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Table of Contents

Forward: Top Ten Reasons to Install a Solar Power System.....................................................................2
FAQ1: How Does Solar Power Wor!......................................................................................................."
FAQ 2: W#at $oes Into A Solar Power System!.......................................................................................%
FAQ ": W#at &'nd of Solar Power System S#o(ld I $et!........................................................................)
FAQ %: W#ere S#o(ld I P(t *y System!..................................................................................................+
FAQ ): How *(c# Room Do I ,eed for Solar Panels!............................................................................-
FAQ .: Are T#ere Incent'/es and Re0ates For Solar!...............................................................................-
FAQ 1: How *(c# 's a Solar Power System $o'n2 to 3ost *e!...........................................................14
FAQ +: How *(c# W'll A System Sa/e *e!..........................................................................................11
FAQ -: How Do I $et a System Installed!..............................................................................................11
FAQ 14: Is Do It 5o(rself Solar Power D6A789!.................................................................................12
FAQ 11: W#ere 3an I $et Solar 9:('pment If I Want To Install *y 6wn System!...............................1"
FAQ 12: Do T#e Systems Re:('re *(c# *a'ntenance!.........................................................................1"
Append'; A < Solar Power *ade 9asy 3#ecl'st....................................................................................1.
About the Author
&r'ss 7er2et#on 's an a(t#or= entreprene(r= and off>2r'd #omeowner from
3olorado. &r'ss #as 0een 'n/ol/ed 'n solar power and 2reen 0('ld'n2 s'nce
244". &r'ss #as an en2'neer'n2 de2ree and wored 'n t#e m'n'n2 'nd(stry
0efore ?see'n2 t#e l'2#t? and mo/'n2 'nto clean ener2y and 2reen 0('ld'n2.
He now owns Solar Sp#ere= www.SolarSp#ere6nl' an onl'ne reta'ler
of solar panels= components= complete systems= tra'n'n2= 'nstaller d'rectory=
and d'spenser of free 'nformat'on. Please feel free to ema'l #'m yo(r
comments or :(est'ons a0o(t t#'s 0oo at &r'ss@SolarSp#ere6nl'
A Note From the Author
T#an yo( for dowload'n2 Frequently Asked Questions About Solar PowerA T#'s 0oo 's 'ntended to
2'/e t#e layperson a 2ood s(mmary of solar power. T#'s s(0Bect 's pretty tec#n'cal and can 0e a l'ttle
dry= 0(t I?/e tr'ed to mae 't as easy to (nderstand as poss'0le= and may0e e/en a l'ttle f(n. Hopef(lly
yo(?ll #a/e an 'dea 'f solar 's r'2#t for yo(= and may0e e/en #elp yo( dec'de 'f a career 'n solar 's
somet#'n2 yo( want to p(rs(e.
P89AS9 D6 ,6T R9DISTRI7CT9 THIS 766&A I wored /ery #ard on t#'s 0oo and I am not a
r'c# man. Please respect t#e copyr'2#ts.
P89AS9 D6,?T PRI,T THIS 766& C,89SS 56C HAD9 T6A T#'s 's= after all= a0o(t protect'n2
o(r planet and ens(r'n2 o(r en/'ronmental f(t(re= so sa/e some trees and read 't on yo(r comp(ter or
#and #eld de/'ce. 6r 'f yo( #a/e to pr'nt 't= please do so on recycled paper and t#en recycle t#e 0ooA
T#an yo( and enBoy Frequently Asked Questions About Solar PowerA
2010 Kriss Bergethon & Solar Shere! ""#
Preface EE7e s(re to /'s't www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF Pa2e 1
Forward: Top Ten Reasons to Install a Solar Power System
Here are 10 reasons why solar is a great option:
1. Incentives: Recently 3on2ress l'fted t#e cap on ta; 'ncent'/es for solar power systems= and e;tended
t#e "4G cred't. So 'f yo( spend H24=444 on a system= yo(r ta; 0'll w'll 0e red(ced 0y H.=444 I." ;
24=444J. And 'f yo( don?t #a/e H.=444 'n ta;es Iyo( l(cy d(cAJ yo( can carry 't o/er to t#e ne;t year.
,ow states and (t'l't'es are 2ett'n2 'nto t#e act as well. 9/eryt#'n2 from re0ates to ta; 'ncent'/es are
0e'n2 offered= and some of t#ese can offset t#e cost of yo(r system 0y as m(c# as +4GA 3#ec o(t t#e
DSIR9CSA.or2 we0s'te for 'nformat'on on 'ncent'/es 'n yo(r area.
2. Maintenance cost: Solar panel systems re:('re /ery l'ttle ma'ntenance. Somet'mes clear'n2 and
clean'n2 's necessary= and #a/'n2 an ann(al c#ec(p 0y a profess'onal 's recommended. 7(t most
owners can e;pect to do /ery l'ttle for t#e'r panels o/er t#e'r l'fet'me.
3. Fuel Cost and Availaility: 60/'o(sly s(nl'2#t 's free. Foss'l f(el pr'ces are r's'n2 dramat'cally= and
w'll pro0a0ly r'se e/en more s#arply w't# car0on ta;es and caps on t#e #or'Kon. And t#e s(n w'll
pro0a0ly 0e aro(nd s#ower'n2 (s w't# 'ts wonderf(l ener2y for anot#er ) 0'll'on years or so. W't#
solar= now'n2 t#at yo(r f(el so(rce 's 'nf'n'te and free 's pretty cool. And lets face 't: money 's 2reen
!. "eliaility: Solar panels #a/e no mo/'n2 parts and t#erefore are not l'ely to 0rea down. T#e
process t#at maes t#em wor Iw#'c# 's e;pla'ned laterJ can 0e done day after day w't#o(t maBor
c#an2es 'n eff'c'ency. And t#ey can 'mpro/e t#e a/a'la0'l'ty of yo(r ent're electr'cal system 'f yo( l'/e
'n areas prone to (t'l'ty 0laco(ts.
