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... through Bertha Dudde

God's intervention is the last resort....
In their inconceivable selfishness huanit! "ill destro! itself if God
does not use an effective countereasure in order to reduce this
#he huan being onl! thin$s about hiself and the fate of his
fello" huan beings generall! leaves hi unaffected. %is thin$ing
and behaviour is accordingl! onl! ever calculating to obtain the
greatest &ossible advantage for hiself' "hich s&irituall! has a
treendousl! detriental effect.
%ence ever! da! s&ent striving for earthl! advantages is lived in
vain. (nd at the &resent tie onl! a sall nuber of &eo&le in the
"orld $ee& their s&iritual &rogress in ind. But the! do not
indifferentl! ignore their fello" huan beings' adversit!. Instead'
the! tr! to alleviate it "here &ossible and a$e sacrifices
for the! consider other &eo&le's hardshi& ore than their o"n
hardshi&. (nd it is for their sa$e that God still hesitates to a&&l! the
last resort' because %is love "ould li$e to s&are &eo&le uns&ea$able
suffering "here it is &ossible to &ersuade the into actions of love
"ithout suffering.
God's intervention' ho"ever' "ill result in great suffering' for
&recisel! this suffering is intended to change &eo&le's hearts' in
vie" of their neighbour's iser! and adversit! the! are su&&osed to
forget their o"n hardshi&' thus fighting their selfish love and onl!
ever striving to alleviate their fello" huan beings' iser!. Onl!
then "ill their earthl! life be s&irituall! successful for the.
)et regrettabl!' es&eciall! no" &eo&le have e*treel! distinct
earthl! desires' the! crave for the coodities of this earth. +ver!
thought onl! relates to the ,uestion of ho" the! can attain the.
(s a result the! ta$e no notice of "orld events and even less of the
signs "hich announce the "or$ing of God. #he! don't &a! an!
attention to the ha&&enings "hich acco&an! the s&iritual decline.
#he! don't see the infringeents "hich are alread! deeed
acce&table' nor do the! &a! attention to the "rong conce&ts of
-right' and -.ustice'' and therefore the! don't ob.ect to the s&irit of
the ties either' the o&&osition to ever!thing relating to religion....
rather' the! consider ever!thing to be right' "hich can clearl! be
traced to the o&&onent's influence.
(nd this is "h! God asserts %is influence' that is' %e so evidentl!
counteracts this s&iritual shallo"ness that it can be seen b! those
"ho "ant to see. For %e assues all &o"er....
%e renders &eo&le &o"erless/ %e lets the feel that the!' b!
theselves' are inca&able of &reventing God's intervention' that
the! "ill have to endure it "ithout being able to change it in the
(nd then the! "ill onl! be able to change their character if the! are
"illing to do so. #he! "ill be &rovided "ith endless o&&ortunities to
$indle the s&ar$ of love "ithin theselves' to feed it into a flae
and then becoe a&&ro&riatel! active "ith love....
If the! don't a$e use of this last &ossibilit! the! cannot be hel&ed
on earth an!ore/ for those "hose selfishness is too e*tensive "ill
not be able to recognise their real function even then' the! "ill fear
for their life and their &ossessions and' if &ossible' tr! to re&lace
"hat the! have lost.
In that case God's intervention "ill have been in vain for the'
then the! "ill have to bear the conse,uences of their uns&iritual
state' since this is "hat the! "ant' for the! cannot be forcibl!
released fro their selfishness....
0ublished b! friends of ne" revelations of God 1 Inforation'
do"nload of all translated revelations' thee2boo$lets at3


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