Obiee 11g Installation

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Installation Contents
1.0 Software download l inks 3
2.0 OS Instal lation 4
3.0 Database Install ation 19
4.0 OBIEE 11G install ation 46
5.0 OBIEE 11G Sample Apps Install ation 78
6.0 Informatica 9 Installation 78
7.0 DAC Installation 116
8.0 OBIA Installation 151
9.0 RRITEC Database setup 158
10.0 RRITEC Materials Links 159
1.0 Software download links

Step : 1
InformaticaPowerCenter trail version can be downloaded from
Log on to and accept the Terms and Conditions.

Step : 2
Choose the Product package as shown below and Click Continue.

Step : 3
Locate the download package as shown in below image.

2.0 OS Installation
Installing Windows 7 (step by step screen captures)
Installing Windows 7, first step, put the
DVD in to the drive and make sure your BIOS is set to boot from the drive. Pretty standard
Windows setup screen here. At this point though, is where the real excitement starts, sure it
was anxiety provoking burning the DVD, but seeing it boot up, Woah, Windows 7 beta 1 here
we come!

OO, some pretty lights as the setup
program starts, a nice twist. I'm all for the bells and whistles!

Ah, and what do the pretty lights turn in
to? A Windows logo, neat.

Alright, dialogue boxes, now we're
talking! All I ever wanted was something to click on, pretty basic here, just select where you
are and the language you speak.

Alright, step 2, lets hit the Install Now
button, so far pretty easy. Taking this from a person who has never done this before, there's
nothing really to worry about during this installation up to this point. Let's see if it holds true
throughout the process.

You even have to acknowledge open
source project licenses, so no surprise here. Terms of course updated with each beta release,
as they will be updated for the final release as well. Ever wonder how many people Microsoft
has working on this?

Alright, first hurdle. Since we booted
from the DVD we have to do a Custom Advanced install. The upgrade option is greyed out
(it's available if you start the setup from within your current version of Windows)

So this is what you get after you click
Custom on the previous screen. I suppose this could be a little confusing for the non geek
installer, especially if there is a list of multiple partitions. Though by now I'm sure a lot of
casual users have gotten somewhat of a grasp on what a hard drive is. I hope so anyway. I
didn't go to the Advanced tab to do any partitioning or formatting, as I had one partition on
this test I just clicked next.

Alright, let the installation begin! Here
setup copies archives over for extraction and installation on the hard drive.

The files copied over pretty fast, now on
to the extraction process. This didn't take long at all, about 6 minutes.

OK, so files were extracted, now setup
needs a restart to continue. No big deal, this part of the process went by quickly. Cue the
boot images from the start of this blog.

OK, so here we are, after the reboot
and right back at it. Windows 7 starts services to continue installation.

A quick glance back over to Windows
7's installation progress bar. I think really just to see the "Completing Installation" text. Cute.

Alright, if my new Windows 7 wants a
restart before it shows me my desktop goodness, then a restart it gets! Cue the boot screen
shots again...

Right to action! I love it, at this point I
can almost feel Windows 7 running through all 4GB of RAM and both cores. So here we go,
lets pick a username! (and password if you want, Windows 7 is good like that)

A change from Vista, here on the
Windows 7 installation it asks for the product after Windows is installed, for both systems
though you can hit next without putting in a product key, this will install Windows 7 in a 30
day trial mode.

It's always good to set the clock!
Windows 7 needs to know what time it is! You can really leave this as anything, just set your
time zone and date. Once Windows 7 loads you can click on the clock and update from the
Internet. Though I'm sure most people have previously set the time on their PCs, so
Windows 7 should have that here already - just might need to change the timezone.

Picking the network location. Just as in
Windows Vista, Windows 7 wants to know where you are, this determines how the OS will set
file sharing and network discovery settings.

And here Windows 7 sets those settings
for file sharing and network discovery. If you can remember the misery of setting up a
network adapter in Windows 3.x or Windows 95, you might get a feeling of satisfaction at
this screen. I know I did.

