Volume 8 Michigan Vocabulary

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Words for Students of English

A Vocabulary Series for ESL

Words in Volume 8
This index includes two units on the companion Web site.
Numbers refer to volume and unit.
accreditation, 8-6 attribute, 8-8 chaos, 8-13
accumulate, 8-1 Web austerity, 8-1 Web checkup, 8-7
acoustic, 8-1 autopsy, 8-7 classic, 8-8
acronym, 8-6 client, 8-2
adapt, 8-3 backup, 8-4 clinic, 8-7
agitate, 8-10 bacterium, 8-9 cohesion, 8-13
agitator, 8-10 bail, 8-2 Web collaborate, 8-6
alien, 8-2 Web base, 8-13 colloquialism, 8-8
alienation, 8-11 bias, 8-11 commencement, 8-6
allocate, 8-2 bigotry, 8-14 compatible, 8-4
allot, 8-10 biodegradable, 8-5 compound, 8-9
alternative, 8-8 biodiversity, 8-5 comprise, 8-9
amnesty, 8-10 bond, 8-1 Web computation, 8-1 Web
amplify, 8-3 boom, 8-1 Web confidential, 8-3
anachronism, 8-6 boycott, 8-10 confirm, 8-12
analogy, 8-8 brainstorm, 8-2 conformity, 8-14
analysis, 8-12 browser, 8-4 connotation, 8-8
anarchy, 8-10 consent, 8-2 Web
anecdote, 8-8 canvass, 8-10 conspicuous, 8-1 Web
anthology, 8-6 capital, 8-1 Web constituency, 8-10
antibody, 8-9 carcinogen, 8-5 constraint, 8-12
anticlimax, 8-8 cardiac, 8-7 constructive, 8-3
application, 8-4 case, 8-2 Web contagious, 8-7
aristocracy, 8-10 cast, 8-7 contemporary, 8-1
aroma, 8-13 catalyst, 8-13 continue, 8-1
articulate, 8-8 cause, 8-12 control, 8-12
assimilate, 8-14 cellular, 8-3 converge, 8-9
attorney, 8-2, Web chain reaction, 8-13 convergence, 8-9
The University of Michigan Press
Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 8
copyright, 8-8 dissolve, 8-13 filter, 8-5
correlation, 8-12 distinction, 8-8 fission, 8-13
crash, 8-4 distinguish, 8-8 food chain, 8-5
credibility, 8-2 diverge, 8-9 forthcoming, 8-10
criterion, 8-12 diversity, 8-5 fracture, 8-7
critical, 8-7, 8-8 domain, 8-14 framework, 8-6
critique, 8-8 donation, 8-1 fraud, 8-2 Web
crutch, 8-7 double standard, 8-14 function, 8-1
cumulative, 8-1 Web download, 8-4 fund, 8-1
curriculum, 8-6 fusion, 8-13
cursor, 8-4 eclipse, 8-13
custody, 8-2 Web efficacy, 8-1 Web gender, 8-14
cynical, 8-3 ego, 8-11 generalize, 8-12
elaborate, 8-3 genre, 8-8
decompose, 8-13 elastic, 8-13 give rise to, 8-5
deductive, 8-12 elective, 8-6 glitch, 8-4
default, 8-4 embed, 8-9
defend, 8-2 Web empower, 8-14 habitat, 8-5
defraud, 8-2 Web encompass, 8-9 hacker, 8-4
degeneration, 8-9 encounter, 8-10 hard copy, 8-4
delusion, 8-11 encrypt, 8-4 hard drive, 8-7
demand, 8-1 Web endanger, 8-5 herbicide, 9-5
demonstration, 8-12 endorse, 8-1 heredity, 8-9
depiction, 8-1 enlighten, 8-3 heterogeneous, 8-14
deport, 8-2 Web entrepreneur, 8-2 hierarchy, 8-14
depreciation, 8-1 Web equation, 8-13 home page, 8-4
depression, 8-1 Web equilibrium, 8-13 homogeneous, 8-14
derive, 8-9 equivalent, 8-12 hormone, 8-9
detain, 8-2 Web eruption, 8-5 humanities, 8-6
detergent, 8-5 evaporation, 8-13 hybrid, 8-9
deviate, 8-11 exchange rate, 8-1 Web hypnosis, 8-11
dialogue, 8-14 exhibit, 8-1 hypothesis, 8-12
dictator, 8-10 expenditure, 8-1 Web
diffusion, 8-13 experiment, 8-12 icon, 8-4
digress, 8-3 exploit, 8-2 immune, 8-9
disclosure, 8-11 extinction, 8-5 impeach, 8-10
discount, 8-2 improvise, 8-3
discrepancy, 8-3 facilitate, 8-6 indigenous, 8-14
discretion, 8-2 federation, 8-10 inductive, 8-12
disparity, 8-11 feedback, 8-3 inertia, 8-13
dissertation, 8-6 figurative, 8-8 inevitable, 8-1
The University of Michigan Press
Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 8
inflame, 8-7 melodrama, 8-3 perception, 8-1, 8-3
inflation, 8-1 Web mentor, 8-6 pesticide, 8-5
inhabit, 8-5 merge, 8-2 plagiarism, 8-6
inhibit, 8-13 merger, 8-11 potential, 8-2
innovation, 8-2 metaphor, 8-3 practicum, 8-6
insomnia, 8-11 microchip, 8-4 predict, 8-12
inspiration, 8-8 microscope, 8-9 prestige, 8-14
install, 8-1, 8-4 mind-set, 8-11 prevention, 8-7
institute, 8-10 minor, 8-6 primal, 8-11
intellect, 8-11 misrepresent, 8-2 Web principles, 8-14
intellectual, 8-11 mobile, 8-14 priority, 8-2 Web
intend, 8-3 molecule, 8-13 prism, 8-13
intensive, 8-7 momentum, 8-13 pristine, 8-1
interface, 8-3 monarch, 8-10 procrastinate, 8-11
interim, 8-6 monitor, 8-5 productivity, 8-1 Web
interpersonal, 8-11 monologue, 8-3 profile, 8-6
inventory, 8-1 Web morale, 8-11 programmer, 8-4
ion, 8-13 prosecute, 8-2 Web
irony, 8-8 negligent, 8-2 Web proverb, 8-8
irradiate, 8-5 negotiate, 8-2 pun, 8-8
ivory tower, 8-6 networks, 8-4, 8-11
niche, 8-5 qualitative, 8-12
joint, 8-7 nucleus, 8-13 quantitative, 8-12
latent, 8-14 observe, 8-12 radiation, 8-5
lava, 8-5 obsession, 8-1 random, 8-12
lawsuit, 8-2 Web omniscient, 8-8 realism, 8-8
lens, 8-13 organic, 8-13 receipts, 8-1 Web
liability, 8-1 Web organism, 8-9 recession, 8-1
liable, 8-2 Web origin, 8-1 reclaim, 8-5
log on, 8-4 outlook, 8-11 recluse, 8-14
lucid, 8-8 outpatient, 8-7 reconstruct, 8-11
lyrical, 8-1 output, 8-4 recycle, 8-5
ozone, 8-5 redundant, 8-6
mainstreaming, 8-6 reflection, 8-13
mandate, 8-10 paramedic, 8-11 reliable, 8-12
manipulate, 8-12 parasite, 8-9 reproduce, 8-9
margin, 8-6 patent, 8-2 reserves, 8-1 Web
marketability, 8-2 pathos, 8-8 respiration, 8-9
media, 8-1 pedagogy, 8-6 response, 8-8
mediator, 8-2 Web pediatrician, 8-7 retail, 8-2