#. $uraility: *ost panels t#ese days come w't# a 24>"4 year warranty. 3an yo( t#'n of anyt#'n2 t#at
comes w't# e/en a 1) year warranty!A Some of t#e panels t#at were created as part of t#e space race )4
years a2o are al'/e and 'c'n2 to t#'s day. Arrays #a/e end(red all 'nds of weat#er and cl'mat'c
c#an2es and #a/e pro/en to 0e e;tremely d(ra0le.
%. &uiet: Solar panels mae l'ttle to no no'se as t#ey prod(ce ener2y= somet#'n2 yo( A,D yo(r
ne'2#0ors can 0e #appy a0o(t.
'. (a)ety: P#oto/olta'c cells are /ery safe and prod(ce at s(c# a low ampera2e t#at electroc(t'on 's
e;tremely rare. T#ey also are rare 'n t#at t#ey prod(ce power w't#o(t f(el com0(st'on= a /ery /olat'le
and dan2ero(s process w#et#er 't?s 'n yo(r 0acyard or at t#e power plant.
*. +nergy Independence: &now'n2 t#at yo( can prod(ce yo(r own ener2y= m(c# l'e #a/'n2 yo(r
own /e2eta0le 2arden= 's /ery sat'sfy'n2. And now'n2 t#at yo( are send'n2 less money= or may0e none
at all= to a lar2e con2lomerate or s(pport'n2 a /'olent nat'on 's 2ood for yo(= o(r co(ntry= and t#e
,. -ow .ollution: 7ot# t#e process of prod(c'n2 solar panels and prod(c'n2 solar ener2y 's a low
poll(t'on process. Solar panels mae (p for t#e ener2y (sed to prod(ce t#em 'n 2>% years= and t#en
prod(ce ener2y for decades. Pl(s almost t#e ent're array 's recycla0le= so w#en t#e'r l'fe 's o/er t#ey
can 0e 0roen down and (sed for somet#'n2 else.
10. /hat 01reen0 Feeling: Per#aps t#e most powerf(l reason Iot#er t#an t#e feel'n2 of sa/'n2 moneyJ
's now'n2 t#at yo( are D6I,$ S6*9THI,$. 5o(?re #elp'n2 clean (p t#e planet= promot'n2
'ndependence= and most of all 2ett'n2 (s f(rt#er away from t#e destr(ct'on and poll(t'on 'n#erent 'n t#e
Forward: Top Ten Reasons to Install a Solar Power System EE7e s(re to /'s't www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF
Pa2e 2
(se of foss'l f(els. W#at else do yo( need!
FAQ 1: ow !oes Solar Power "or#$
Solar Cells
A solar panel 's made of se/eral p#oto/olta'c cells. T#e cells are /ery t#'n= a0o(t 1L144t# of an 'nc#
t#'c and (s(ally " to % 'nc#es s:(are. T#ese cells con/ert s(nl'2#t to ener2y 0y t#e p#oto/olta'c effect.
T#ese cells do not re:('re f(el and #a/e a standard l'fet'me of 24>"4 years.
Solar Panels % &odules
P#oto/olta'c IPDJ cells are assem0led to2et#er to create a solar mod(le. T#e mod(le 's w#at yo( are
(sed to see'n2 as a panel. It #as anyw#ere from 2 to 244 cells assem0led to2et#er= encased 'n tempered
2lass and al(m'n(m to mae t#em weat#er res'stant.
/he solar )ood chain
Ty'n( Them To(ether
8'e 0atter'es= cells can 0e com0'ned 'n ser'es or 'n parallel to create lar2er and more spec'f'c /olta2es
and ampera2es. For 'nstance= fo(r 1>/oltL1>amp cells 'n ser'es w'll com0'ne for % /olts= 0(t t#e
ampera2e w'll stay at 1 amp. 7y contrast= fo(r 1>/oltL1>amp cells 'n parallel w'll ma'nta'n 1 /olt 0(t
#a/e % amps of o(tp(t. 5o( can m(lt'ply t#e ampera2e 0y t#e watta2e I'n t#e e;ample a0o/e % ; 1J to
2et t#e watts 2enerated.
Parallel w'r'n2 means t#at t#e 'f two cells are s'de 0y s'de t#e pos't'/e ends are connected to eac# ot#er=
and t#e ne2at'/e ends are connected to eac# ot#er. To connect cells 'n ser'es= yo( connect t#e ne2at'/e
of one to t#e pos't'/e of anot#er.
FAQ 1: How Does Solar Power Wor! EE7e s(re to /'s't www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF Pa2e "
S')es and Shapes
*od(les can 0e made 'n a many s'Kes and s#apes to f't t#e'r appl'cat'on. Panels come 'n standard
rectan2(lar= tr'an2(lar= fold>a0le= and e/en rolls. T#'s means t#ey can 0e (sed 'n a w'de /ar'ety of
appl'cat'ons= from 0oats and recreat'onal /e#'cles to electr'c cars and space stat'ons.
The Solar Array
*od(les are com0'ned to create solar arrays. An array 's a 2ro(p of mod(les assem0led to2et#er and
des'2ned to meet a certa'n electr'cal load. 5o(?/e pro0a0ly seen most arrays mo(nted on t#e rooftops of
#omes. T#ese arrays are des'2ned to 2enerate a certa'n amo(nt of electr'c'ty o/er t#e co(rse of a year
2'/en t#e an2le and 'nstallat'on.
FAQ *: "hat +oes Into A Solar Power System$
In add't'on to solar panels t#ere are se/eral components t#at 2o alon2 w't# t#em to create a system.
We to(c#ed 0r'efly on 'n/erters 0efore= t#ey essent'ally ?mae wa/es?. T#ey can t(rn steady stream D3
power 'nto wa/y A3 power. T#ere are se/eral d'fferent 'nds of 'n/erters and t#ey d'ffer 'n t#e 'nd of
wa/e t#ey create. *od'f'ed s'ne wa/e 'n/erters create c(rrent t#at resem0les connected (p and down
sta'r cases= as t#e 'n/erter creates steps 'n t#e c(rrent. P(re s'ne wa/e 'n/erters create B(st t#at= a n'ce
e/en (p and down wa/e. Sens't'/e electron'cs= l'e enterta'nment e:('pment= re:('re t#at p(re wa/e to
operate properly= w#'le smaller electron'cs= l'e small 'tc#en appl'ances= wor B(st f'ne w't# mod'f'ed
An inverter in a very typical grid2tie setup.
