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Words for Students of English

A Vocabulary Series for ESL

Words in Volume 6

Numbers refer to volume and unit.

absorb, 6-3
abundance, 6-15
abuse, 6-9
accept, 6-18
acceptable, 6-18
accommodate, 6-13
account for, VI-16
acute, 6-17
add up, 6-13
address, 6-1
adjacent, 6-13
adopt, 6-5
adverse, 6-23
aggressive, 6-12
agony, 6-17
ally, 6-18
alternate, 6-15
amend, 6-1
ammunition, 6-20
ample, 6-6
anchor, 6-8
anesthetic, 6-17
anonymous, 6-12
antidote, 6-17
appeal, 6-12
appendix, 6-10
applied, 6-7
appreciate, 6-9
arbitration, 6-16
architect, 6-13
arise, 6-4
artificial, 6-3
as a rule, 6-14
assess, 6-16
astonish, 6-8

atlas, 6-10
authentic, 6-3
autonomous, 6-1

buy out, 6-15

buy up, 6-6

back out, 6-23

back up, 6-15
background, 6-2
badge, 6-12
balance, 6-14
ballot, 6-18
bare, 6-15
barely, 6-15
barrel, 6-13
barrier, 6-22
beam, 6-7
bear on, 6-21
behalf, 6-4
bid, 6-18
bit, 6-3
blast, 6-20
bond, 6-5
bound for, 6-11
break down, 6-7
break in, 6-4
break into, 6-4
break off, 6-5
break up, 6-12
breed, 6-15
bring to, 6-17
brush off, 6-23
bulk, 6-14
bullet, 6-12
burden, 6-16
bureau, 6-1
bureaucracy, 6-1

call for, 6-4

call on, 6-1
call up, 6-20
calm down, 6-8
catalog, 6-10
certificate, 6-2
chest, 6-13
chief, 6-11
chiefly, 6-11
chop, 6-15
chop up, 6-15
chore, 6-16
circuit, 6-24
classmate, 6-2
clear off, 6-13
clear out, 6-13
cluster, 6-11
coincide, 6-12
coincidence, 6-12
colleague, 6-16
combustion, 6-24
come across, 6-7
come by, 6-11
come through, 6-15
come up with, 6-1
commentary, 6-25
commerce, 6-1
commercial, 6-1
component, 6-7
composition, 6-9
comprehensive, 6-2
compress, 6-24


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2


conceive, 6-25
condemn, 6-12
confirm, 6-1
conflict, 6-20
consequence, 6-22
constituent, 6-9
consumer, 6-6
context, 6-2
contribute, 6-1
convention, 6-21
convert, 6-6
corrode, 6-9
cough, 6-17
council, 6-1
counsel, 6-18
count in, 6-23
counter, 6-9
creature, 6-15
critical, 6-25
criticize, 6-25
cross out, 6-23
crude, 6-19
crystal, 6-24
cultivate, 6-15
cut in, 6-21
cut up, 6-3
cylinder, 6-7
daily, 6-3
decay, 6-19
decline, 6-6
deep, 6-5
deficient, 6-17
degree, 6-2, 6-25
delegate, 6-1
deliberate, 6-14
delicate, 6-9
democratic, 6-4
depart, 6-22
deprive, 6-17
descendent, 6-5
design, 6-13
deteriorate, 6-9
determine, 6-2
device, 6-22
devote, 6-5
digest, 6-3
dilute, 6-7
discharge, 6-20
discriminate, 6-18
discriminating, 6-18
disillusion, 6-8

disintegrate, 6-19
displace, 6-13
display, 6-23
dissolve, 6-7
distill, 6-24
distress, 6-12
do away with, 6-15
do without, 6-3
dominant, 6-21
dominate, 6-21
dot, 6-10
draft, 6-18
draw up, 6-1
dress down, 6-20
dull, 6-2
dump, 6-19
durable, 6-6
duration, 6-6
dynamic, 6-8
eat up, 6-3
economize, 6-3
economy, 6-6
element, 6-19
elements, 6-19
elementary, 6-16
emerge, 6-25
empire, 6-18
empirical, 6-24
enable, 6-22
endure, 6-13
engage in, 6-16
engulf, 6-19
enslave, 6-15
ensure, 6-6
enterprise, 6-16
era, 6-5
erosion, 6-15
eternity, 6-21
ethical, 6-21
ethnic, 6-3
eventual, 6-23
evolve, 6-19
exaggerate, 6-3
exception, 6-8
exceptional, 6-8
exercise, 6-16
exert, 6-23
exhibit, 6-19
explication, 6-18
explicit, 6-18
expose, 6-18

