2014 UCOWR Water Data Center Poster

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This PowerPoint 2007 template produces a 42x60
professional poster. It will save you valuable time placing
titles, subtitles, text, and graphics.

Use it to create your presentation. Then send it to
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Object Placeholders

Use the placeholders provided below to add new
elements to your poster: Drag a placeholder onto the
poster area, size it, and click it to edit.

Section Header placeholder
Use section headers to separate topics or concepts within
your presentation.

Text placeholder
Move this preformatted text placeholder to the poster to
add a new body of text.

Picture placeholder
Move this graphic placeholder onto your poster, size it
first, and then click it to add a picture to the poster.

This PowerPoint template requires basic PowerPoint
(version 2007 or newer) skills. Below is a list of commonly
asked questions specific to this template.
If you are using an older version of PowerPoint some
template features may not work properly.

Using the template
Verifying the quality of your graphics
Go to the VIEW menu and click on ZOOM to set your
preferred magnification. This template is at 50% the size
of the final poster. All text and graphics will be printed at
200% their size. To see what your poster will look like
when printed, set the zoom to 200% and evaluate the
quality of all your graphics before you submit your poster
for printing.

Using the placeholders
To add text to this template click inside a placeholder
and type in or paste your text. To move a placeholder,
click on it once (to select it), place your cursor on its
frame and your cursor will change to this symbol:
Then, click once and drag it to its new location where you
can resize it as needed. Additional placeholders can be
found on the left side of this template.

Modifying the layout
This template has four
different column layouts.
Right-click your mouse
on the background and
click on Layout to see
the layout options.
The columns in the provided layouts are fixed and cannot
be moved but advanced users can modify any layout by
going to VIEW and then SLIDE MASTER.

Importing text and graphics from external sources
TEXT: Paste or type your text into a pre-existing
placeholder or drag in a new placeholder from the left
side of the template. Move it anywhere as needed.
PHOTOS: Drag in a picture placeholder, size it first, click
in it and insert a photo from the menu.
TABLES: You can copy and paste a table from an external
document onto this poster template. To make the text fit
better in the cells of an imported table, right-click on the
table, click FORMAT SHAPE then click on TEXT BOX and
change the INTERNAL MARGIN values to 0.25

Modifying the color scheme
To change the color scheme of this template go to the
Design menu and click on Colors. You can choose
from the provide color combinations or you can create
your own.

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The CUAHSI Water Data Center: Next generation data services for the water sciences
Water is everywhere. This reflection underscores the importance of
instilling hydrologic and earth science literacy in educators, students, and
the general public, but also presents challenges for water scientists and
educators in distributing, accessing, and interpreting water data.
Scientific data about water is collected and distributed by many different
sources at many different scales; from federal agencies, to scientific
investigators, to citizen scientists. As competition for limited water
resources increases, increasing access to and understanding of
information about the nation's and the world's water will be critical.

The CUAHSI Water Data Center (WDC) maintains a web based system for
sharing hydrologic data that can address this unmet need. The WDC is
building upon a large prototype developed over the past decade - to
create and maintain production-quality water data services.
Jon Pollak, Alva Couch, Marie Martin, Martin Seul

The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI)

Using CUAHSI HIS: The HydroDesktop Client Achieving the Mission
The CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System (HIS) is an internet-based system
for sharing hydrologic data. It consists of three components: a client
(HydroDesktop),a data server software stack (HydroServer), and a central
metadata registry (HydroCatalog). These components use a suite of web
services, WaterOneFlow, and a type of XML, WaterML, to transmit data.
WaterML has been designated a recognized international standard for time-
series data by the Open Geospatial Consortium.
HIS uses a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) like those mandated by US
government agencies for distribution of government-collected data. The SOA
provides an environment similar to search engines like Google, but specifically
for water data sources:

How the Web Works
HTML web language for text and pictures
Web Server
HydroServer HydroDesktop
Data access
WaterML web language for water data
How HIS Works
Map Interface Data Values GIS Layers
This work has been supported by National Science Foundation grant numbers 03-
26064, 07-53521, 1248152, and 1338606. The CUAHSI HIS has been developed by
a large team of colleagues including those from the University of Texas, San
Diego Supercomputing Center, Utah State University, Brigham Young University,
Drexel University, City College of New York, and University of South Carolina.
Access over 100 hydrologic data sources
including over 25 universities, state and
provincial agencies, and multiple federal
agencies with one catalog!

Data Access with HydroDesktop
A services-oriented architecture enables different data access clients to be
customized for specific purposes. Currently, the main data access client is
HydroDesktop, a program for the Windows that combines an open-source GIS
package with a data discovery client that searches the HIS Central catalog.

HydroDesktop searches for data by:
Geography (Bounding box or GIS Coverage)
Property Measured
Data Source
Place-Based Education with Water Data Using CUAHSI HIS: The HIS Central Metadata Catalog The HIS Central Catalog
HydroDesktop is free and
open source!
Water Data Center Catalog Information Model & Semantics
A Community-Moderated Controlled
CUAHSI maintains a community
moderated controlled vocabulary for
13 fields in the ODM metadata
profile. This system includes a
centralized database, online
submission of new terms and editing
of existing terms, and web services
for broadcasting the controlled
vocabulary. The system is moderated
by CUAHSIs user support staff.
An Ontology for Data Discovery
Data Publication Options
A screenshot of HydroDesktop showing the Legend, Map Interface, and a Graph showing data
values that have been downloaded.
The Observations Data Model (ODM)
Variable Name
Investigator 1: Temperature, water
Investigator 2: Water Temperature
Investigator 3: Temperature
Investigator 4: Temp.
Controlled Term

Sunshine duration

In addition to the controlled vocabularies, CUAHSI maintains an
ontology of variables that facilitates keyword search. Variables are
tagged to an ontological concept, which are often associated with
synonyms as well. The Ontology is divided into three major branches:
Physical, Chemical, and Biological.
The current information model for the CUAHSI HIS is ODM 1.1.1. The
schema is pictured above. The structure is a star diagram with a table for
data values in the center and is surrounded by tables that describe the
metadata. The most common implementation of ODM is a SQL database.
Cloud-Based Publication with CUAHSI
Maintain Your Own IT Infrastructure
CUAHSI is providing web-based data publication beginning in June 2014! This
means researchers can publish their data in the CUAHSI HIS without
downloading software as the uploading application will work with any major
web browser. The Water Data Centers catalog, HIS Central, is already
deployed in the cloud. All of the WDCs cloud-based tools are powered by
Microsoft Azure.
For those researchers who wish to maintain their own IT infrastructure,
HydroServer (Windows Server) and HydroServerLite (Linux) remain as
options. Additionally, HydroServer Interactive is a version of
HydroServerLite that has been translated to Spanish. Visit the websites
listed below for more information.
Right: HydroServer has been
traditionally deployed in Windows
Server 2008 and can include a website
as well as GIS functionality.
For more visit:
Left: HydroServerLite was developed as
Linux alternative.
For more, visit:
Right: HydroServer Interactive is a
version of HydroServerlite that has been
translated. So far, it is available in
Spanish in addition to English.
For more, visit:

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