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'Van Halen - Strictly No Chickenshit: The Absolute Best Of Van

Halen (2!"' #yrics$

%Ale& Van Halen 'ersion%
!" Ato(ic )unk
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
1 a( a 'icti( of the science a2e+ uh
A chil- of the stor(+ 3hoa yes
1 can't re(e(ber 3hen 1 3as your a2e
4or (e+ ti(es no (ore+ no (ore
Nobo-y rules these streets at ni2ht like (e+ the ato(ic 5unk
6hoa yeah+ oh$
1 a( the ruler of these nether-3orl-s
The un-er2roun-+ 3hoa yes
On e'ery 3all an- 5lace (y fearso(e na(e is hear-
7ust look aroun-+ 3hoa yes
Nobo-y rules these streets at ni2ht like (e+ the ato(ic 5unk
Ohh+ Ahhh$
80--ie Van Halen: Blit9krie2 :uitar Solo:;
1 a( the ruler of these nether-3orl-s
The un-er2roun-+ oh-oh
On e'ery 3all an- 5lace (y fearso(e na(e is hear-
#ook aroun-+ 3hoa yeah$
Nobo-y rules these streets at ni2ht like (e+ nobo-y+ ah
The ato(ic 5unk
2" .o(eo ,eli2ht
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
1 tol- her+ ne'er in hell+ no s5ecial reason
*ust a lie- 'cause 1 ain't lea'in'
6e're in for a 'ery lon2 ni2ht
Hear- a 'icious ru(or fro( your (a(a's ton2ue
<ou a -es5'rate 3o(an+ nee- a (an 3ith a 2un
Hi2h cri(e 9one in the city of li2hts
Baby+ 5lease$
Can't take it any(ore
Baby+ 5lease$
Can't take it any(ore
1'( takin' 3hiskey to the 5arty toni2ht
An-+ 1'( lookin' for so(ebo-y to s=uee9e
1 ain't lookin' for so(ebo-y to fi2ht
Baby+ -on't 2et u5ti2ht
Baby+ 5lease$
6anna see (y 1>,>? Try to cli5 (y 3in2s$
,on't ha'e to sho3 you 5roof of anythin2
1 kno3 the la3+ frien-
At the 'le'enth hour+ 1'( 2oin' back outsi-e
:i'e it a try
1'( your last loose en-
Baby+ 5lease$
Can't take it any(ore
Oh+ baby+ 5lease$
Can't take it any(ore
1'( takin' 3hiskey to the 5arty toni2ht
An-+ 1'( lookin' for so(ebo-y to s=uee9e
1 ain't lookin' for so(ebo-y to fi2ht
Baby+ -on't 2et u5ti2ht
Baby+ 5lease$
80--ie Van Halen: ri5soarin2 :uitar Solo:;
Ooh+ baby+ ooh+ baby+ ooh+ baby$
1 feel (y heart beat+ feel (y heart beat+ feel (y heart beat+ oh
4eel (y heartbeat+ feel (y heartbeat+ feel (y heartbeat$
Baby+ 5lease$
Can't take it any(ore
Baby+ 5lease$
Can't take it any(ore
Baby+ 5lease$
Can't take it any(ore
Baby+ 5lease$
Can't take it any(ore
1'( takin' 3hiskey to the 5arty toni2ht
An-+ 1'( lookin' for so(ebo-y to s=uee9e
1 ain't lookin' for so(ebo-y to fi2ht
Baby+ -on't 2et u5ti2ht
Baby+ 5lease$
Baby+ 5lease$
@" Anchaine-
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
Alri2ht$ Hi2h+ ha-ha-ho$
<ou sai-
1 cannot 2et there fro( here+ baby
An-+ 1 -on't care 3here 1'( 2oin'
Here's to your thin re--line
1'( ste55in2 o'er
Thou2ht you'- ne'er (iss (e
'Til 1 2ot a 4at City a--ress
Non-sto5 talker+ 3hat a rocker$
Blue-eye- (ur-er in a si9e B -ress
Chan2e+ nothin2 stays the sa(e
Anchaine-+ yeah+ you hit the 2roun- runnin2
Chan2e+ an- nothin2 stays the sa(e
Anchaine-+ yeah+ you hit the 2roun- runnin2
An-+ no+ 1 -on't ask for 5er(ission
This is (y chance to fly
*aybe enou2h ain't enou2h for you
But+ it's (y turn to try
Thou2ht you'- ne'er (iss (e
'Til 1 2ot a 4at City a--ress
Non-sto5 talker+ 3hat a rocker$
Blue-eye- (ur-er in a si-e-s3i5e- -ress
Chan2e+ nothin2 stays the sa(e
Anchaine-+ an- ya hit the 2roun- runnin2
Chan2e+ ain't nothin2 stays the sa(e
Anchaine-+ yeah+ ya hit the 2roun- runnin2
80--ie Van Halen: s5ee- (ini-:uitar Solo:;
Chan2e+ nothin2 stays the sa(e
Anchaine-+ an- ya hit the 2roun- runnin2
Chan2e+ an- nothin2 stays the sa(e
Anchaine-+ yeah ya hit the 2roun- runnin2
Ooh-3ho+ take a look at this$
Hey+ (an+ that suit is you$ Ooh+ oui$
<ou'll 2et so(e le2 toni2ht for sure$
Tell us ho3 you -o$
(Co(e on+ ,a'e+ 2i'e (e a break$"
Hey+ hey+ hey+ hey+ one break co(in2 u5$
Chan2e+ an- nothin2 stays the sa(e
Anchaine-+ yeah+ ya hit the 2roun- runnin2
Chan2e+ ain't nothin2 stays the sa(e
Anchaine-+ yeah+ ya hit the 2roun- runnin2
Chan2e+ ain't nothin2 stays the sa(e
Anchaine-+ yeah+ ya hit the 2roun- runnin2
Chan2e+ ain't nothin2 stays the sa(e
Anchaine-+ yeah+ ya hit the 2roun- runnin2
C" 6here Ha'e All The :oo- Ti(es :one?$
(,a'e ,a'ies+ .ay ,a'ies"
All (y life 1''e ne'er sto55e- to 3orry 'bout a thin2
O5en u5 an- shout it out+ an' ne'er trie- to sin2
6on-erin2 if 1'e -one it 3ron2
6ill this -e5ression last for lon2+ 3ont you tell (e
6here ha'e all the 2oo- ti(es 2one?
