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SQL11UPD05-DEMO-01: Developing and Monitoring a SQL Server 2012 Integration Services Solution
Demonstration Overview
This demonstration explores the new features of SQL Server 2012 Integration Services (SSIS). Specifically it covers project conversion, parameters, project
connection managers, deployment to the SSIS catalog, package execution and viewing the built-in reports.
Features Demo Flow

Requirements Duration
Microsoft SQL Server 2012
AdventureWorks2012 sample database
AdventureWorksDW2012 sample database
SQL Server 2012 Integration Services
SQL Server Data Tools (BI designers only)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

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15 minutes
SSIS Project
Project conversion
Project connection managers
SSIS Catalog
Package execution
Step 1
Converting a SSIS 2008 R2 Project to the Project Deployment
Step 2
Managing and Monitoring SSIS Projects Using the SSIS Catalog
Clean up
Cleaning up your environment
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This section explains how to convert an Integration Services 2008 R2 project.
Talking Points Demo Steps Screenshots
Integration Services projects are now
developed in SQL Server Data Tools.
The project and package designer have
been enhanced in the SQL Server 2012

1. Go to Start | All Programs | Visual Studio 2010,
and click Visual Studio 2010.
2. Go to File | Open, and click Project/Solution.
Browse to the Source\Begin folder for this demo,
and double-click the AdventureWorksBI solution.
3. In Solution Explorer, point out that the project is in
package deployment mode.
4. Explain that this is the legacy deployment model
supported in SQL Server 2008 R2.

Before converting the project, first
explore the project design to understand
the purpose and behavior of the project
and its packages.
Start with the Master package.
5. Open the Master package.
6. Explain that the package coordinates the execution
of all load packages for dimension and fact tables.
It uses Execute Package tasks to achieve this. For
demonstration purpose, only the
LoadDimEmployee package will be executed by the
Master package.

Step 1
Converting a SSIS 2008 R2 Project to the Project Deployment
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7. Read the package annotation that describes the
purpose of the package.
8. On the SSIS menu, open the Variables pane, and
point out the AdminEmail variable. Point out the
connection managers used to reference the
packages for execution.
9. Close the package without saving any changes.

Next, explore the LoadDimEmployee
This package includes a parent package
variable configuration to retrieve and
assign the Master packages AdminEmail
variable value to its Notify Admin task.
10. Open the LoadDimEmployee package.
Note: It is not important to describe in detail what this
package has been designed to do.
11. In the designer, select the Event Handers tab.
12. Point out the Notify Admin task, and the fx symbol
in the top left corner which conveys that
expressions are used to dynamically assign values
to the tasks properties.
13. Open the task, and select the Expressions page,
and then expand the expressions to reveal the two
expressions. Close the dialog.
14. Select the Control Flow tab.
15. On the SSIS menu, open Package Configurations.
16. Explain that a parent package variable
configuration is used to retrieve the value of the

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parent packages AdminEmail variable and assign it
to the Notify Admin task.
17. Close the Package Configuration window.
18. Close the package without saving any changes.
The project can be converted to the new
project deployment model.
Explain that projects using this model
can also be reverted back to package
deployment model.
Parameterization is a new feature in SQL
Server 2012 SSIS, and the conversion
wizard will exploit this capability.
19. In Solution Explorer, right-click the project, and
then select Convert to Project Deployment Model.
Note: You will accept all defaults set by the wizard.
20. Click Next.
21. Accept the default to convert all packages, and
then click Next.
22. Accept the default project name and protection
level, and then click Next.
23. Explain that the three Execute Package tasks in the
Master package will be updated, and then click
24. Explain that the LoadDimEmployee and
LoadDimCustomer packages each use parent
variable configurations, and that each will be
converted by using parameters and then click Next.
25. Explain that each package will have a parameter
added to receive the email address, and then click

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26. Accept empty values for each parameter, and then
click Next.
27. Click Convert.
28. Close the wizard, and then save the project.

Parameters can now be defined in
projects and packages.
Parameters can receive values at
execution time.
Parameters can be used in any SSIS
The Package Execution task can now
reference a package within a project (in
Project Deployment Model).
29. Open the Master package.
30. In the designer, select the Parameters tab.
31. Add a new parameter named AdminEmail, set the
data type to String, and set the Required property
to True.
32. In the Variables pane, delete the AdminEmail
33. Open the Control Flow tab and double click
34. On the left pane, select Package.
35. Point out the ReferenceType setting of Project
36. Select the Parameter Bindings page.
37. In the Binding Parameter or Variable dropdown
list, select the $Package::AdminEmail parameter.
38. Close the task.

