BAC14 Brand Guidelines PDF

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1 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines

Brand identity
2 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines 2
Welcome to our brand guidelines. This guide
explains all the elements of the Brathay
Apprentice Challenge (BAC) visual identity
and details how to use them to create our
look and feel in a consistent and relevant way.
Whether youre creating a leaet or producing
an exhibition stand, these guidelines will assist
you in designing and producing coherent and
compelling communications that will truly
engage and inspire our audiences.
3 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Core identity
Illustration Photography Putting it
all together
Printed materials
Brochures 40
Banner stands 43
Posters 44
Templates 45
PowerPoint 46
Train station branding 47
Participation badges 48
Team tshirts 49
Umbrellas 50
Water bottles 51
Our logo 7
Versions 8
Exclusion zone and minimum size 9
Positioning and sizing 10
Logo misuse 11
Supporter lock-up 12
Colour palette 14
Typography and layout
Core typefaces 15
Frutiger settings 16
Electronic typeface 17
DDA regulations 18
Type styles 19
Grid structure 20
Infographics: Charts and diagrams 21
Style guide 22
Paper and production 24
Core illustrations 27
Dingbat illustrations 30
Application 31
Illustration misuse 32

Photography: Group shots 35
Photography: Action shots 36
Videography 37

4 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Thewill towin.
your full potential.
Howtoget involved
A sneaky peek
Chief Executive, National Apprenticeship Service
Brathay ApprenticeChallenge
Ipsandit ationec eptatectur
Fictur undit atur aut as dolesed
istibus cullores cupis aces doluptaquam
00| Presentationtitle
Subheader here in 18pt Arial Bold
Body text Arial regular at 18pt. Os nulla
alit ipit lut lorpero odolorper si et nonulla
ndigna facin hent wismod er sim irilit dolum
zzrilit et am, quat la commodo consenibh
essectem incipiscil ute con ut lam, volorer
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Olute nobitatia dessim
Aturiaectur sim es et aut ut etur
Soluptiur remque volorep
Elendit atibeaque
Inum harchil mod ut quatur
Insert title here
Subtitle here
Presentation title
5 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines 5
Core identity elements
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
6 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Core identity elements
Our identity is a design scheme composed of
a number of elements that come together to
create a distinctive look and feel, that makes
the BAC brand instantly recognisable.
The following pages guide you through the
core elements. They will assist you in designing
and producing compelling communications
with a high degree of creative exibility.
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Our logo 7
Versions 8
Exclusion zone and minimum size 9
Positioning and sizing 10
Logo misuse 11
Supporter lock-up 12
Colour palette 14
Typography and layout
Core typefaces 15
Frutiger settings 16
Electronic typeface 17
DDA regulations 18
Type styles 19
Grid structure 20
Infographics: Charts and diagrams 21
Style guide 22
Paper and production 24
7 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Our logo
Our logo is the most visible element
of our identity a universal signature
across all communications. It should
appear on all BAC materials. It is
representative of our brand, so must
be used correctly.
8 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Our logo: Versions
1 Logo
Use on white background
2 Logo
Use on black background

The logo must always be reproduced
from master logo artwork. Full BAC
logo kits are available on request from
1 2
9 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Exclusion zone and minimum size
Exclusion zone
The logo will stand out more and have
greater impact when it is surrounded by
enough clear space. We have created
an exclusion zone to make sure of this.
It is determined by the dotted lines
shown here, and is equal to the width
of the quote mark in the wordmark.
Please Note: This is not a positioning
guide to determine margins on
documents. These are detailed
on the following page.
Minimum size
The minimum size at which our logo
can be used is 12mm wide, as shown
opposite. Following this advice
will ensure that the wordmark
is always clear and easy to read.
Online, the wordmark should not
be reproduced at a size less than
100 pixels in width.
12mm / 100px
10 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Positioning and sizing
Our logo should appear at these
defined sizes on standard paper
formats. These dimensions are
applicable to either portrait or
landscape orientation. For any other
formats, choose the nearest size.
For large scale events or banners,
simply scale up proportionally.