6here ha'e all the 2oo- ti(es 2one?
6here ha'e all the 2oo- ti(es 2one?
Once 3e ha- an easy ri-e+ an- al3ays felt the sa(e
Ti(e 3as on our si-e+ an- 3e ha- e'erythin2 to 2ain
This coul- be like yester-ay
1s that the ol- ha55y -ays
*a an- 5a look back on all the thin2s they use- to -o
Ne'er ha- no (oney+ an- they al3ays tol- the truth
,a--y -i-nt nee- no little toys
*o((y -i-n't nee- no little boys
6on't you tell (e
6here ha'e all the 2oo- ti(es 2one?
6here ha'e all the 2oo- ti(es 2one?
6here ha'e all the 2oo- ti(es 2one?
80--ie Van Halen: concise :uitar Solo:;
<ester-ay+ 3as such an easy 2a(e for you to 5lay
Ah+ but then let's face it+ thin2s are easier to-ay
<es+ you nee- so(e brin2in2 -o3n
:et your feet back on the 2roun-
6on't you tell (e
6here ha'e all the 2oo- ti(es 2one?
6here ha'e all the 2oo- ti(es 2one?
6here ha'e all the 2oo- ti(es 2one?
6here ha'e all the 2oo- ti(es 2one?
6here ha'e all the 2oo- ti(es 2one?
B" S5anish 4ly
(0--ie Van Halen"
80--ie Van Halen: S5anish :uitar Hea'en:;
D" An-+ The Cra-le 6ill .ock>>>
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
O3$ Oh+ yeah$ :et u5$ O3$ O3-o3$
6ell+ they say it's kin-a fri2ht'nin' ho3 this youn2er 2eneration
<ou kno3+ it's (ore than Eust so(e ne3 sensation
6ell+ the ki- is into losin' slee5+ an- he -on't co(e ho(e for
half the 3eek
<ou kno3+ it's (ore than Eust an a22ra'ation
An-+ the cra-le 3ill rock
<es+ the cra-le 3ill rock
An-+ 1 say+ rock on$
.ock on$
An-+ 3hen so(e local ki- 2ets -o3n
They try an- -ru( hi( out of to3n
They say+ F<ou coul-a least fake- it+ boy$F
At an early a2e he hits the street an- 3in-s u5 tie-
6ith 3ho he (eets+ an- he's une(5loye- (une(5loye-"
An- the cra-le 3ill rock
<eah+ the cra-le 3ill rock
An- 1 say+ rock on$
.ock on$
Ha'e you seen 7unior's 2ra-es?
80--ie Van Halen: 5ullin2 -e( strin2s: :uitar Solo:;
An-+ 3hen so(e local ki- 2ets -o3n+ they try an- -ru( hi(
out of to3n>
They say+ F<ou coul-a least fake- it+ boy$F
At an early a2e he hits the street an- 3in-s u5 tie-
6ith 3ho he (eets+ an- he's une(5loye-
His folks are o'erEoye-
An-+ the cra-le 3ill rock
<es+ the cra-le 3ill rock
An-+ 1 say+ rock on$
.ock on$
.ock on$
.ock on$
.ock on$
.ock on$
.ock on$
.ock on$
.ock on$
G" So(ebo-y :et *e A ,octor (-e(o 'ersion"
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
So(ebo-y call u5 the -octor
,yin' of 5ain
Syste(s o'erloa-e-
1'( -o3n the -rain
So(ebo-y 2et (e a -octor
So(ebo-y 2et (e an a(bulance
1'( feelin' shot
1'( feelin' toaste-
1 can har-ly 3alk
So(ebo-y 2et (e a -octor
So(ebo-y 2et (e a -octor
Been feelin'
)retty lo3-oh
1 2otta feelin'
1'( 2onna blo3-oh$
80--ie Van Halen: be2inner's luck: :uitar Solo:;
1 -i-n't (ean to static
But+ 1'( feelin' col-
6e're close- until Tues-ay
:onna -ri'e all ni2ht lon2
So(ebo-y 2et (e a -octor
So(ebo-y 2et (e a -octor
1 can't focus (y eyes
1'( breathin' closely
#or-+ 1'( hi2h$
So(ebo-y 2et (e a -octor
,octor+ 5lease
So(ebo-y 2et (e a -octor
<ou 2otta hel5 (e+ 5lease
So(ebo-y+ so(ebo-y
<ou better 2et (e a shot$
H" #et's :et .ockin'
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
6e been rockin'
An-+ 3e're Eu(5in' in the streets
7u(5in' in the streets+ babe
0at your heart out+ -u-es$
Ain't no sto55in'
No+ you Eust can't
<ou Eust can't sto5 that beat
Hear the ne3s+ oh-oh-oh$
,on't you see
1 ho5e you a55ro'e
Of (e-ee-ee
#a-y #oose
80--ie Van Halen: early -ays-:uitar Solo:;
#et's 2et rockin'
<eah+ 3e're lookin' out till -a3n
An-+ e'il in be-
Ain't no sto55in'
<eah+ 3e'll still be 2oin' stron2
So+ look-out+ (an$ Ha-ha$
'Cause+ there's nothin' 3ron2 3ith (e
,on't you see?
1 ho5e you a55ro'e
Of (e-ee-ee
#a-y #oose
80--ie Van Halen: secon- hel5in2s-:uitar Solo:;
Ah$ Ah$ Oh$
#et's 2et rockin'
<eah+ 3e're Eu(5in' in the streets
<eah+ hear (y shoes
Ain't no sto55in'
<eah+ 2onna (ake you -o3n on knees
No+ you can't refuse
,on't you see?
