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College Panhellenic Association at The University of Tampa

Executive Board Applications 2012-2013

Application Deadline: October 22, 2014 at 5 p.m.
In The Office of Student Leadership and Engagement (VC 215)
When turning in application, please sign up for an interview time.

Interview Schedule:
Sunday, October 26
10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
(30 minute interviews)

The slate will be proposed at the General Assembly on October 27
Chapter votes on the slate will be brought back to the General Assembly meeting on
November 10

Questions or Concerns Contact:
Jennifer Allison College Panhellenic Association President

Applicant Qualifications:
Full time student at The University of Tampa
Be in good standing, including finances, with The University of Tampa, and her
Have at least a cumulative grade point average (GPA) equal to or above a 2.5
Conduct record will be checked
Be an initiated member of her chapter
Agree to attend all executive board meetings and Panhellenic General Assembly meetings
(Mondays at 9 p.m.)

Applicant Information:




UT Box Number:

Student ID Number:

Cumulative GPA:

Sorority/Fraternity Affiliation:

Expected Graduation Date:

Please Rank Positions:
(1-9; 1 being the most desired)

_______Vice President of Operations
_______Vice President of Recruitment Operations
_______Vice President of Recruitment Development
_______Vice President of Community Engagement
_______Vice President of Scholarship
_______Vice President of Philanthropy and Service
_______Vice President of Marketing
_______Vice President of Accountability

Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper typed:

1. List and describe your Greek-Related Leadership Experience:
2. List and describe other leadership experience, awards or recognition at UT:
3. List and describe other Offices, Chairmanships or Leadership Positions you will or may hold
during your prospective Panhellenic term (January 2015-December 2015):
4. Why are you interested in being part of the Panhellenic Executive Board?
5. What does Greek Unity mean to you? In what ways do we show our Greek Unity at UT, and how
would you work to improve Greek Unity during your Panhellenic term?

Duties and Responsibilities of College Panhellenic Association Executive Board Positions
Have overall responsibility for the operation of the Panhellenic Council.
Call and preside at all regular and special meetings of the College Panhellenic Association at The
University of Tampa and its Panhellenic Council.
Call and preside at all Panhellenic Council executive board meetings.
Review, approve, and sign all Panhellenic Association checks and contracts involving the College
Panhellenic Association at The University of Tampa, unless otherwise specified in Article I,
Section C of these Bylaws.
Report as required to the Coordinator of Student Organizations and/or Panhellenic Advisor.
Communicate regularly with the National Panhellenic Conference Area Advisor.
Complete the NPC annual report and send it to the NPC area advisor.
Maintain a complete and up-to-date presidents file, which will include a copy of the current The
University of Tampa Panhellenic Association Constitution, By-laws and Standing Rules; the
current Panhellenic Association budget; the current NPC Manual of Information and related
materials; her current correspondence and materials received from her NPC Area Advisor; her
copies of the College Panhellenic Reports to the Area Advisor and other pertinent materials.
Be responsible for the education of the Panhellenic delegates and Panhellenic executive board
members regarding the National Panhellenic Conference.
Hold and facilitate an officer transition meeting prior to the first executive board meeting.
Serve as member ex-officio of all Panhellenic Council committees.
Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office and as assigned.
Keep an up-to-date roll of the members of Panhellenic Council and call it at all council meetings.
Keep current statistics concerning the number of initiated members and new members of each
Panhellenic Association member fraternity.
Keep full minutes of all meetings of the College Panhellenic Association at The University of
Tampa, the Panhellenic Council and a record of all action taken by the executive board.
Maintain a complete and up-to-date file that will include the minutes of meetings of the College
Panhellenic Association at The University of Tampa and its Panhellenic Council from the date of
its organization; copies of all contracts made by the Panhellenic Council; and current
Be responsible for the official correspondence of the Panhellenic Council unless provided for
Send meeting minutes to the NPC area advisor.
Supervise the finances of the College Panhellenic Association at The University of Tampa.
Prepare the annual budget and, following its approval by the Panhellenic Council, provide a copy
to each College Panhellenic Association member fraternity.
Receive all payments due to the College Panhellenic Association, collect all dues and give
Pay promptly the annual NPC dues and all bills of the College Panhellenic Association at The
University of Tampa.
Maintain up-to-date financial records, give a financial report at each regular meeting of the
Panhellenic Council and an annual report at the close of her term of office.
Sign Panhellenic Association contracts when authorized to do so.
Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office and as assigned.

