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Words for Students of English

A Vocabulary Series for ESL

Words in Volume 3

Numbers refer to volume and unit.

abbreviation, 3-5
about, 3-7
abrupt, 3-5
academic, 3-23
accomplish, 3-2
accurate, 3-13
accustomed to, 3-8
achieve, 3-23
acid, 3-10
action, 3-9
activity, 3-12
admire, 3-21
admit, 3-1
adult, 3-14
adventure, 3-20
afford, 3-8
afterward, 3-15
against, 3-9
agree(ment), 3-18
airmail, 3-5
alert, 3-9
alive, 3-19
almost, 3-1
aloud, 3-22
alter, 3-4
although, 3-14
altitude, 3-8
amateur, 3-21
amount, 3-15
and, 3-11

anger, 3-14
ankle, 3-19
announce, 3-24
apology, 3-18
appear(ance), 3-4
appetite, 3-15
approve (of), 3-14
argue, 3-2
assign, 3-24
at once, 3-2
athletic, 3-23
atmosphere, 3-10
attached, 3-16
attend, 3-22
attention (pay), 3-1
attitude, 3-7
average, 3-1
backwards, 3-3
balloon, 3-12
bar, 3-21
based on (basis), 3-7
battle, 3-20
beard, 3-14
bee, 3-12
beer, 3-15
beg, 3-9
behave, 3-14
behind, 3-23

belong to, 3-14

below, 3-6
bet, 3-21
biography, 3-7
birth, 3-19
bite, 3-17
blame, 3-9
blank, 3-13
blond, 3-14
bother, 3-9
bottle, 3-15
bottom, 3-6
brain, 3-19
brave, 3-20
bride, 3-14
budget, 3-18
bum, 3-15
burst, 3-12
bury, 3-22
butter, 3-15
cage, 3-17
calculate, 3-23
calm, 3-17
candidate, 3-18
candle, 3-22
candy, 3-15
captain, 3-20
capture, 3-20


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2

career, 3-24
carpet, 3-16
casual, 3-8
catch, 3-21
category, 3-7
cause, 3-6
ceiling, 3-16
celebrate, 3-22
ceremony, 3-12
champion, 3-21
chance, 3-23
characteristic, 3-7
check, 3-13
chest, 3-19
citizen, 3-20
climate, 3-11
close, 3-15
club, 3-23
clue, 3-9
code, 3-5
combine, 3-10
common, 3-14
community, 3-23
complicated, 3-2
computer, 3-13
conclusion, 3-7
consider, 3-18
consist of, 3-12
contact, 3-5
contain, 3-15
continent, 3-11
continue, 3-3
conversation, 3-14
convince, 3-7
corporation, 3-24
court, 3-9
credit, 3-13
crew, 3-20
crush, 3-10
custom, 3-4
dam, 3-17
damp, 3-16
deaf, 3-19
decrease, 3-13
defect, 3-25
definition, 3-23
delay, 3-21
depend on, 3-24
deposit, 3-16
describe, 3-2

desert, 3-11
deserve, 3-8
detail, 3-7
determination, 3-21
devise, 3-6
dig, 3-17
discuss, 3-14
dish, 3-15
dismiss, 3-24
divest, 3-5
double, 3-17
down payment, 3-13
dozen, 3-15
drill, 3-6
due, 3-16
due (to), 3-25
dust, 3-16
duty, 3-20

fix, 3-24
flavor, 3-15
follow, 3-7
foolish, 3-12
forever, 3-6
forgive, 3-9
fountain, 3-12
fur, 3-4
gate, 3-16
genuine, 3-4
geology, 3-10
ghost, 3-12
glasses, 3-19
glue, 3-12
god, 3-22
goods, 3-25
grain, 3-17
grave, 3-22

eager, 3-24
elevator, 3-16
embarrassed, 3-9
emotion, 3-14
emphasis, 3-7
endless, 3-8
enthusiasm, 3-21
entire, 3-21
envy, 3-8
equal, 3-8
estimate, 3-6
executive, 3-2
exist, 3-5
exit, 3-3
expand, 3-6
expedition, 3-8
explode, 3-20
extra, 3-8

ham, 3-15
hang, 3-16
hardly, 3-25
harsh, 3-11
heart, 3-19
heaven, 3-22
hell, 3-22
hemisphere, 3-11
hold, 3-15
hole, 3-3
holy, 3-22
however, 3-1
human, 3-9
humid, 3-11
hunt, 3-17

factor, 3-25
faith, 3-22
familiar with, 3-5
fancy, 3-4
fantasy, 3-12
fashion, 3-4
fault, 3-9
feather, 3-17
festival, 3-22
fiction, 3-7
fill, 3-10
fit, 3-4

ignore, 3-11
(il)legal, 3-9
immediately, 3-17
import, 3-18
inch, 3-19
include, 3-11
increase, 3-2
incredible, 3-10
independent, 3-14
inflation, 3-25
influence, 3-22
initially, 3-24
inside, 3-23