The logo can appear in either the
top- left or top-right hand corner
of the page.
10mm margin
15mm margin
8mm margin
11 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Logo misuse
This page provides an overview of
common mistakes to avoid when
using the logo. Always use the
artwork provided and never attempt
to recreate the logo.
1 Do not try to recreate the BAC logo.
Always use supplied artwork.
2 Do not distort in any way.
3 Do not apply effects such as
drop shadows and keylines.
4 Do not reposition or change
the relationship of any elements
of the logo or wordmark.
5 Do not use colour combinations
outside of those specified in
these guidelines.
6 Do not create unauthorised
straplines with the logo.
7 Do not reorientate.
8 Never contain the logotype
within a shape.
9 Always respect the exclusion
zone no graphic elements
are allowed in this area.
Apprentice Team of the Year
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
12 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
The National Apprenticeships Service
and Brathay supporter lock-up logo
must feature on all BAC materials.
This logo is placed in the bottom
left hand corner against the margin.
When used on an A4 sized piece of
communication, the supporting lock-up
should be 52mm. For all other sizes,
scale the lock-up proportionally.
The lock-up will stand out more and have
greater impact when it is surrounded by
enough clear space. We have created an
exclusion zone to make sure of this. It is
determined by the dotted lines shown
here, and is equal to the width of two
Ns from the NAS the wordmark.
Parent lock-up for BAC In application (shown here applied to A4 format)
Exclusion zone
Supporter lock-up
10mm margin
13 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Supporter lock-up:
These are the various colourways in
which the supporter lock-up can appear.
Supporter lock-up colourways
1 2
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines 14
Core palette
Our core colours are black and white
using them consistently will help
us to create a unique and distinctive
brand. The secondary colour palette
is predominantly for use in charts,
illustrations and diagrams.
Colours are specified for both print
and screen-based applications.
Secondary palette
The secondary colour palette
is available for use in charts and
diagrams. They can also be used
as an accent or highlight palette
when absolutely necessary.
The BAC brand does NOT
use gradients or blends of colour.
Colours are specified for both print
and screen-based applications.
The colour references are given
for Pantone, CMYK and RGB.
The Pantone and CMYK references
are for print applications such
as stationery and brochures.
Core colours

C0 M0 Y0 K100
R0 G0 B0
HEX #000000
C0 M0 Y0 K0
R255 G255 B255
Secondary colour
Pantone Cool Grey 8
C0 M0 Y0 K50
R155 G155 B155
Colour palette
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Core typefaces
45 Light
65 Bold
Frutiger 45 light
Frutiger 65 Bold
The BAC identity uses simple, clear
typefaces with accessibility in mind.
Frutiger is our core typeface. It has
been chosen for its modern, clean-cut
and legible qualities.
Frutiger should be used across
all communications. We use only
Frutiger 45 Light and Frutiger 65 Bold.
Do not use any weights or styles of
Frutiger other than Light and Bold.
Text should always be set ranged
left, never ranged right, justified
or centred.
Headings are only ever in upper and
lower case we never use all caps.
Hyphenation and justification should
be adjusted to the specifications on
the following page.
Keep typography simple.
Do not overcrowd layouts and
do not use too many type sizes.
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Used to create impact, Frutiger 65 Bold
is perfect for headlines and call to actions.
Kerning and tracking
The kerning for Frutiger 65 bold
should be set to Optical and
tracking set to 25 (see right).
The leading should always be 2pt
larger than the typesize (see right).

