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Startup Weekend Switzerland sponsorship offer

What is Startup Weekend?

Startup Weekends ia 54-hour event where developers, design-
ers, marketers, product managers and startup enthusiasts
come together to share ideas, form teams, build products, and
launch startups!
Beginning with open microphone pitches on Friday, attendees
bring their best ideas and inspire others to join their team. Over
Saturday and Sunday teams focus on customer development,
validating their ideas, practicing LEAN Startup Methodologies
and building a minimal viable product. On Sunday evening
teams demo their prototypes and receive valuable feedback
from a panel of experts.

Why sponsor?
Startup Weekends are the place to meet the most talented and
entrepreneurially minded people within Switzerland. The events
are manifestations of Switzerlands blossoming and vibrant
startup scene and as such are very well respected. Over 1500
participants started their entrepreneurial at a Startup Weekend
in Switzerland, being part of over 125000 Startup Weekend
alumni worldwide.

There are a lot of benefits for you to partake in our events:
Access to top entrepreneurial talent
Get to really know them: You will have the opportunity to
meet 80 carefully selected aspiring entrepreneurs in real
working environment. They will listen to your presenta-
tion, attend your workshop, visit your stand, approach
your representatives and much more. We are open for
your ideas do not hesitate to suggest something exiting
to us.
Create awareness of your brand
You will be able to distribute any swag you want from
laptop stickers and candies T-shirts and devices. These
items will be used proudly long after the actual event.
Present a challenge yourself
About 50% of our participants come without a business
idea or a problem they want to solve. If you suggest an
exiting project, you will most certainly get a team for it.
Media coverage
Media outlets such as: 20 Minuten, NZZ, St. Galler
Tagblatt, BAZ, Radio Energy and TeleM1 have covered
our events.
University Marketing
The event will be marketed at Switzerlands leading uni-
versities and your logo will be on all posters and flyers.

Startup Weekend Switzerland
Startup Weekend Switzerland is a registered Swiss association
according to Swiss law (CH- The organisation
was funded in 2009 by students from different Swiss universi-
ties. The organisations principal goal is to foster entrepreneur-
ship in Switzerland. The organisation is part of the global
Startup Weekend Network and UP Global. All of Startup Week-
end Switzerlands direct and indirect affiliates are working in a
voluntary capacity.

For more information write to
Or visit: or

Your sponsorship contact is:
Simon Kaiser
President and Member of the Board
Startup Weekend Switzerland
+41 79 739 22 16

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