1 ho5e you a55ro'e
Of (e-ee-ee
#a-y #oose
I" (Oh" )retty 6o(an
(.oy Orbison"
6oah$ 6ooh$
)retty 3o(an+ 3alkin2 -o3n the street
)retty 3o(an+ the kin- 1'- like to (eet
)retty 3o(an+ 1 -ont belie'e you it (ust be true
No-one coul- look as 2oo- as you
)retty 3o(an 3on't you 5ar-on (e
)retty 3o(an 1 coul-nt hel5 but see
)retty 3o(an+ oh you look lo'ely as you can be
Are you lonely Eust like (e?
)retty 3o(an sto5 a 3hile
)retty 3o(an talk a 3hile
)retty 3o(an 2i'e your s(ile to (e
)retty 3o(an+ yeah-yeah-yeah
)retty 3o(an look (y 3ay
)retty 3o(an say you'll stay 3ith (e
'Cause 1 nee- you+ nee- you toni2ht
)retty 3o(an -on't 3alk on by
)retty 3o(an -on't (ake (e cry
)retty 3o(an -on't 3alk a3ay+ yeah+ ok
1f thats the 3ay it (ust be+ ok
1 2uess 1'll 2o on ho(e+ it's late+ (aybe to(orro3 ni2ht
But+ 3ait>> 3hat -o 1 see>>?
She's 3alkin2 back to (e
)retty 3o(an$
!" Tora$ Tora$
(0--ie Van Halen"
81nstru(ental: :uitar 4ee-back;
!!" So+ This 1s #o'e?
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
Oh+ yeah$
Check (e out+ on the 2oo- si-e+ here
6ell+ (y baby's on the corner+ an- she's lookin' so fine
)ut one an- one to2ether+ an- it blo3e- (y (in-
A (an nee-s lo'e to li'e+ 1'( the li'in2 5roof
Catch that s(ile+ an- 1 hit the roof
6e'- -ouble check+ but you kee5 on 3alkin2
1'( in lo'e
Once o'er
1'( o'er-one
So this is lo'e?
Ooh+ 1 nee- your lo'in'
Co(e on+ baby+ take (e ho(e
So this is lo'e?
Ooh+ 1 nee- your lo'in'
1'( Eust skin an- bones
:oin' out of (y 3ay+ kno3in' (y 3ay aroun-
The 2rass is ne'er 2reener+ an- there's 5lenty aroun-
All the other 2irls+ they'- be 5ut to sha(e
O'er the e-2e+ an- here 1'll stay
:ot (e on 5ins an- nee-les
An-+ she kno3s
She's (ine+ an- ain't lettin' 2o
So+ this is lo'e?
Ooh+ 1 nee- your lo'e
Baby+ take (e ho(e
So+ this is lo'e?
Ooh+ 1 nee- your lo'in'
1 kno3-oh$
80--ie Van Halen: Blues-stuffin'-:uitar Solo:;
:ot (e on 5ins an- nee-les
<es+ she kno3s she's (ine+ an- ain't lettin' 2o
So+ this is lo'e?
Ooh+ 1 nee- your lo'e
So+ this is lo'e?
Ooh+ 1 nee- your lo'e
Baby+ 2ot to ha'e your lo'e
Ooh+ 1+ ooh+ 1 nee-+ 2ot to ha'e that lo'e
Baby+ baby+ still lo'e
So+ this is lo'e?
So+ this is lo'e?
6oah$ 6ooh$
80--ie Van Halen: 5etite-0n- :uitar Solo:;
!2" 0'erybo-y 6ants So(e$$
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
Oh-ah$ Ah-ooh$ Ooh+ yeah$ Oh+ yeah$
<ou can't 2et ro(antic on a sub3ay line
Con-uctor -on't like it+ says you're 3astin' your ti(e
But+ e''rybo-y 3ants so(e$
1 3ant so(e+ too$
0''rybo-y 3ants so(e$$
Baby+ ho3 'bout you?
1 seen a lotta 5eo5le lookin' for a (oonbea(
<eah+ ya s5ent a lot+ ya 2ot lost in the Eet-strea(
But+ e''rybo-y 3ants so(e$
1 3ant so(e+ too$
0''rybo-y 3ants so(e$$
Ho3 'bout you?
80--ie Van Halen: ,yna(ic-)ro-:uitar Solo:;
0''rybo-y 3ants so(e$
1 3ant so(e+ too$
0''rybo-y 3ants so(e$$
Baby+ ho3 'bout you?
Oh+ oh+ 3here'- you 2et this shit?
1 like the 3ay the line runs u5 the back of the stockin2s
1''e al3ays like- those kin- of hi2h-heels too+ you kno3+ 1
No-no-no-no+ -on't take 'e( off+ -on't take>>> #ea'e 'e( on+
lea'e 'e( on
<eah+ that's it+ a little (ore to the ri2ht+ a little (ore+ ah-ooh$
0''rybo-y 3ants so(e$
1 3ant so(e+ too$ Ooh+ yeah$
0''rybo-y 3ants so(e$
0''rybo-y nee-s so(e$
0''rybo-y 3ants so(e$
0''rybo-y nee-s so(e$
#ook+ 1'll 5ay you for the(>>>3hat the fuck?$
!@" The 4ull Bu2
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
*(((+ -a yeah$
*(((+ 1'( 2onna tell you no3
<ou corner (y -o2+ it -on't let you 5ast
:ot a ba- lil' 3o(an+ 2oin' bite yo' ass
<eah+ 1 tell ya$
6on't let you 5asse-
Ah+ <eah$
Ah+ 5recious s3eetheart
6o(an+ all you 3ant is 2oo- as it can 2et+ oh yeah$
An ins5iration
:irl+ you're sensational+ an- this 2ets better yet+ ah yeah$
(Ah" 3ell+ all your -rea(s of riches+ are base- on (a2a9ines
(Ah" no+ this aint tele'ision+ but it's (ore than it see(s
