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Words for Students of English

A Vocabulary Series for ESL

Words in Volume 4

Numbers refer to volume and unit.

abstract, 4-23
accompany, 4-18
accumulate, 4-22
acquire, 4-22
actually, 4-3
adequate, 4-7
adjust, 4-4
administrator, 4-1
advise, 4-1
agency, 4-12
agent, 4-12
aid, 4-12
alarm, 4-15
alcohol, 4-16
alcoholism, 4-16
along, 4-24
amaze, 4-20
ancestor, 4-18
angel, 4-20
angle, 4-2
antique, 4-7
appoint, 4-3
appointment, 4-3
ashamed, 4-9
aspect, 4-21
assemble, 4-16
assembly, 4-16
asset, 4-22
assume, 4-23
atom, 4-13

attain, 4-25
attitude, 4-1
attract(ive), 4-10
authority, 4-12
aware, 4-10
awful, 4-9
bachelor, 4-18
balance, 4-12
bank (of a river), 4-19
basket, 4-16
bay, 4-19
belly, 4-6
bend, 4-2
beneath, 4-9
benefit, 4-12
beyond, 4-23
bitter, 4-16
blessing, 4-20
blue-collar, 4-25
board, 4-17
border, 4-12
botany, 4-13
brake, 4-24
brand, 4-16
bribe, 4-15
bring up, 4-18
bulb, 4-7
button, 4-10

cabinet, 4-7
cancer, 4-6
canvas, 4-4
capable of, 4-23
care about, 4-18
care for, 4-18
carpenter, 4-7
cautious, 4-2
cell, 4-15
cement, 4-13
chairman, 4-23
challenge, 4-21
challenging, 4-21
chart, 4-6
chase, 4-15
check (v), 4-22
chief, 4-23
circumference, 4-13
circumstances, 4-11
civilization, 4-23
classify, 4-13
clever, 4-1
cliff, 4-4
dose (to), 4-20
code, 4-23
companion, 4-18
compare, 4-5
compromise, 4-4
concept, 4-23
conception, 4-23


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2

concern, 4-17
concrete, 4-13
cone, 4-13
conference, 4-23
confess, 4-15
confuse, 4-1
connect, 4-2
conscience, 4-15
conscious, 4-6
conserve, 4-9
considerable, 4-17
constant, 4-5
consult, 4-6
contents, 4-16
contradict, 4-12
contrast, 4-8
core, 4-13
courage, 4-17
crack, 4-13
crazy, 4-6
cream, 4-16
create, 4-19
crisis, 4-11
criteria, 4-3
cube, 4-13
currency, 4-22
cycle, 4-21
dairy, 4-16
dawn, 4-8
deadline, 4-22
decade, 4-11
decorate, 4-20
deduct, 4-22
definitely, 4-9
delightful, 4-18
demand, 4-15
demonstrate, 4-9
dent, 4-24
deny, 4-15
department, 4-3
despite, 4-24
develop, 4-24
diagnose, 4-6
diagram, 4-7
diamond, 4-15
dimension, 4-13
discourage, 4-18
disgust, 4-9
district, 4-7
disturb, 4-7
divide, 4-2

document, 4-12
doubt, 4-15
drag, 4-24
draw, 4-7
drown, 4-6
dye, 4-10
earthquake, 4-8
echo, 4-4
edit, 4-5
elderly, 4-18
eliminate, 4-9
emigrate, 4-12
encourage, 4-18
energy, 4-6
enormous, 4-11
epidemic, 4-6
equipment, 4-1
escape, 4-15
essay, 4-23
establish, 4-12
even, 4-11
event, 4-17
evil, 4-5
exchange, 4-10
export, 4-3
express, 4-25
expression, 4-25
extend, 4-4
extreme, 4-8
faint, 4-6
fair, 4-1
fake, 4-15
fare, 4-2
feed (on), 4-19
feminine, 4-10
fertilizer, 4-11
figure out, 4-22
find out, 4-22
fine, 4-10
fire, 4-3
fit, 4-9
flaw, 4-25
flexible, 4-4
fold, 4-5
fortunate, 4-22
fortune, 4-22
freight, 4-24
funeral, 4-20
furnace, 4-7

gain, 4-17
gamble, 4-22
garment, 4-10
gather, 4-19
general, 4-17
generation, 4-18
gentle, 4-18
germ, 4-6
giant, 4-17
goal, 4-25
grab, 4-21
gradual, 4-3
gray, 4-7
great, 4-17
greet, 4-23
grief, 4-20
grocery, 4-14
guarantee, 4-22
guilty, 4-15
hammer, 4-7
harm, 4-9
herd, 4-11
hide, 4-15
highway, 4-24
identify, 4-15
illuminate, 4-13
illustration, 4-5
immature, 4-18
immigrate, 4-12
immortal, 4-20
imply, 4-5
incentive, 4-25
incident, 4-15
income, 4-3
indefinitely, 4-9
index, 4-5
infection, 4-6
inherit 4-7
innocent, 4-15
insignificant, 4-5
insist, 4-12
intermediate, 4-1
introduce, 4-9
invest, 4-22
iron, 4-2
isolate, 4-13
issue, 4-5


