Advantages of Industrialized Building

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Advantages of industrialized building

system in Malaysia
Maryam Qays Oliewy *, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia.
Kamal Nasharudeen Mustapha, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia.
Bashar S. Mohammad, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia.
* maryamar!hi!ivi.!om
"n the era o# glo$ali%ation, Malaysia is implementing the industriali%ation in !onstru!tion se!tor
under the term &industriali%ed $uilding system& or &"BS&. The Malaysian government has adopted
the industriali%ed $uilding system sin!e si'ties and underwent great e##orts in this #ield. The most
important $ene#its o# this system whi!h have $een !on!luded in many studies are redu!ing
!onstru!tion time, redu!ing total !ost, redu!ing the dependen!y on #oreign wor(ers, in!reasing
)uality o# $uildings, promoting sa#e and systemati! #a!tory wor(ing environment, and provide
!leaner and neater site .
*owever, there is still la!( in awareness o# the advantages o# industriali%ed $uilding system
among the players in !onstru!tion se!tor. Thus, a )uestionnaire survey study was !arried out to
validate the advantages o# industriali%ed $uilding system whi!h was !olle!ted #rom the literature
reviews and to determine the advantages to Malaysian so!iety. The results demonstrate that the
#irst #ive advantages o# industriali%ed $uilding system are redu!ing total !onstru!tion time,
minimi%ing the use o# tim$er #ormwor(s at site, enhan!ing )uality o# $uilding, minimi%ing solid
waste, redu!ing num$er o# wor(ers at site and de!reasing air pollution at !onstru!tion site.
Keywords+ industriali%ed $uilding system, advantages o# "BS.
Malaysian government has adopted the industriali%ed $uilding system sin!e si'ties and underwent
great e##orts in this #ield ,Thanoon et. al., -../0. The early attempt to apply "BS in Malaysia was
the two pilot pro1e!ts, the #irst pro1e!t was 2e(eliling 3lats in Kuala 4umpur in 5678 and the
se!ond was Taman Tun Sardon, 9elugor, 2enang in 567:. ,;in, 56<80
These two pilot pro1e!ts have $rought $ad reputation to "BS due to the pro$lems o# lea(age
$e!ause the =uropean systems used were not appropriate #or Malaysian wet toilets and $athrooms.
,>ahman ? Omar -..70. @lthough the #ailure o# these two pro1e!ts, the government did not
despair and improved its way towards enhan!ing the e'perien!e in pre#a$ri!ated system #ield.
@#ter the development o# pre!ast !on!rete and steel te!hnology, Malaysian !onstru!tion se!tor
witnessed many su!!ess#ul pro1e!ts su!h as 2etronas Twin Towers, Bu(it Aalil Sports Bomple' and
9ames Cillage, and the 4>T lines and tunnels. ,B";B -../ a0
The most important $ene#its o# this system, as mentioned in several studies ,Dars%aws(i 56660,
,B";B -..:0, ,B";B -../$0 and ,Thanoon et al, -../0 are )uite high. >edu!ing !onstru!tion
time, redu!ing total !ost, redu!ing the dependen!y on #oreign wor(ers, in!reasing )uality o#
$uildings, promoting sa#e and systemati! #a!tory wor(ing environment, and providing !leaner and
neater site. *owever, there is still la!( in awareness o# these $ene#its among players in the
!onstru!tion se!tor. There#ore, this study was !ondu!ted to validate the advantages o#
industriali%ed $uilding system.
Industrialized building system
"ndustriali%ed $uilding system !an $e de#ined as a !onstru!tion system whi!h !omponents are
manu#a!tured in a #a!tory, on or o## site, positioned and assem$led into stru!tures with minimal
additional site wor( ,B";B, -../a0.
"BS was also de#ined as a !onstru!tion system that is $uilt using preE#a$ri!ated !omponents. The
manu#a!turing o# the !omponents is systemati!ally done using ma!hine, #ormwor(s and other
#orms o# me!hani!al e)uipment. The !omponents are manu#a!tured o##site and on!e !ompleted
will $e delivered to !onstru!tion sites #or assem$ly and ere!tion. >ahman and Omar ,-..70
@!!ording to ,Dars%aws(i, 56660 "BS !an $e de#ined as a set o# interrelated element that a!t
together to ena$le the designated per#orman!e o# the $uilding.
