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Solutions Intermediate Unit 2A: Adjectives for feelings

Complete the gaps with the corresponding adjective (_ _ _ ) and preposition ():
1 Andrew spilled red wine all over their carpet. He was so e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !
2 Anna has always been s _ _ _ _ _ ......... dogs.
3 Are you b _ _ _ _ ......... your present job?
4 Charles felt a _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... the things he'd said to his girlfriend.
5 Don't get d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... it, your life goes on and everything will be alright.
6 Every person is a _ _ _ _ _ ......... being alone.
7 Hughs very p _ _ _ _ ......... his work finally being published.
8 I feel g _ _ _ _ _ ......... lying but I really want to go on this date.
9 I was deeply s _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... Jo's death.
10 If you're c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... anything, phone me.
11 I'm really f _ _ _ _ ......... this constant rain.
12 Jerome is definitely j _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... his brother's success.
13 John was getting i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... all her questions.
14 Johns folks were really a _ _ _ _ ......... his grades.
15 Most people get h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the first time they leave home.
16 My parents were p _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... the news as it was really great.
17 Polly was r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to learn that her mother's illness was not a serious one.
18 She was really u _ _ _ _ ......... the way her father treated her.
19 She was so n _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... her exams that she couldn't sleep.
20 Susan was d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... her new home.
21 The fans were d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that we played so well yet still lost.
22 There were puzzles and games to keep the children a _ _ _ _ _ .
23 We ask all our customers if they are s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... the service they received.

Solutions Intermediate Unit 2A: Adjectives for feelings

Complete the gaps with the corresponding adjective (_ _ _ ) and preposition ():
1. Andrew spilled red wine all over their carpet. He was so e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !
embarrassed about/at
2. Anna has always been s _ _ _ _ _ ......... dogs. scared of
3. Are you b _ _ _ _ ......... your present job? bored with
4. Charles felt a _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... the things he'd said to his girlfriend. ashamed of
5. Don't get d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... it, your life goes on and everything will be alright.
depressed about
6. Every person is a _ _ _ _ _ ......... being alone. afraid of
7. Hughs very p _ _ _ _ ......... his work finally being published. proud of
8. I feel g _ _ _ _ _ ......... lying but I really want to go on this date. guilty about
9. I was deeply s _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... Jo's death. shocked by/at
10. If you're c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... anything, phone me. confused about
11. I'm really f _ _ _ _ ......... this constant rain. fed up with
12. Jerome is definitely j _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... his brother's success. jealous of
13. John was getting i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... all her questions. irritated with/about/at/by
14. Johns folks were really a _ _ _ _ ......... his grades. angry about
15. Most people get h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the first time they leave home. homesick
16. My parents were p _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... the news as it was really great. pleased
17. Polly was r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to learn that her mother's illness was not a serious one.
relieved about
18. She was really u _ _ _ _ ......... the way her father treated her. upset about/by
19. She was so n _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... her exams that she couldn't sleep. nervous about
20. Susan was d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... her new home. delighted with/by/at
21. The fans were d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that we played so well yet still lost. disappointed
22. There were puzzles and games to keep the children a _ _ _ _ _ . amused by/at
23. We ask all our customers if they are s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ......... the service they received.
satisfied with

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