(Ah" 'take those'+'nee-' an- '2i'e all'+ this (uch you
All 1 3anna 2i'e you 3o(an (ooh"
1s the best 5art of a (an+ yeah
#e((e sho3 you+
Babe+ to (ake the best of 3hat you ha'en't ha-+ ah yeah$
7ust re(e(ber 3hen you follo3 throu2h+ 3hen the o'er isn't
5lanne-+ ah yeah$
(Ah" looks Eust like an an2el+ but he's Eust talkin2 trash
(Ah" he'll (ake con'ersation+ but she's listenin2 to your cash
(Ah" 'take those'+'nee-' an- '2i'e all'+ this (uch 3e un-erstan-
All 1 3anna 2i'e you 3o(an (ooh"
1s the best 5art of a (an+ yeah
80--ie Van Halen: short :uitar Solo:;
8,a'i- #ee .oth: Har(onica Solo:;
Oh+ (((+ uh+ ((+ ((
#o'e that 3o(an+ heart an- soul
1n the 2roo'es+ on the 2o
<ou kno3
Ah <eah$
<eah+ you corner (y -o2+ it -on't let you 5asse-
:ot a ba- lil' 3o(an+ 2on' bite yo' ass
4or sure+ ah$
(Ah" looks Eust like an an2el+ but he's Eust talkin2 trash
(Ah" he'll (ake con'ersation+ but she's listenin2 to your cash
(Ah" 'take those'+'nee-' an- '2i'e all'+ this (uch you
All 1 3anna 2i'e you 3o(an (ooh"
1s the best 5art of a (an+ yeah
Best 5art of a (an+ 3ooh$
Best 5art of a (an+ oh yeah$
Best 5art of a (an$
!C" Beautiful :irls
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
She 3as seasi-e sittin'+ Eust a s(okin' an- a -rinkin' on
rin2si-e+ on to5 of the 3orl-+ oh+ yeah$
She ha- her -rink in her han-J she ha- her toes in the san- an-
3hoa+ huh-uh+ 3hat a beautiful 2irl+ ah+ yeah$
6hat a s3eet talkin' honey 3ith a little bit of (oney can turn
your hea- aroun-
Creature fro( the sea 3ith the looks to be like she'- like to fool
6hat a sna55y little (a((y 2onna kee5 her 5a55y ha55y
An-+ acco(5any (e to the en-s of the 0arth+ ah+ yeah$
That's 3hy 1 sai-:
Here 1 a(+ ain't no (an of the 3orl-+ no
All 1 nee- is a beautiful 2irl
Ah+ yeah$ Beautiful 2irls$
Oh+ co(e here+ honey+ co(e here+ cu( here$
6ell+ 1'( a bu( in the sun+ an- 1'( ha'in2 fun
An-+ 1 kno3 you kno3 1 2ot the s5ecial 5lans
All the bills are 5ai-+ 1 2ot it (a-e in the sha-e
An-+ all 1 nee-nee-nee- is the 3o(an (of this lan-"
6hat a s3eet talkin' honey 3ith a little bit of (oney can turn
your hea- aroun-
Creature fro( the sea 3ith the looks to (e like she'- like to
fool aroun-
Here 1 a(+ ain't no (an of the 3orl-+ no
All 1 nee- is a beautiful 2irl
Ah+ yeah$ Beautiful 2irls$
Ah+ co(e this 3ay+ baby$
80--ie Van Halen: conser'ati'e )o5-:uitar Solo:;
Sit -o3n+ ri2ht here$
Ooh-la-la$ Think 1 2ot it no3$
No3+ 1'( a seasi-e sittin'+ Eust a-s(okin' an- a--rinkin'
1'( rin2si-e+ on to5 of the 3orl- (to5 of the 3orl-"
1 2ot a -rink in (y han-J 1 2ot (y toes in the san-
All 1 nee- is a beautiful 2irl (Beautiful 2irls$" Oh+ yeah$
Here 1 a(+ ain't no (an of the 3orl-+ no
All 1 nee- is a beautiful 2irl
Ah+ yeah$ Beautiful 2irls$
Oh+ 1 ain't lyin' to ya$ Nothin' else 1 nee-$
Ah+ yeah$ Beautiful 2irls$
Sit yourself on -o3n$
Ah+ yeah$ Beautiful 2irls$
Oh$ Ah$
Ah+ yeah$ Beautiful 2irls$
Oh+ co(e here+ baby+ co(e here$ <eah$
Ah+ yeah$ Beautiful 2irls$
6hat your na(e+ honey? 6hat your na(e>>>hey+ 3here ya
2oin'? Hey$
Ah+ yeah$ Beautiful 2irls$
Hey+ 3here ya 2oin'?
Ah+ yeah$ Beautiful 2irls$
1 lo'e 'e($ 1 nee- 'e($
Ah+ yeah$ Beautiful 2irls$
Can't -o 3ithout 'e(+ no$
Ah+ yeah$ Beautiful 2irls$
Oh$ Oh$ Oh$ Oh$
Ah+ yeah$ Beautiful 2irls$
8,a'i- blo3s kiss$;
!B" #ittle :uitars (1ntro"
(0--ie Van Halen"
80--ie Van Halen: (ore S5anish :uitar bliss:;
!D" #ittle :uitars
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
SeKorita+ 1'( in trouble a2ain
An-+ 1 can't 2et free (SeKorita"
Hear e&actly 3hat (y -octor or-ere-
Co(e on+ talk to (e
(Ah" can't cro3 before 1'( outta the 3oo-s but there's
e&ce5tions to the rule
(Ah" SeKorita+ -o you nee- a frien-+ 1'( in lo'e 3ith you
Catch as catch+ catch as catch can
Anybo-y in their ri2ht (in- coul- see
1t's you an- (e+ ooh-ooh-ah+ ooh-ah-ooh
<ou say you're loneso(e Eust 2ettin2 by
But+ you turn your eyes fro( (e