When using very large headlines
the leading can be adjusted visually.
For example, the Frutiger 65 Bold
text above is set to 70pt on 67pt leading.
Automatic hyphenation should
be switched off for your layout.
Word spacing should be set to Minimum 80%,
Desired 80% and Maximum 80% (see left).
Legible and friendly, Frutiger 45 Light is
perfect for body copy and large blocks of copy.
Kerning and tracking
The kerning for Frutiger 45 light
should be set to Optical and
tracking set to 12 (see right).
The leading should always be 2pt
larger than the typesize (see right).
Automatic hyphenation should
be switched off for your layout.
Word spacing should be set to Minimum 80%,
Desired 80% and Maximum 80% (see far left).
Frutiger settings
65 Bold
45 Light
When setting text, please adhere
to the following guidance. All these
adjustments can be made either
in your InDesign toolbar or the
Paragraph Style Options palette.
Word spacing for Frutiger
A\V Optical
25 A V
A\V Optical
12 A V
10 pt
12 pt
10 pt
12 pt
Word Spacing :
Letter Spacing :
Glyph Spacing :
Auto Leading :
Single Word Justification :
Composer :
Maximum Desired
Adobe Paragraph Composer
Fully Justify
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines 17
Electronic typeface
For online and Microsoft Office
applications, we can default to the use
of Arial, a standard sans serif typeface
present on most computers.
Do not use any weights or styles of
Arial other than Regular and Bold.
Text should always be set ranged
left, never ranged right, justified
or centred.
Headings are only ever in upper and
lower case we never use all caps.
Arial Regular
Arial Bold
Arial Regular
Arial Bold
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
18 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
DDA Regulations
Our materials should be accessible
to everybody.
DDA regulations stipulate that all text
should be set at a minimum of 12pt to
ensure accessibility. However we realise
that this is not always practical, cost
effective or aesthetically pleasing.
Below are a few points on how to
ensure material is legible and accessible:
Use simple and clear typefaces.
Type size, where possible, is no
less than 9 pt.
Text is left aligned.
Layout is consistent and logical.
Words are not split between lines.
No large blocks of capital letters.
No italics.
No words are underlined.
Paper is thick enough to minimise
the amount of show-through
from the other side.
Leading is not cramped.
On body text colour, ensure there
is a good contrast between the text
and the background.
Add line breaks between paragraphs.
Ensure all text is set horizontally.
Allow an adequate gutter
between columns.
Is it
19 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Type styles
This page lists some commonly used
type styles which are central to the
BAC identity.
Try to avoid using lots of different type
styles and instead stick to using fewer
styles to better effect.
Good use of type styles will keep our
communications clear and consistent.
Frutiger 65 Bold is always used
and at larger size than body copy.
Body text
For ease of legibility Frutiger 45
Light should always be used.
Rules are used to add structure
to the page and to anchor text
boxes to. Always look to have
a consistent hanging height
throughout your document.
Use colour or type weight to
differentiate subheads from body
copy. They should always be the
same type size as body copy.
En dashes should be used
as bullet points.
Quotes within body text
If required, quotes can be
emphasised by using a different
colour or type weight to body text.
Pull quotes
Should be more prominent than
body text. Use colour or type
weight to differentiate them.
Large quotation marks can
make a feature of the quote.
Always smaller than body
and set in grey.
Paragraph breaks
Should be set to half returns
as opposed to full returns. For
example for text set at 9/11pt,
returns should be set to 5.5pt.
The challenge
The Brathay Apprentice Challenge
(#BAC14) is the ofcial search to
nd the apprentice team of the
year, supported by the National
Apprenticeship Service.
To win the Brathay Apprentice
Challenge, teams of nine
apprentices have to prove their
team building, leadership, logistical
and communications abilities.
Now in its third year, the Brathay
Apprentice Challenge opens for
formal nominations at the Skills
Show in November 2013. The
closing date for nominations is
Friday 13th December 2013.
Regional heats, consisting of
awareness raising activity and
a community project take place
January through to March 2014.
Eight nalist teams will be
announced in April and will battle
it out to be crowned apprentice
team of the year.
Rise to the challenge
Its a real honour to have
won the Brathay Apprentice
Challenge. Its been a tough
competition, with the other
teams really pushing us to
the limit. Were really proud
of our achievement, not only
at the nals in Cumbria, but
in the past six months.
Tarran Vailionis
Innovia Films
Innovia Films
*ApprenticeshipPay Survey 2011
Its been a tough competition,
with the other teams really
pushing us to the limit.
20 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Grid structure
8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 15 15
21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
BAC literature should, where possible, be
produced using the same underlying grid
structure. Our grids help to organise all
graphic elements clearly and ensure that
all communications retain a consistent
look and feel.
Our basic grid consists of five columns.
The grid shown here is for A5 pages
this should be used as a guide for
other format sizes.
However, we realise that there is a
need for some flexibility, as we produce
a large number of documents and
communications. Here are a few things
to bear in mind when producing your
own grid structure:
Keep line lengths short.
They should be between five
and seven words.
Consider all constant elements
of the page structure e.g. folios
and running heads.
Ensure that grids are flexible
enough to add pace and interest
to documents.
All measurements are given
in millimetres.
21 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Charts and diagrams
Diagrams and other infographics should
follow the overall look and feel of the
BAC brand. It is crucial to choose the
most appropriate method for visualising
your data. Use the examples on this page
as a guide for style.
When creating infographics,
observe the general rules:
Clarity is key, with often less being
more. This helps our facts and
figures to remain authoritative
and meaningful.
Colours from the core colour
palette should be used. Tints
of core colours are permitted.
Typography: follow the general
typographic rules described in
these guidelines.
Types of infographic
1 Bar charts
Bar charts are good for comparing
sets of results against each other
clearly. They can be used either
vertically or horizontally.
2 Pie charts
Pie charts are good for comparing
proportions of a whole, and best
when you wish to highlight one
particular section.
3 Pullout figures
An important number or
phrase can be emphasised
of employers saw
improved skills among the
competing apprentices
22 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Style guide
Part of how we write is to ensure that
we get basics like grammar right, and
keep our writing consistent across all
of our materials.
Here is an at-a-glance table outlining
some of the more frequently misused
grammar. Following on the next page
is a more extensive list for the basic
rules we should be following.
Correct Incorrect