Cool new feature for a Home group.
This feels like setting up a Media Extender. I like the idea, even more security for your
networked files, and with an 1-2-3 setup like just entering a network code in to Windows 7 to
automatically join together it's even easier than setting up Windows shares and editing
network properties, like a workgroup.

At this point - I can taste it! It just feels
like it's almost done and I can't wait. Windows 7 here we come!

Yes, Windows 7 welcomes me! I can
feel it, I'm only seconds away from my full glory of Windows 7 beta 1 installed and running!

Nice, Thanks Windows 7 - I always like
having a nice prepared desktop! (Curiousthough, as after Vista they did away with all the
desktop icons - though most OEMsputthem back. Really folks, try to get rid of the icons,
you're using your desktop and don't need to minimize a window to get to something you
access from the start menu - think intuitively)

And I'm in! Windows 7 sets up a few
things super fast and...

My Windows 7 beta 1 desktop is here!
Ready to go! Overall a pretty easy installation really. This would be a breeze to walk
someone over the phone with, and most some-what savvycomputer people can surely do this
on their own. I didn't need any special computer knowledge, or really any knowledge beyond
reading to understand this. A good installation in my book, even installing Linux these days is
just as simple, as is OS X.

3.0 Database Installation
1. configure loopback adpter
2. Go to cmd prompt
3. Type show the one window.


5. Select 2nd one

6. Click Network

7. Select microsoft in left side box and select microsoft loopback
adpter in right side box

8. Click next

9. Click fini sh

10. Go to open network and sharing center in right side corner

11. Click change adpter settings

12. And go to properties right click on local area connection(mi crosoft
loopback adapter)

13. Select internet protocol version4(tcp/ipv4)and click properties

14. Select use the following ip address
typeip address : and press tab button
and click ok

Install java jdk 7.0 after loopback config
15. Go to java file location and double click on jdk install file

16. Click next

17. Click next

1. Click finish after installation

After that install the Database Oracle 11g
Data Base Installation Steps

2. Goto database fi le location on computer and cli ck setup fi le

3. Un check the(remove the tick mark) i wish to receive updates via my
oracle support

4. click yes

5. click next

6. Click next

7. Type the password RRitec123 and cli ck next

Wait 100 % completed

8. Click fini sh

Next instal lati on step started


Wait 100 % completed

9. Click password management

10. type the password
sys : RRitec123
system : RRitec123 and uncheck the scott and sh

Press the down arrow button in computer

11. And remove the tick scott and sh and type the password
scott : tiger
sh : sh
cli ck ok

12. Click yes

13. Click close

4.0 OBIEE 11G installation
14. Go to obiee setup file location computer
15. And open rcuhomefolder,openbin folder

16. Double click on rcu

17. Click next

18. Click next

19. Type
Hostname : localhost
Port : 1521
Servi ce name : orcl
User Nme : sys
Password : RRitec123

Click next

20. Click Ignore

21. Click OK

22. Select oracle Business Intelligence and tick the check box

23. Type the password RRitec123

24. Click ok

25. Click create

26. Click close

27. After that go to OBIEE11G software folder and open bishiphome

28. Open Di sk 1 folder

29. Double click on setup file

30. Click Next

31. Click next

32. Click next

33. Click Browse and select installation location in dri ve(C dri ve (or) D drive)

34. Select drive and type di rectory name as ex:(obi ee_home)

35. Click next

36. TYPE
Connect String : l ocalhost:1521:orcl
BIPLATFORM Schema password : RRitec123

37. Click next

38. Remove the tick mark and cli ck next

39. Click install

40. One time it show this message. In this time click NO

41. Click next

42. save the url's and click finish
43. installation is completed

Automatically open one browser
44. type
user name : weblogic
password : RRitec123

45. Open this file location
Copy l istener &tnsnames

46. open file location
D:\obi ee_home\Oracl e_BI1\network\admi n
Paste here

47. Configure The OBIEE11G

48. Gotoallprograms and open database sql plus

49. Open database sql plus
Enter username : /as sysdbs (press enter)
SQL>create user suppli er2 identified by supplier2; (press enter)
It show user created
SQL>grant dba to supplier2;(press enter)
It show grant succeeded

50. Open cmd prompt and type imp(press enter)
51. Type user name and password supplier2

5.0 OBIEE 11G Sample Apps Installation
6.0 Informatica 9 Installation

Step : 1
InformaticaPowerCenter trail version can be downloaded from
Log on to and accept the Terms and Conditions.

