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Words for Students of English

A Vocabulary Series for ESL

Words in Volume 5

Numbers refer to volume and unit.

abandon, 5-6
abolish, 5-1
absolutely, 5-8
accelerate, 5-19
access, 5-6
accuse, 5-10
acquaintance, 5-17
acre, 5-7
addict, 5-8
admit, 5-25
advocate, 5-1
affair, 5-22
affairs, 5-22
affection, 5-17
affluent, 5-6
ahead, 5-14
aim, 5-8
alien, 5-22
alike, 5-17
allergy, 5-23
ambiguous, 5-24
analyze, 5-12
annoy, 5-10
anthropology, 5-5
anticipate, 5-2
apparatus, 5-5
apparent, 5-2
applause, 5-18
application, 5-14
approach, 5-1
area, 5-12
arms, 5-9
arrange, 5-22

arson, 5-21
article, 5-25
ash, 5-21
associate, 5-13
association, 5-13
assume, 5-18
attic, 5-6
automatic, 5-8
awkward, 5-19
back down, 5-22
back up, 5-19
ban, 5-22
bargain, 5-6
battery, 5-12
bear, 5-2
block, 5-21
blow over, 5-3
blow up, 5-9, 5-17
boundary, 5-16
brake, 5-19
break down, 5-6
break in, 5-19
break into, 5-10
break out, 5-23
break up, 5-17
breeze, 5-21
brief, 5-8
bright, 5-21
brilliant, 5-13
bring about, 5-14
bring off, 5-22

bring on, 5-2

bring out, 5-24
broom, 5-21
brush, 5-13
bubble, 5-14
burn down, 5-21
burn up, 5-21
calf, 5-7
call off, 5-13
calorie, 5-11
campaign, 5-9
capacity, 5-11
capital, 5-4, 5-6, 5-25
carbon, 5-12
carry on, 5-7
carry out, 5-8
case, 5-25
catch on, 5-5, 5-24
catch up, 5-5
cause, 5-14
cease, 5-2
censor, 5-4
census, 5-22
channel, 5-3
charcoal, 5-21
charge, 5-25
cheat, 5-20
check out, 5-18
check up on, 5-10
cheer up, 5-2
chew up, 5-11


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2

chimney, 5-21
chop down, 5-14
chronological, 5-24
circulate, 5-4
circulation, 5-4
clap, 5-18
clean off, 5-6
clean out, 5-6
clean up, 5-6
clear out, 5-25
clear up, 5-3, 5-10
close down, 5-18
close in, 5-20
close up, 5-18
collapse, 5-8
collide, 5-19
come about, 5-14
come along, 5-18
come down with, 5-2
come out with, 5-22
come to, 5-23
communism, 5-1
compensation, 5-8
competent, 5-5
comprehend, 5-24
conceal, 5-10
concentrate, 5-18
concentration, 5-18
condition, 5-2
conduct, 5-12
confident, 5-2
confidence, 5-2
confine, 5-10
conquer, 5-9
conservative, 5-1
consistency, 5-24
consistent, 5-24
contaminate, 5-14
contemporary, 5-4
contract, 5-12
controversy, 5-14
convict, 5-25
conviction, 5-25
cope, 5-23
correspond, 5-18
corrupt, 5-22
costume, 5-15
count on, 5-22
count out, 5-20
crucial, 5-8
cruel, 5-25
curb, 5-19

current, 5-3, 5-12

curve, 5-19
cut down, 5-11
cut off, 5-14
cut out, 5-11
cycle, 5-7
dare, 5-20
dear, 5-17
debate, 5-14
deceive, 5-25
decent, 5-13
dedicated, 5-8
depression, 5-2
desire, 5-18
desperate, 5-10
detect, 5-25
detergent, 5-14
determination, 5-20
die away, 5-13
die down, 5-9
die off, 5-14
die out, 5-14
die out, 5-14
diet, 5-11
dignity, 5-1
dilemma, 5-22
dine, 5-11
diner, 5-11
direct, 5-8
disagree with, 5-23
disaster, 5-19
discipline, 5-9
distinct, 5-16
distribute, 5-1
do over, 5-8
do without, 5-18
domestic, 5-22
drain, 5-7
drainage, 5-7
drastic, 5-1
drench, 5-21
dress up, 5-15
drill, 5-5
drop, 5-1
drop in, 5-17
drop out, 5-5
drug, 5-1
dwell on, 5-6
dwelling, 5-6