Referring to us Brathay Apprentice Challenge (BAC) Brathay Apprenticeship Challenge
Brathay Challenge
Challenge competition
apprentice team of the year Apprentice team of the year
(Unless at the begining of a sentence)
Brathay Trust The Brathay Trust, B.T, BT
Apprenticeships apprenticeships, Apprenticeship
apprentice Apprentice
National Apprenticeship Service National apprenticeship service, National Apprenticeships Service
The National Apprenticeships Service
(the can precede National Apprenticeship Service when
used in the context of a sentence or instances where you are
referring to a possession of the National Apprenticeship Service,
e.g. the National Apprenticeship Service guidelines)
NAS N.A.S., the NAS, The Service
(the can precede NAS where you are referring
to a possession of NAS, e.g. the NAS guidelines)

Hashtag #BAC14
Contact details T Telephone, Tel, T:, T/
F Facsimile, Fax, F:, F/
E Email, E-mail, e-mail, E:, E/
23 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Style guide
Never use an ampersand (&) unless
it is part of a name always spell
out in full and.
% never per cent.
e.g. never Eg, eg, eg.
i.e. never ie, ie.
Never use an apostrophe when writing
plural abbreviations just add a lower
case s (e.g. NVQs, CDs). Dont use
apostrophes, either, when youre
referring to decades (e.g. the 1990s).
Where there is an s on the end
of a singular word, follow with
apostrophe s (e.g. St Jamess Park)
Some possessive pronouns are never
written with an apostrophe its, hers,
and theirs. Its should only be used
as a shortened version of it is.
Body text should always be left aligned
and this rule applies to virtually all
types of other text, including headings,
standfirsts, text in PowerPoint and
text in tables.
Dont put a bracket when
numbering points.
Ideally, use a half return to separate
bullet points from the lines preceding
and following them. This can be done
on published documents, in PowerPoint,
but not in Word. In this case, use a full
return. There shouldnt be a space
between bullets.
Where bullets form a list as part of a
sentence, start each bullet with a lower
case letter and put a full stop at the end
of the last bullet point only.
Where bullet points are there to make a
number of separate points, and where
the sentence before them can stand
alone, start each with a capital letter
and put a full stop at the end.
Capital letters
Never use block capitals in body text.
Use initial capitals for qualification
titles, document titles, the job title
of someone after their name is
mentioned (e.g. Harry Smith,
Marketing and Communications
Manager, Special Projects),
organisations, ministries, departments,
treaties and acts of parliament,
recognised geographical places,
regions, areas, countries and buildings
(e.g. the West Country, Greater
London), and when you are addressing
someone in a letter (Dear Sir).
Use lower case for measurements
(lb, kg, km), i.e. and e.g.
For everything else, use sentence
case, including titles.
Dates should be set out
as 7 September 2012, not 7th
September 2012, September 7
2012 or 7 Sept 12.
Write email, e-learning, e-Quals,
website, internet, online, CD-ROM.
Italics can be used when:
referring to a publication, or a large
document, within another piece of
text (e.g. The Times when referring
to an article within The Times, use
quotation marks instead)
emphasis is needed as an alternative
to bold. Use sparingly and do not
use in the same document as bold
emphasis stick to one or the other.
From zero to nine, numbers should be
written in full. Digits should be used
for 10 and above. For numbers up to
and including 9999 you should not use
commas. From 10,000 use commas to
divide thousands.
Never start a sentence with a figure.
Write the number in words instead.
Quotation marks
Always single, never double. If you
are putting one set of quotation marks
inside another, the second set should
be double, for example I said, Wheres
my car?
Dont underline. For emphasis use
bold, and for headings use approved