Step : 2
Choose the Product package as shown below and Click Continue.

Step : 3
Locate the download package as shown in below image.

Step : 4
Download the packages to D:\INFA9X

Unpack the Installation Package
Step : 1
Unzip all the the four downloaded zip files into D:\INFA9X. Hint : Use the program WinRAR to unzip
all the files. After unzipping you will see below files and folders.

Step : 2
Unzip into the the same folder D:\INFA9X. After unzipping
you will see below files and folders.

Install InformaticaPowerCenter Server
Step : 1
To locate install.exe, Navigate to D:\INFA9X\dac_win_101314_infa_win_32bit_910 as shown in
below image. double click on the install.exe.

Step : 2
Installation wizard Starts. Choose the installation type.
Click Next.

Step : 3
Installation Pre-requisites will be shown before the installation starts as below.
Click Next.

Step : 4
Enter the license key. You can locate the license key from
Click Next.

Step : 5
Pre-installation summery will give the items installed during the installation process based on the
license key.
Click Next

Step : 6
Installation Begins. It takes couple of minutes to finish. Soon after completion of this step, Configuring
Domain window opens. Continue the steps from Domain Configuration.

Domain Configuration.
Step : 1

o Choose Create a Domain radio button.
o Check Enable HTTPS for Informatica Administrator
o Leave the Port number as it is and choose Use a keystore file generated by the
Click Next.

Step : 2
Provide the Repository database details as below.

o Database Type : Choose your Repository database (Oracle/SQL Server/Sybase)
o Database user ID : Database user ID to connect database.
o User Password : Password.
o Schema Name : If Schema name is not provided default schema will be used.
o Database Address and Port : Machine on which database in installed and default port
o Database Service Name : Database Name.
Below image shows the configuration using SQL Server.
Click Next.

Step : 3
You can give the Domain details, Admin user details now.

o Domain Name : Name of your Domain.
o Node Host Name : Machine name on which Informatica Server is running.
o Node Name : Name of the Node.
o Node Port Number : Leave the default port Number.
o Domain user name : This is the Administrator user
o Domain password : Administrator password
Note : Remember your Admin User ID, Password to log on to Admin Console later in the installation.

Step : 4
Use the default configuration and Click Next.

Step : 5
Installation is complete and you get the post-installation summery. You get a link to the installation
log file and a link to Admin console.
Click Done.

Configure Repository Service
Step : 1
Go to Start menu and Click on Informatica Administrator Home Page. This will open up the Admin
Console in a web browser.

Step : 2
Log on to Admin console using your Admin User ID and Password. You set your Admin User ID and
Password in Domain Configuration section Step 3

Step : 3
Once you Log on you will see the Screen just like shown below.

Step : 4
Choose your Domain Name from Domain Navigator, Click on Actions, Choose New and
PowerCenter Repository Service.

Step : 5
A new screen will appear, Provide the details as shown below.

o Repository Name : Your Repository Name.
o Description : An optional description about the repository.
o Location : Choose the Domain you have already created. If you have only one
Domain, this value will be pre populated.
o License : Choose the license key from the drop down list.
o Node : Choose the node name from the drop down list.
Click Next.

Step : 6
A new screen will appear, Provide the Repository database details.

o Database Type : Choose your Repository database (Oracle/SQL Server/Sybase)
o Username : Database user ID to connect database.
o Password : Database user Password.
o Connection String : Database Connection String.
o Code Page : Database Code Page
o Table Space : Database Table Space Name
o Choose No content exists under specified connection string. Create new content
Click Finish

Step : 7
It takes couple of minutes create Repository content. After the repository creation below screen will
be seen.

Step : 8
The repository service will be running in Exclusive mode as shown below. This needs to be change
to Normal before we can configure Integration service.
Click Edit Repository Properties.