Coordinate Panhellenic Recruitment in accordance with the National Panhellenic Conference
Coordinate all formal recruitment logistics with Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life.
Be responsible for Panhellenic recruitment publications along with the Vice Pesident of
marketing and the Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life.
Coordinate the spring semester recruitment roundtables with the Coordinator of Fraternity &
Sorority Life.
Supervise fraternity/sorority continuous open recruitment events if hosted by the College
Panhellenic Association at The University of Tampa.
Maintain accurate records to verify each chapters compliance with quota and total.
Manage logistical portion of ICS (Interactive Collegiate Solutions) software.
Manage room reservations, chapter requests for room setups, and communication with
Review all chapter materials for recruitment including, but not limited to, videos, brag tables,
and budgets.
Responsible for revision of recruitment rules and communication to all parties in cooperation
with Vice president of Accountability.
Schedule and facilitate round tables with recruitment chairs and alumnae advisors.
Manage all communication with chapters and alumnae advisors.
Serve on recruitment committee with President, Vice President of Marketing, Vice President of
Recruitment Development, and Vice President of Accountability.
Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office and as assigned.
Coordinate Panhellenic Recruitment in accordance with the National Panhellenic Conference
Coordinate recruitment guide selection and training.
Coordinate and manage all recruitment guide activities.
Oversee all potential new member communication and activities.
Serve as primary contact for all recruitment guides.
Manage potential new member portion of ICS (Interactive Collegiate Solutions) software; train
recruitment guides on software usage.
Schedule and facilitate round tables with potential new members and recruitment guides.
Serve on recruitment committee with President, VP Marketing, VP Recruitment Operations, and
VP Accountability.
Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office and as assigned.
Sit on any special event committees or planning groups in the fraternity and sorority community
such as Greek Week, Involvement Board, etc.
Be responsible for the planning and coordination of Panhellenic programs and events.
Work with the sisterhood chairs of each chapter to plan for each chapter to host an all-
Panhellenic sisterhood event once per calendar year.
Coordinate and manage at least once large scale speaker or program for Panhellenic per
Act as a liaison with the Tampa Alumnae Panhellenic Association.
Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this position and as assigned.

Be responsible for meeting with individual chapters scholarship chairs several times a semester
through either one-on-one meetings or roundtables.
Work with Panhellenic Council to set an all-sorority grade point average goal that exceeds the
all-womens grade point average.
Provide members with an academic calendar including registration information and add/drop
Recognize outstanding individual and chapter scholarship.
Develop programs that enhance faculty/student relationships and appreciation.
Publicize Panhellenic academic excellence in the campus community.
Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office and as assigned.
Serve as the coordinator for all-Panhellenic community service and philanthropic events.
Plan at least one large scale service and one large scale philanthropic event per calendar year.
Be responsible for educating member fraternities on community service opportunities and
member service events per semester.
Serve as the liaison between the Panhellenic Council and the PEACE office and report
correspondence to the Panhellenic Council.
Execute Panhellenic Theme Week events.
Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office and as assigned.
Maintain correspondence with campus publications about Panhellenic events.
Work on publications that will increase awareness about the College Panhellenic Association at
The University of Tampa.
Generate positive publicity for sororities and the College Panhellenic Association at The
University of Tampa.
Regularly update and maintain the College Panhellenic Association at The University of Tampas
website and social media.
Annually update the recruitment brochure in coordination with the Vice President of
Recruitment and Coordinator of Student Organizations.
Conduct recruitment marketing campaign.
Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office and as assigned.
Handle all alleged violations of NPC Unanimous Agreements and the College Panhellenic bylaws,
code of ethics, membership recruitment rules and standing rules.
Educate member fraternities about the Panhellenic judicial procedure.
Create or maintain proper documentation.
Coordinate the training for judicial board members with the fraternity/sorority advisor.
Implement the College Panhellenic Association Judicial Procedure.
Preside at judicial hearings.
Serve as a resource to the Panhellenic community.
Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office and as assigned.

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