Char(e Controllers
W#ene/er 0atter'es are present 'n a solar power system= a c#ar2e controller 's needed. T#'s 's needed
0eca(se= (nl'e ot#er power so(rces t#at #a/e an off and on sw'tc#= solar panels are pretty m(c# ?on? as
FAQ 2: W#at $oes Into A Solar Power System! EE7e s(re to /'s't www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF Pa2e %
lon2 as t#e s(n 's s#'n'n2. T#'s can 0e a pro0lem 'f t#e 0atter'es are at f(ll capac'ty as o/erc#ar2'n2
t#em wo(ld r('n t#em. So t#e c#ar2e controller controls #ow m(c# c#ar2e 2oes 'nto t#e 0atter'es and
opt'm'Kes t#e ener2y t#ey rece'/e.

A charge controller showing the voltage in a attery an3.
Control Panels- !'sconnects- and "'r'n(
T#ere are a lot of f(se panels= d'sconnect sw'tc#es= and w'r'n2 'n a solar power system. T#ese are
m';ed and matc#ed to s('t a part'c(lar solar power system. T#e w'r'n2 can 2et e;pens'/e= so t#e
d'stances 0etween components s#o(ld 0e m'n'm'Ked. D3 power r(ns most eff'c'ently t#ro(2# t#'c=
#ea/y 2a(2e w're= m(c# l'e water flows 0etter t#ro(2# lar2er p'pe. T#e 0'22er t#e w're= o0/'o(sly=
t#e more e;pens'/e.
7atter'es are (sed only w#en a0sol(tely necessary 'n a solar power system. 8ar2e= #ea/y= f(ll of
c#em'cals= and e;pens'/e= t#ey are somet#'n2 to 0e a/o'ded. T#ere are " 0as'c types (sed 'n solar:
lead>ac'd= sealed 2el= and sealed a0sor0ed 2lass mat IA$*J. 8ead>ac'd 0atter'es are t#e most eff'c'ent
and lon2est last'n2= 0(t re:('re /ent'n2 to a/o'd #ydro2en 2as e;plos'ons. Sealed 0atter'es are B(st t#at=
completely sealed= and don?t re:('re /ent'n2 or add'n2 l':('ds. T#'s maes t#em 0est for 0oats and
RD?s w#ere t#ey can 0e Bostled and t(ced away.
FAQ /: "hat 0'nd of Solar Power System Should I +et$
T#ere are se/eral types of solar power systems t#at are (sed 'n #omes. 8et?s co/er t#e most common.
Solar !'rect 1or !ay23se Solar4
T#ese systems are 'ntended to 0e (sed only w#en t#e s(n s#'nes. T#ere are no stora2e 0atter'es= so as
soon as t#e s(n 2oes away= t#e power stops. T#ese systems are 2reat for certa'n water p(mp'n2
appl'cat'ons= /ent'n2 fans= and certa'n electron'cs. Rare 'n appl'cat'on= t#ey are /ery afforda0le and
FAQ ": W#at &'nd of Solar Power System S#o(ld I $et! EE7e s(re to /'s't www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF
Pa2e )
easy to 'nstall.
!C System w'th .atter'es
T#ese systems are 2reat for small electron'cs t#at need to r(n day or n'2#t. 6ften t'mes yo(?ll see t#ese
systems employed on #'2#way s'2n l'2#ts= 2ate openers= and comm(n'cat'on 0o;es. S'mple and
afforda0le t#ese systems #a/e a w'de /ar'ety of (ses and are perfect for remote locat'ons t#at re:('re
low /olta2e.
ybr'd Solar2+enerator Systems
For off>2r'd and 0ac>(p power appl'cat'ons= most fols t(rn to a #y0r'd system. T#e #y0r'd system
(s(ally cons'sts of a PD array= a c#ar2e controller= a 0attery 0an= an 'n/erter= and somet'mes a tert'ary
power so(rce s(c# as a w'nd t(r0'ne or a 2as 2enerator. T#ese systems are fa'rly comple; and re:('re a
#'2# le/el of e;pert'se to des'2n and 'nstall. W't# t#e pop(lar'ty of off>2r'd l'/'n2= #owe/er= t#ere are
more and more paca2ed systems for people to c#oose from. T#ese systems w'll pro/'de power 'f t#e
2r'd s#(ts down and can st'll sell power 0ac to a 2r'd 'f des'red.
FAQ ": W#at &'nd of Solar Power System S#o(ld I $et! EE7e s(re to /'s't www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF
Pa2e .
Hyrid syste4 with solar and generator ac3up
T#e 0'22est d'sad/anta2e of t#ese systems 's t#e cost and comple;'ty. T#e 0attery 0an re:('res re2(lar
ma'ntenance and m(st 0e replaced lon2 0efore t#e panels are done 2enerat'n2. T#ey are also fa'rly
e;pens'/e. T#ese costs= #owe/er= are often a 0etter alternat'/e to t#e cost and #assle of 0r'n2'n2 'n 2r'd
power to remote locat'ons.
5ff2+r'd Solar !ependent Systems
For c#eap power 'n remote locat'ons= often t#ese systems are t#e only c#o'ce. T#ey 2enerally cons'st of
a small 0attery 0an= a c#ar2e controller= and a solar array. People w't# t#ese systems c#oose to (se all
D3 appl'ances so as to a/o'd t#e cost and 'neff'c'ency of 'n/erters. T#ese systems #a/e t#e ad/anta2e
of lower 'n't'al cost. T#e 0atter'es are st'll an 'ss(e for ma'ntenance cost. And t#ere 's no 0ac(p power
'f weat#er doesn?t allow t#e panels to c#ar2e t#e 0atter'es.
