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Clinical research associate

Job description
A clinical research associate (CRA) runs clinical trials to test drugs for their effectiveness, risks and benefits to ensure they
are safe to allow on to the market. They may work on new as well as existing drugs and are usually employed by either a
pharmaceutical company or a contract research organisation (CRO) which works on behalf of pharmaceutical companies.
The CRA will typically be involved in all stages of the clinical trial, including identifying an investigational site and setting up,
initiating, monitoring and closing down the trial.
Clinical trials may be carried out at various stages or phases and include trials on healthy humans, trials on patients with a
disease, and studies conducted after the launch of a new drug to monitor safety and side effects.
Typical work activities
Tasks carried out by a CRA may vary depending on their employer but they will typically include:
developing and writing trial protocols (outlining the purpose and methodology of a trial);
presenting trial protocols to a steering committee;
designing data collection forms, known as case report forms (CRFs);
coordinating with the ethics committee, which safeguards the rights, safety and wellbeing of all trial subjects;
managing regulatory authority applications and approvals that oversee the research and marketing of new and
existing drugs;
identifying and assessing the suitability of facilities to be used as the clinical trial site;
identifying/selecting an investigator who will be responsible for the conduct of the trial at the trial site;
liaising with doctors/consultants or investigators on conducting the trial;
setting up the trial sites, which includes ensuring each centre has the trial materials, including the trial drug often
known as the investigational medicinal product. Plus training the site staff to trial-specific industry standards;
monitoring the trial throughout its duration, which involves visiting the trial sites on a regular basis;
verifying that data entered on to the CRFs is consistent with patient clinical notes, known as source data/document
verification (SDV);
collecting completed CRFs from hospitals and general practices;
writing visit reports;
filing and collating trial documentation and reports;
ensuring all unused trial supplies are accounted for;
closing down trial sites on completion of the trial;
discussing results with a medical statistician, who usually writes technical trial reports;
archiving study documentation and correspondence;
preparing final reports and occasionally manuscripts for publication.
Bio-Analyst Job Description
Bio-analysts, also known as bio-informaticians, are responsible for breaking down,
creating and investigating biological compounds. They are typically employed in
research roles for chemical producers or universities.

Bio-Analyst Job Duties
Use a variety of techniques to break down, create and investigate biological
Plan and conduct research using chemical analysis
Supervise the work of technicians and assistants
Record detailed notes of research process, methods and findings
Provide bio-analytical data to other researchers for wider clinical research
Instruct other personnel in basic analytical techniques such as chromatography,
electrophoretic straining, mass spectrometry and various simple methods of analyzing

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