The University of Michigan Press
Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 8
retain, 8-2 sprain, 8-7 transmission, 8-3
rhetoric, 8-3 stabilize, 8-7 tribulation, 8-1
statesman, 8-10 tumor, 8-7
sabbatical, 8-6 status quo, 8-14 tyranny, 8-10
satire, 8-8 stereotype, 8-14
scenario, 8-10 sterile, 8-7 understatement, 8-3
scroll, 8-4 stimulate, 8-9 upgrade, 8-4
scrutiny, 8-11 stock, 8-1 Web upheaval, 8-1
search engine, 8-4 stockholder, 8-1 Web
secede, 8-10 subject, 8-12 vaccinate, 8-9
secretion, 8-9 subliminal, 8-11 vaccine, 8-9
sector, 8-2 sue, 8-2 Web validity, 8-12
semantic, 8-8 suit, 8-2 Web variable, 8-12
semblance, 8-1 supply, 8-1 Web vendor, 8-2
seminal, 8-1 suppress, 8-14 venue, 8-1
sentiment, 8-11 survive, 8-5 verbal, 8-3
share, 8-1 Web sustain, 8-1 Web veritable, 8-14
shareholder, 8-1 Web syllabus, 8-6 veto, 8-10
side effect, 8-7 syndrome, 8-11 viable, 8-8
significant, 8-12 system, 8-3 vicarious, 8-1
slander, 8-2 Web virus, 8-4, 8-9
smog, 8-5 tenant, 8-2 Web volatile, 8-13
so-called, 8-10 termination, 8-2 Web volcano, 8-5
software, 8-4 totalitarian, 8-10
solution, 8-13 trade, 8-2 water table, 8-5
sovereign, 8-10 trademark, 8-2 wholesale, 8-2
specialization, 8-7 transcript, 8-6 withdrawal, 8-14
spontaneous, 8-13 transfusion, 8-7 wrongful, 8-2 Web
The University of Michigan Press

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