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C: Jack is lying
p1: If his ears turn red, he is lying
p2: If they dont turn, he is telling the truth
p3: His ears are red
Deductive / valid / unsound (red ears are not / or arent the only one mark of lying)
2. C: Ethel has a superior intellect
p1: If she graduated from Yale, she probably has a superior intellect
p2: Ethel graduated from Yale
Deductive / valid / unsound (Graduated from Yale doesnt mean that she have high intellect)
3. C: It necessarily that he is nuts
p1: If you go to that party you are nuts
p2: You are going to party
Deductive / valid / unsound (Going on party doesnt lead necessary to nuts conclusion)
4. C: Good sense is of all things in the world the most equally distribute
p1: Everybody thinks himself so abundantly
p2: Even those most difficult to please do not desire more than they already have
Inductive / follows / weak
5. C: All absent-minded people are teachers
p1: All philosophers are absent-minded
p2: All philosophers are teachers
Deductive / follows / unsound (narrow statements)
6. C: Every musician has a college degree
p1: Every musician has a special training
p2: Everyone with special training have college degree
Deductive / valid / unsound (not every musician has special training or college degree)
7. C: People with high SAT scores also probably have psychic abilities
p1: People with high IQs have psychic abilities
p2: SAT scores are compatible with high IQ
Deductive / valid / unsound (correlation between IQ and SAT are not so clear)
8. C: There is conspiracy
p1: If Elviss name spelled wrong, there must be conspiracy
p2: His name is spelled wrong
Deductive / valid / unsound (conspiracy generally)
9. C: Some actors can sing and play musical instruments
p1: Some actors sing
p2: Some actors play instruments
Inductive / follows / strong
10. C: Anyone who is not a bigot thins he is a good guy
p1: Some people in his neighborhood think he is not a good fellow
p2: Some people is his neighborhood are bigots
Inductive / follows / weak (not enough prof)
11. C: Living of the life is no logic
p1: Life is superior to logic
Inductive / follows / weak (no explanation)
12. C: Someone burglarized the place
p1: Broken vase on the floor
p2: Money and taken from safe
p3: Strange starches on wall
Inductive / follows / strong
13. C: She is guilty
p1: All evidence in this trial suggest that L. Borden I guilty
Deductive / valid / strong
14. C: Everything is not all right
p1: If everything is all right, there would be no blood on the floor
p2: There is blood on the floor
Deductive / valid / strong
15. C: Impossible for Androids to have minds
p1: minds are identical as brains
p2: androids doesnt have brains
Deductive / invalid / unsound (it is mentioning if minds are identical to brains)
16. C: Her training and education must be directed to wards
p1: marriage is ultimate goal
Inductive / follows / weak (the average girl is told that marriage)
17. C1: You really have been visited by space aliens
p1: If you have scratches on your body
p2: feel that you have been visited by space aliens
Inductive / follows / weak (no logic)
C2: Doubtless you really have been visited by space aliens
p1: you have scratches on your body
p2: experienced such feeling
Deductive / valid / unsound (no enough prof)
18. C: War has begun
p1: If bombs are failing on London, war has started
p2: the bombs are failing now
Deductive / valid / unsound (maybe it is terrorist attack or accident)
19. C: The food in the restaurant is first-rate
p1: Joe says that
p2: I believe him
Inductive / follows / weak (Why we should believe Joe)
20. C: Social welfare does not help anyone
p1: S.W. is a handout to people who have not worked for it
p2: giving people money they didnt deserve is not helping anyone
Deductive / valid / sound
21. C: War must have started
p1: If CNN reports war has started, then war has started
p2: CNN report that
Deductive / valid / sound
22. C: S is 8
p1: if r is 12 then S is 8
p2: r is 12
Deductive / valid / sound
23. C: Sitcom is trash
p1: any sitcom tries to imitate Seinfeld is trash
p2: all the seasons sitcoms try to ape Seinfeld
Deductive / valid / sound
24. C: Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history
p1: Poetry expresses the universal
p2: history only particle
Inductive / not follows / weak (doesnt prof anything)
25. C: You are just relating part of the story
p1: You are lying or not telling the whole story
p2: You are not lying
Deductive / valid / sound
26. C: It is emotional
p1: Either your thinking is logical or emotional
p2: It is not logical
Deductive / valid / unsound (could be instinctual)
27. C: It is unwise to touch electrical wire
p1: It might be hot
Hidden: you can get shocked
Inductive / logical / weak (wire can be cold and also dangerous)
28. C: People are just willing to engage
p1: 80% of Americans believe in the existence of heaven
p2: Only 40% say they believe in hell
Inductive / not follow / weak (only statistic data)
29. C: We ought to ban all stem-cell research
p1: Stem-cell encourages abortion
p2: abortions are prime source for stem cells
p3: Anything that encourages abortions should be banned
Inductive / follows / weak (Stem-cell also have good side)
30. No argument
31. C: You dont know material
p1: Flunked the last three tests
p2: you didnt show for last eight classes
p3: havent written any essays
Inductive / follows / strong
32. C: George has never taken a wife
p1: George is a bachelor
p2: Bachelors are unmarried
Deductive / valid / unsound (could be divorced)
33. C: George is bachelor
p1: George acts like he is not married
p2: Bachelors are unmarried
Inductive / follows / weak (behavior is not only prof)
34. C: The deficit is sure to rise
p1: If there is a tax cut this year, the deficit will rise
p2: There has already been a tax cut
Deductive / valid / sound
35. C1: It was caused to come into existence
p1: If the universe had a beginning, then it was caused to begin
p2: It was caused with Big Bang
p3: It was caused to come into existence
C2: The God cause the universe to come into existence
Deductive / valid / unsound (trap of circle argument)
36. C: The US wants oil
p1: If the US is willing go to the war, it is because of the oil
p2: The US is willing to go war
Deductive / valid / unsound (premises doesnt explain conclusion)
37. C: Someone is telling lies about Joseph K.
p1: He wasnt do anything
p2: He was arrested
Deductive / invalid / unsound (missing connection between telling lies and arresting)
38. C: Many Christians, Jews and Muslims have been terrorists
p1: Many C. J. M. have taken innocent lives in the name of religion
p2: Anyone who takes innocent life is terrorists
Deductive / valid / unsound (many C.J.M. are not terrorist, there is no prof)
39. C: He wants money
p1: If he comes back, it is probably because he wants money
p2: He is coming
Deductive / valid / sound
40. C: You are not eligible to vote
p1: If you are eighteen, you are eligible to vote
p2: You are seventeen
Deductive / valid / sound
41. C: I will pass my geometry course with good mark
p1: I like geometry
p2: My geometry teacher likes me
Inductive / follows / weak (not enough prof that he will pass test with high marks)

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