Be sure you're hurtin2 lon2 before you fly
'Cause you''e 2ot (e
Catch as catch+ catch as catch can
Anybo-y in their ri2ht (in- coul- see
<ou an- (e
Catch as catch+ catch as catch can
<eah+ 3hen 1 see you+ an- your little 2uitars sin2 to (e
1 can see you -on't kno3 3hich 3ay to turn
But+ the sun still shines (SeKorita"
,on't you kno3 that you can -ance 3ith (e
(Ah" can't cro3 before 1'( outta the 3oo-s but there's
e&ce5tions to the rule
(Ah" SeKorita+ -o you nee- a frien-+ 1'( in lo'e 3ith you
Ooh-ooh-ah+ ooh-ah-ooh
Ooh-ooh-ah+ ooh-ah-ooh
Ooh-ooh-ah+ ooh-ah-ooh
80--ie Van Halen: 0n- :uitar Solo (ta55in2 e&tre(e":;
!G" Take <our 6hiskey Ho(e
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
Oh+ yeah$ A(-h(($ 8,a'i- hiccu5s:;
6ell+ (y baby+ she -on't 3ant (e aroun-
She sai-+ she's tire- of 3atchin' (e fall -o3n
She 3ants the 2oo- life+ all the best
But+ 1 like that bottle better than the rest
An-+ she sai-+ 1 think that you're hea-e- for a 3hole lot of
6ell+ 1 think that you're hea-e- for a 3hole lot of trouble
6ell+ 1 think that you're hea-e- for a 3hole lot of trouble
1f you take your 3hiskey>>>o3$
6ell+ that li=uor in the ni2htti(e lea'es stran2e (e(ories
See(s a lifeti(e+ ooh+ since yester-ay
Co(e the -aybreak+ eh+ co(e to(orro3
That 3o(an's 3aite- u5 all ni2ht for (e+ a2ain
Oh+ she sai-+ 3ell+ 1 think that you're hea-e- for a 3hole lot of
<eah+ 1 think that you're hea-e- for a 3hole lot of trouble+
<eah+ you kno3 that you're hea-e- for a lot of trouble
1f you take your 3hiskey ho(e$
80--ie Van Halen: (ini-:uitar Solo:;
So(e 2oes to 3o(en+ u(+ so(e 2oes to 7esus
Thou2h 1'( absolutely certain both's alri2ht
But+ it takes (e at least half3ay to the label
'4ore 1 can e'en (ake it throu2h the ni2ht
6ell+ 1 think that you're hea-e- for a 3hole lot of trouble
<eah+ 1 think that you're hea-e- for a 3hole lot of trouble
Baby+ yeah+ 1 think that you're hea-e- for a 3hole lot of trouble
1f you take your 3hiskey ho(e$
80--ie Van Halen: ra'a2in2 :uitar Solo:;
!H" Bi2 Ba- Bill (1s S3eet 6illia( No3"
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
87an Van Halen: Clarinet 1ntro:;
6ell+ 3ay -o3n yon-er in #ouis'ille
#i'e- a cat na(e-+ Bi2 Ba- Bill
1 3ants to tell ya
Ah+ the cat 3as rou2h an- tou2h+ an- 3oul- strutt his stuff
Ha- the 3hole to3n scare- to -eath
6hen he 3alke- by they all hel- their breath
He's a fi2htin2 (an+ sure enou2h
An-+ then Bill 2ot hi(self a 3ife
No3+ he lea-s a -ifferent life
Bi2+ ba- Bill is s3eet 6illia(+ no3
*arrie- life -one chan2e- hi( so(eho3
He's the (an the to3n use- to fear
No3+ they all call hi( s3eet 5a55a 6illie+ -ear
Stron2er than Sa(son+ 1 -eclare
Till the bro3n-skinne- 3o(an
Bobbe- his hair
Bi2+ ba- Bill -on't fi2ht any (ore+ (No-no-no$"
,oin2 the -ishes+ (o55in' u5 that floor (<es+ he is$"
6ell+ he use- to 2o out -rinkin2
#ookin2 for a fi2ht
No3+ he 2otta see that 3o(an+ e'ery ni2ht
Bi2+ ba- Bill is s3eet 3illia(+ no3
Ah+ 5lay it+ boys$
87an Van Halen: Clarinet Solo:;
Oh+ yeah$ 1 likes that 7a99$
Bi2+ ba- Bill -ont fi2ht any (ore (No+ he -on't$"
,oin2 the -ishes+ (o55in' u5 that floor (<es+ he is$"
6ell+ he use- to 2o out -rinkin2
#ookin2 for a fi2ht
No3+ he 2otta see that 3o(an+ e'ery ni2ht
Bi2+ ba- Bill is s3eet 6illia(+ no3 (-oin' the -ishes"
Bi2+ ba- Bill is s3eet 6illia(+ no3 ((o55in' u5 -at floor"
Bi2+ ba- Bill is s3eet 6illia(+ no3
Cha>>>>>>>> <eah$
!I" Beat 1t: :uitar Solo
(0--ie Van Halen"
2" On 4ire (soun-check 'GG 'ersion"
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
Turn your ra-ios on
An-+ 1'( ri2ht there+ yes+ 1 a(+ no3$
Turn (e u5 real lou-+ oh
1'( in your ears+ yeah+ oh$
'n' 1'( han2in' ten no3 baby+ as 1 ri-e your sonic+ ooh 3a'e
1'( on fire
1'( on fire
1'( on fire
1'( on fire+ 3ooh$
Oh+ yeah$ Oh+ yeah$
4ire+ fire+ fire$
80--ie Van Halen: crunchin2 :uitar Solo:;
#ay your bo-ies -o3n