"ndustriali%ed $uilding system also !an $e de#ined as a $uilding system whi!h involves
industriali%ed produ!tion o# $uilding elements or !omponents as well as ere!tion and assem$ly o#
these elements into a desired $uilding stru!ture through me!hani!al means using as little inEsitu
!onstru!tion as possi$le. The elements are thus pre!ast o# pre#a$ri!ated either in an o##Esite #a!tory
or in an onEsite !asting yard ,Tri(ha ? @$ang -..80.
B";B has divided the industriali%ed $uilding system into #ive types ,B";B -../$0+
5E 2re!ast Bon!rete 3raming, 2anel and Bo' Systems whi!h !ontain pre!ast !olumns, $eams,
sla$s, /E; !omponents ,$al!onies, stair!ases, toilets, li#t !ham$ers0, permanent !on!rete #ormwor(,
-E Steel 3ormwor( Systems whi!h !ontain tunnel #orms, $eams and !olumns moulding #orms,
permanent steel #ormwor(s, metal de!(s, et!F
/E Steel 3raming Systems whi!h in!lude steel $eams and !olumns, portal #rames, roo# trusses, et!F
8E 2re#a$ri!ated Tim$er 3raming Systems whi!h !ontain tim$er #rames, roo# trusses, et!F
:E Blo!( Dor( Systems whi!h !ontain interlo!(ing !on!rete masonry units ,BMU0, lightweight
!on!rete $lo!(s, et!.
The advantages of using industrialized building system
Many resear!hes have mentioned the advantages o# using "BS system in there wor(s. This study
!an list the advantages o# "BS as #ollows+
5E *igh )uality and good a!!eptan!e
G *igh )ualityE!ontrolled produ!ts due to !ontrolled environment in #a!tory, $etter material
sele!tion and using high me!hani%ed te!hnology. ,;in 56<80.
G S(illed wor(ers with spe!i#i! s!ope o# wor(s improve e##i!ien!ies and redu!e errors. ,Noraini
G Una##e!ted $y weather element due to !ontrolled environment o# !asting area. ,2eng 56<70.
G The industriali%ed $uilding systems !an redu!e $oredom and monotony $y getting #le'i$ility in
ar!hite!tural design. ,Dars%aws(i 56660.
-E Bost
G >edu!ing onEsite wor(ers signi#i!antly redu!ing la$or !ost #or !ontra!tors. ,Disam -..:0.
G Minimi%ing !ost o# trans#erring waste material duo to )uality !ontrol and redu!ing waste
material. ,Noraini -..60
G The a$ility to use the !omponentsH moulds repeatedly whi!h made o# steel, aluminum, et! #or
di##erent pro1e!ts. ,Bing et al. -..5 ,
G ='emption o# the Bonstru!tion 4evy #or housing developers who utili%e "BS !omponents
e'!eeding than I. J. ,B";B -..:0.
E No need to do re!ti#i!ation wor(s $e!ause o# !losely !he!(ing and !ontrolling in #a!tory and this
will save a lot o# money. ,B";B -..:0.
/E Time
G 3aster !ompletion o# pro1e!ts due to advan!e o##Esite preparations and simpli#ied installation
pro!ess. ,Disam -..:0.
G Managea$le !onstru!tion s!hedule $y the use o# planning !ontrol, estimated lead time and
#ore!asted down time. ,Noraini -..60
G O##Esite produ!tion !an start while the !onstru!tion site is under earthwor(s. This o##ers earlier
o!!upation o# $uilding and minimi%es interest payment. ,2eng56<70.
8E Sa#ety
E 2romote sa#e and systemati! #a!tory wor(ing environment as minimal wor(ers, materials and
!onstru!tion waste is re)uired onEsite. ,B";B-../$0.
:E Bleanness and neatness+
"BS provide !leaner sites due to+
E Systemati! !omponents storage and timely material delivery ,AustEinETime prin!iples0. ,B";B
E >edu!tion o# !onstru!tion material at site. ,Disam -..:0.
E >edu!tion o# waste materials at site duo to !asting in #a!tory. ,Disam -..:0.
E minimi%ing the use o# #ormwor(s and props at site $e!ause o# !asting in #a!tory. ,B";B -..:0.