earth, 5-7
ecology, 5-14
economical, 5-5
economics, 5-5
economize, 5-5
economy, 5-5
effect, 5-2
emit, 5-12
enclose, 5-16
encounter, 5-16
enforce, 5-25
enlarge, 5-6
enlist, 5-9
enrage, 5-13
entire, 5-14
entitle, 5-18
episode, 5-13
escort, 5-10
essential, 5-11
evaluate, 5-5
evidence, 5-10
exclude, 5-22
execute, 5-25
exhaustion, 5-23
extinguish, 5-21
fabric, 5-15
fade, 5-15
fail to, 5-7
fairly, 5-4
fall back on, 5-20
fall behind, 5-5
fascinate, 5-16
fatal, 5-23
fatality, 5-23
feast, 5-18
feature, 5-18
feel up to, 5-2
fellow, 5-20
fellowship, 5-20
female, 5-23
fierce, 5-20
figure, 5-4, 5-23
fill in, 5-8
fill out, 5-8
fill up, 5-11
fill up on, 5-11
fireplace, 5-21
firm, 5-4, 5-8
fix up, 5-6
flame, 5-21


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2

flammable, 5-21
flee, 5-9
foam, 5-16
focus, 5-4
folk, 5-7
form, 5-8
format, 5-24
formula, 5-12
found, 5-5
foundation, 5-5
fragile, 5-14
frame, 5-13
frustrate, 5-25
fulfill, 5-5
fulfilling, 5-5
funny, 5-16
furious, 5-20
furtive, 5-21
gallery, 5-13
gap, 5-24
garage, 5-8
garbage, 5-11
gasoline, 5-19
gauge, 5-19
gaze, 5-20
gear, 5-19
get across, 5-24
get around, 5-25
get away, 5-10
get away with, 5-10
get by, 5-7
get in, 5-19
get off, 5-19
get on, 5-19
get on with, 5-8
get out of, 5-19
get over, 5-23
give away, 5-9
give off, 5-16
give out, 5-22
give up, 5-9
glance, 5-4
gloomy, 5-3
glow, 5-21
go back on, 5-22
go in for, 5-20
go on, 5-20
go over, 5-4
go with, 5-15
gossip, 5-24

grateful, 5-17
grip, 5-20
hand down, 5-17
hand out, 5-5
hand over, 5-25
handicap, 5-23
harbor, 5-16
hardship, 5-7
harmony, 5-17
harvest, 5-7
have on, 5-15
head, 5-24
heal, 5-2
hear from, 5-17
heart, 5-20
heartless, 5-20
hearty, 5-20
hero, 5-9
hit on, 5-12
hold up, 5-25
horizon, 5-3
horizontal, 5-3
hose, 5-5
humble, 5-4
hurricane, 5-16
hypothesis, 5-12
idle, 5-18
impact, 5-19
impertinent, 5-24
impress, 5-24
incendiary, 5-21
indicate, 5-3
indispensable, 5-8
ingredient, 5-11
inhabit, 5-18
injection, 5-2
ink, 5-15
inquire, 5-10
inquiry, 5-10
insane, 5-23
install, 5-6
institute, 5-22
insulate, 5-6
intense, 5-20
interpret, 5-4
interrupt, 5-24
invisible, 5-12
involve, 5-10

irrelevant, 5-24
irritate, 5-14
ivory, 5-16
junior, 5-9
just, 5-22
juvenile, 5-25
keep on, 5-16
kidnap, 5-10
lately, 5-2
latitude, 5-3
lay in, 5-9
lease, 5-18
leave out, 5-24
let down, 5-15
let out, 5-15
let up, 5-3
liberal, 5-1
light up, 5-21
live down, 5-20
live on, 5-11
livestock, 5-7
longitude, 5-3
look after, 5-7
look back on, 5-7
look forward to, 5-13
look into, 5-10
look over, 5-8
look up, 5-24
look up to, 5-20
lousy, 5-3
major, 5-9
make up, 5-13, 5-17
male, 5-23
match, 5-21
mayor, 5-1
mean, 5-5
mean to, 5-18
means, 5-5
measure, 5-1
medium, 5-6
menace, 5-22
mention, 5-4
misuse, 5-14
mix, 5-11
mobility, 5-18
moist, 5-3


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2

mood, 5-2
moral, 5-21
morals, 5-21
motive, 5-25
mutual, 5-17
neglect, 5-17
nonflammable, 5-21
nonsense, 5-24
nucleus, 5-12
nude, 5-15
nurse, 5-7
nutritious, 5-11
obligation, 5-17
observe, 5-25
odds, 5-20
offend, 5-17
oil, 5-11
omit, 5-4
opportunity, 5-13
optimum, 5-3
orally, 5-2
order, 5-15
outcome, 5-9
pan, 5-11
panic, 5-25
parallel, 5-19
part, 5-17
participate, 5-5
particle, 5-12
pass on, 5-4
pass out, 5-23, 5-24
passion, 5-13
passionate, 5-13
peak, 5-19
persist, 5-7
pertinent, 5-24
pest, 5-18
phenomenon, 5-3
pick out, 5-15
pile, 5-16
pistol, 5-25
plastic, 5-11
plumber, 5-6
point out, 5-16
portable, 5-13
portion, 511