A typical o))2grid solar power syste4
+r'd2T'ed Solar Systems
T#'s 's t#e eas'est and most pop(lar way to 2et started 'n PD power. T#ese systems s'mply t'e 'nto yo(r
e;'st'n2 #ome power system and t#e (t'l'ty 2r'd. If yo(r array 2enerates more ener2y t#an yo( (se= t#e
FAQ ": W#at &'nd of Solar Power System S#o(ld I $et! EE7e s(re to /'s't www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF
Pa2e 1
ener2y 's sold 0ac to t#e power 2r'd and creates a cred't for yo(. T#e ad/anta2es of t#ese systems are
t#e relat'/e s'mpl'c'ty and lower 'n't'al cost. A system l'e t#'s typ'cally re:('res a few panels= some
w'r'n2 0o;es and d'sconnects= and an 'n/erter. T#e 'n/erter con/erts t#e electr'c'ty from yo(r panels to
power t#at yo(r #ome and t#e 2r'd can (se.
A typical grid tied syste4
T#'s system also re:('res an 'nterconnect'on a2reement w't# t#e local (t'l'ty. T#'s o(tl'nes B(st #ow t#e
connect'on to t#e 2r'd s#o(ld 0e made and w#at t#e 'nspect'on sc#ed(le 's. It 's 2enerally ad/'sa0le to
2et yo(r power company 'n/ol/ed early on for a 2r'd>t'ed system. S'nce t#ere are often 'ncent'/es and
re0ates 'n place from t#e state and t#e (t'l'ty= 't?s well wort# t#e call.
FAQ 6: "here Should I Put &y System$
T#e 0as'c r(les of plac'n2 a solar power system are pretty easy. We need:
1ood southern e5posure. We want a space t#at?s 2o'n2 to 2et tons of s(nl'2#t all year ro(nd.
$ett'n2 2ood morn'n2 l'2#t and e/en'n2 l'2#t 's not nearly as 'mportant as 2ett'n2 2ood m'dday
s(n e;pos(re= w#en t#e most ener2y 's 2o'n2 to 0e #'tt'n2 t#e 2ro(nd.
Angle at or near latitude. T#e an2le of t#e panels s#o(ld 0e as close to yo(r lat't(de as
poss'0le. T#e s(n 's d'rectly o/er #ead at t#e e:('no; 'n *arc# and Septem0er= w#'c# means
t#at t#e s(n 's nearest t#at an2le for t#e 2reatest part of t#e year. Ha/'n2 t#e panels at t#at an2le
w'll ma;'m'Ke yo(r system?s eff'c'ency.
Mini4al shading. 9/en small o0Bects l'e roof /ents can affect o(r panel?s performance
s'2n'f'cantly. And don?t for2et t#at trees 2row= and yo(r panels w'll 0e aro(nd for "4 years or
Access without nuisance. T#'s means we can 2et to t#e panels It#ey are not on top of a )4?
poleJ 0(t t#ey?re also not 'n t#e way Iw#ere t#e 'ds w'll 0e 0o(nc'n2 soccer 0alls off t#emJ.
Close to consu4ption. As we taled a0o(t earl'er= t#e panels prod(ce D3 power w#'c# tends
to lose /olta2e o/er d'stances. T#e closer t#e panels are to t#e ma'n area of cons(mpt'on Il'e
yo(r ma'n A3 panel and power meterJ t#e more power yo(?ll 2et to act(ally cons(me.
*ost people w'll f'nd t#e eas'est place to p(t t#e'r panels 's t#e roof. Howe/er= 'f t#e roof 's #ea/'ly
s#aded or doesn?t face so(t#= t#ere are st'll plenty of opt'ons for mo(nt'n2 solar panelsA
FAQ %: W#ere S#o(ld I P(t *y System! EE7e s(re to /'s't www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF Pa2e +
FAQ 7: ow &uch Room !o I Need for Solar Panels$
*any people wonder #ow m(c# space systems tae (p. A 2ood r(le of t#(m0 's to remem0er t#at t#e
panels w'll tae a0o(t 1L14t# of t#e'r space 'n s:(are foota2e. So 'f yo( determ'ne t#at a )w system
w'll s(ff'ce for yo( needs:
)w ; 1444WLw M )=444 Watts
)=444 watts ; 4.1 s:.ftLwatt M )44 s:.ft.
So yo( wo(ld need a0o(t )44 s: ft for t#e panels 'n t#e e;ample a0o/e. T#e 'n/erter and d'sconnects
w'll tae (p a0o(t a "?;"? area on a wall.
If yo( #a/e an off>2r'd system or a system w't# 0atter'es= yo( can e;pect to need t#e area of a med'(m
s'Ked closet= appro; .?;.?= to #o(se e/eryt#'n2.

FAQ 8: Are There Incent',es and Rebates For Solar$
Cncle Sam 's cont'n('n2 to mae 't eas'er for #omeowners to 'ncl(de solar ener2y as a /'a0le= and
afforda0le= means of power'n2 t#e'r #omes. ,ot to 0e o(tdone= t#e maBor'ty of states are also de/'s'n2
ways to enco(ra2e t#e'r res'dents to Nsw'tc# onO to renewa0le ener2y= many t'mes t#ro(2# electr'c
compan'es. Renewa0le ener2y 'ncl(des le/era2'n2 t#e power of t#e s(n. Here are some e;amples of
#ow 0ot# forms of 2o/ernment are attempt'n2 to do so. 7e s(re to c#ec o(t DSIR9CSA.or2 for more
'nformat'on on all 'ncent'/es as t#ey can 0e compl'cated and are constantly c#an2'n2.
Federal Ta9 Cred'ts
W't# t#e adopt'on of t#e 9ner2y Pol'cy Act of 244) and t#e s(0se:(ent 9ner2y Impro/ement and
9;tens'on Act of 244+= Amer'cans are now el'2'0le for a "4G re0ate t#ro(2# t#e Federal $o/ernment
toward a res'dent'al solar power system. In add't'on= t#ere 's now no l'm't to t#e amo(nt t#at can 0e
cla'med toward t#e cost of a p#oto/olta'c system. In t#e past= t#e amo(nt was restr'cted to H2=444. T#e
re0ate c(rrently co/ers 0ot# t#e cost of t#e mater'als and t#e la0or. For e;ample= a PD system w't# a
cost of H2)=444 wo(ld 0e el'2'0le for a H1=)44 cred't. A cred't= (nl'e a ded(ct'on= 's appl'ed d'rectly to
t#e ta;es owed= so wo(ld t#erefore red(ce yo(r total ta;es owed to t#e IRS 0y H1=)44.