font sizes and bold text.
24 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Paper and production
The BAC brand extends all the way
to selecting the right kind of paper
for printed communications. The
recommendations outlined here
are a guide.
If budgets dont allow for these stocks
or they are not easily available, please
ensure that you select stocks which are
similar not only in look and feel, but also
in their environmental credentials.
The weights specified are
recommended for literature of between
12 20 pages. Where its necessary
to use different paper weights, please
make sure they are relevant to the
nature of the communication.
Always aim to use print techniques
which are environmentally friendly,
and work with print and production
suppliers who have FSC and ISO14001
When crediting your print, check
with your print supplier on the
correct terminology.
Recommended paper stocks
Paper stock
Perfect Image
Perfect Image is a white uncoated
paper and board, made from FSC
certified pulp. Available in a wide
substance range, 80gsm 400gsm
and SRA3 to B1. Guaranteed for high
volume laser, inkjet and pre-print
applications in all substances.
Paper stock
Trucard 1 gloss
Trucard 1 gloss is a solid bleached
sulphate board which has a bright white,
smooth, high gloss, coated surface on
side and a clean white uncoated on
the other side. Available in a wide
substance range, 180gsm 400gsm
and SRA2 to B1. Trucard 1 gloss is
also an FSC certified product.
Perfect Image 120gsm
Business cards
Perfect Image 400gsm
(with a gloss laminate to outer shiny side)
Trucard 1 gloss 250/300gsm
(with a gloss laminate to outer shiny side)
Perfect Image 150/170gsm
(or nearest available weights)
Trucard 1 gloss 400gsm
(with a gloss laminate to outer shiny side)
Available from:
Perfect Image
Antalis McNaughton

Trucard 1 gloss
Howard Smith Paper
Sovereign House,
Rhosili Road, Brackmills
Northampton NN4 7JE
Tel: 0845 608 2370
25 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines 25
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
26 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
In order to give our communications a distinct
look and feel and to engage with our audiences,
we have created a suite of six illustrations.
Theyre a mix of illustrations communicating
the key messaging and benets of the Brathay
Apprentice Challenge.
Core illustrations 27
Dingbat illustrations 30
Application 31
Illustration misuse 32

Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines 27
A library of illustrations has been
commissioned that are available
for use across our communications.
They have been categorised
under the key themes of the
Brathay Apprentice Challenge.
The challenge
The outdoors
Competition / success
Core illustrations
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines 28
File type Colourways File type Colourways File type Colourways
Vector EPS Vector EPS Max size: A1 White White White Black Black Black
Illustration 1
The BAC World
Step up to the challenge
Take it to the next level with the Brathay Apprentice
Challenge. Have you got what it takes to be crowned
the apprentice team of the year?
Illustration 2

Be on top of your game
The Brathay Apprentice Challenge is the official search for
the apprentice team of the year. Work as one. Rise as one.
Usage restrictions
Usage rights granted for below the line use only
(Marketing collateral, internal company presentations )
for a period of 5 years in Britain and Wales.
Illustration 3
The Best
Stand out from the crowd
Test yourselves against some of the countrys best
apprentices to be crowned apprentice team of the year.
Core illustrations
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines 29
Core illustrations
File type Orientations File type Colourways File type Colourways
Vector EPS. Max size: A2 Vector EPS Vector EPS Portrait White White Landscape Black Black
Illustration 4
Hard to Beat
Its hard to beat someone who doesnt give up
Brathay Apprentice Challenge.
Illustration 5
Eyes on the Prize