1'( in your be-s+ your be-s
)ull your hea-5hones on
1'( in your hea-s+ oh
'N' 1'( han2in' ten+ baby+ as 1 ri-e your sonic+ oh 3a'e
1'( on fire
1'( on fire
1'( on fire$
2!" *ean Street (1ntro"
(0--ie Van Halen"
22" <ou .eally :ot *e
(,a'e ,a'ies+ .ay ,a'ies"
:irl+ you really 2ot (e+ no3
<ou 2ot (e so 1 -on't kno3 3hat 1'( -oin'
:irl+ you really 2ot (e+ no3
<ou 2ot (e so 1 can't slee5 at ni2ht
:irl+ you really 2ot (e+ no3
<ou 2ot (e so 1 -on't kno3 3here 1'( 2oin'+ yeah
Oh yeah+ you really 2ot (e+ no3
<ou 2ot (e so 1 can't slee5 at ni2ht
<ou really 2ot (e
<ou really 2ot (e
<ou really 2ot (e
)lease+ -on't e'er let (e be
1 only 3anna be by your si-e
)lease+ -on't e'er let (e be
1 only 3anna be by your si-e
:irl+ you really 2ot (e+ no3
<ou 2ot (e so 1 -on't kno3 3hat 1'( -oin'+ yeah
Oh yeah+ you really 2ot (e+ no3
:ot (e so 1 can't slee5 at ni2ht
<ou really 2ot (e
<ou really 2ot (e
<ou really 2ot (e
Oh no-no+ ah
80--ie Van Halen: *a((oth-5ro5ortional :uitar Solo:;
:irl+ you really 2ot (e+ no3
<ou 2ot (e so 1 -on't kno3 3hat 1'( -oin'
Ah 2irl+ you really 2ot (e+ no3
<ou 2ot (e so 1 can't slee5 at ni2ht
:irl+ you really 2ot (e+ no3
<ou 2ot (e so 1 -on't kno3 3here 1'( 2oin'+ yeah
Oh yeah+ you really 2ot (e+ no3
:ot (e so 1 can't slee5 at ni2ht
<ou really 2ot (e
<ou really 2ot (e+ oh
<ou really 2ot (e
2@" ,>O>A>: li'e 'GG
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
This is it$ Co(e on+ e'erybo-y$
1 ain't at ho(e on a su((er -ay
They sent the sheriff -o3n to try an- -ra2 you a3ay
They sent the (ayor -o3n in a beat-u5 'an
No3+ 1 -rank that 3hiskey+ an- 1 -on't un-erstan-$
1'( alone+ on the hi2h3ay+ 3ante-: -ea- or ali'e+ -ea- or ali'e
Breakin2 -o3n+ 5retty bull-o2's hea-
There's a (ayor's son+ a2ain+ hoose2o3+ yeah$
Sent the (ayor -o3n in a 5ick-u5 truck
The Eu-2e 3oul- ha'e (e say+ you outta luck$ <eah$
1'( alone+ on the hi2h3ay+ cunte-: -ea- or ali'e
A( 1 -ea- or ali'e?
80--ie Van Halen: ri'etin2 :uitar Solo:;
No3+ 1'( burnin' out+ all the 2oo- 1 -i-
1'( 2onna race 3ith (y (u2
An-+ your loose (ai- lo'e
Sent the (ayor -o3n in a 5ick-u5 truck
7u-2e+ look at (e+ say+ F<OA ha- enou2h?F
1'( alone+ on the hi2h3ay+ 3ante-: -ea- or ali'e+ alri2ht$
80--ie Van Halen: hi2h-strun2 2n- :uitar Solo:;
FThank you$F
2C" Coul- This Be *a2ic?
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
.ea-y? !-2+ !-2-@-C$
Out u5on the islan-s on a cool su((er ni2ht
Bu--y+ you -on't 2ot to hurry+ take your ti(e
6hat you nee- is on the (enu+ an- you 2et it toni2ht
Bu--y+ you 2ot 3o(ens on your (in-
Coul- this be (a2ic
Or+ coul- this be lo'e?
Coul- this turn tra2ic?
<ou kno3 that (a2ic often -oes
An-+ 1 see lonely shi5s u5on the 3ater
Better sa'e the 3o(en an- chil-ren first
Sail a3ay 3ith so(eone's -au2hter
Better sa'e the 3o(en an- chil-ren first
1 hear (usic on the lan-in'+ an- there's lau2hter in the air
7ust coul- be your boat is co(in' in
<eah+ you're leanin' back+ an- you 2ot a foot to ta5+ an- ain't
2ot your hea- ri2ht
There's a full (oon out toni2ht+ baby+ let's be2in
She sai-+ FCoul- this be (a2ic
Or+ coul- this be lo'e?F Ah-oh$
An-+ 1 sai-+ FCoul- this turn tra2ic?
<ou kno3 that (a2ic often -oes$F
An-+ 1 see lonely shi5s u5on the 3ater
Better sa'e the 3o(en an- chil-ren first
Sail a3ay 3ith so(eone's -au2hter
Better sa'e the 3o(en an- chil-ren first
0-3ar-? Thank you$
80--ie Van Halen: Acoustic-:uitar Solo:;
An-+ she says+ FCoul- this be (a2ic
Or+ coul- this be lo'e?F
An-+ 1 sai-+ FCoul- this turn tra2ic
<ou kno3 tha (a2ic often -oes?
An-+ 1 see lonely shi5s u5on the 3ater
Better sa'e the 3o(en an- chil-ren first
Sail a3ay 3ith so(eone's -au2hter
Better sa'e the 3o(en an- chil-ren first
<es+ sir$
2B" 1ce-Crea( *an
(,e-icate one to the la-ies$"
No3+ su((erti(e's here+ babe+ nee- so(ethin' to kee5 you
Ah+ no3+ su((erti(e's here+ babe+ -o you nee- so(ethin' to
kee5 you cool?
