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I. Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I) by putting the verbs into the correct form !
1. If you ( send ) the letter now , She ( receive ) it tomorrow.
2. If I ( do ) this test, I ( improve ) my English.
3. If I ( find ) your ring, I ( give ) it back to you.
4. Peggy ( go ) shopping if She ( have ) time in the afternoon.
5. Sarah ( go ) to London next week if she ( get ) a cheap flight.
6. If her boyfriend (phone / not ) today, she ( leave ) him.
7. If they ( study / not ) harder, they ( pass / not ) the exam.
8. If it ( rain ) tomorrow, I ( have to / not ) water the plants.
9. You ( be able / not ) to sleep if you (watch ) this scary movie.
10. Susan ( can / move / not ) into the new house if it ( be / not )
II. Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type II) by putting the verbs into the correct form !
1. If we ( have ) a yacht, we ( sail ) the seven seas.
2. If he ( have ) more time, he ( learn ) karate
3. If they ( tell ) their father, he ( be ) very angry
4. She ( spend ) a year in the USA if it ( be ) easier to get green card.
5. If I ( live ) on a lonely island, I ( run ) around naked all day.
6. We ( help ) you if we ( know ) how.
7. My brother ( buy ) a sport car if he ( have ) the money.
8. If I ( feel ) better, I ( go ) to the cinema with you.
9. If you ( go ) by bike more often, you ( be / not ) so flabby.
10. She ( talk / not ) to you if she ( be ) mad at you
III. Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type III) by putting the verbs into the correct form.
1. If you ( study ) for the test, you ( passs ) it.
2. If you ( ask ) me, I ( help ) you.
3. If we ( go ) to the cinema, we ( see ) my friend Jimmy.
4. If you ( speak ) English, she ( understand )
5. If they ( listen ) to me, we ( be ) home earlier.
6. I ( write you a postcard if I ( have ) your address
7. If I ( break / not ) my leg, I ( take part ) in the contest.
8. If it ( start / not ) to rain, we ( walk ) to the museum.
9. We ( swim ) in the sea if there ( be / not ) so many sharks there.
10. If she ( ( take ) the bus, she ( arrive / not ) on time.


( TYPE 1, 2 & 3 )

CONDITIONAL SENTENCE (If Caluse) atau kalimat pengandaian menerangkan keadaan hingga
pengandaian :

Fungsi : Untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang terjadi di masa yang akan datang.
Pattern :
If Clause Main Clause
Simple Present tense Simple Present Future
S + ( is/am/are ) + Adj /Adv/ N S + will/shall + V1

Example :
If Clause Main Clause
If Im a rich man I will buy a big house
If she graduates ffom the SMK He will be very happy
The fact :
I may be a rich man, so I may buy a big house.
She may graduate, so he may be very happy.

Mengungkapkan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi sekarang atau pada waktu mendatang apabila
persyaratannya terpenuhi. Misalnya kalimat : If I have enough money, I will buy the book . Artinya ada
kemungkinan saya dapat membeli buku itu.

- If it rain, you will get wet.
- If we dont hurry , we will miss the train.
I will drive you home if you dont mind.

Fungsi : Untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang bertolak belakang/ tidak mungkin terjadi
Pettern :
If Clause Main Clause
Simple Past Tense Simple Past Future
S + were + Adj/Adv/N S + would/should+be+Adj+Adv/N

The fact
Simple Present Tense
S + ( is/am/are ) + not + Adj/Adv/N
S + ( is/am/are ) + Adj/Adv/N
S + do/does not + V1
S + V1

Mengungkapkan sesuatu yang bertolak belakang dengan yang terjadi saat ini , Kalimat itu
menggunakan khayalan . misalnya: If Ihad enoiugh money . I would buy that ekspensive book.Kalimat
itu mencerminkan bahwa pembicara sedang membayangkan memiliki banyak uang , kenyataannya
pembicaranya tidak memiliki cukup uang.
- If you studied hard, you would get good marks.
- If you went to bed earlier, you wouldnt be so tired.
- You would be better if you got more sleep.

Example :
If you are my girl friend, I would take you to the moon.
He would go home soon If his wife gave birth

The fact :
You are not my girl friend so I dont take you to the moon.
He doesnt go home soon because his wife doesnt give birth.

Note :
Semua subject bila memakai to be adalah were

Type 3
Fungsi : Untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi di masa lalu.
Pattern :
If Clause Main Clause
Simple past perfect Simple Past Perfect Future
S + had + been + Adj/Adv/N S + would/should+have+been+Adj/Adv/N

The Fact
Simple Past Tense
S + was / were not + Adj/Adv/N
S + was/were + Adj/Adv/N
S + did not + V1
S + V2

Mengungkapkan sesuatu yang bertolak belakang dengan yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan tidak
mungkin terjadi di masa lampau. Misalnya : If I had enoiugh money . I would have bought that
ekspensive book. Ungkapan ini menunjukkan bahwa saat itu (dulu) saya tidak memilki cukup uang
untuk membeli buku yang mahal itu,
- If you had studied harder, you would have passed the exam.
- If you have taken the TOEFL preparation cource, you would have won the scholarship.
You would have catched the morning flight if you had waken up early.

