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Narrator: The story started with 5 people entering the woods.

All happy with simple smiles on

their faces. Some were pitching up the tent, some making a fire and one simple
leaning against a tree, listening to music.

Alia: Hey Techno Geek! Start pitching up your tent, or else you're gonna hv to sleep with
the ghoooost~!! <laughs>
Delilah: yeah right alia~! Like i believe in ghosts! Ouuuuuu, im soooo scared...arent u scared
of the ghosts~
Alia: <bwt mke, pastu smirk> dalilah, wanna know a little secret about this forest.
Delilah: go away alia...this is my favorite song!
Alia: there was this story i read...you know, they said that few years ago, there were five
girls, just like us, came to this exact same forest for research. Just like us. There was this rumor going
around. They found this ghost. Half her face was marred with scares, her eyes as yellow as a wolf's
eyes and her hands were so hideous that you would have nightmares for weeks.<tisha pandang2>
Delilah: then, then? What happened to them?
Alia: they disappeared, one-by-one.
Mia: why would you say such things in the forests. Do you know that saying such things
might bring misery to all of us!
Alia: shut up mia! Its just a stupid story
Mia: But
Alia: u-uh (3x)
Mia: but
Alia: just shut up mia! Why the hell am i even stuck with you! Ugh!
Anis: wowwowooww! Chill guys.. just go back to your own work. Please.
Delilah: <sings, plays with headphone>
Tisha: girls, i've cooked lunch! Come and eat. <stone face>

Narrator: that night.
Mia: <snores>
Alia: aish! Shut up will you!
Mia: <Snores louder>
Alia: ugh! <baling bantal> why did i have to share a tent with a cow. Ugh! <walks out of
the tent>
Alia was walking around, lost
Alia: where the hell am i <soundtrack hutan then scary>
ana comes out and reaches for alia
Alia screams for help. Freezes
Narrator: the next morning..
Mia: hey wake up, wake up! Alia is gone! Wake up!
Delilah: why is it so noisy! Im trying to sleep here people!
Mia: alia's missing! Wake up!!!
Anis: she probably went to take a bath..
Tisha: chill guys..we'll go take a look at the river. Maybe she just went to do her business.
Narrator: and so they went to look for alia at the river. When they didn't find her, they
continued searching until they found an old run down house.
Tisha: Mia and dalilah , go that way. Anis take the right, ill take the left.
Narrator: what do you think has happened? >smiled wickedly< join me and i'll show you the
real thing.
Mia is lying on the floor. Backside to the audience.
Anis found mia
Anis: guys2! Come look..
All rushes over to mia..shakes her and turns her to half face the audience.
Tisha checks for pulse..says that mia is dead.
Narrator: they ran back to the campsite and started packing their bags.
Anis: but we havent found alia yet!
Delilah: who cares! Let's just leave! She might as well dead!
Tisha: anis is right. We haven't found her body yet. Lets search for one last time.
Alia comes running in. bla bla bla
Alia bwt psycho.. tisha bwt mke ketat.
Hujan..decides to stay one more night.
Malam2 delilah klua nk kecing. Nmpk tisha heret alia..throws to ground.
Tisha: ur supposed to be dead!
Delilah hears. Runs back to camp. Cri anis. Bg thu bleh bleh bleh. Kne slit throat. Anis jerit
hysterically. Bla bla bla..korg thu da story.

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