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... through Bertha Dudde

Peter's successors....
Ecclesiastical-secular power....
Read the Bible ad !ou will see that the spirit o" truth has bee
pushed aside i a #ost ob$ious wa!. God's Word has bee withheld
"ro# !ou so that those o" !ou who are loo%ig "or truth shall ot
recogise it.
&he records are care"ull! #aitaied but to what e'tet these
records co#pl! with (hrist's teachig is ot scrutiised.
)d how o"te has the di$ie Word bee chaged* how o"te has
God's Word bee wrogl! iterpreted ad how rarel! was the wrog
iterpretatio ob+ected to. &his deception of humanity caot be
e#phasi,ed o"te eough- a"ter all* it has bee the cause o" all
di$isios ad religious co"licts.
Whe .esus li$ed o earth /e spo%e about the %igdo# o" God*
about a %igdo# which is ot o" this world....
/e did ot spea% about a worldl! power* or did /e spea% about a
ecclesiastical power* about a orgaisatio* /e did ot spea% about
#e who were #eat to rule /is Ow o behal" o" God either....
/e #erel! said to /is disciples 0Go ad teach all atios....' /e
ga$e the# the tas% to istruct people i /is teachig o" lo$e ad /e
pro#ised /is assistace i" the! re#aied i /is spirit.... For as soo
as the! taught lo$e the! had to li$e withi lo$e the#sel$es* thus
the 1ord /i#sel"* Who is lo$e* was with the#.
But where lo$e rules all do#iatig cotrol is uecessar!....
where lo$e rules oe perso ser$es the other
ad where lo$e rules co##ad#ets are super"luous uless the
co##ad#et o" lo$e gi$e b! God /i#sel" is preached to people.
)!thig that teaches lo$e co#plies with di$ie will* but the
additio o" "urther co##ad#ets is ot i accordace with God's
will because the basis o" a! co##ad is a do#iat "orce....
But people should li$e together li%e brothers* the! should #erel!
sub#it to God's will i" the! wat to ac2uire the %igdo# o" God. B!
o #eas should the! rebel agaist the worldl! power which God
has ideed appoited "or the sa%e o" %eepig order where it is
howe$er* /is %igdo# is ot o" this world..../e aloe is 1ord ad
3aster i /is %igdo#* ad /e certail! eeds o oe o earth to
represet /i# ad e'ercise their power o$er other people.
But which Word o" the 1ord durig /is li"e o earth speci"ies such
power4 /e has li$ed a li"e o" lo$e* /e ga$e lo$e ad taught lo$e....
&rue lo$e* howe$er* e'cludes the eed to rule....
&he stroger should ot rule the wea%er e$e where the "ul"il#et
o" di$ie co##ad#ets had bee taught. Because a e"orced
actio is ot to be $er! highl! $alued* regardless o" how oble ad
good it is. 5ot util a perso uses his "ree will are these actios
doe be"ore God. )d thus God ol! de#ads the hu#a beig's
"ree will.
But at o ti#e are people o earth etitled to add their ow
co##ad#ets to the di$ie co##ad#ets. )d e$e less #a!
people be obliged to obe! these co##ad#ets b! threat o"
te#poral or eteral puish#et. For the a co##ad#et would
be obser$ed to a$oid puish#et* which otherwise would ha$e
bee igored. &hus the "ul"il#et o" such co##ad#ets caot
possibl! ha$e great $alue be"ore God ad "or eterit!.
Whe (hrist's disciples co#plied with /is istructios ad spread
the Gospel throughout the world God's acti$it! was clearl! $isible
because i the a#e o" .esus the! healed the sic%* the! e'pelled
e$il spirits ad per"or#ed #iracles i order to rea""ir# what the!
were teachig. God's spirit was with ad withi the#- e$er!thig
the! achie$ed was the di$ie wor%ig o" the spirit.
&he! proclai#ed the teachig o" (hrist* the di$ie teachig o" lo$e*
ad si#ultaeousl! e'e#pli"ied lo$e to their "ellow hu#a beigs.
&hus* the! eli#iated the desire to rule* "or the! were li%e brothers
a#og the#sel$es ad ser$ed each other with lo$e.
&his was the o""ice .esus (hrist ga$e to his disciples "or their "uture
wor%.... /e did ot appoit oe o" the apostles as a perso i
charge* as a leader to who# all should succu#b. /owe$er* what
de$eloped at a later ti#e co#pletel! di""ered "ro# what the 1ord
/i#sel" stood "or.
) ecclesiastical-secular power ca#e ito beig that also structured
e$er! co##ad#et o" lo$e* which o loger correspoded to what
.esus (hrist /i#sel" had taught the people.
)lthough ser$itude i lo$e was de#aded* it was o loger
practiced b! the#. )d this was o" #ost decisi$e sigi"icace
because what .esus had code#ed durig /is li"e o earth
sur"aced agai.... people were co##aded to do what the! should
ha$e doe $olutaril!.
)d reputable #e o" distictio called the#sel$es successors o"
the apostles who had #et the duties o" their o""ice i greatest
po$ert!.... ad a structural establish#et displa!ig eor#ous
spledour called itsel" the ol! beati"!ig church* which .esus (hrist
had supposedl! istalled with the words 06ou are Peter* the roc%....7
&hese words were iterpreted thus b! people who desired power-
but these words do ot b! a! #eas allow "or the iterpretatio
that Peter is the "ouder o" a ecclesiastical power ad that the
heads o" this church are the successors o" the apostles.... those
$er! apostles who* without status ad distictio* ol! proclai#ed
the Gospel* the di$ie teachig o" lo$e* to the world.
Peter was the #ost de$out o" the# ad .esus e#phasi,ed his
strog belie" with the words 06ou are Peter* the roc%* o this roc% 8
will build 3! church.'
/e calls the co##uit! o" belie$ers /is church* because those who
wat to ac2uire God's %igdo# ha$e to +oi together with
ier#ost "aith ad thus costitute /is church. 9uch is /is will* ad
/e e'pressed this will with those words.
/owe$er* it is ot /is will that e#iet ad e'alted digitaries
should belie$e the#sel$es to be the head o" such a co##uit! ad
thus also e'ercise their power.... that utold custo#s ad
cere#oies let the trul! essetial part beco#e ui#portat- i.e.
that due to the coutless "or#alities* which are gi$e too #uch
#erit* the di$ie teachig o" lo$e re#ais uoticed* ad that
there"ore the apostles' real tas% o" spreadig the Gospel throughout
the world is o loger recogised.
&here ca ideed also be #e a"ter God's heart a#ogst those
rulers* ad God will trul! ot de! /is spirit ad /is #erc! to the#*
but the their wisdo# is ot the result o" their positio or the
e'alted o""ice the! "ill but due to their right wa! be"ore God....
&hese the are Peter's true successors because the! are strog i
"aith* ad "ro# the stregth o" "aith the! draw wisdo#* "or the
the! are li%e a roc% "ro# whece the li$ig water co#es "orth....
&he the! are true represetati$es o" the church o" (hrist* which is
the co##uit! o" belie$ers....
Published b! "rieds o" ew re$elatios o" God : 8"or#atio*
dowload o" all traslated re$elatios* the#e-boo%lets at;


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