The will to win.
The desire to succeed.
The urge to reach your full potential.
Brathay Apprentice Challenge
Illustration 6
Rise to the challenge
Compete in problem solving, physical endurance
and fundraising tasks. The official search for the
apprentice team of the year is on.
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines 30
Dingbat illustrations
A second tier of illustrations has been
developed to use in a smaller frequency
to the core illustrations.
They are an eclectic mix of styles
and can be used sparingly to
communicate secondary messaging,
enhance layouts and illustrate points
within content.
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines 31
Shown here are examples of how
the illustrations can be applied
to BAC communications.
Thewill towin.
your full potential.
Howtoget involved
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
The core illustrations should be the
main focus of the piece, so be bold
in their application, dont tuck them
away in a corner of your document.
Shown opposite are some things
to avoid when using the illustrations.
HighStreet Deritend, Digbeth,
Wed8February 2012, 10am
TimCampbell, winner of BBC
programme The Apprentice
will be presentingabout
activities withApprenticeships.
For moreinformation:
Russell Johns
Do not crop too tightly or allow the message
to be cut off or obscured.
Do not let any design elements encroach
onto the illustrations, ensure they have
enough clear space surrounding them.
Do not combine illustrations or use them
in too close proximity with each other.
Do not apply illustrations over secondary
Do not alter any of the illustrations or
re-arrange any elements of the illustrations.
Do not re-colour or tint the illustrations. Do not alter or distort the proportions
of the illustrations.
Do not apply logos over the illustrations.
Illustration misuse
33 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines 33
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
34 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Photography and videography
It may be necessary on occasion to support text
with photography i.e. when producing literature
such as brochures and newsletters.

Wherever possible, we should generate our
own imagery, rather than rely on stock libraries.
Whether sourcing stock library images or brieng
a photographer, it is important that our images
follow the tips below.
Capture natural and uncontrived moments
Focus on people and the surrounding landscape
Use real people and scenarios whenever possible
(i.e. not models/studios)
Positive and condent, but not everyone needs to smile
Use a shallow depth of eld/selective focus to isolate
the central character.
Photography: Group shots 35
Photography: Action shots 36
Videography 37