Better look out no3+ thou2h+ ,a'e's 2ot so(ethin' for you
Tell ya 3hat it is
1'( your ice-crea( (an+ sto5 (e 3hen 1'( 5assin' by
Oh (y-(y+ 1'( your ice-crea( (an+ sto5 (e 3hen 1'( 5assin'
See no3 all (y fla'ours are 2uarantee- to satisfy
Hol- on a secon-+ baby
1 2ot 2oo- le(ona-e+ ah+ -i&ie cu5s
All fla'ours an- 5ush-u5s+ too
1'( your ice-crea( (an+ baby+ sto5 (e 3hen 1'( 5assin' by
See no3 all (y fla'ours are 2uarantee- to satisfy
Hol- on+ one (ore
6ell+ 1'( usually 5assin' by Eust about ele'en o'clock
Ah huh+ 1 ne'er sto5+ 1'( usually 5assin' by+ Eust aroun- ele'en
An-+ if you let (e cool you one ti(e+ you'll be (y re2ular sto5
Alri2ht+ boys$
1 2ot 2oo- le(ona-e+ ah+ -i&ie cu5s
All fla'ours an- 5ush-u5s too
1'( your ice-crea( (an+ sto5 (e 3hen 1'( 5assin' by
See no3 all (y fla'ours are 2uarantee- to satisfy
<es+ 1'( your ice-crea( (an+ sto5 (e 3hen 1'( 5assin' by
1'( your ice-crea( (an+ sto5 (e 3hen 1'( 5assin' by
They say all (y fla'ors are 2uarantee- to satisfy
Ah+ one ti(e$
80--ie Van Halen: 3ailin2 a3ay-:uitar Solo:;
1'( your ice-crea( (an+ sto5 (e 3hen 1'( 5assin' by
1'( your ice-crea( (an+ sto5 (e 3hen 1'( 5assin' by
They say all (y fla'ours are 2uarantee- to satisfy
One ti(e+ boys$
1'( your ice-crea( (an$
1'( your ice-crea( (an$
Ah+ (y-(y-(y$
All (y fla'ors are 2uarantee- to satis-uh-fy 8,a'i- a la 0l'is$;
2D" 0ru5tion: li'e 'GG
(0--ie Van Halen"
8,a'i- #ee .oth:; F1 2i'e you The *an$F
80--ie Van Halen: Career-base--ra(5a2in2 :uitar Solo:;
8,a'i- #ee .oth:; F0-3ar- Van Halen$ 0-3ar- Van Halen$F
2G" 7u(5
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
Ah+ yeah$
1 2et u5+ an- nothin2 2ets (e -o3n
<ou 2ot it tou2h+ 1''e seen the tou2hest aroun-
An-+ 1 kno3+ baby+ Eust ho3 you feel
<ou''e 2ot to roll-oh-oh 3ith the 5unches to 2et to 3hat's real
Oh+ can't you see (e stan-in2 here
1''e 2ot (y back a2ainst the recor- (achine?
1 ain't the 3orst that you''e seen
Oh+ can't you see 3hat 1 (ean?
Ah+ (i2ht as 3ell Eu(5+ Eu(5$
*i2ht as 3ell Eu(5
:o ahea- an- Eu(5+ Eu(5$
:o ahea-+ Eu(5
Aaa-ohh+ hey you$ 6ho sai- that?
Baby+ ho3 you been?
<ou say you -on't kno3+ you 3on't kno3 until 3e be2in
6ell+ can't you see (e stan-in2 here?
1''e 2ot (y back a2ainst the recor- (achine
1 ain't the 3orst that you''e seen
Oh+ can't you see 3hat 1 (ean?
*i2ht as 3ell Eu(5+ Eu(5$
:o ahea- an- Eu(5
*i2ht as 3ell Eu(5+ Eu(5$
:o ahea- an- Eu(5+ Eu(5$
80--ie Van Halen: calculate- :uitar / Leyboar- Solo:;
*i2ht as 3ell Eu(5+ Eu(5$
:o ahea- an- Eu(5
:et it an- Eu(5+ Eu(5$
:o ahea- an- Eu(5+ Eu(5+ Eu(5+ Eu(5+ Eu(5$
80--ie Van Halen: 0n- :uitar Solo:;
2H" Botto(s A5$
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
1''e been sittin2 here 'bout half the ni2ht
Oh+ *a(a+ fill (y cu5 u5
Sai- 1 ca(e here to a 3aste of ti(e
1 think 1'( 2onna Eu(5 u5
1'( sin2in'+ 1'( -ancin' (ost e'ery ni2ht
An-+ 1 3ant to -o that 3ith you+ babe
#et's -o this bottle ri2ht
Oh-oh+ baby+ botto(s u5$
)retty (ai-s+ all in a ro3+ 2o on+ set 'e( u5+ u5
Co(e u( u( u( u( u(+ baby+ botto(s u5$
1'( sin2in'+ 1'( -ancin' (ost e'ery ni2ht
An-+ 1 3ant to -o that 3ith you+ babe
#et's -o this bottle ri2ht
80--ie Van Halen: classic 0--ie-:uitar Solo:;
8,a'i- #ee .oth: lau2hter:;
6ooh$ O3$ Alri2ht$ O3+ let's sin2 a little bit here$ <eah$
Co(e u(-u(-u(-u(-u(+ baby+ botto(s u5$
Co(e u(-u(-u(-u(-u(+ baby+ botto(s u5$
Co(e u(-u(-u(-u(-u(+ 8lau2hter; baby+ botto(s u5$
Co(e u(-u(-u(-u(-u(+ baby+ botto(s u5$
O3$ <eah$
80--ie Van Halen: another ra(bunctious :uitar Solo:;
2I" :ro3th
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
,e(onoi- Bonus Tracks
%Van Halen 'ersion%
!2" Hot 4or Teacher
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
FOh+ 3o3+ (an $F
F6ait a secon-+ (an$ 6ha--aya think the teacher's 2onna
look like this year?F
F*y butt+ (an$F 8lau2hter; Oh-3oah$ Oh+ yeah$
T-T-Teacher sto5 that screa(in2+ teacher -on't you see?
,on't 3anna be no u5to3n fool$
*aybe 1 shoul- 2o to Hell+ but 1'( -oin' 3ell
Teacher nee-s to see (e after school
1 think of all the e-ucation that 1 (isse-
But+ then (y ho(e3ork 3as ne'er =uite like this
:ot it ba-+ 2ot it ba-+ 2ot it ba-
1'( hot for teacher
1 2ot it ba-+ so ba-
1'( hot for teacher
FHey+ 1 hear- you (isse- us+ 3e're back$F
F1 brou2ht (y 5encil$F
F:i((e so(ethin2 to 3rite on+ (an$F Ah$ Ooh-ooh-ooh$
1 hear- about your lessons+ but lessons are so col-
1 kno3 about this school
#ittle 2irl fro( Cherry #a3n+ ho3 -i- you 2et so bol-?
Ho3 -i- you kno3 that :ol-en .ule?
1 think of all the e-ucation that 1 (isse-
But+ then (y ho(e3ork 3as ne'er =uite like this
6oah+ 2ot it ba-+ 2ot it ba-+ 2ot it ba-
1'( hot for teacher
1 2ot it ba-+ so ba-
1'( hot for teacher$
80--ie Van Halen: ris=uM-:uitar Solo;
FOh (an+ 1 think the clock is slo3$F
F1 -on't feel tar-y$F
FClass -is(isse-$F
:ot it ba-+ 2ot it ba-+ 2ot it ba-
1'( hot for teacher
Oh+ yes+ 1'( hot$
1'( hot for teacher$
Oh+ (y 2o-$
%0--ie Van Halen 'ersion%
!2" )ana(a
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
Oh+ yeah$ Ah-huh$
7u(5 back+ 3hat's that soun-?
