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Enterovirus Enterovirus
Virus classification Klasifikasi virus
Group: Group:
Group IV ( (+)ssRNA ) Grup
IV ((+) ssRNA)
Orer: Orer
Genus: Genera Enterovirus Enterovirus
Species Spesies
%uman: &anusia:
'o"iovirus Virus po"io
%uman enterovirus A (%(V)A) (
co*sackie A viruses an enterovirus
+, ((V+,)) &anusia (nterovirus A
(%(V)A) (co*sackie A virus an
(nterovirus +, ((V+,))
%uman enterovirus - (%(V)-) (
co*sackie - viruses , echoviruses ,
co*sackie A. virus , enterovirus /.
((V/.) an enterovirus +0 ((V+0))
&anusia (nterovirus - (%(V)-)
(co*sackie - virus, echoviruses,
co*sackie virus A., (nterovirus /.
((V/.) an (nterovirus +0 ((V+0))
%uman enterovirus 1 (%(V)1) (
co*sackie A viruses ) &anusia
(nterovirus 1 (%(V)1) (co*sackie
A virus)
%uman enterovirus 2 (%(V)2) (
enterovirus /3 ((V/3) an
enterovirus +4 ((V+4)) &anusia
(nterovirus 2 (%(V)2)
((nterovirus /3 ((V/3) an
(nterovirus +4 ((V+4))
Nonhuman: -ukan manusia:
-ovine enterovirus -ovine
5imian enterovirus 5imian
'orcine enterovirus -a6i
7he enteroviruses are a genus o8 (+)ssRNA viruses associate 9ith severa" human an
mamma"ian iseases: 7he enterovirus aa"ah genus (+) ssRNA virus #ang 6erhu6ungan
engan 6e6erapa pen#akit manusia an mama"ia: %istorica""# the most signi8icant has
6een the 'o"iovirus : %istoris #ang pa"ing signi8ikan te"ah men;ai virus po"io: Other
t#pes are co*sackie an echovirus: Jenis "ainn#a aa"ah co*sackie an echovirus:
(nterovirus are the most common cause o8 aseptic meningitis an can cause serious
isease especia""# in in8ants an the immunocompromise: (nterovirus merupakan
pen#e6a6 pa"ing umum meningitis aseptik an apat men#e6a6kan pen#akit #ang serius
terutama paa 6a#i an immunocompromise:
<%uman enteroviruses (8ami"# 'icornaviriae) in8ect mi""ions o8 peop"e 9or"9ie each
#ear, resu"ting in a 9ie range o8 c"inica" outcomes ranging 8rom unapparent in8ection to
mi" respirator# i""ness (common co"), han, 8oot an mouth isease , acute hemorrhagic
con;unctivitis , aseptic meningitis , m#ocaritis , severe neonata" sepsis )"ike isease, an
acute 8"acci para"#sis : In the =nite 5tates, enteroviruses are responsi6"e 8or 04,444 to
>4,444 meningitis hospita"i?ations per #ear as a resu"t o8 04 mi""ion to >4 mi""ion
in8ections: 5ero"ogic stuies have istinguishe // human enterovirus serot#pes on the
6asis o8 an anti6o# neutra"i?ation test, an aitiona" antigenic variants have 6een
e8ine 9ithin severa" o8 the serot#pes on the 6asis o8 reuce or nonreciproca" cross)
neutra"i?ation 6et9een protot#pe an variant strains: On the 6asis o8 their pathogenesis in
humans an e*perimenta" anima"s, the enteroviruses 9ere origina""# c"assi8ie into 8our
groups, po"ioviruses, co*sackie A viruses (1A), co*sackie - viruses (1-), an
echoviruses, 6ut it 9as @uick"# rea"i?e that there 9ere signi8icant over"aps in the
6io"ogica" properties o8 viruses in the i88erent groups: 7he more recent"# iso"ate
enteroviruses have 6een name 9ith a s#stem o8 consecutive num6ers: (V/3, (V/.,
(V+4, an (V+,:<
A , B
7here <are /C non)po"io enteroviruses that can cause isease in
humans: C0 1o*sackie A viruses, / 1o*sackie - viruses, C3 echoviruses, an > other
<%uman enterovirus (ke"uarga 'icornaviriae) mengin8eksi ;utaan
orang i se"uruh unia setiap tahunn#a, sehingga menghasi"kan 6er6agai hasi" k"inis
mu"ai ari in8eksi unapparent untuk pen#akit pernapasan ringan (1ommon ingin),
tangan, kaki an mu"ut pen#akit, akut hemorrhagic con;unctivitis, aseptic meningitis,
miokaritis, parah neonata" sepsis)seperti pen#akit, an akut 8"acci para"#sis: 2i
Amerika 5erikat, enterovirus 6ertanggung ;a9a6 untuk 04:444 sampai >4:444 per tahun
ira9at i rumah sakit meningitis aki6at 6erpenuuk 04 ;uta untuk >4 mi""ion in8eksi:
sero"ogis pene"itian te"ah mem6eakan manusia (nterovirus // serotipe paa asar
pengu;ian netra"isasi anti6oi, an tam6ahan antigenik varian te"ah ie8inisikan a"am
6e6erapa serotipe atas asar ikurangi atau nonreciproca" netra"isasi si"ang antara
prototipe an varian strain: Atas asar mereka patogenesis paa manusia an he9an
perco6aan, #ang enterovirus a9a"n#a ik"asi8ikasikan ke a"am empat ke"ompok,
po"ioviruses, co*sackie A virus (1A), co*sackie - virus (1-), an echoviruses, tapi
engan cepat men#aari 6ah9a aa #ang signi8ikan tumpang tinih a"am si8at)si8at virus
6io"ogis a"am ke"ompok)ke"ompok #ang 6er6ea: 5emakin 6an#ak 6aru)6aru ini
teriso"asi enterovirus te"ah inamai engan sistem angka 6erturut)turut: (V/3, (V/.,
(V+4 an (V+,:
Aa< aa"ah /C non)po"io enterovirus #ang apat men#e6a6kan
pen#akit paa manusia: C0 1o*sackie A virus, / 1o*sackie - virus, C3 echoviruses, an >
enterovirus "ainn#a:

<(nteroviruses can 6e 8oun in the respirator# secretions (eg, sa"iva, sputum, or nasa"
mucus) an stoo" o8 an in8ecte person: Other persons ma# 6ecome in8ecte 6# irect
contact 9ith secretions 8rom an in8ecte person or 6# contact 9ith contaminate sur8aces
or o6;ects, such as a rinking g"ass or te"ephone: 'arents, teachers, an chi" care center
9orkers ma# a"so 6ecome in8ecte 6# contamination o8 the hans 9ith stoo" 8rom an
in8ecte in8ant or to"er uring iaper changes:<
<(nterovirus apat itemukan a"am
cairan perna8asan (misa"n#a, air "iur, ahak, atau "enir hiung) an tin;a orang #ang
terin8eksi: Orang)orang "ain mungkin men;ai terin8eksi me"a"ui kontak "angsung engan
cairan ari orang #ang terin8eksi atau me"a"ui kontak engan permukaan atau 6ena)
6ena #ang terkontaminasi, seperti ge"as minum atau te"epon: Orang tua, guru, an
peker;a pusat penitipan anak ;uga 6isa men;ai terin8eksi o"eh kontaminasi ari tangan
engan 6angku ari 6a#i atau anak #ang terin8eksi se"ama peru6ahan popok:

Contents Isi
, 7ransmission , 7ransmisi
C 5pecies an genetics C Jenis an genetika
0 'o"iovirus 0 virus po"io
D 1o*sackie an echovirus D 1o*sackie an echovirus
> 1hronic 8atigue s#nrome 5inrom ke"e"ahan kronis >
/ (nterovirus +, ((V+,) / (nterovirus +, ((V+,)
o /:, 7reatment /,, 7reatment
o /:C &a"a#sia an 5ingapore /,C &a"a#sia an 5ingapura
o /:0 $orea $orea /,0
o /:D 7ai9an /,D 7ai9an
o /:> %ong $ong /,> %ong $ong
o /:/ 1hina /,/ cina
+ 5ee a"so + Lihat ;uga
3 (*terna" "inks 3 'rana"a "uar
. 5ources an notes . 5um6er an catatan
edit ! "ransmission Suntin#! "ransmisi
'o"iovirus, as 9e"" as co*sackie an echovirus are sprea through the 8eca")ora" route
(compare 9ith entero) , o8 the gutsEintestines): Virus po"io, serta co*sackie an echovirus
ini ise6arkan me"a"ui rute 8eca")ora" (6aningkan engan entero), ari isi perut E usus):
edit ! Species and #enetics Suntin#! Spesies dan
(nteroviruses are mem6ers o8 the picornavirus 8ami"#, a "arge an iverse group o8 sma""
RNA viruses an <is characteri?e 6# a sing"e positive)stran genomic RNA kno9n to
have a high mutation rate cause 6# "o9)8ie"it# rep"ication an 8re@uent recom6ination:<
A 0 B
(nterovirus aa"ah anggota ari picornavirus ke"uarga, 6esar an keci" 6er6agai
ke"ompok virus RNA an <itanai o"eh satu positi8 genom RNA untai ikena" memi"iki
"a;u mutasi #ang tinggi ise6a6kan o"eh kesetiaan renah an sering rep"ikasi

