E-Article: Academic Mindset - Part 1

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from ES4S
Our e-articles are written as a stimulus to
promote professional dialogue. We hope
they can be used in professional learning
communities, staff meetings and other
similar CPD situations.
Further possible questions to support
dialogue from this article:

How, in our school, are we explicitly

developing academic mindset?

What else could we do?

Are we offering deeper learning more in

certain curriculum areas or year groups?

What do we need to do about this?

How are we evaluating deeper learning

throughout the curriculum?

What needs to change, throughout our

school, to increase the development of
academic mindset and deeper learning?
Professional development for next year
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The Successful School
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Our quote of the month .......
Passion has dictated your past. Attitude
will dictate your future
Paul McGinley (Professional Golfer)
Recommended book ......
An excellent book that considers issues
around Mindset.
Mindset - How you can full your
(Carol Dweck)
ISBN - 1780332009
e-mail : ofce@es4s.co.uk. Call us : 01202 267066. Web : www.es4s.co.uk
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Academic Mindset - Part 1
As educators across the country continue to examine the
best ways of teaching and learning, a popular lexicon is
beginning to emerge that describes one particular
approach deeper learning. The phrase implies a rich
learning experience for pupils that allows them to really dig
into a subject and understand it in a way that requires more
than just memorising knowledge and facts.
The elements that make up this approach are not
necessarily new effective teachers have been employing
these tactics for years. But now theres a movement to
codify the different pieces that dene the deeper learning
approach, and to spread the knowledge from teacher to
So what denes deeper learning? A starting point for this
denition could be the recognition of six competencies that
are essential for the process: mastering content, critical
thinking, effective communication, collaboration, learning
how to learn, and developing academic mindset.
A sense of imagination, intuition and inspiration should
prevail within classroom cultures. These are natural
elements and talents that are within us all, but theyre not
drawn upon in some classrooms. Without internal
motivation and curiosity, school can feel like a chore to
many pupils. But there are concrete ways to help every
pupil develop motivation and other positive academic
mindsets. To develop a positive academic mindset, these
are four key beliefs pupils must hold:

I can change my intelligence and abilities through effort

I can succeed

I belong in this learning community

This work has value and purpose for me

When these beliefs are present and paired with learning
strategies to help with effective self-management, any pupil
can be successful. Staff, within every school, have to be
deliberate about creating environments that foster these
beliefs and strategies in pupils so they take greater
ownership of learning. There is no one way to create and
offer deeper learning experiences, but there must be the
explicit development of specic aspects of academic
Pupils, in every classroom, need to feel a signicant degree
of self-condence in their use of a range of learning
behaviours and an inner-belief that they can succeed.
Deeper learning will not occur without this academic
mindset... More next month!!!

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