7E So!ial $ene#its+
E >edu!e the dependen!y on #oreign wor(ers and redu!e money out#low and their so!ial pro$lems,
low )uality wor(s, delays, and diseases. ,B";B -..60.
E Saving in la$our at !onstru!tion site ,a$out 8.E:.J !ompared to !onventional method0.
,Dars%aws(i 56660.
Problem statement
The enormous in!reasing o# population during the latest years has generated intensive demands on
houses. @!!ording to ,Bhen, -...0, Malaysia need a total o# <,<:.,::8 houses $etween years 566:
to -.-. on average 5,I6.,<-. units to $e $uilt #or every ten years. This means that the !onstru!tion
se!tor must adopt #ast method and a!!elerate its implementation to !ope with these demands.
The @nnual 4a$or 3or!e Survey !ondu!ted $y the ;epartment o# Statisti!s indi!ated that the
num$er o# #oreign wor(ers has in!reased to 5.5 million in year -... !ompared to a$out 5/7,...
persons in the early eighties. 4atest immigration statisti!s revealed that the num$er o# legal #oreign
wor(ers in Malaysia rose to 5,/:6,7/- wor(ers as at Auly -..8 ,MO3, -..:0. @!!ording to
Bonstru!tion "ndustry ;evelopment Board ,B";B0 Malaysia, 76J ,::-,...0 out o# total <..,...
o# registered !onstru!tion wor(ers as at Aune -..I is #oreign wor(ers ,B";B, -..I$0. The danger
o# the #oreign wor(ers has $e!ome very noti!ea$le. Money out#low to other !ountries, so!ial
pro$lems su!h as getting drugs, #ighting and )uarrels whi!h may o!!ur $etween #oreigners and
!iti%ens, low )uality and produ!tivity wor(s, delay in wor(s, and dangerous diseases su!h as
hepatitis and @";S. ,Dan *amidon -..<0
3urthermore, the a$undan!e o# !heap #oreign wor(ers in Malaysia has $e!ome the relu!tant #or!e
against the use o# industriali%ed $uilding system and ma(es the !ontra!tors and developers pre#er
the !onventional systems. ,Thanoon -../0
Moreover, the lo!al wor(ers are not (een on 1oining with !onstru!tion industry $e!ause o# the low
wages and low emphasis on o!!upational sa#ety and health. This !ase has !reated an image o#
dirty, di##i!ult and dangerous ,/;0 in !onstru!tion industry. There#ore, Malaysian !onstru!tion
industry is not in the line o# the #uture development. ,B";B, -..Ia0.
To solve these pro$lems, industriali%ed $uilding system has $een proposed in several studies as the
solution to redu!e !onstru!tion time, redu!e the dependen!y on #oreign wor(ers in !onstru!tion
industry, enhan!e the )uality o# $uildings and provide sa#er wor(ing environment to attra!t the
lo!al wor(ers .
By adopting the industriali%ed $uilding system and minimi%ing the use o# !onventional method,
the dependen!y on #oreign wor(ers will also redu!ed, thus gaining $illions o# >inggit !urrently
$eing trans#erred to their home !ountries, and redu!ing so!ial pro$lems o# #oreign wor(ers. ,B";B,
"n "srael, it has $een #ound that the use o# industriali%ed $uilding system !an provide la$or saving
a$out 8.E:.J as !ompared to the !onventional methods, ,Dars%aws(i, 56660 thus redu!ing the
dependen!y on #oreign
The issue o# #oreign wor(ers was the main topi! in dis!ussion held $y Building "ndustry
2residential Boun!il ,B"2B0 KThe 2residents ? B=O >oundta$le ;is!ussionL. "t has dis!ussed the
#inan!ial pro$lems that were !aused to some !onta!tors and developers $y the #oreign la$or supply
disruption in midE-..-. The possi$ility o# repeating that s!enario must $e the driving #or!e to
ma(e the industriali%ed $uilding system the dominant method in the !onstru!tion industry.
,"$rahim -../ ,
The use o# "BS #or many years ,in a long term0 will $ring !onsidera$le $ene#its to Malaysian
so!iety $oth e!onomi!ally and so!ially. ,Dan *amidon -..<0
*owever, there is still la!( o# awareness o# these $ene#its among the players in !onstru!tion se!tor.