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2

jar, 4-16
jet, 4-2
jewel, 4-25
jewelry, 4-25
journal, 4-5
jury, 4-15
knot, 4-17
knowledge, 4-1
label, 4-14
ladder, 4-3
lamb, 4-16
land (v), 4-2
league, 4-21
leisure, 4-25
lieutenant, 4-17
likely, 4-8
list, 4-5
loan, 4-22
Lord, 4-20
lungs, 4-6
luxury, 4-4
main, 4-2
maintenance, 4-7
mankind, 4-13
manual, 4-25
mark, 4-6
mark (grade), 4-23
master, 4-23
matter, 4-22
memorial, 4-17
memorize, 4-17
memory, 4-17
merchant, 4-14
mild, 4-8
mine, 4-9
minus, 4-13
mortal, 4-20
motion, 4-2
muscle, 4-21
nail, 4-7
native, 4-4
nearly, 4-14
neat, 4-1
needle, 4-10
nest, 4-19

nod, 4-24
notice, 4-8
nut, 4-16
obey, 4-17
obstacle, 4-21
obtain, 4-14
occupy, 4-4
occur, 4-17
operation, 4-17
optimistic, 4-3
optional, 4-1
organize, 4-19
orientation, 4-1
orphan, 4-18
out of
stock, 4-14
output, 4-3
pace, 4-23
pale, 4-6
particular, 4-14
partner, 4-3
pasture, 4-11
patience 4-1
pattern, 4-10
pedal, 4-24
peninsula, 4-8
pension, 4-25
permission, 4-18
personnel, 4-3
pet, 4-18
philosophy, 4-23
pilot, 4-2
pin, 4-10
pink, 4-19
pioneer, 4-4
pipe, 4-11
plain, 4-4
planet, 4-8
plant, 4-25
platform, 4-24
plenty, 4-11
plus, 4-13
point, 4-21
policy, 4-12
polish, 4-10
polite, 4-2
position, 4-21
possess, 4-11
postpone, 4-21

potential, 4-25
pour, 4-16
preach, 4-20
predict, 4-23
present (with), 4-25
press, 4-24
pretend, 4-15
previously, 4-19
priest, 4-20
primitive, 4-4
private, 4-17
progress, 4-12
project, 4-3
promote, 4-3
proper, 4-9
prosper, 4-11
protest, 4-12
pull, 4-2
qualified, 4-23
quarrel, 4-25
quick, 4-14
quote, 4-5
radar, 4-8
range, 4-8
raw, 4-16
raw material, 4-25
recommend, 4-8
record, 4-1
recover, 4-6
rectangle, 4-13
register, 4-1
reject, 4-23
relative, 4-14
remain, 4-19
remind, 4-8
replace, 4-19
report, 4-5
reputation, 4-5
rescue, 4-19
resource, 4-11
restriction, 4-12
retire, 4-3
ritual, 4-20
robe, 4-20
roll, 4-24
rope, 4-17
rotate, 4-13
rough, 4-19
routine, 4-21


Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary Series for ESL, Volume 2

rub, 4-21
rude, 4-22
rug, 4-7
sacred, 4-20
scheme, 4-14
scratch, 4-24
screw, 4-7
screwdriver, 4-7
section, 4-25
seldom, 4-14
selfish, 4-18
series, 4-14
settle, 4-11
sew, 4-10
shake, 4-16
shape, 4-13
sharp, 4-6
sheet, 4-8
shell, 4-19
shelter, 4-7
shrink, 4-10
significant, 4-5
situation, 4-17
slip, 4-8
society, 4-12
soft, 4-8
soil, 4-11
solar, 4-9
specify, 4-14
spill, 4-19
spirit, 4-20
spiritual, 4-20
stable, 4-12
standard, 4-14
star, 4-19

steady, 4-8
steel, 4-2
steep, 4-24
stick(n), 4-19
stir, 4-16
stock, 4-14
straight, 4-2
stretch, 4-10
string, 4-11
stupid, 4-17
style, 4-10
substitute, 4-1
suffer, 4-8
suggest, 4-5
sum, 4-14
supreme, 4-20
surroundings, 4-18
swell, 4-16
swelling, 4-16

toast, 4-16
toaster, 4-16
tongue, 4-16
toward, 4-4
trade, 4-12
tradition, 4-10
trap, 4-15
treasure, 4-22
triangle, 4-13
tribe, 4-4
ultimate, 4-14
unfit for, 4-9
unlikely, 4-8
upset, 4-22
urban, 4-24
volleyball, 4-21

target, 4-17
task, 4-25
technique, 4-9
teller, 4-22
temper, 4-21
tendency, 4-14
tense, 4-4
tent,. 4-4
term, 4-22
terms, 4-22
theory, 4-23
thread, 4-10
tie, 4-11
tiny, 4-6
tip, 4-24
tire, 4-21

waiter, 4-25
waste, 4-16
wave, 4-21
wear out, 4-10
white collar, 4-25
whole, 4-21
widow, 4-18
widower, 4-18
willing, 4-14
wing, 4-19
wire, 4-11
worship, 4-20
youth, 4-1


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