister to the Premier and
Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Executive Assistant to the Premier,
Executive Director of Executive Council Communications and Intergovernmental Affairs
senior officials.

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