Example :
If Doni had studied hard, He would have graduated from SMK
She would have come early if she had gotten a taxi.
The Fact :
Doni did not study hard so he did not graduate from SMK
She did not come early because she did not get a taxi.

Catatan :
- Bila if clause mendahului clausa utama, berilah tanda koma sesudah if clause contoh : If we
dont hurry , we will miss the train
- Apabila if clause ditulis setelah kalusa utama , tidak perlu diberi koma. Contoh: Iwill drive you
home if you dont mind. :

Conditional Sentences Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, and Mixed Conditional
Do you understand what these sentences imply?
Do you know what they mean?
o "If you had left earlier, you would have caught the train." or
o "You will make yourself ill if you eat all those chocolates."
They are called conditional sentences. A conditional sentence consists of two clauses; the if-clause, and the main
clause. The if-clause can come first or second. When it comes first, we usually put a comma between the two

There are 4 (four) types of conditional sentences, including mixed conditional.
1. Conditional Sentence Type 1
The if-clause is in the present tense, the main clause uses will and the infinitive, or simple present.
Conditional Sentence Type 1
Type 1
Simple present
If you work hard,
Simple present
you succeed.
Simple future
you will succeed.
True in the present or possible
in future
Its possible to happen in the
When do we use conditional sentence type 1?
a. We use conditional sentence type 1 to talk about possible situations in the present or future.
o If you leave earlier, you will not be late.
o If you open the windows, the room will get some fresh air.
b. We often use conditional type 1 to talk about facts or processes:
o If you heat water to 100 degrees, it will boil.
o If we stare into the sun, we will hurt our eyes.
Other modal verbs can also be used in place of will and would.
o If it rains like this all day, the river might flood. (might = will possibly)
o If it rains like this all day, the river could flood. (could = will be able to)
2. Conditional Sentence Type 2
The if-clause is in the simple past or the past continuous tense, the main clause uses would and the
infinitive, or would be and the present participle (Verb-ing).
Conditional Sentence Type 2
Type 2
Simple past
If you worked hard,
Past continuous
If it were not
raining now,
would + simple form
you would succeed.
would be + present
I would be going out for a
Untrue in the present
Fact: You dont work hard, so
you dont succeed
Fact:Its raining now, so Im not
going out for a walk.
When do we use conditional sentence type 2?
Conditional sentence type 2 is used to talk about actions or situations that are not taking place in the
present or future, but we can imagine the probable result.
o If we didnt live in a big city, we would not have to breathe polluted air everyday. (In truth, we
live in a big city)
o If he were here, I would tell him about my plan.
(In fact, he isnt here)
Were is used for both singular and plural subjects.
The use of type 2 conditional in If I were you, I would is a common form of advice.
3. Conditional Sentence Type 3
The if-clause is in the past perfect or the past perfect continuous tense, the main clause uses would
have and past participle (Verb 3), or would have been and present participle (Verb-ing).
Conditional Sentence Type 3
Type 3
Past perfect
If you had
worked hard,
Past perfect
If it had not been
raining yesterday
would have + past
you would have
would have been +
present participle
I would have been
going out for a walk.
Untrue in the past
Fact: You didnt work hard, so
you didnt succeed.
Fact: It was raining yesterday
afternoon. I was not going out
for a walk.
When do we use conditional sentence type 3?
Conditional sentence type 3 is used to talk about actions or situations that did not take or were not
taking place in the past, but we can imagine the probable result.
o If you had come to the party last night, you would have met my cousin. (In truth, you didnt
come to the party last night)
o If he had not been late this morning, his teacher would not have punished him. (In truth, he was
4. Mixed Conditional Sentence
Mixed conditional sentence is a combination of conditional sentence type 2 and conditional sentence
type 3.
Mixed Conditional Sentence
Simple past
If I were a bird,
Past perfect
If you had
worked hard,
would have + past
I would have flown to your
place last night.
would + simple form
you would succeed.
Untrue in the present or
Fact: I am not a bird, so I didnt
fly to your place.
Untrue in the past.
Fact: You didnt work hard.
Now, you dont succeed.
When do we use mixed conditional sentence?
Mixed conditional sentence is used to talk about actions or situations that did not take or were not taking
place in the past, but we can imagine the probable result in the present, or actions or situations that do
not take place in the present, but we can imagine the probable result in the past.
o If you lived near the factory, you would have heard the sound of the explosion. (In truth, you
dont live near the factory. Therefore, you didn't hear the sound of the explosion.)
o If he had not been late this morning, he would be permitted to join the test. (In truth, he was
late. Therefore, he is not permitted to join the test.)

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