Here she co(es+ full blast an- to5 -o3n
Hot shoe+ burnin' -o3n the a'enue
*o-el citi9en 9ero -isci5line
,on't you kno3 she's co(in2 ho(e 3ith (e?
<ou'l lose her in the turn
1'll 2et her$
)ana(a+ )ana(a
)ana(a+ )ana(a
Ain't nothin' like it+ her shiny (achine
:ot the feel for the 3heel+ kee5 the (o'in2 5arts clean
Hot shoe+ burnin' -o3n the a'enue
:ot an on-ra(5 co(in' throu2h (y be-roo(
,on't you kno3 she's co(in2 ho(e 3ith (e?
<ou'll lose her in the turn
1'll 2et her$
)ana(a+ )ana(a
)ana(a+ )ana(a+ oh-uh-eh-oh
80--ie Van HalenJ stylistic-:uitar Solo:;
<eah+ 3e're runnin' a little bit hot toni2ht
1 can barely see the roa- fro( the heat co(in' off of it
Ah+ you reach -o3n+ bet3een (y le2s+ ease the seat back
She's blin-in2+ 1'( flyin2
.i2ht behin- the rear-'ie3 (irror no3
:ot the feelin2+ 5o3er steerin2
)istons 5o55in2+ ain't no sto55in2 no3$
)ana(a+ )ana(a
)ana(a+ )ana(a+ oh-uh-eh-oh$
)ana(a+ )ana(a
)ana(a+ )ana(a+ oh-uh-eh-oh$
%,a'i- #ee .oth 'ersion%
!!" .unnin' 6ith The ,e'il
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
<eah-yeah$ Alri2hta$
1 li'e (y life like there's no to(orro3
An-+ all 1''e 2ot 1 ha- to steal
#east 1 -on't nee- to be2 or borro3
<es+ 1'( li'in2 at a 5ace that kills
Ooh+ yeah$
.unnin' 3ith the ,e'il
.unnin' 3ith the ,e'il
1'll tell you all about it$
1 foun- the si(5le life ain't so si(5le
6hen 1 Eu(5e- out on that roa-
1 2ot no lo'e+ no lo'e you'- call real
Ain't 2ot nobo-y 3aitin2 at ho(e
Ah+ yeah$
.unnin' 3ith the ,e'il
1 tell you+ 1'( runnin'
An-+ 1'( only 2onna tell you one ti(e+ ah+ yeah$
.unnin' 3ith the ,e'il
<es+ 1 a(+ yeah$
80--ie Van Halen: ulti(ate-(ini-:uitar Solo:;
<ou kno3 1+ 1 foun- the si(5le life+ 3eren't so si(5le+ no
6hen 1 Eu(5e- out on that roa-
:ot no lo'e+ no lo'e you'- call real
:ot nobo-y 3aitin2 at ho(e
Ah+ yeah$
.unnin' 3ith the ,e'il
Alri2ht+ alri2ht 1'( runnin'$ Ah+ yeah$
.unnin' 3ith the ,e'il
Ooh+ ooh+ no3+ one (ore ti(e$
80--ie Van Halen: ulti(ate-(ini-:uitar Solo 2:;
Ah+ yeah$
.unnin' 3ith the ,e'il
Ah+ yeah$
.unnin' 3ith the ,e'il
Oh+ oh$
.unnin' 3ith the ,e'il
Ah-hah+ yeah$ Ah-hah+ yeah$
.unnin' 3ith the ,e'il
<eah+ ooh$
%6olf2an2 Van Halen 'ersion%
!2" Ain't Talkin' 'Bout #o'e
(*ichael Anthony+ ,a'i- #ee .oth+ Ale& Van Halen / 0--ie Van
1 hear- the ne3s+ baby+ all about your -isease
<eah+ you (ay ha'e all you 3ant+ baby+ but 1 2ot so(ethin' you
Oh+ yeah+ ain't talkin' 'bout lo'e
*y lo'e is rotten to the core
Ain't talkin' 'bout lo'e
7ust like 1 tol- you before+ yeah+ before
<ou kno3 you're se(i-2oo- lookin'+ an- on the streets+ a2ain
Oh+ yeah+ you think you're really cookin'+ baby+ you better fin-
yourself a frien-
*y frien-+ ain't talkin' 'bout lo'e
*y lo'e is rotten to the core
Ain't talkin' 'bout lo'e
7ust like 1 tol- you before+ uh before+ uh before+ before
80--ie Van Halen: stunnin2ly-short-:uitar Solo:;
Ain't talkin' 'bout lo'e
Babe+ it's rotten to the core
Ain't talkin' 'bout lo'e
7ust like 1 tol- you before+ uh before
1 been to the e-2e+ an' there 1 stoo- an' looke- -o3n
<ou kno3 1 lost a lot of frien-s there+ baby+ 1 2ot no ti(e to
(ess aroun-
*(((+ so if you 3ant it 2ot to blee- for it+ baby
<eah+ 2ot to 2ot to blee-+ baby
*(((+ you 2ot to 2ot to blee-+ baby
Hey+ 2ot to 2ot to blee-+ baby
Ain't talkin' 'bout lo'e
*y lo'e is rotten to the core
Ain't talkin' 'bout lo'e
7ust like 1 tol- you before+ before+ before
Ain't talkin' 'bout lo'e
,on't 3anna talk about lo'e
,on't nee- to talk about lo'e
Ain't 2onna talk about lo'e+ no (ore+ no (ore+ ah$
Hey$ Hey$ Hey$
Hey$ Hey$ Hey$
Hey$ Hey$ Hey$
Hey$ Hey$ Hey$
Hey$ Hey$ Hey$
Hey$ Hey$ Hey$
Hey$ Hey$ Hey$
Hey$ Hey$ Hey$

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