extent, 6-23
external, 6-18
extract, 6-19
extraordinary, 6-19
face up to, 6-4
faculty, 6-2
fall off, 6-6
fall out with, 6-23
fall through, 6-11
famine, 6-3
fatigue, 6-17
federal, 6-1
figure, 6-9
figure on, 6-11
figure out, 6-11
file, 6-7
fill in, 6-14
finance, 6-14
finances, 6-14
finite, 6-24
fiscal, 6-14
flash, 6-10
flourish, 6-14
fluctuate, 6-23
fluid, 6-19
follow, 6-17
fond, 6-5
force, 6-20
form, 6-18
formidable, 6-19
fort, 6-20
forward(s), 6-22
fraction, 6-24
frank, 6-5
friction, 6-7
fundamental, 6-21
fund, 6-14
funds, 6-14
funeral, 6-21
gene, 6-5
genealogy, 6-5
generate, 6-13
generous, 6-15
genetics, 6-24
gesture, 6-10
get ahead, 6-4
get along, 6-5
get down to, 6-16
get off, 6-22
get on, 6-5


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2


get through, 6-2

get through with, 6-2
give back, 6-20
give in, 6-11
give out, 6-19
globe, 6-6
global, 6-6
go back to, 6-2
go on with, 6-2
go out, 6-13
go over, 6-22
go through with, 6-2
go without, 6-11
graduated, 6-14
grant, 6-24
graph, 6-7
grasp, 6-25
grave, 6-9
grim, 6-6
grin, 6-8
grind, 6-15
grounds, 6-5
grow up, 6-5
guerrilla, 6-20
gulf, 6-19
halt, 6-20
halting, 6-20
hand down, 6-21
hand in, 6-7
hang around, 6-12
hang up, 6-22
have over, 6-5
hazard, 6-22
hear of, 6-10
heritage, 6-5
hinder, 6-11
hint, 6-10
hold off, 6-1
hold out, 6-20
hook, 6-8
hostility, 6-20
hut, 6-11
hydroelectric, 6-24
hygiene, 6-17
ignite, 6-25
ignorance, 6-2
illusion, 6-8
image, 6-10
imaginary, 6-25
imagine, 6-25

implement, 6-9
in force, 6-20
inclination, 6-16
indignant, 6-12
induce, 6-24
industrious, 6-23
infinite, 6-24
inherent, 6-21
initiate, 6-16
initiative, 6-16
input, 6-7
insecticide, 6-19
instance, 6-25
integrate, 6-4
integrity, 6-21
intellectual, 6-2
intense, 6-24
interaction, 6-11
interfere, 6-5
interval, 6-5
intervene, 6-19
intimate, 6-5
ivory, 6-19
junk, 6-13
justify, 6-4

mercy, 6-21
merely, 6-22
merit, 6-16
migrant, 6-15
mill, 6-15
minister, 6-18
miserable, 6-13
missile, 6-20
mission, 6-21
moderate, 6-6
modify, 6-23
monetary, 6-14
monopolize, 6-16
monopoly, 6-16
moreover, 6-23
mount, 6-11
movement, 6-4
municipal, 6-1
myth, 6-21
narrative, 6-2
net, 6-8
nevertheless, 6-23
notion, 6-8
nourishment, 6-3
novel, 6-10
nursery, 6-2
nursery school, 6-2

keep up with, 6-2

lean, 6-18
let down, 6-21
let out, 6-17
lever, 6-7
lie down, 6-20
live up to, 6-21
look down on, 6-21
lot, 6-13
magnet, 6-24
magnitude, 6-25
make out, 6-7, 6-14
make up, 6-16
mammal, 6-7
manner, 6-11
manners, 6-11
maternal, 6-5
matter, 6-10
mature, 6-5
mechanic, 6-7
mechanical, 6-7
melody, 6-8

object, 6-4
objective, 6-10
occupy, 6-20
odd, 6-14
odor, 6-3
officer, 6-12, 6-16
offspring, 6-15
oppress, 6-4
optics, 6-24
ore, 6-9
organ, 6-17
organic, 6-24
outlet, 6-9
outstanding, 6-2
overall, 6-11
overcome, 6-6
overwhelm, 6-16
owing to, 6-23
pan out, 6-6
panel, 6-10
parliament, 6-1
partially, 6-9