portion out, 5-11

portrait, 5-17
portray, 5-17
precede, 5-18
precedent, 5-18
prefer, 5-5
prescription, 5-23
present, 5-16
produce, 5-11
program, 5-20
prohibit, 5-25
prominent, 5-22
propaganda, 5-22
property, 5-10
pump, 5-7
punish, 5-10
pure, 5-14
put across, 5-4
put away, 5-11
put out, 5-21
quantity, 5-11
race, 5-5
radiate, 5-12
ransom, 5-10
ratio, 5-5
ray, 5-12
reaction, 5-4
rebel, 5-9
recipe, 5-11
recur, 5-23
refer, 5-24
reflect, 5-24
reform, 5-1
refuse, 5-1
regard, 5-24
regarding, 5-24
regardless, 5-24
region, 5-7
regulate, 5-1
rehearsal, 5-13
release, 5-10
relevant, 5-24
relief, 5-23
resemble, 5-17
resist, 5-9
responsible, 5-8
resume, 5-23
retreat, 5-9

reverse, 5-22
revise, 5-24
ridiculous, 5-13
rifle, 5-10
right, 5-1
rip, 5-18
rival, 5-20
roar, 5-20
role, 5-13
romantic, 5-13
root, 5-16
rubber, 5-5
rugged, 5-16
run across, 5-16
run against, 5-1
run for, 5-1
run off, 5-7
run out, 5-11
rust, 5-6
sanitary, 5-14
scar, 5-23
scatter, 5-7
screen, 5-8
see off, 5-18
senior, 5-9
sense, 5-23
sensible, 5-23
sensitive, 5-23
sentence, 5-10
set, 5-21
set up, 5-16
settle on, 5-6
sewer, 5-6
sex, 5-23
shame, 5-14
shape, 5-2
shock, 5-13
shocking, 5-13
shortage, 5-6
shoulder, 5-2
show off, 5-15
sibling, 5-17
silly, 5-18
sincere, 5-4
site, 5-6
snack, 5-11
sneak, 5-22
socialism, 5-1
sore, 5-8, 5-23
sort, 5-5


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2

spark, 5-21
species, 5-16
spot, 5-21
spring up, 5-13
stage, 5-18
stain, 5-15
stand by, 5-21
starve, 5-11
state, 5-1
statistics, 5-12
stealthy, 5-21
step aside, 5-1
stocking, 5-15
strike, 5-19
structure, 5-6
struggle, 5-9
submissive, 5-5
submit, 5-5
subsequent, 5-8
supper, 5-11
suppose, 5-24
suspicion, 5-10
swamp, 5-3
sweat, 5-20
sweep, 5-21
sweep out, 5-21
symmetrical, 5-13
sympathize, 5-1
symptom, 5-2
synthesis, 5-15
synthetic, 5-15

temporary, 5-20
tenure, 5-5
territory, 5-22
testimony, 5-25
textile, 5-15
thesis, 5-5
thief, 5-25
think through, 5-12
think up, 5-12
threat, 5-10
throat, 5-2
tie, 5-20
tie up, 5-9
touch on, 5-4
tournament, 5-20
tractor, 5-7
tragedy, 5-13
trail, 5-16
transition, 5-8
transparent, 5-6
trash, 5-18
treat, 5-2
trial, 5-10
troop, 5-9
troops, 5-9
trunk, 5-16
try on, 5-15
try out, 5-12
tube, 5-23
turn down, 5-4
turn into, 5-3
turn up, 5-12

table, 5-12
take in, 5-15
take off, 5-15
take over, 5-1
task, 5-10
tear, 5-13
tear up, 5-13
temperature, 5-2

undergo, 5-14
uneasy, 5-3
unique, 5-16
unit, 5-3
unite, 5-22
utility, 5-15

vague, 5-4
valid, 5-24
vapor, 5-3
vary, 5-12
vast, 5-3
vegetation, 5-3
velocity, 5-19
verdict, 5-25
versatile, 5-13
version, 5-4
veterinarian, 5-7
victory, 5-9
vigorous, 5-20
violate, 5-19
visa, 5-1
visible, 5-18
vision, 5-23
vivid, 5-16
vomit, 5-23
waist, 5-15
walk back, 5-16
wash off, 5-3
wealth, 5-10
wear off, 5-15
wear out, 5-15
weave, 5-15
whistle, 5-19
wind, 5-15
witness, 5-10
wood, 5-3
work out, 5-7, 5-12
wound, 5-2
write up, 5-4
yield, 5-7


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