Alon2 w't# t#e'r normal ta; forms= res'dents wo(ld (se IRS Form ).-) to earn t#e'r re0ate. Somet#'n2
to eep 'n m'nd #owe/er 's #ow t#'s relates to ot#er 'ncent'/e pro2rams. Tal to yo(r acco(ntant on
#ow to treat t#'s cred't= pl(s any ot#er re0ates and 'ncent'/es yo( m'2#t 0e rece'/'n2. $enerally t#e
"4G cred't 's taen on t#e cost of a system AFT9R ot#er re0ates.
&un'c'pal F'nanc'n(
Anot#er attempt at ma'n2 solar power atta'na0le for t#e e/eryday #omeowner 's a pro2ram t#at allows
t#e cost of t#e PD to 0e co/ered 0y m(n'c'pal ta; f(nds o/er an e;tended per'od of t'me. In most cases=
FAQ .: Are T#ere Incent'/es and Re0ates For Solar! EE7e s(re to /'s't www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF Pa2e
t#'s payment plan lasts for twenty years. If t#e #ome 's sold 0efore t#at per'od 's (p= t#e solar power
system= and w#ate/er ta; l'a0'l'ty rema'ns= 2o to t#e new owner of t#e #ome. T#e pro2ram 's (s(ally
f(nded 0y m(n'c'pal 0onds. *any c't'es 'n 3al'forn'a #a/e 'ncorporated t#'s pro2ram= as well as some
c't'es 'n 3olorado= *aryland= and 8o('s'ana.
Net &eter'n(
*any ener2y compan'es are 'mplement'n2 pro2rams t#at ena0le res'dents w't# a p#oto/olta'c system
to NsellO t#e e;tra electr'c'ty t#ey o0ta'n 0ac to t#e'r ener2y compan'es. If t#e c(stomer?s system
2enerates more t#an t#ey cons(me t#e spec'ally 0('lt meter s'mply sp'ns 0acwards. All (t'l't'es 'n t#e
CS are re:('red to p(rc#ase 0ac cons(mer>prod(ced power= 0(t t#e rates at w#'c# t#ey do so /ar'es
Renewable :ner(y Cred'ts 1R:C4
Prod(c'n2 renewa0le ener2y 's a seen as a 2ood t#'n2 of co(rse= and 'nstall'n2 a system can create a
cred't w#'c# trad't'onal (t'l't'es and state 2o/ernments want to 0(y. T#'s (s(ally taes form as a c#ec
wr'tten d'rectly to t#e #omeowner for a percenta2e of t#e system. In 3olorado for e;ample= Pcel
9ner2y w'll pay H1.)4 per watt 'n R93?s w#en yo( 'nstall a system and connect 't to t#e'r 2r'd. Some
man(fact(rers= s(c# as S#arp= w'll e/en ded(ct t#'s amo(nt off t#e pr'ce of t#e system and t#en p(rs(e
t#e cred't from t#e (t'l'ty.
Feed2'n Tar'ffs 1F'T4
As an e;tens'on to t#e process of 0(y'n2 0ac ener2y= t#e state of 3al'forn'a and t#e c'ty of $a'nes/'lle=
Flor'da #a/e 0e2(n enact'n2 feed>'n tar'ffs IF'TJ. F'T?s are des'2ned to pay for t#e 'nstallat'on of a solar
power system pl(s a small prof't. 6/erall= t#e tar'ffs ran2e from + to +1 cents per 'lowatt>#o(r= w#'c#
means yo( wo(ld 2et pa'd t#at amo(nt for t#e ener2y yo( prod(ce. T#'s amo(nt 's often " to % t'mes
t#e amo(nt t#e (t'l'ty c#ar2es c(stomers.
.an# F'nanc'n(
It?s def'n'tely wort# a call to yo(r 0an to see 'f t#ey offer f'nanc'n2 w't# solar power systems. *any
0ans loo at 't t#e same way as any #ome>'mpro/ement loan= and many people (se a #ome e:('ty l'ne
of cred't for t#e p(rc#ase. Some 0ans are e/en offer'n2 red(ced rates for loans 0eca(se t#ey real'Ke
t#at t#e loan w'll act(ally #elp yo( pay yo(r 0'lls e/ery mont# s'nce yo(?ll #a/e red(ced (t'l'ty
FAQ ;: ow &uch 's a Solar Power System +o'n( to Cost &e$
So= yo(?/e 2ot a 0as'c (nderstand'n2 of system layo(t and term'nolo2y= lets 2et down to t#e n'tty>2r'tty
and tal a0o(t system cost. We?ll tacle t#e 2r'd>t'e system f'rst s'nce 't 's t#e most common.
+r'd2T'e System Costs
It?s d'ff'c(lt to est'mate e;actly w#at yo( are 2o'n2 to pay for a system. Pr'ces and 'nstallat'on costs
FAQ 1: How *(c# 's a Solar Power System $o'n2 to 3ost *e! EE7e s(re to /'s't www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF
Pa2e 14
/ary w'dely 0ased on local compet't'on= #ardware a/a'la0'l'ty and t#e d'ff'c(lty of 'nstallat'on. T#ere
are some 0as'c r(les of t#(m0 we can (se to est'mate system cost. Solar panels #a/e 0een com'n2
down 'n pr'ce recently as worldw'de prod(ct'on #as 'ncreased.
An easy n(m0er to remem0er 's 6'2*7watt )or an installed syste4. T#at means t#at 'f yo( dec'de yo(
want a 2=444 watt system yo( can e;pect to pay 0etween H1%=444>H1.=444 0efore 'ncent'/es. So w#at
2oes 'nto t#at n(m0er! $enerally e:('pment r(ns a0o(t H%>H%.)4 per watt for panels= mo(nt'n2=
w'r'n2= 'n/erter and /ar'o(s fasteners. Panels t#emsel/es are r(nn'n2 a0o(t H".44Lwatt.