<7he enterovirus genus comprises the 8o""o9ing species: po"iovirus, human enterovirus A
(%(V)A) (co*ackie A viruses an enterovirus +,), %(V)- (co*sackie - viruses,
echoviruses, co*sackie A. virus, an enteroviruses /. an +0), %(V)1 (co*sackie A
viruses), %(V)2 (enteroviruses /3 an +4), an at "east three anima" enterovirus species
(6ovine, simian, an porcine enteroviruses): 7he# a"" contain a genome o8 appro*imate"#
+,>44 6ases an positive A(+)B)stran po"arit#: A8ter in8ection o8 the host ce"", the genome
is trans"ate in a cap)inepenent manner into a sing"e po"#protein, 9hich is su6se@uent"#
processe 6# virus)encoe proteases into the structura" capsi proteins an the
nonstructura" proteins, 9hich are main"# invo"ve in the rep"ication o8 the virus<

<(nterovirus genus #ang teriri ari spesies 6erikut: virus po"io, (nterovirus manusia A
(%(V)A) (co*ackie A virus an (nterovirus +,), %(V)- (co*sackie - virus, echoviruses,
co*sackie virus A., an enterovirus /. an +0), %(V )1 (co*sackie A virus), %(V 2
(enterovirus /3 an +4), an pa"ing tiak tiga ;enis (nterovirus he9an (sapi, mon#et, an
6a6i enterovirus): &ereka semua 6erisi genom sekitar +:>44 pangka"an an positi8 A(+) B)
untai po"aritas: 5ete"ah in8eksi paa se" inang, genom iter;emahkan a"am topi)cara
inepenen ke a"am satu po"#protein, #ang kemuian iproses o"eh virus)ikoekan
protease men;ai protein kapsi struktura" an nonstruktura" protein, #ang terutama
ter"i6at a"am rep"ikasi virus