Step : 9
A pop up window appears, Set the properties

o Operation Mode : Normal
o Security Audit Trail : No
Click OK.

Click OK for the next two pop up windows which confirms the Repository Restart to change the
Repository Operating Mode.

Configure Integration Service
Step : 1
Choose your Domain Name from Domain Navigator, Click on Actions, Choose New and
PowerCenter Integration Service.

Step : 2
A new window will appear, Provide the details as shown below.

o Name : Your Integration Service Name.
o Description : An optional description about the repository.
o Location : Choose the Domain you have already created. If you have only one
Domain, this value will be pre populated.
o License : Choose the license key from the drop down list.
o Node : Choose the node name from the drop down list.
Click Next.

Step : 3
A new window will appear, Provide the details as shown below.

o PowerCenter Repository Service : Choose your Repository Service Name from
the drop down list.
o Username : Admin user name.
o Password : Admin password.
o Data Movement Mode : ASCII.
Click Finish.

Step : 4
A pop up window will appear, Choose the Code Page as ANSI.
Click OK.

Step : 5
Window will be closed and you can see all the configured services in the Domain Navigator

With that we are all done with the installation and configuration for InformaticaPowerCenter Server.

Client Installation.
Step : 1
Go to D:\INFA9X as shown in below image. Click on the install.bat.

Step : 2
Installation wizard Starts.
Click Start.

Step : 3
Installation wizard Starts. Choose the installation type as in the below image.
Click Next.

Step : 4
Installation Pre-requisites will be shown before the installation starts as below.
Click Next.

Step : 5
Choose the client tools you need. Only PowerCenter Client is mandatory.
Click Next.

Step : 6
Choose the client installation directory.
Click Next.

Step : 7
You can choose the type of Eclipse installation in this step. This window will be available if you
choose to install Informatica Developer or Data Transformation Studio.
Click Next.

Step : 8
Pre-installation summery will give the items installed during the installation process.
Click Next.

Step : 9
Installation Begins. It takes one or two minutes to complete this step.

Step : 10
Installation is complete and you get the post-installation summery.

With that we are all done with the installation and configuration for InformaticaPowerCenter Client.

Hope you enjoy this tutorial, Please let us know if you have any difficulties during your installation
process, we will be more than happy to help you.
InformaticaPowerCenter 9.0.1
- Data Warehouse Administration Console (DAC)

7.0 DAC Installation

Copy ojdbc6




Select Authentication




Clik on test conection







8.0 OBIA Installation
Extract the .zip file in your hard disc and run the setup.exe file to start the installation wizard

Click next

Specify installation location. Select the following location paths for BI Home, Instance and Domains and then click Next
BI Oracle Home: <install directory>\Oracle_BI1
Oracle Instance: <install directory>\instances\instance_number
Domain Home: <install directory>\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain

Specify WebLogic Administration Server Details i.e port, user name (OBIEE Admin user) and password and then click
e: if you get Unable to connect to Oracle WebLogicNodeManager. Make sure the NodeManager windows service is
running erros, then open Start>All Programs>Oracle WebLogic >Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1>Tools >Node
Manger. A command prompt window will open, its looks like the following

If you get the above error, click Back and then Next in the installation wizard. If not just ignore the above step and
continue with your installation.
Click Next after choosing the Applications you would like to install

Click Next to see the summary of the selected applications and click Next to start the installation.

k Finish to complete the installation.
igate to <install directory>\Oracle_BI1\biapps\repository to see the BI Apps repositories.

Password to both repositories is Admin123, you can see it in AdminToolCmdFile.txt file
anyone of these repositories using Oracle BI Administration tool in Off line mode to confirm that it is working
Remember, Default password for Oracle BI Apps repositories is Admin123

9.0 RRITEC Database setup
Create user supplier2 identified by supplier2;
Grant dba to supplier2;
Conn supplier2
ENTER .DMP PATH(C:\supplier2.dmp)enter
Press enter 5 times
Done enter

10.0 RRITEC Materials Links
Contact HR rri

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