5ff2+r'd System Costs
6ff>2r'd systems are m(c# more compl'cated Icompl'cated M e;pens'/e 'f yo( #a/en?t p'ced (p on t#at
alreadyJ. 6ff>2r'd system can r(n anyw#ere from 24>)4G more t#an 2r'd>t'e systems. So a 0(d2etary
n(m0er 's aro(nd 6112127watt )or an o))2grid syste4.
W#y so m(c# more! 6ne word: 0atter'es. 7atter'es add a tremendo(s amo(nt of e;pense and
comple;'ty. 6ne deep>cycle 0attery for off>2r'd (se can r(n H"44= and often t'mes a system re:('res 1$
batteries% We ?re tal'n2 a0o(t H)=444 for 0atter'es. T#en t#ere?s t#e c#ar2e controller= t#e copper
w'r'n2 for all t#e 0atter'es= and most systems need some 'nd of enclos(re.
T#ere are some pl(2 and play 'ts= c#ec o(t SolarSp#ere6nl' for m(c# less Iaro(nd H1.)4 per
wattJ 0(t t#ey are 'ntended for small #omes and yo( #a/e to 'nstall t#em yo(rself.
FAQ <: ow &uch "'ll A System Sa,e &e$
In/ar'a0ly people w#o are t#'n'n2 a0o(t a solar power system as ?So #ow m(c# power w'll t#'s t#'n2
prod(ce!? $enerally 'n ,ort# Amer'ca= for e/ery 1444 watts 'nstalled= yo( w'll 2enerate 124 'lowatt>
#o(rs per mont#. T#'s w'll /ary 2reat 0y 'nstallat'on and 2eo2rap#'c locat'on. 7(t t#'s 2'/es yo( a
2eneral 'dea. So 'f yo(r (t'l'ty c#ar2es .1) per 'lowatt #o(r= yo( w'll sa/e on a/era2e 124 ; .1) M H1+
per mont# for e/ery 1444W yo( 'nstall.
FAQ =: ow !o I +et a System Installed$
If yo(?/e dec'ded t#at a solar power system maes sense for yo(= most people dec'de to (se a
profess'onal 'nstaller .
A pro)essionally trained solar can save you the headache o) installation.
FAQ -: How Do I $et a System Installed! EE7e s(re to /'s't www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF Pa2e 11
F'nd'n( Installers
So w#ere can yo( f'nd 'nstallers! 6f co(rse t#ere 's t#e p#one 0oo= 0(t t#at 's so 1--4. Start at o(r
own Solar 3ontractor F'nder= 0y cl'c'n2 on t#e l'n at left= or s'mply 2o'n2 to SolarSp#ere6nl'
and loo'n2 for t#e Solar 3ontractors l'n. A co(ple ot#er s'tes are F'
SolarPowerD' and S9IA.or2= w#'c# 's t#e Solar 9ner2y Ind(stry Assoc'at'on trade
assoc'at'on we0s'te.
F'nd o(t w#at 'nd(stry cert'f'cat'ons t#e company and 'ts employees #a/e. Important cert'f'cat'ons 'n
t#e solar power 'nstallat'on 'nd(stry 'n t#e CS 'ncl(de ,A739P I,ort# Amer'can 7oard of 3ert'f'ed
9ner2y Pract't'onersJ= of w#'c# t#ere are fewer t#an "44 nat'onw'deQ and t#e state le/el Solar 9ner2y
Ind(stry Assoc'at'on Ifor 'nstance 3A8S9IA 's t#e 3al'forn'a Solar 9ner2y Ind(stry Assoc'at'onJ=
w#'c# ad/ocates for t#e solar power 'nd(stry at t#e state le/el. 3ompan'es t#at 0elon2 to t#ese 'nd(stry
assoc'at'on m(st pro/e e;per'ence= eep a standard of et#'cs= and often tae e;tens'/e :(al'f'cat'on
*ost contractors w#o do roof'n2 and electr'cal wor m(st carry at least H1=444=444 'n 2eneral l'a0'l'ty
'ns(rance. T#'s pol'cy protects yo( and t#e contractor. If somet#'n2 were to 2o wron2 w't# t#e system
or one of t#e company?s worers s#o(ld 2et #(rt wor'n2 on yo(r #o(se= yo( co(ld 0e l'a0le. A #'2#
l'm't pol'cy= alon2 w't# worman?s compensat'on 'ns(rance= 's 'mperat'/e. Any le2't'mate contractor
w'll 0e w'll'n2 to 2'/e yo( a cert'f'cate a(t#ent'cat'n2 'ns(rance l'm'ts and co/era2es.
7eware of a contractor w#o says yo( don?t need perm'ts for a solar power system. T#ese people are
(s(ally try'n2 to a/o'd t#e added respons'0'l'ty and t'me re:('red to 2et a proper 'nspect'on. T#e
perm't 'nspect'on protects yo( and yo(r system. *any 0('ld'n2 departments are wa'/'n2 fees for
renewa0le ener2y systems and t#e appl'cat'on process 's 2enerally pretty s'mple.
FAQ 1?: Is !o It @ourself Solar Power !5A.>:$
In/ar'a0ly people w#o are #andy and fam'l'ar w't# #ome 'mpro/ement proBects as ?3an I 'nstall my
own solar power system!?. T#e answer 's ?*ay0e?. A lot of 't depends of co(rse on yo(. T#e solar
man(fact(rers #a/e reco2n'Ked t#e need for s'mpl'c'ty 'n t#ese systems. W't# t#e 2ro(ndswell of 0ot#
DI5 #omeowners#'p and clean ener2y= many of t#em are ma'n2 'ts t#at #omeowners can 'nstall.
Some are completely self>conta'ned prepaca2ed systems des'2ned for t#e a/era2e #omeowner. 8et?s
tal a0o(t t#e l'teral and f'2(rat'/e tools yo(?ll need to 'nstall a system yo(rself.