edit ! $oliovirus Suntin#! virus polio
&ain artic"e: 'o"iovirus Artike" utama: virus po"io
Incu6ation perio o8 po"iovirus is ,FC 9eeks: &asa inku6asi virus po"io aa"ah ,)C
minggu: 7he proroma" phase sho9s: !ever, ma"aise, m#a"gia (sore musc"es), sore throat,
vomiting, an constipation: 'ara 8ase proroma" menun;ukkan: 2emam, ma"aise, m#a"gia
(n#eri otot), sakit tenggorokan, muntah, an sem6e"it: 'o"iovirus can a88ect the spina"
cor an cause para"#sis: Virus po"io apat mempengaruhi sumsum tu"ang 6e"akang an
men#e6a6kan ke"umpuhan: In this case, the isease is re8erre to as po"iom#e"itis : 2a"am
kasus ini, pen#akit ini ise6ut se6agai po"io:
edit ! Co%sackie and echovirus Suntin#! Co%sackie
dan echovirus
&ain artic"es: 1o*sackie A virus , 1o*sackie - virus , an (chovirus Artike" utama:
1o*sackie A virus, 1o*sackie - virus, an (chovirus
1o*sackie viruses are a non) ph#"ogenetic group:
A > B
1o*sackie A viruses are main"#
associate 9ith human han, 8oot an mouth isease : 1o*sackie virus aa"ah non)
8i"ogenetik ke"ompok:
1o*sackie A virus manusia terutama #ang 6erhu6ungan engan
tangan, kaki an mu"ut: 1o*sackie - viruses can cause mi" signs an s#mptoms, simi"ar
to a <co"<, 6ut these viruses a"so can "ea to more serious iseases, inc"uing
m#ocaritis (in8"ammation o8 the heart)G pericaritis (in8"ammation o8 the sac "ining the
heart)G meningitis (in8"ammation o8 the mem6ranes that "ine the 6rain an spina" cor)G
an pancreatitis (in8"ammation o8 the pancreas): 1o*sackie - virus apat men#e6a6kan
tana an ge;a"a ringan, mirip engan <ingin<, tetapi virus ini ;uga apat men#e6a6kan
pen#akit #ang "e6ih serius, termasuk miokaritis (raang hati)G perikaritis (raang
se"aput kantung ;antung)G meningitis ( raang se"aput #ang me"apisi otak an sumsum
tu"ang 6e"akang), an pankreatitis (raang pankreas):
(choviruses , on the other han, are a cause o8 man# o8 the non)speci8ic vira" in8ections:
(choviruses, i sisi "ain, merupakan pen#e6a6 6an#ak non)spesi8ik in8eksi virus: It is
main"# 8oun in the intestine, an can cause nervous isorers: %a" ini terutama
itemukan a"am usus, an apat men#e6a6kan gangguan sara8:
7he usua" s#mptoms o8 co*ackie an echovirus are: !ever, mi" rash, mi" upper
respirator# tract (=R7) i""ness: Ge;a"a #ang 6iasa co*ackie an echovirus aa"ah:
2emam, ruam ringan, ringan sa"uran pernapasan 6agian atas (=R7) pen#akit:
edit ! Chronic fati#ue syndrome Suntin#! sindrom
kelelahan kronis
In 5eptem6er C44+, a stu# pu6"ishe in the Journa" o8 1"inica" 'atho"og# reporte that
acute respirator# or gastrointestina" in8ections associate 9ith enterovirus ma# 6e a 8actor
in chronic 8atigue s#nrome : 'aa 6u"an 5eptem6er C44+, se6uah pene"itian #ang
iter6itkan a"am Journa" o8 1"inica" 'atho"og# me"aporkan 6ah9a perna8asan akut atau
in8eksi sa"uran pencernaan #ang terkait engan (nterovirus mungkin merupakan 8aktor
a"am sinrom ke"e"ahan kronis: 7he 1a"i8ornia)6ase stu# sho9e a statistica""#
signi8icant portion o8 the chronic 8atigue stu# group teste positive 8or a vira" protein
compare to the contro" group:
A / B
1a"i8ornia 6er6asis pene"itian menun;ukkan signi8ikan
secara statistik se6agian ari ke"ompok stui ke"e"ahan kronis ites positi8 untuk protein
virus i6aningkan engan ke"ompok kontro":

edit ! Enterovirus &' (EV&') Suntin#! Enterovirus &'
(V+, 9as 8irst iso"ate an characteri?e 8rom cases o8 neuro"ogica" isease in 1a"i8ornia
in ,./.:
A + B

A 3 B
<(nterovirus +, ((V+,), the ne9est mem6er o8 (nteroviruae, is nota6"e
8or its etio"ogica" ro"e in epiemics o8 severe neuro"ogica" iseases in chi"ren: It appears
to 6e emerging as an important viru"ent neurotropic enterovirus in the upcoming era o8
po"iom#e"itis eraication<:
A . B
7he i""ness usua""# peaks in June or Ju"#: (V+, pertama
ka"i iiso"asi an ikarakterisasi ari kasus pen#akit sara8 i 1a"i8ornia paa ,./.:


<(nterovirus +, ((V+,), anggota ter6aru (nteroviruae, #ang terkena" karena peranann#a
a"am etio"ogi epiemi pen#akit neuro"ogis #ang 6erat paa anak)anak: Ini tampakn#a
muncu" se6agai neurotropic viru"en penting (nterovirus i era menatang pem6erantasan
po"io <:
'en#akit 6iasan#a puncak paa 6u"an Juni atau Ju"i:
<(nterovirus +, ((V+,) in8ection ma# 6e as#mptomatic or ma# cause iarrhea, rashes,
an han, 8oot an mouth isease (%!&2): %o9ever, (V+, a"so has the potentia" to
cause severe neuro"ogica" isease: 7o ate, "itt"e is kno9n a6out the mo"ecu"ar
mechanisms o8 host response to (V+, in8ection: A:::B (V+, in8ection "e to increases in
the "eve" o8 mRNAs encoing chemokines, proteins invo"ve in protein egraation,
comp"ement proteins, an proapoptotis proteins:<
A ,4 B
<(nterovirus +, ((V+,) apat
menun;ukkan ge;a"a in8eksi atau apat men#e6a6kan iare, ruam, an tangan, kaki an
mu"ut (%!&2): Namun, (V+, ;uga memi"iki potensi untuk men#e6a6kan pen#akit
neuro"ogis #ang 6erat: 5ampai saat ini, seikit #ang iketahui tentang mo"eku"er
mekanisme respon host terhaap in8eksi (V+,: A:::B in8eksi (V+, men#e6a6kan
peningkatan tingkat mRNA encoing kemokin, protein #ang ter"i6at a"am egraasi
protein, protein komp"emen, an proapoptotis protein:

<(nterovirus +, ((V+,), one o8 the ma;or causative agents 8or han, 8oot an mouth
isease (%!&2), is sometimes associate 9ith severe centra" nervous s#stem iseases: In
,..+, in &a"a#sia an Japan, an in ,..3 in 7ai9an, there 9ere %!&2 epiemics
invo"ving suen eaths among #oung chi"ren, an (V+, 9as iso"ate 8rom the %!&2
patients, inc"uing the 8ata" cases: 7he nuc"eotie se@uences o8 each (V+, iso"ate 9ere
etermine an compare 6# ph#"ogenetica" ana"#sis: (V+, strains 8rom previous"#
reporte epiemics 6e"onge to genot#pe A),, 9hi"e those 8rom recent epiemics cou"
6e ivie into t9o genot#pes, A)C an -:<
A ,, B
<(nterovirus +, ((V+,), sa"ah satu
pen#e6a6 utama agen untuk tangan, kaki an mu"ut (%!&2), kaang)kaang ikaitkan
engan sistem sara8 pusat 6erat pen#akit: 'aa tahun ,..+, i &a"a#sia an Jepang, an
paa tahun ,..3 i 7ai9an, aa epiemi %!&2 #ang me"i6atkan kematian menaak i
ka"angan anak mua, an (V+, aa"ah %!&2 teriso"asi ari pasien, termasuk kasus)
kasus #ang 8ata": 'ara sekuens nuk"eotia setiap (V+, mengiso"asi itentukan an
i6aningkan engan ana"isis ph#"ogenetica": (V+, strain ari epiemi i"aporkan
se6e"umn#a mi"ik genotipe A), , sementara mereka ari 9a6ah 6aru)6aru ini apat i6agi
men;ai ua genotipe, A)C an -:

edit ! "reatment Suntin#! $era*atan
7here is no vaccine or antivira" agent kno9n to 6e e88ective in treating or preventing
(V+, in8ection: 7iak aa vaksin atau antivirus agen iketahui e8ekti8 a"am mengo6ati
atau mencegah in8eksi (V+,: (*perimenta" vaccines an antivira" agents are 6eing
9orke on:
A ,C B
!or e*amp"e, <6oth 6ovine an human "acto8errins 9ere 8oun to 6e
potent inhi6itors o8 (V+, in8ection<
A . B
an < ri6avirin cou" 6e a potentia" anti)(V+,
A ,0 B
: (ksperimenta" vaksin an agen)agen antivirus seang 6eker;a:
contoh, <6aik sapi an manusia "acto8errins itemukan untuk men;ai pengham6at
potensia" in8eksi (V+,<
an <ri6avirin 6isa men;ai potensi o6at anti)(V+,:<
A,0 B:

(nterovirus)inuce m#ocaritis has 6een success8u""# treate 9ith inter8eron)H :
A ,D B

(nterovirus)inuce miokaritis te"ah 6erhasi" io6ati engan inter8eron)H:

edit ! +alaysia and Sin#apore Suntin#! +alaysia dan Sin#apura
In &a"a#sia , (V+, out6reaks occurre in ,..+ an C444, main"# associate 9ith
genot#pes -0 an -D: 2i &a"a#sia, 9a6ah (V+, ter;ai paa tahun ,..+ an C444,
terutama terkait engan genotipe -0 an -D: 5ince ,..+, (V+, epiemics (genot#pes -
an 1) have 6een reporte annua""# in 5ingapore, 9ith genot#pe -D 8orming the
preominant causative agent o8 a "arge out6reak in C444:
A 0 B
5e;ak ,..+, 9a6ah (V+,
(genotipe - an 1) te"ah i"aporkan setiap tahun i 5ingapura, engan genotipe -D
ominan mem6entuk agen pen#e6a6 9a6ah 6esar paa tahun C444:

edit ! Korea Suntin#! Korea
In $orea, an (V+, epiemic in C444 9as cause 6# a re"ative"# ne9 genot#pe, 10, 9hich
has on"# rare"# 6een ienti8ie outsie o8 $orea in recent #ears:
A 0 B
2i $orea, se6uah
(V+, epiemi paa tahun C444 ise6a6kan o"eh genotipe #ang re"ati8 6aru, 10, #ang
han#a ;arang iienti8ikasi i "uar $orea a"am 6e6erapa tahun terakhir:

edit ! "ai*an Suntin#! "ai*an
A "arge out6reak o8 %!&2 ue to (V+, in8ection occurre in 7ai9an in ,..3, inc"uing
,C.,,4/ case reports, D4> chi"ren 9ith severe comp"ications, an more than 34 eaths:
Ia6ah 6esar %!&2 aki6at in8eksi (V+, ter;ai i 7ai9an paa tahun ,..3, termasuk
,C.:,4/ "aporan kasus, D4> anak)anak engan komp"ikasi parah, an "e6ih ari 34
kematian: A8ter ,..3, sma""er (V+, epiemics occurre a"most annua""# in 7ai9an,
primari"# associate 9ith (V+, viruses o8 genot#pes 1C an -D:
A 0 B
5ete"ah tahun ,..3,
9a6ah (V+, #ang "e6ih keci" ter;ai hampir setiap tahun i 7ai9an, terutama #ang terkait
engan virus (V+, ari genotip 1C an -D:

<79o out6reaks o8 han)8oot)an)mouth isease (%!&2) occurre in 7ai9an 6et9een
,..3 an C444: (nteroviruses 9ere iso"ate 8rom a tota" o8 ,,3.C patients in this
"a6orator# uring this perio: O8 the virus iso"ates, enterovirus +, ((V+,) 9as iagnose
in DD:DJ o8 the patients (,0C o8 C.+) in ,..3, CJ (,0 o8 /D/) in ,..., an C4:>J (,.> o8
.D.) in C444: Genetic ana"#ses o8 the > )untrans"ate an V', regions o8 (V+, iso"ates
6# reverse transcription)'1R an se@uencing 9ere per8orme to unerstan the iversit#
o8 (V+, in these out6reaks o8 %!&2: &ost (V+, iso"ates 8rom the ,..3 epiemic
6e"onge to genot#pe 1, 9hi"e on"# one)tenth o8 the iso"ates 9ere genot#pe -:
Interesting"#, a"" (V+, iso"ates teste 8rom ,... to C444 6e"onge to genot#pe -: 7his
stu# inicate that t9o genogroups o8 (V+, capa6"e o8 inucing severe c"inica" i""ness
have 6een circu"ating in 7ai9an: !urthermore, the preominant (V+, genot#pes
responsi6"e 8or each o8 the t9o ma;or %!&2 out6reaks 9ithin the 0)#ear perio in
7ai9an 9ere i88erent:<
A + B
<2ua 9a6ah tangan)kaki)an)pen#akit mu"ut (%!&2) ter;ai
i 7ai9an antara tahun ,..3 an C444: (nterovirus #ang teriso"asi ari ;um"ah tota" ,:3.C
pasien i "a6oratorium ini se"ama perioe ini: 2ari iso"at virus, (nterovirus +, ((V+,)
te"ah iiagnosis paa DD:DJ pasien (,0C ari C.+) paa tahun ,..3, CJ (,0 ari /D/)
paa tahun ,..., an C4,>J (,.> ari .D.) paa tahun C444: genetik ana"isis ari >)
iter;emah an aerah V', iso"at (V+, o"eh reverse transkripsi)'1R an se@uencing
i"akukan untuk memahami keragaman (V+, a"am 9a6ah ini %!&2: $e6an#akan
(V+, mengiso"asi ari epiemi tahun ,..3 mi"ik genotipe 1, seangkan han#a
sepersepu"uh ari iso"at aa"ah genotipe -: &enarikn#a, semua iso"at (V+, iu;i ,...)
C444 mi"ik genotipe -: 5tui ini menun;ukkan 6ah9a ua genogroups ari (V+, mampu
merangsang pen#akit k"inis 6erat te"ah 6erear i 7ai9an: 5e"an;utn#a, genotipe (V+,
ominan #ang 6ertanggung ;a9a6 untuk masing)masing ari ua 9a6ah %!&2 utama
a"am 0)tahun perioe i 7ai9an 6er6ea:

In C443, 7ai9an Ks 2epartment o8 %ea"th (2O%) reporte ,D 8ata"ities 6# enterovirus +,
((V+,), 9ith the 5eptem6er C, eath o8 an 3)month)o" 6o#:
A ,> B
'aa tahun C443,
7ai9an Ks 2epartemen $esehatan (2O%) me"aporkan ,D kor6an ;i9a o"eh (nterovirus +,
((V+,), engan 5eptem6er C, kematian 6u"an 3 anak "aki)"aki 6erusia:

edit ! ,on# Kon# Suntin#! ,on# Kon#
In %ong $ong , sporaic (V+, in8ections 9ith inciences o8 monop"egia 9ere reporte
in ,.3+, an a 8ata" case 9as ocumente in C44,:
A 0 B
2i %ong $ong, sporais in8eksi
(V+, engan insien monop"egia i"aporkan paa ,.3+, an kasus 8ata"
iokumentasikan paa tahun C44,:

7he num6er o8 (V+, cases in %ong $ong in C44D, C44>, C44/ an C44+ 9ere 0>, 3, ,/
an ,C respective"#:
A ,/ B
In C443 , the 1entre 8or %ea"th 'rotection con8irme the tota"
num6er o8 in8ections to .D so 8ar: Jum"ah kasus (V+, i %ong $ong paa tahun C44D,
C44>, C44/ an C44+ aa"ah 0>, 3, ,/ an ,C masing)masing:
'aa tahun C443, 'usat
'er"inungan $esehatan mengkon8irmasi ;um"ah in8eksi hingga .D se;auh ini: In three o8
the cases, the chi"ren in8ecte ha trave"e to Guangong an !u;ian :
A ,+ B
2a"am tiga
kasus, anak)anak terin8eksi te"ah 6epergian ke Guangong an !u;ian:

edit ! China Suntin#! Cina
!rom ,... to C44D, there 9ere no epiemics o8 han, 8oot, an mouth isease in
5hen?hen , 'eop"eKs Repu6"ic o8 1hina , 6ut each #ear there 9ere sma"", "oca" out6reaks
associate 9ith on"# a 8e9 cases o8 neuro"ogica" isease an no reporte 8ata"ities: 2ari
tahun ,... hingga C44D, tiak aa epiemi tangan, kaki, an mu"ut i 5hen?hen, 'eop"eKs
Repu6"ic o8 1hina, tetapi setiap tahun aa keci", 9a6ah "oka" #ang 6erhu6ungan engan
han#a 6e6erapa kasus pen#akit sara8 an tiak aa "aporan kor6an ;i9a: Genetic ana"#sis
revea"e ,. cases o8 (V+, among ,D+ chi"ren 9ho ha han, 8oot, an mouth isease in
5hen?hen uring this time:
A 0 B
Ana"isis genetik mengungkapkan ,. kasus ari (V+, i
antara ,D+ anak)anak #ang te"ah tangan, kaki, an mu"ut i 5hen?hen se"ama 9aktu ini:
=nti" C443, no "arge (V+, epiemic ha 6een reporte on the 1hinese main"an, 6ut
sporaic in8ections 9ere common in the southeast coasta" area as 9e"" as in"an regions,
such as -ei;ing, 1hong@ing, an Jinan: %ingga C443, tiak aa 9a6ah (V+, 6esar te"ah
i"aporkan i 1ina aratan, tapi sporais in8eksi #ang umum i tenggara pesisir serta
aerah)aerah pea"aman, seperti -ei;ing, 1hong@ing, an Jinan: !rom ,..3 to C44D, the
on"# (V+, viruses ienti8ie on main"an 1hina 6e"onge to the genot#pe 1D, inicating
8ar "ess variet# in 1hina than in 7ai9an :
A 0 B
2ari tahun ,..3 sampai C44D, han#a
iienti8ikasi paa virus (V+, aratan 1ina mi"ik genotipe 1D, menun;ukkan ;auh kurang
variasi a"am 1ina aripaa i 7ai9an:

On &a# 0, C443, 1hinese hea"th authorities reporte a ma;or out6reak o8 (V+,
enterovirus in !u#ang cit# (Anhui province, 1hinese: ) an other "oca"ities in Anhui,
Lhe;iang, an Guangong provinces: On &a# 0, C443, otoritas kesehatan 1ina
me"aporkan 9a6ah 6esar (V+, (nterovirus i !u#ang kota (provinsi Anhui, 1ina:)
an aerah "ainn#a i Anhui, Lhe;iang, an provinsi Guangong: As o8 &a# 0, C443,
0+0/ cases occurring main"# in chi"ren have 6een reporte, 9ith CC ea an DC
critica""# i"": 5e6agai &ei 0, C443, 0:+0/ kasus ter;ai terutama paa anak)anak te"ah
i"aporkan, engan CC meningga" an DC sakit kritis: 5ome D,> ne9 cases have 6een
reporte in the "ast CD hours in !u#ang 1it# a"one:
A ,3 B

A ,. B
As o8 &a# >, C443, /,044 9ere
sickene 6# the vira" out6reak 9hich ki""e another chi", in Lhe;iang raising the eath
to"" to C/ chi"ren, 9ith ,,,.3 other chi"ren a88ecte in that province a"one: -e6erapa
D,> kasus 6aru te"ah i"aporkan a"am CD ;am terakhir i !u#ang 1it# sa;a:

&ei >, C443, /:044 suah muak o"eh 9a6ah virus #ang mem6unuh anak "ain, i Lhe;iang
menaikkan ;um"ah kor6an te9as hingga C/ anak)anak, engan ,:,.3 anak)anak "ain #ang
terkena ampak i provinsi itu seniri: 5peci8ica""#, an aitiona" >,,>, cases 9ere
reporte in Anhui province 9ith scores more in D other provinces: $husus, tam6ahan
>:,>, kasus #ang i"aporkan i Anhui provinsi engan ni"ai "e6ih i D provinsi "ain: 3,>0,
cases o8 chi"ren in8ecte 9ith han)8oot)mouth isease ( %!&2 ) 9ere reporte in
1hina: 3:>0, kasus anak #ang terin8eksi engan tangan)kaki)pen#akit mu"ut (%!&2)
i"aporkan i 1ina: A"" the chi"ren in8ecte are age 6e"o9 /, 9ith most o8 them 6eing
uner C:
A C4 B

A C, B

As o8 &a# + contagious %!&2 "e to C3 eaths:
A C0 B
Minhua reporte
the num6er o8 peop"e in8ecte, a"so rose 6# D444 to ,>,+..:
7he eath to"" rose 6#
t9o to 04, on 7hursa#, 9hi"e the num6er o8 reporte cases ;umpe to ,.,./C:
A C> B

A C/ B
9as up 6# D to 0D on !ria#, an D0 as o8 &a# ,/, 9hi"e reporte in8ections ;umpe to
A C+ B

A C3 B
5emua anak #ang terin8eksi 6erusia i 6a9ah /, engan se6agian 6esar
ari mereka 6eraa i 6a9ah C:


5e6agaimana + &ei %!&2 menu"ar
men#e6a6kan C3 kematian:
Minhua me"aporkan ;um"ah orang #ang terin8eksi, ;uga
naik o"eh D444 ke ,>:+..:
Jum"ah kor6an te9as naik ua sampai 04, paa hari $amis,
seangkan ;um"ah kasus #ang i"aporkan me"on;ak men;ai ,.:./C:

Itu aa"ah o"eh
D)0D paa hari Jumat, an D0 per &a# ,/, sementara in8eksi me"aporkan me"ompat ke


In JianKou cit# o8 !u;ian province 8rom Octo6er , to ,+, C443, Minhua reporte 0
chi"ren, a"" "ess than , #ear o" ie, an ,,4 others 6ecame i"" ue to the to"erKs virus,
or the han, 8oot an mouth isease: 2a"am JianKou kota !u;ian provinsi ari ,),+
Okto6er, C443, Minhua me"aporkan 0 anak, semua kurang ari , tahun meningga", an
,,4 "ainn#a ;atuh sakit aki6at virus 6a"ita, atau tangan, kaki an mu"ut: In Anhui , the
southern 1hina virus ki""e DC peop"e in Apri" an &a#, an C+,>44 to"ers cases 9ere
reporte: 2i Anhui, 6agian se"atan 1ina virus mem6unuh DC orang paa 6u"an Apri" an
&ei, an 6a"ita C+:>44 kasus i"aporkan: 7he out6reaks ha 6een "inke 9ith enterovirus
+, ((V+,), an there is no vaccine 8or the isease:
A C. B

A 04 B
Ia6ah te"ah ihu6ungkan
engan (nterovirus +, ((V+,), an tiak aa vaksin untuk pen#akit:


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