35 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Photography: Group shots
Given the varying sources of
photographs, cameras, film, lighting,
formats, etc, monotone has been
selected as the preferred delivery
style of portrait photography.
Whenever possible, group portraits
should be shot within real environments.
Use the surrounding landscape to add
context to your shot.
Ensure the shots feel natural and
not too staged. Make the subjects
feel comfortable and relaxed.
Please note:
Photography shown is for illustrative
purposes only and remains the property
of the copyright holder.
36 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Photography: Action shots
For literature such as brochures and
newsletters, secondary photography
may be needed. This photography
should be contemporary and intelligent,
reflecting the look and feel of the BAC
brand. Images should be selected for
their strong graphic composition and
people should be photographed in
a reportage style.
All imagery should be converted
to black and white.
Obvious clichs and stereotypes.
People looking at camera.
Overly posed scenarios.
Static feeling scenarios.
No clear sense of focus.
Showing negative situations.
Please note:
Photography shown here is for
illustrative purposes only and remains
the property of the copyright holder.
37 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
When shooting video, always have
a clear sense of the story you are
looking to tell. Dont purely shoot
the activity, include shots of
the surrounding landscape and
environment, the equipment, the
preparation etc. A mix of close up
detail shots and wider environment
shots will help add pace to the video.
When shooting interviews with
people consider the environment
they are in and ensure the subject
is in a comfortable and natural pose.
When applying type and graphics to
the video, always ensure they are in line
with the guidance in this document.
The videos opposite provide good
reference for shooting good activity
based videos.
Please note:
Videos shown here is for illustrative
purposes only and remains the property
of the copyright holder.
Click here to view video online
Click here to view video online
Click here to view video online
Click here to view video online
38 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines 38
Putting it all together
39 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Putting it all together
This section is all about demonstrating how
to pull all of the identity elements together into
printed and digital materials. It will show you how
to create a consistent look and feel across all the
materials you produce, while also making sure you
engage the audience and reect the subject matter.
The visual examples here will help you create
materials, such as booklets, banners and
Printed materials
Brochures 40
Banner stands 43
Posters 44
Templates 45
PowerPoint 46
Train station branding 47
Participation badges 48
Team tshirts 49
Umbrellas 50
Water bottles 51
40 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
The advice on this page and the visual
examples over the following pages will
be useful when creating materials.
Following the principles described here
will ensure design across the BAC brand
remains consistent and recognisable.
Text should always be aligned
to the left of columns in the grid.
White space
Dont over fill a layout, be sure
to preserve white space and use
asymmetry in column layouts to
create variety and interest.
Hanging line
Establish a hanging line from which
all headlines in the document will be
positioned. Dont vary the vertical
position of headings on different pages.
Make strong use of black page
backgrounds when using illustration
or using large copy in order to create
a vibrant document.
Make clear use of headlines, intro
text and then body copy, to draw
the readers eye into the document
as desired.
41 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Brochure covers
Canyour team
comeout ontop?
Thewill towin.
your full potential.
Howtoget involved
42 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Brochure spreads
43 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Banner stands
Thewill towin.
your full potential.
Brathay ApprenticeChallenge
Thewill towin.
your full potential.
Brathay ApprenticeChallenge
Takeit tothenext level withthe
Brathay ApprenticeChallenge.
Haveyougot what it takes
teamof theyear?
Beontopof your game
TheBrathay ApprenticeChallenge
is theofcial searchfor the
apprenticeteamof theyear.
Workas one. Riseas one.
44 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Step up to the challenge
Take it to the next level
with the Brathay Apprentice
Challenge. Have you got what
it takes to be crowned the
apprentice team of the year?
45 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Chief Executive, National Apprenticeship Service
To whom it may concern,
Istibus cullores cupis aces doluptaquamEcum nust hiliquis etuscit faccatis
cullamunt que eos ilignima venisseque volenis esti inul ne sit fugitiate si odilabo.
Ma conseditam am fuga. Ita volupta volor aut poraectem ut ut et quam anis
delescid quodis nullam consequ ostruptassi blacestia ne sit fugitiate si odiaspis
et dolenis aut laborer ovitia dunt ofcil magni dunt, quam fugiandae dolorib
uscipiendi dolluis molore vit aut volectur atatem nimus imin earum rerupient.
Nobitist alitatem el ipsam et porerum consequo cum rem laut ius sant quid quen