Perm'tt'n( and Inspect'on
3#ec w't# yo(r local 0('ld'n2 department to see 'f t#ey e/en allow #omeowners 'nstalled systems. If
t#ey do= 0e s(re to 2et a clear 'dea of w#at t#e 'nspector wants to see and w#at sta2es of t#e 'nstallat'on
need to 0e s'2ned off. T#e local (t'l'ty w'll also want to 'nspect 't to mae s(re t#at yo( now w#at
FAQ -: How Do I $et a System Installed! EE7e s(re to /'s't www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF Pa2e 12
t#ey re:('re.
Fam'l'ar'ty w'th :lectr'c'ty
W#'le yo( don?t need to 0e a ,ASA en2'neer to f'2(re o(t t#ese prepaca2ed systems= 0as'c electr'cal
nowled2e 's a m(st. If yo( can (se a /oltLammeter= (nderstand 0as'c 2ro(nd'n2 tec#n':(es= and can
(se electr'cal term'nolo2y= yo(?re pro0a0ly a 2reat cand'date. A0'l'ty to r(n w'r'n2 eff'c'ently and
tro(0les#oot electr'cal c'rc('ts 's a #(2e pl(s. We always= A8WA5S s(22est t#at yo( tal to a master
electr'c'an 0efore and after e/ery 'nstallat'on so t#at yo( can 0e s(re t#at yo( #a/e 'nstalled yo(r
system correctly and 'n a manner t#at w'll ma;'m'Ke ener2y eff'c'ency.
Roof Type and Compos't'on
T#e tr'c'est part of 't all can 0e t#e act(al roof attac#ment. $enerally for asp#alt s#'n2le roofs t#e
#omeowners m(st attac# t#e panel mo(nts d'rectly to t#e rafters. If yo( l'/e 'n a 2a0led #ome w't# an
access'0le att'c= t#'s m'2#t not 0e a 0'2 deal. If yo( l'/e 'n a #ome w't# a compl'cated roof l'ne t#'s can
0e a #(2e deal. 3#ec'n2 t#'s o(t a#ead of t'me and 2a2'n2 t#e comple;'ty of t#e roof mo(nt w'll sa/e
yo( a lot of t'me and #eadac#e later.
.as'c Carpentry S#'lls
*(c# of t#e act(al 'nstallat'on of a system 'n/ol/es 0as'c carpentry layo(t and n(ts and 0olts assem0ly.
T#e rac'n2 systems come w't# 'nstr(ct'ons and are 2enerally no #arder t#an assem0l'n2 t#at
enterta'nment center yo(r spo(se 0o(2#t at Tar2et. 8ayo(t w'll 'ncl(de ma'n2 a s'mple draw'n2=
snapp'n2 a c#al l'ne= and 0as'c meas(rements.
+et Tra'ned
So yo( t#'n yo( are (p to t#e tas! T#e deta'ls of solar 'nstallat'on 's 0eyond t#e scope of t#'s 0oo.
7(t t#ere are plenty of ot#er reso(rces o(t t#ere. *any we0s'tes #a/e /'deos and 0oos t#at w'll #elp
yo( w't# t#e n'tty 2r'tty deta'ls of solar 'nstallat'ons. $et as m(c# 'nformat'on as yo( can. T#ere are
also tons of #ands>on tra'n'n2 sess'ons #eld aro(nd t#e co(ntry for no/'ces and e;perts al'e. And w#o
nows= after yo( 2et yo(r system done yo( may #a/e fo(nd a new career. 3#ec o(t o(r tra'n'n2
opt'ons on SolarSp#ere6nl'
FAQ 11: "here Can I +et Solar :Au'pment If I "ant To Install &y
5wn System$
T#at?s easy= yo( can 2et 't r'2#t on o(r we0s'te= SolarSp#ere6nl' We can c(stom des'2n a 't
for any s't(at'on= or t#ey may 0e a prepaca2ed system t#at f'ts yo(r needs t#at can 0e del'/ered 'n a
co(ple days.
FAQ 1*: !o The Systems ReAu're &uch &a'ntenance$
Solar power offers a 2reat way to sa/e cas# and #elp preser/e t#e en/'ronment. Howe/er= most of (s
are not :('te (sed to t#e ma'ntenance t#at comes alon2 w't# a 2r'd>t'ed system. 8'e e/eryt#'n2 else= a
FAQ 14: Is Do It 5o(rself Solar Power D6A789! EE7e s(re to /'s't www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF Pa2e 1"
l'ttle 0't of T83 2oes a lon2 way w't# yo(r p#oto/olta'c IPDJ panels. *ost #ome solar systems are
2(aranteed to last 2) years= 0(t e;perts a2ree t#at t#ey can last "4 years or more w#en properly
ma'nta'ned. Some t#at were 'nstalled 'n t#e 1-.4s are st'll 0e'n2 (sed to 2enerate power today. How
can yo( eep yo(r panels wor'n2 for yo(! Follow t#ese s'mple steps:
&eep t#e panels clear of snow= d(st= and poll(t'on
3#ec electr'cal connect'ons e/ery 2>" mont#s
3#ec panel o(tp(t to mae s(re t#ere are no d'sconnected or 0roen panels
$et t#e (t'l'ty to perform a re2(lar 'nspect'on
3#ec t#e panels for craced or 0roen 2lass after a se/ere storm
(pread the 8ord: 9rag aout :our (yste4;
FAQ 1/: Can I +et A Small System And Add 5nto It >ater$
A0sol(tely= yes. Solar power 's e;tremely fle;'0le and easy to (p2rade or add>on. In fact= w't# t#e
new m'cro 'n/erter tec#nolo2y= we now offer a starter 't for less t#an H1444 t#at can 0e e;panded to
any s'Ke later on. For more 'nformat'on c#ec o(t o(r $r'd T'e Start &'ts #ere.
FAQ 16: Can I eat &y ome "'th Solar$
Solar t#ermal 's pretty s'mple. $enerally a l':('d= e't#er water or a l':('d conta'n'n2 ant'freeKe
I2lycolJ= 's c'rc(lated t#ro(2# e;posed p'p'n2 t#at a0sor0s #eat. T#e p'pes transfer t#e a0sor0ed #eat to
t#e l':('d= and t#e #eated l':('d 's t#en c'rc(lated 0ac to 'ts 'ntended (se. T#e p'pes are em0edded 'n
lar2e panels= t#at loo s'm'lar to p#oto/olta'c panels. T#e p'pe 's coated 'n 0lac mater'al for
ma;'m(m #eat a0sorpt'on.