Thus, a )uestionnaire survey study was !arried out to validate the advantages o# industriali%ed
$uilding system whi!h was !olle!ted #rom the literature reviews and to determine the advantages
o# industriali%ed $uilding system to Malaysian so!iety.
Collecting data (Methodology)
The data re)uired #or this study was !olle!ted $y the )uestionnaire whi!h was designed !are#ully
and a!!urately a!!ording to $e !ompleted #rom the respondents in shortest time possi$le. The
)uestionnaire has $een done in two phases. The #irst phase is pilot survey to pretest and #ind out i#
there is any possi$le !on#usion and to re!ogni%e the presen!e o# any o##ensive or di##i!ult
)uestions that e'ist in the )uestionnaire. There are two methods to pretest the )uestionnaire. The
#irst method is to e'pose the )uestionnaire to some e'pert, while the se!ond method is to distri$ute
the )uestionnaire to some o# "BS !ompanies that is !hosen as a sample #or pilot survey phase. The
method o# pretesting the )uestionnaire o# this study is e'posing it to some e'perts. Suggestions to
improve the )uestionnaire were reviewed and treated respe!tively. @#ter the #irst phase was over,
the #inal revision o# )uestionnaire was delivered and distri$uted through eEmail and $y hand. The
data that have $een gathered on "BS in Malaysia was pro!essed and analy%ed using Statisti!al
2a!(age #or So!ial S!ien!e ,S2SS0 so#tware program #or Dindows.
Sampling esign
The population o# this study is the "BS manu#a!turers and !onsultants !ompanies whi!h have
$een gained #rom B";B ;ire!tories -..< .
To o$tain more a!!urate results, the sample o# this study was the whole population. @mong 6.
!ompanies ,:7 manu#a!turer !ompanies and /8 !onsultant !ompanies0, only /: ,-<
manu#a!turer !ompanies and I !onsultant !ompanies0 responded the )uestionnaire.
ata analysis
The data !olle!ted #rom the respondents through the )uestionnaires was analy%ed pre!isely.
!" #espondents$ bac%ground
@ total o# /: respondents !onsisted o# --.6J !ompany owners, -<.7 J sales managers, -:.I J
general managers, 5I.5 J pro1e!t engineers, -.6 J pro1e!t designers and -.6 pro1e!t !ontra!tors
were the respondents o# the )uestionnaires.
Ta$le 5 indi!ate the respondentsH position in the !ompany
9 25.7 25.7 25.7
10 28.6 28.6 54.3
6 17.1 17.1 71.4
1 2.9 2.9 74.3
8 22.9 22.9 97.1
1 2.9 2.9 100.0
35 100.0 100.0
general manager
sales manager
project engineer
project contractor
project designer
Fre!enc" #ercent Valid #ercent
"n this study, :.I J o# the respondents have a!hieved diploma in the related #ield, I5.8J o# them
o$tained a degree o# $a!helor, :.I J o# them a!hieved master, 58./J o# them a!hieved 2*; and
-.6J o# them a!hieved 2ro#. The highest a!ademi! )uali#i!ation o# respondents !an $e presented
in ta$le -
Ta$le - shows the highest a!ademi! )uali#i!ation o# respondents
25 71.4 71.4 71.4
2 5.7 5.7 77.1
2 5.7 5.7 82.9
5 14.3 14.3 97.1
1 2.9 2.9 100.0
35 100.0 100.0
Fre!enc" #ercent Valid #ercent

/5.8 J o# !ompanies have e'perien!e less than #ive years and also /5.8 J o# !ompanies have
e'perien!e $etween : to 6 years while /I.5 J have e'perien!e more than 5. years. The years o#
!ompaniesH e'perien!e is presented in ta$le /
Ta$le / shows the num$er o# yearsH e'perien!e o# !ompanies in "BS
11 31.4 31.4 31.4
11 31.4 31.4 62.9
13 37.1 37.1 100.0
35 100.0 100.0
+5 "ears
-10 "ears
Fre!enc" #ercent Valid #ercent
3igure 5+ the per!entage o# yearsH e'perien!e o# !ompanies in "BS
The num$er o# "BS pro1e!ts whi!h the !ompany !ontri$uted is presented in ta$le 8
Ta$le 8+ Num$er o# "BS pro1e!ts o# !ompanies
6 17.1 17.1 17.1
6 17.1 17.1 34.3
6 17.1 17.1 51.4
17 48.6 48.6 100.0
35 100.0 100.0
Fre!enc" #ercent Valid #ercent
3igure 8+ 2er!entage o# "BS pro1e!ts o# !ompanies
The respondents were as(ed i# their !ompanies intend to !ontinue using "BS in #uture. <-.5 J
showed their agreement while 5I.6 J o# !ompanies were unsure. Neither manu#a!turer nor
!onsultant !ompanies showed their disagreement to !ontinue using "BS in #uture. Ta$le : shows
the intention to !ontinue using "BS in #uture.