eniendunt dolupta temodit mos asit inctatist, quunt esequod eaquam nus mod
ma quo im di dus, ut eost autempor sime quiamusam eatiae ommolenes ilitams
ilis que videnem ratis ventia nonsedia quo blaut quam, nobis que dolectatio.
Yours sincerely,
Company name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Post Code
Chief Executive, National Apprenticeship Service
Brathay Apprentice Challenge
Ipsandit ationec eptatectur
Fictur undit atur aut as dolesed
istibus cullores cupis aces doluptaquam
Brathay Apprentice Challenge
Case Study Innovia Films
Name: TarranVailionis
Location: Brighton
Company: Innovia Films
Ne cus ut od quatur aut aut eati nos
ipiciis qui officti dest, antiis deniatet
aut iur, solorrumas voloremque
rehendus aspici nimagna turistrum
ra con cuptatis reiumevenient aut
faccupistrumnihicimuscillendis ex
exerspid modi asitaqu atectot atius.
Obit quamipid miliquis ex et acest
facepudaes acimporem. Excesci ut
fugitiore conet et fugitio sandicatur,
incipsae verume que sumnosanderum,
omnimus, temquis de aut earumsunt
ute in nos alita quis molupta tiust,
soloribus et doloriae velitatiatemint
accab illaboriam, aut vellent ex expliqu
osamus, sequis magnis explaut voluptis
doluptate veribus era dellumestist,
consectemseque et ad etur rerumqu
atquiditiore dolore dolenist volupti rae
doluptio. Ur? Ignimagniamet vendeli
quibus aspercid untotatur?
Ruptatur rem. Hicia nus in rendipsae
netus, samque plabo. Ut is atae everrum
is eumvolo il magnimin pelit, temquas
et aut dioribus, vendit ma cus minctor
anistio nsequia noneceped excepratur,
aut alibeaquiamvoloriatur? Quis moles
autae debit laccumnum, comnis adinitia
quiducit, sintiur?
Antiis deniatet
Udantorempos sint utemo quamet as
dolor sit quatemdustia quas re est, ium
que que apient modipiducit, asperro
maximin ihicimquae quatiument quis
dolor suntiore volenimilluptatemque nos
et volentis pliquas magnis si unt lateseque
sit quis aut aut aut eatumquametur
reperia voloreiciae paribus, quameos
aciur, simagnit il iliatem. Apit velluptus
maximin ihicim.
Opiciis qui officti dest
Es eiument, seque nimi, temadi unt
acerumandipsa paris quatur, saperei
umquos est, utemolu ptatur, quamus
essit que apieniment expe preperum
harunt qui beaturest, amrehendunt
dolore nonsequia volestiamaut volut
ommolupta nimoluptae por aut lab id
mi, omnimus dolecta tibusda quo
tecerest, nonseriae voloreremaut alibus
eost iuminulparumquis quasitatet ut
ressi ut mos non erumenimquamust
iuriore mporro quatur? Nat ut lignis ex
enimagnis demalitasimodis sitaspitae
ratur, odit, volorro cuptae si demeos
aut at harumvolendae volupta temo
dit atquamcorumaut ipsuntibus.
At remque cuscimet, sit quiatatque
experibus est, temat quos enditat
emolectatio maximsitibus que volorenis
expel iunte nus entis elita consed que nat
eseque sequatemnobis remdoluptat
quatemqui rerruntia dioriasi consecerum
eumsitaqui sapis ilibus, sin plignih icilit,
id quamrae ra dipsapelit eatur sequa
tectemsame ditias porepre prescil exp
la pratur? Quia nimaximin cusamet
esecabor si occaborro etusda comnihi
ciatemos et facillo resciis maximagnatur
sit utat. Dit res dolor molessumad
magnisitameos aliqui distios estrum
il int omniate delita aut et, omnis ius.
Ne cus ut od quatur aut aut eati nos
aut iur, solorrumas voloremque rehen
dus aspici nimagna turistrumra con
cuptatis reiumevenient aut faccupist
rumnihicimuscillendis ex exerspid
modi asitaqu atectot atius.
Word template Certificate template Case study template
46 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
These are examples of our PowerPoint
style. Please always use the
templates available and make sure
your presentation is in line with
the example designs shown here.
The template files include all examples
of title, divider data and bulleted slides.
00| Presentationtitle
Subheader here in 18pt Arial Bold
Body text Arial regular at 18pt. Os nulla
alit ipit lut lorpero odolorper si et nonulla
ndigna facin hent wismod er sim irilit dolum
zzrilit et am, quat la commodo consenibh
essectem incipiscil ute con ut lam, volorer
iusto od euis autat.
Olute nobitatia dessim
Aturiaectur sim es et aut ut etur
Soluptiur remque volorep
Elendit atibeaque
Inum harchil mod ut quatur
Insert title here
Subtitle here
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
Header inArial Bold14pt
Body text Arial regular at 18pt.
Os nulla alit ipit lut lorpero odolor
per si et nonulla ndigna facin hent
wismod er simirilit dolumzzrilit et
am, quat la commodo consenibh
essectemincipiscil ute con ut lam,
volorer iusto od euis autat.
00| Presentationtitle 00/00/13
Insert title here
Subtitle here
Section 1
About us
Presentation title
47 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Train station branding
Windermere train
station are proud
supporters of the
Brathay Apprentice
48 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Participation badges
2013 2013
Entrants badge Finalists badge Winners badge
49 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Team tshirts
50 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
51 Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines
Water bottles
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines 52
Get in touch
To find out more about BAC
or contact:
Jeremy Anderson
Head of Apprentice Development
Brathay Trust
07739 646133
Brathay Apprentice Challenge Brand identity guidelines

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