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The steps or stages by which inputs (i.e., people, materials,

, and environment) are transformed into outputs comprise a: (Points : 1)
Systemic Structure
Why-Why Chart
None of the above

Question 2.
2. Processes in the five P's model include: (Points : 1)
The organization's principles that exist while making product(s) or performing service(s)
Organization's vision, mission, goals and objectives
The capability to be replicated.
All the metrics, measurement, and expected results that indicate the status of the organization
None of the above

Question 3.
3. SQM builds on the foundation set by Alfred Chandler which states that: (Points : 1)
Strategy drives structure
Organizational structure must follow strategy
Strategy must be aligned with structure for an organization to be successful
None of the above
All of the above

Question 4.
4. The systems perspective of an organization: (Points : 1)
Leads to suboptimal performance if practiced by top management
Advocates competition between organizational components to optimize
organizational performance
Views the organization as a group of interdependent parts with relations among
its parts that should be managed from a collective perspective
Views the organization as a collection of independent parts
None of the above

Question 5.
5. All of the following conditions existed in the "old era" of
quality except: (Points : 1)
Inspection was used to identify errors

Errors were the norm for customers
Quality was integrated into strategic plans
Rework and scrap was a way of life
All of the above existed in the old era

Question 6.
6. All of the following are included in the Tenets of SQM except: (Points : 1)
Each segment or phase of a process has a customer--the next phase of the
Customers have a right to expect quality products, services, processes, and
Every individual, team, and organization must strive to satisfy internal and
external customers
All are included in the Tenets of SQM
None are included in the Tenets of SQM

Question 7.
7. Crosby's four Absolutes of Quality Management include all of the following except: (Points :
Quality means conformance to requirements, not goodness
The performance standard must be zero defects, not "that's close enough"
The system for causing quality is prevention, not appraisal
Quality is fitness for use
All are included

Question 8.
8. The key leverage point in SQM is that ____________ are (is) the link between and organization's strategy and its behavior and results.
(Points : 1)
Organizational events and results
Organizational structures and processes
Organizational controls
Organizational feedback
None of the above

Question 9.
9. The focus on the customer, one of SQM's major philosophies, was first introduced as part of an organization's production system by:
(Points : 1)
None of the above are correct.

Question 10.
10. Wholeness, as a common characteristic of a system, implies: (Points : 1)
That the individual parts interrelate and affect one another
That each system consists of several subsystems
That a system has unique qualities that are different from those of the individual parts
That the organization cannot be broken into separate components
None of the above

Question 11.
11. An extension of Chandler's theory suggests that: (Points : 1)
Once a structure is developed, it should stay in place permanently
Redesigning structure is too costly for an organization, so strategies
should not be changed
Cost of restructuring should be the primary driver for such decisions
New structures are needed to meet the demands of new strategies
None of the above

Question 12.
12. A good vision statement: (Points : 1)
Is very specific
Provides strategic direction
Includes something about customers
Is considered an extension of the mission statement
All of the above

Question 13.
13. A blend of values, stories, heroes, rituals, and ceremonies that have come to mean a great deal to the people who work for an
organization: (Points : 1)
Organizational behaviors
Shared values
Neither a, b, c, nor d is correct

Question 14.
14. A theory which states that if people act contrary to their attitudes and values, such behavior can eventually change their beliefs and
values: (Points : 1)
Shared values
Social ethic
Individual ethic
Cognitive dissonance
Bahavior Modification

Question 15.
15. To successfully implement SQM, cultural changes and paradigm shifts may be necessary. These shifts include all of the following except:
(Points : 1)
From controlling to supporting/enabling
From withholding information to sharing information
From workers are dispensable to workers are valuable assets
From management only by numbers to support of innovation
All of the above are necessary shifts

Question 16.
16. Shared values may lead to positive or negative behavior depending on which of the following: (Points : 1)
If they have been formally developed and communicated
The level of commitment to the shared values by the organizational members
The nature of the principles which are the basis for the shared values
All of the above

Question 17.
17. In the ethical-moral value classification system: (Points : 1)
A person will ask "how will it benefit me to make this decision or take this action?"
People are primarily interested in the discovery of truth and the systematic ordering of knowledge
A person will ask "how can quality improvement tools and concepts be used in practical ways to improve
quality, reduce costs and cycle time, and ensure on-time delivery?"
A person will ask "is this the right thing to do?"
None of the above is correct

Question 18.
18. The general hierarchy focus of activities in an organization includes all of the following concepts except: (Points :
Order and arrangement of processes
Rank and order are imposed on people and they become the focus of the organization
High level macroprocesses exist which can be broken into smaller mid-level and low-level processes
Rank and order imposed on processes causing them to become the focus of the organization
None of the above

Question 19.
19. A unique problem associated with the matrix structure is that: (Points : 1)
It lacks unity of command
It leads to isolation of functional areas
Work is segmented only by discipline
Work is segmented only by task
All of the above

Question 20.
20. The main benefits of organizing by processes include: (Points : 1)
It reinforces the importance of systemic structures
It mirrors the customer's desire for "total" results
It improves understanding of complexities and interrelations which
increase learning and effectiveness and provide a common language for all
teams to use
All of the above
None of the above

Question 21.
21. All of the following are benefits of the process-focus except: (Points :
It is easier to translate top level goals and objectives into process
focused objectives
Allows those involved to see their entire process
Enables those involved to see how their decisions and actions affect
others in the process
It is difficult to change from a functional focus to a process focus
All are benefits

Question 22.
XYZ University hired a new president (the Pres), and Professor Q (Prof Q) was energized when she met him. The Pres told Prof Q that he
believes in performance excellence and treating students as customers. The Pres wanted to immediately get started on an improvement
initiative. He asked Prof Q to write a Quality Plan. In a week, Prof Q briefed the Pres and his staff on the Quality Plan and execution
requirements. Prof Q then briefed members of the Presidents executive council as well as the Deans, department heads and selected
faculty members. Prof Q even met with vice presidents and provided them a suggested checklist for implementation in their respective
areas. The VP of Students and her direct reports immediately began implementation in her areas of responsibility. However, the other VPs
gave only lip service to the concept of performance excellence. A. In terms of the 5 Ps Model, the strategic management model, and other
theories from your textbook, what did the Pres do wrong (and what should have been done differently) if he wanted to ensure successful
implementation of the Quality (performance excellence) initiative at XYZ University? B. What can the Pres do now to make the
improvement initiative more successful?

(Points : 26)

Question 23.

Discuss Drs. Deming, Juran and Pryor's Quality Definitions and one of each of their theories. What is the biggest
disadvantage of using each of these theories?

(Points : 18)

Question 24.
24. Toyota, a company that was once known for its quality and reliability, has had recalls in 2012 and 2013 that are damaging to its
reputation. On September 4, 2013, in CNN Money, Toyota announced it was recalling 369,000 defective vehicles after its problematic fix on the
first (2012) recall. The Toyota Way, Lean Manufacturing, and a lot of other improvement methodologies and tools resulted from Toyota's
commitment to continuous improvement. How could a company known for superior quality have so many quality problems? Use the elements of
the 5P's Model to analyze this scenario. (Points : 20)

Question 25.
Discuss process management and improvement from the perspectives of (1) the process owner and the other process stakeholders (2)
measurement or key performance indicators, and (3) the concept of value.

(Points : 15)

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