Ta$le : shows the intention to !ontinue using "BS in #uture.
27 77.1 77.1 77.1
8 22.9 22.9 100.0
35 100.0 100.0
Fre!enc" #ercent Valid #ercent
3igure :+ "ntention o# !ompanies to !ontinue using "BS in #uture.
&" Survey findings
The advantages o# industriali%ed $uilding system whi!h !olle!ted #rom literature reviews and suggestions
#rom "BS e'perts during the pilot survey phase have $een !ategori%ed under si' main advantages+ !ost
$ene#its, time $ene#its, )uality $ene#its, environmental $ene#its, so!ial $ene#its and sa#ety $ene#its. The
respondents identi#y varia$les that they per!eived $y responding to a s!ale #rom 5 ,strongly disagree0 to :
,strongly agree0. The #ive rating 4i(ert S!ale is, 5 M strongly disagree, - M disagree, / M neutral, 8 M
disagree and : strongly disagree. Mean o# ea!h #a!tor was !al!ulated and ran(ing o# these #a!tors has
$een done to determine the most e##e!tive advantages o# "BS in Malaysia.
Ta$le 7+ @dvantages o# industriali%ed $uilding system
'actors Mean Standard
!" Cost benefits
E>edu!e total !ost o# the pro1e!t /.:8 ..6<. 8 5:
E>edu!e num$er o# wor(ers at site 8.-. ..I6I 5 8
E >edu!e money trans#er to other
!ountries ,through #oreign
/.76 5.5/- - 5/
ENonEneeds #or periodi!
/.77 ..67< / 58
&" Time benefits
E>edu!e the !onstru!tion time o#
the pro1e!t
8.8/ ..76< 5 5
E=ase o# ere!tion /.6I 5..58 - 6
E=nhan!e s!heduling at !onstru!tion
/.68 ..67< / 5.
)" *uality benefits
E=nhan!e )uality o# $uilding 8.-/ ..76. 5 /
E 2rodu!tion pro!ess is not e'posed
to weather a##e!tions
8..6 ..<:/ - 7
E"n!rease satis#a!tion o# o!!upants 8../ ..<65 / <
E"n!rease resistan!e o# $uilding to
inse!ts and moisture
/.6I ..<65 8 6
+" ,nvironmental benefits
EMinimi%e using tim$er #ormwor(s
at site
8.8. ..I/7 5 -
EMinimi%e solid waste 8.-. ..I56 - 8
E>edu!e noise at !onstru!tion site /.</ ..<:I 8 5-
E;e!rease air pollution 8.55 ..I:< / :
-" Social benefits
E>edu!e num$er o# #oreign wor(ers
at site
8..6 ..<5< 5 7
E >edu!e dangerous diseases whi!h
is $rought $y #oreign wor(ers
8..7 ..I-: - I
E >edu!e #ighting pro$lems whi!h
may o!!ur $etween #oreigners and
/.65 ..<:/ 8 55
E>edu!e stealing pro$lems at
!onstru!tion site
/.68 ..I7: / 5.