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2

inspect, 3-3
instruct(or), 3-1
intend, 3-8
interior, 3-16
invade, 3-20
iron, 3-10
irrigate, 3-17
island, 3-11
jealous, 3-14
join, 3-20
journey, 3-3
keep, 3-15
kind (adj), 3-23
kiss, 3-14
knee, 3-19
knock, 3-16
labor, 3-2
laboratory, 3-23
lake, 3-11
lay, 3-16
layer, 3-6
lecture, 3-1
let, 3-14
liberty, 3-18
lightning, 3-11
line, 3-23
literature, 3-1
load, 3-3
loose, 3-4
loyal, 3-20
luck, 3-24
mad, 3-21
magic, 3-12
majority, 3-18
manufacture, 3-2
marine, 3-10
mass, 3-10
match, 3-21
maximum, 3-13
mental, 3-12
metric, 3-10
mile, 3-5
million, 3-5
mind (v), 3-11
mind (n), 3-23

minimum, 3-13
minority, 3-18
miracle, 3-22
model, 3-12
modest, 3-21
motor, 3-3
naked, 3-4
nation, 3-20
necessary, 3-1
neck, 3-19
negative, 3-7
negotiate, 3-2
neither, 3-7
nightmare, 3-12
normal, 3-19
novel, 3-1
numerous, 3-12
object, 3-6
occasion, 3-25
occupation, 3-2
offer, 3-2
opposition, 3-18
orange, 3-11
ordinary, 3-25
oriental, 3-22
otherwise, 3-25
ought to, 3-14
owe, 3-13
oxygen, 3-21
party, 3-18
pass, 3-21
passenger, 3-3
per, 3-16
period, 3-25
permanent, 3-6
phrase, 3-7
physical, 3-12
plural, 3-7
poem/poet, 3-1
poison, 3-9
pole, 3-21
political, 3-18
popular, 3-4
population, 3-18
porch, 3-16
positive, 3-7

poverty, 3-18
powder, 3-10
practical, 3-4
praise, 3-1
pray, 3-22
precious, 3-13
prison, 3-9
procedure, 3-8
process, 3-6
professional, 3-21
profit, 3-25
prompt, 3-5
protect, 3-9
provide, 3-17
psychology, 3-10
punctual, 3-25
pupil, 3-23
questionnaire, 3-10
quite, 3-25
rapid, 3-5
rate, 3-13
ready, 3-24
real, 3-6
realize, 3-21
rear, 3-16
reason, 3-3
recently, 3-19
recognize, 3-7
regularly, 3-5
religion, 3-22
reluctant, 3-11
rely (on), 3-14
remove, 3-4
repay, 3-13
represent, 3-18
request, 3-25
research, 3-10
resign, 3-24
reveal, 3-7
review, 3-1
rise, 3-8
risk, 3-20
roar, 3-21
rocket, 3-10
route, 3-5
ruin, 3-16
rule, 3-1
rush, 3-8


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2

safe, 3-9
sample, 3-25
scarce, 3-20
scholarship, 3-23
scream, 3-9
second, 3-5
seem, 3-19
select, 3-20
seminar, 3-1
separate, 3-6
serious, 3-11
serve, 3-20
severe, 3-11
shade, 3-11
shallow 3-12
sharp, 3-15
sidewalk, 3-5
sight, 3-8
sign (v), 3-25
signal, 3-3
silver, 3-13
simple, 3-6
sin, 3-22
since, 3-11
skin, 3-19
slide, 3-12
slight, 3-25
smart, 3-23
smell, 3-15
smooth, 3-12
solution, 3-6
source, 3-17
speed, 3-3
spot, 3-4

staff, 3-2
state (n), 3-2
step, 3-16
stick, 3-5
stress, 3-2
strict, 3-22
strike, 3-24
substance, 3-6
subtract, 3-13
suicide, 3-9
suitable, 3-4
summary, 3-23
sunset, 3-8
supervise, 3-24
support, 3-24
surface, 3-6

twist, 3-19

tail, 3-17
taste, 3-15
tax, 3-18
technical, 3-24
technology, 3-10
telegram, 3-5
telescope, 3-10
temperate, 3-11
then, 3-23
thermometer, 3-19
through, 3-7
thunder, 3-11
thus, 3-18
touch, 3-15
toward, 3-8
truck, 3-3

warm, 3-24
weapon, 3-20
welcome, 3-16
wet, 3-11
whenever, 3-8
whisper, 3-23
wild, 3-17
wise, 3-25
withdrawal, 3-13
within, 3-6
worth, 3-25
wrap, 3-5

undoubtedly, 3-18
unexpected, 3-24
uniform, 3-20
union, 3-24
unless, 3-25
vacant, 3-16
vehicle, 3-3
via, 3-3
view, 3-18
view, 3-8
village, 3-17
volume, 3-6
voluntary, 3-20

zero, 3-10
zone, 3-11


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