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2


pass away, 6-17

pass out, 6-23
patrol, 6-20
pay back, 6-14
peculiar, 6-12
penalty, 6-12
penetrate, 6-10
perform, 6-17
perish, 6-3
perishable, 6-3
perspective, 6-18
persuade, 6-5
phase, 6-19
pick up, 6-14, 6-25
play down, 6-25
play up, 6-25
plot, 6-12
point, 6-1
post, 6-16
pound, 6-12
precaution, 6-9
precise, 6-25
predominate, 6-21
prejudice, 6-4
preliminary, 6-10
premature, 6-18
prescribe, 6-17
preserve, 6-3
prime, 6-13
principal, 6-14
prior, 6-23
privilege, 6-4
profound, 6-25
program, 6-13
property, 6-7
proportion, 6-14
proportionate, 6-14
propose, 6-1
prospect, 6-14
prospective, 6-14
prospects, 6-14
protein, 6-3
pull in, 6-22
pull out, 6-22
pull through, 6-17
put off, 6-6
put up, 6-13
put up with, 6-13
radical, 6-4
rag, 6-13
ragged, 6-13

random, 6-7
rather, 6-14
rational, 6-25
rationale, 6-25
read upon, 6-7
reasonable, 6-10
reciprocal, 6-4
refuge, 6-20
refugee, 6-20
regime, 6-1
relevant, 6-7
remark, 6-25
remarkable, 6-25
remedy, 6-17
renew, 6-10
republic, 6-18
repulse, 6-20
reservation, 6-6
reserve, 6-6
resolution, 6-1
respect, 6-6
restrain, 6-21
revenue, 6-1
revolt, 6-20
revolting, 6-20
revolve, 6-12
revolver, 6-12
reward, 6-12
rhythm, 6-8
rigid, 6-4
ripe, 6-3
rite, 6-21
rod, 6-13
rot, 6-3
rough, 6-23
rudimentary, 6-2
rule out, 6-6
ruler, 6-1
run down, 6-22, 6-25
sacrifice, 6-19
savage, 6-19
save up, 6-14
scale, 6-7
scope, 6-4
secure, 6-23
see about, 6-18
see through, 6-16
see to, 6-6
seek, 6-23
seek to, 6-23
seize, 6-20

send back, 6-18

senile, 6-17
settle up, 6-14
shell, 6-19
shift, 6-25
shock, 6-8
show up, 6-25
shut off, 6-7
significant, 6-10
signify, 6-10
simultaneous, 6-8
slave, 6-15
slope, 6-8
slow down, 6-22
slow up, 6-22
sophisticated, 6-7
space, 6-24
spare, 6-13
sparse, 6-15
specimen, 6-24
spell out, 6-10
sphere, 6-24
split, 6-22
sponsor, 6-2
spread, 6-3
stand for, 6-10
stand out, 6-16
stand up, 6-5
stand up, 6-19
stand up for, 6-1
stand up to, 6-1
standpoint, 6-10
station, 6-22
status, 6-20
sterile, 6-17
stick to, 6-8
stick up for, 6-9
still, 6-22
stimulate, 6-24
strain, 6-22
strategy, 6-20
strip, 6-11
stuff, 6-11
stuffy, 6-11
submerge, 6-9
submissive, 6-21
submit, 6-21
subordinate, 6-16
substantial, 6-25
supernatural, 6-11
superstition, 6-24
surgeon, 6-17


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2


surgery, 6-17
surplus, 6-15
surrender, 6-15
survey, 6-25
suspend, 6-2
swing, 6-8
tactic, 6-20
take after, 6-5
take back, 6-12
take in, 6-6
take off, 6-16
take up, 6-6, 6-8
talk over, 6-5
tear down, 6-9
tell off, 6-16
terms, 6-14
theme, 6-2
thermal, 6-19
think about, 6-12
think over, 6-6
thoughtless, 6-9
throw away, 6-3
throw up, 6-17
ticket, 6-22
tolerate, 6-4

toxic, 6-17
trace, 6-12
trait, 6-24
transact, 6-14
transform, 6-22
transplant, 6-17
transform, 6-22
tremendous, 6-9
trend, 6-14
trip, 6-22
turn in, 6-8
turn off, 6-9
turn on, 6-8
turn out, 6-9, 6-18
turnout, 6-18
unconventional, 6-21
undertake, 6-4
unique, 6-19
unite, 6-4
universal, 6-19
urgent, 6-11
use up, 6-3
utopia, 6-16

venture, 6-14
vessel, 6-11
veteran, 6-20
vibrate, 6-22
vice, 6-12
vital, 6-9
vitamin, 6-3
vocation, 6-2
vulnerable, 6-19
wait on, 6-11
wait up, 6-5
warranty, 6-23
wash out, 6-9
washout, 6-9
wave, 6-11
welfare, 6-18
widespread, 6-17
wipe, 6-13
wipe off, 6-22
wipe out, 6-20
withstand, 6-21
wonder, 6-8
wrinkle, 6-17
write down, 6-18
write out, 6-8


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