EE7e s(re to /'s't www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF Pa2e 1%
A co44on closed2loop solar ther4al syste4
.est 3ses
T#ere are many (ses for solar t#ermal= #ere are some of t#e 0est:
In )loor heat. *any #omes now (se 'n floor p'pes to #eat t#e #o(se. Solar t#ermal 's perfect
for t#'s (se.
Hot water. Some fols w#o #a/e ca0'ns and remote cotta2es (se t#e water to 0at# and coo
w't# B(st l'e t#e water t#at comes o(t of a trad't'onal #ot water tan. 9/en re2(lar #omes can
(se solar #ot water to s(pplement t#e'r water #eat'n2 needs and red(ce t#e'r 2as cons(mpt'on.
(wi44ing .ools. *any fols (se t#ese systems to #eat t#e'r sw'mm'n2 pool water. 6ften t#e
same p(mp t#at c'rc(lates t#e pool water can 0e (sed and 't can e;tend t#e season 0y wees or
e/en mont#s. Some people e/en (se t#e system to &ool t#e water at n'2#t 'n #ot cl'mates.
For s'mple a0o/e 2ro(nd pool #eat'n2= systems can 0e #ad for as l'ttle as H)44. *ost systems #owe/er
r(n from H1444 to H)444 depend'n2 on t#e s'Ke and t#e de2ree of 'nstallat'on comple;'ty.
*ost solar power compan'es now offer solar t#ermal systems. And many #eat'n2= /ent'lat'on= and a'r
cond't'on'n2 compan'es 'nstall t#em. 6(r own Solar 3ontractor F'nder 's a 2reat reso(rce for solar
t#ermal contractors.
Solar A'r eaters
Recent ad/ancements 'n solar a'r #eat'n2 #a/e made t#'s a n'ce opt'on for t#ose fols 'n cold and
somew#at s(nny cl'mates. T#'s (n'ts 0as'cally draw 'n colder a'r near t#e floor 'ns'de t#e #o(se=
c'rc(late 't t#ro(2# #eat a0sor0'n2 0affles 'n an o(ts'de collector= t#en c'rc(late t#e warm a'r 0ac 'nto
t#e #o(se. Afforda0le and 'n2en'o(s= t#ese de/'ces may 0ecome standard 'tems 'n #omes of t#e f(t(re.
EE7e s(re to /'s't www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF Pa2e 1)

EE7e s(re to /'s't www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF Pa2e 1.
Append'9 A B Frequently Asked Questions About Solar Power
Append'; A < Fre:(ently Ased Q(est'ons A0o(t Solar Power 3#ecl'st EE7e s(re to /'s't
www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF Pa2e 11
Append'; A < Fre:(ently Ased Q(est'ons A0o(t Solar Power 3#ecl'st EE7e s(re to /'s't
www.SolarSp#ere6nl'ne.comFF Pa2e 1+
+ett'n( Started In Solar Chec#l'st
1C F'nd'n( a place to put the panels: Yes No
Does it have good southern exposure?
Does it have minimal shading year round?
For a roof installation, is your roof in good condition?
Are you a good candidate f or a solar tracker?
*C Incent',es % rebates 'n your area
Does your utility of f er incentives?
Does your city or county of f er incentives?
Does your state of f er incentives?
Have you talked to your accountant about these incentives?
/C !eterm'ne your bud(et
Did you f actor in all the incentives?
an you spend the money up f ront and !ait f or rebates?
Have you calculated ho! much a system !ill generate in your area?
"s the payback acceptable to you?
#ill your bank help you !ith a loan?
Have you determined an approximate system si$e and%or perf ormance?
6C Choos'n( solar contractors
Have you talked to others !ho have installed solar po!er?
Have you checked the &etter &usiness &ureau f or complaints and members?
Have you made a shortlist of contractors to include at least ' companies?
Do they all have insurance, licenses, past customers you can call?
Have you called the installers past customers?
Are you clear on schedule and payment terms?
(esources) Findsolar*com can help you f ind contractors, as !ell as your local &&& hapter !ebsite*
7C &a#'n( your home ener(y eff'c'ent
Are you using passive solar and !indo! coverings to their maximum af f ect?
Have you had your heating and cooling system serviced and checked lately?
Are you using F+ or +,D lightbulbs exclusively?
Have you ad-usted your thermostat up or do!n a little to save energy?
Are you purchasing ,nergy .tar appliances no! and in the f uture?
"s your !hole f amily becoming ,nergy .tars?
"f you/ve ans!ered yes to most of these 0uestions, you are ready f or solar po!er1 2ood +uck1
And as al!ays check out .olar.phere3nline*com f or great solar products, inf ormation, classes and more*
Resources: 4sing a .olar 5athf inder !ill help you determine the best location f or your solar po!er system
Act'ons: "f you have ans!ered yes to all of the above, you can move on to the next step* "f you have some
/no/s, you may still be able to install a solar po!er system but it may be best -ust to call a solar prof essional
Resources: log on to D."(,*org to f ind out more about incentives and rebates in your area*
Act'ons: "ts a good idea to call your local utility no matter ! hat, they !ill guide you on solar standards and
incentives in your area, and may have some good advice f or you*
Resources: Findsolar*com has some nice calculator tools that !ill help you determine ho! much money you
can save and system costs*
Act'ons: Af ter you/ve determined a budget f or the pro-ect, you don/t necessarily have to f igure out payback and
system production* A good solar installer company can help you !ith that*
Act'ons: Don/t be af raid to call contractors f rom a f e! to!ns a!ay, almost every company !ill travel f or the
right -ob*
Resources: 6reehugger*com has great inf ormation and products on energy ef f iciency and green products*
Act'ons: hallenge the entire f amily to the energy game and try to reduce your consumption by '78 over 9

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