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Emmanuel Pina

Chapter 6: Rome & Han China
753 B.C.E-330 B.C.E
Roman Republic - was the period of ancient Roman civilization beginning with
the overthrow of Roman Kingdom
Roman Senate - is a governing body of romans that take care of everything else
other than wars and the military
Patron/Client relationship - A relation ship between a man with power/wealth
and a a man with no power/wealth. The man with wealth helps the man that is
poor and the man that is poor has to pay back what the wealthy man gave him
as a favor or as anything they agreed upon.
Roman Principate - The period following the Roman Republic. During that
period Octavian/Augustus eliminated all rivals & he redid the Roman gov't
Augustus - A title given by the Romans to the son of Julius Caesar, Octavian
Equites - members of a specially privileged class derived from the ancient
Roman cavalry and having status intermediate between those of senatorial
rank and the common people.
pax romana - A period of prosperity that allowed trade to increase due to lack
of expansion
Jesus - a young carpenter from the Galilee region, that was the "Anointed One"
that was going to save the jews from the romans
Paul - a jew from Tarsus (a greek city)that traveled long distances to spread
the words that Jesus, the messiah, was there.
This section talks about the vocabluary in Chapter 6 for example, the pax romana and the equites.
If they are people and not vocabulary their importance also where they lived is shown in the definition.
What followed the Roman
How does the person w/
no power/wealth pay back
the person that does have
What did Augustus do to
during the Roman
What was the jews
expectation of Jesus?
Vocabulary Continued
Aqueducts - a long canal system used to make water travel for long distances
third-century crisis - A period from 235 to 284 C.E. in which political,
military, and economic problems nearly destroyed the Roman empire
Constantine - Emperor of the roman empire, he was able to reunite the entire
empire under his role.
Qin - One of the rival states during the "Warring States Period". It was a state
that ended up overtaking the other states and rulling almost all of china.
Shi Huangdi - the "first emperor" that was responsible for the reunitement of
Han - a dynasty that followed the Qin dynasty. The Qin dynasty failed after
Shi Huangdi died. So that let the rebellion of Liu Bang available to take the
Chang'an - The capital of the Han Dynasty
Gentry - A class of scholars that would become officials as others became
Social Leaders
Xiongnu - A confederacy of Turkish people that was the only threat to
the Han Dynasty
Natural resources
- Navigable rivers, forests, iron, arable land
Who was responsible
for conquering the
other states durng the
"Warren States"
What was the capital
of china during the
Han Dynasty?
What does Shi Huangdi
What did the gentry
become if they didn't
become officials?
What were some
Natural resources in
Same as the first page, only a part of Notes are added

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