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39. Delete each of the three connection managers.
40. Explain that they are no longer required when the
packages are referenced using the Project
Reference option.
41. Close and save the Master package.

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A parameter was automatically added to
the LoadDimEmployee package and
assigned to the ToLine property of the
Notify Admin task.
The parent variable configuration is no
longer required.
42. Open the LoadDimEmployee package.
43. In the designer, select the Parameters tab.
44. Point out the NotifyAdmin_ToLine parameter
added during the project conversion.
45. Select the Event Handlers tab.
46. Open the Notify Admin task, and select the
Expressions page.
47. Expand the expressions to reveal the three
48. Point out the ToLine expression that was added
during the project conversion.
49. Close the task.

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Connection managers can be defined at
project level and are then available to all
packages within the project.
Package connections can be converted
to become project connections.
This is only supported in Project
Deployment Model.
50. In Solution Explorer, point out that there are no
connection managers defined.
51. In the Connection Managers pane, right-click the
AdventureWorksDW2012 connection manager,
and select Convert to Project Connection.
52. In Solution Explorer, point out the project
53. Explain that this connection is now available to all
packages in the project.
54. In the package designer, show how the connection
manager includes the (project) ornament.
55. Close the package.
56. Save the entire project.

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This section explains how to create a SSIS catalog, and then deploy, manage and monitor a SSIS project.
Talking Points Demo Steps Screenshots
The SSIS catalog can be created using
SSMS Object Explorer.
The catalog creates the SSISDB
relational database that will store
deployed projects and their resources
This database also stores metadata,
configurations and logging information.
57. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
58. Connect to the Database Engine where Integration
Services has been installed.
59. Point out the Integration Services Catalogs folder.
60. Right-click the folder and then select Create
61. In the Create Catalog window, enter the password
Password;1, and repeat in the confirmation box.
62. Click OK.
63. Expand the folder to show the SSISDB catalog.
64. Expand the Databases folder, and point out the
SSISDB database.
65. Expand the Tables folder for that database and
point out the tables used to store all projects,

Step 2
Managing and Monitoring SSIS Projects Using the SSIS Catalog
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metadata, configurations and logging information.
66. Expand the Programmability | Stored Procedures
67. Explain that this is the T-SQL API that can be used
to programmatically automate SSIS.
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SSIS projects using the Project
Deployment Model can be deployed
direct from SSDT.
The build action for this project outputs
an ispac file.
The ispac file can also be handed off to
a DBA who can then import the
packages using SSMS Object Explorer.
68. Switch to SSDT.
69. In Solution Explorer, right-click the project and
then select Deploy.
70. In the wizard, click Next.
71. In the select destination step, in the Server Name
box, enter the instance name where you created
the SSIS catalog.
72. Next to the Path box, click Browse.
73. In the Browse for Folder window, click New Folder.
74. In the Create New Folder window, in the Name
box, enter AdventureWorksBI, and then click OK.
75. In the Browse for Folder window, click OK.
76. In the wizard, click Next.
77. Click Deploy.
78. Once deployed, click Close.

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Packages can be executed directly from
SSMS Object Explorer.
A required parameter (as configured in
this demonstration) must be provided
at execution time.
Package execution automatically log to
the SSIS catalog.
Built-in reports allow the viewing of the
logged information.
79. Switch to SSMS.
80. Expand the entire SSIS catalog to reveal the
packages in the PopulateDW project.
81. Right-click the Master package, and then select
82. In the Execute Package window, in the Parameters
tab, click the ellipsis.
83. In the Edit Literal Value for Execution window, in
the Value box, enter,
and then click OK.
84. Select the Connection Managers tab.
85. Explain that the properties of the project
connection manager can be updated.
86. To execute the package, click OK.
87. When prompted to open the Overview Report,
click Yes.
88. Explore the report that opens, and point out the
Execution Information and Execution Overview
regions, and their details.
89. Click the View Performance link.
90. Explain that this drill through report provides

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graphical representation of the past 10 executions
(of course this package has only been executed
once in this demonstration).

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This section explains how to perform a clean up after this demo was ran.
Talking Points Cleanup Steps Screenshots
1. Go to SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
2. Locate the SSISDB catalog in the Integration
Services Catalogs node.
3. Right-click on it and click Delete.

Clean Up
Cleaning up your environment

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