7E safety benefits
E>edu!e a!!idents at !onstru!tion
8../ ..<-- 5 <
E>edu!e a!!idents in #a!tory 8../ ..<:I 5 <
)" The first five advantages of industrialized building system in Malaysia
3rom the varia$les that have $een !ategori%ed under si' !ategories whi!h were ran(ed a!!ording to
their means, the #irst #ive varia$les were determined and shown in ta$le I. There are 7 varia$les
#ell into the : topEran(ing #a!tors $e!ause o# the same mean o# some varia$les. Many organi%ed
$ody per!eived that industriali%ed $uilding system !an redu!e $uilding !ost. *owever, this study
has illustrated the !ontrast. >edu!ing the $uilding !ost is not really in Malaysia and its ran(ing was
Ta$le I+ 3irst #ive advantages o# industriali%ed $uilding system
'actors Mean Standard
E>edu!e the !onstru!tion time o# the
pro1e!t. ,time $ene#its0
8.8/ ..76< 5 5
EMinimi%e using tim$er #ormwor(s at
site. ,environmental $ene#its0
8.8. ..I/7 5 -
E=nhan!e )uality o# $uilding. ,)uality
8.-/ ..76. 5 /
EMinimi%e solid waste.
,environmental $ene#its0
8.-. ..I56 - 8
E>edu!e num$er o# wor(ers at site.
,so!ial $ene#its0
8.-. ..I6I 5 8
E;e!rease air pollution.
,environmental $ene#its0
8.55 ..I:< / :
3rom ta$le I, it is o$vious that industriali%ed $uilding system !an redu!e the !onstru!tion time o#
the pro1e!t whi!h is the #irst advantages o# "BS in Malaysia in this study. Malaysian !onstru!tion
se!tor needs this property to a!!elerate its implementation and !ope with the intensive demands #or
housing. Minimi%ing the use o# tim$er #ormwor( at !onstru!tion site will $ring !leaner and neater
!onstru!tion site and will a##e!t on the produ!tivity o# wor( $e!ause the wor(ers will not $e
!on#used. Building )uality is very important issue #or Malaysian !onstru!tion se!tor to $e
!ompetitive in glo$al mar(ets. >edu!tion the solid waste at site will de!rease the !ost to transport
it out o# site and will give neater and !leaner site. Minimi%ing the num$er o# wor(ers at
!onstru!tion site is also an important issue whi!h will a##e!t on the !ost $e!ause o# redu!ing paid
salaries to ea!h wor(er. To gain pure air and !lean environment, industriali%ed $uilding system !an
redu!e the air pollution at !onstru!tion site.
The #indings demonstrated that "BS !an redu!e the num$er o# wor(ers at !onstru!tion site whi!h
ran(ed at #ourth ran(, while redu!ing the num$er o# #oreign wor(ers lo!ated at si'th ran(. This is
may $e $e!ause there is not enough e'perien!e among the lo!al wor(ers so the industriali%ed
$uilding systems need #oreign e'perts.

The o$1e!tive o# this study was to determine the real advantages o# industriali%ed $uilding system
in Malaysia. The )uestionnaire #orms were distri$uted #or "BS manu#a!turing and !onsultant
!ompanies to !olle!t their responses.
3rom the #indings, it !an $e !on!luded that the main advantages o# industriali%ed $uilding system
are redu!ing the !onstru!tion time o# the pro1e!t, redu!ing the use o# tim$er #ormwor( at site,
enhan!ing the )uality o# $uilding, redu!ing solid waste, redu!ing num$er o# wor(ers at site and
redu!ing air pollution at !onstru!tion site.
Many organi%ed $ody per!eived that industriali%ed $uilding system !an redu!e $uilding !ost.
*owever, the #indings o# this study illustrated that redu!ing $uilding !ost was ran(ed at num$er
E Ministry o# 3inan!e ,MO30, "Economic Report Malaysia 2004-2005" ,-..80. Malaysia, Kuala
4umpur, -..:. ,Unpu$lished0.
E Bonstru!tion "ndustry ;evelopment Board ,B";B0 Malaysia ,-..I$0. "Malaysian Construction
Outlook 2007", Bonstru!tion "ndustry ;evelopment Board Malaysia ,B";B0. Malaysia, Kuala
4umpur, -..I.
- ;in, *., "Inustrialise !uilin" an Its #pplication in Malaysia", 2ro!eeding on Seminar on
2re#a$ri!ation Building Bonstru!tion, Kuala 4umpur, 56<8.
E Bonstru!tion "ndustry ;evelopment Board ,B";B0 Malaysia ,-../a0, "$ur%ey on t&e 'sa"e o(
Inustrialise !uilin" $ystems )I!$* in Malaysian Construction Inustry ", Bonstru!tion "ndustry
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