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10 Rules of Good Studying

Excerpted from A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel in Math and Science (Even if You Flunked Algebra), by
Barbara Oakley, Penguin, July, 2014
1. Use recall.After you read a page, look away and recall the main ideas. Highlight very little, and never
highlight anything you havent put in your mind frst by recalling. Try recalling main ideas when you are
walking to class or in a diferent room from where you originally learned it. An ability to recallto generate
the ideas from inside yourselfis one of the key indicators of good learning.
2. Test yourself.On everything. All the time. Flash cards are your friend.
3. Chunk your problems. Chunking is understanding and practicing with a problem solution so that it
can all come to mind in a fash. After you solve a problem, rehearse it. Make sure you can solve it cold
every step. Pretend its a song and learn to play it over and over again in your mind, so the information
combines into one smooth chunk you can pull up whenever you want.
4. Space your repetition.Spread out your learning in any subject a little every day, just like an athlete.
Your brain is like a muscleit can handle only a limited amount of exercise on one subject at a time.
5. Alternate diferent problem-solving techniques during your practice.Never practice too long at
any one session using only one problem-solving techniqueafter a while, you are just mimicking what
you did on the previous problem. Mix it up and work on diferent types of problems. This teaches you
both how and when to use a technique. (Books generally are not set up this way, so youll need to do this
on your own.) After every assignment and test, go over your errors, make sure you understand why you
made them, and then rework your solutions. To study most efectively, handwrite (dont type) a problem
on one side of a fash card and the solution on the other. (Handwriting builds stronger neural structures in
memory than typing.) You might also photograph the card if you want to load it into a study app on your
smartphone. Quiz yourself randomly on diferent types of problems. Another way to do this is to randomly
fip through your book, pick out a problem, and see whether you can solve it cold.
6. Take breaks. It is common to be unable to solve problems or fgure out concepts in math or science
the frst time you encounter them. This is why a little study every day is much better than a lot of studying
all at once. When you get frustrated with a math or science problem, take a break so that another part of
your mind can take over and work in the background.
7. Use explanatory questioning and simple analogies.Whenever you are struggling with a concept,
think to yourself, How can I explain this so that a ten-year-old could understand it? Using an analogy
really helps, like saying that the fow of electricity is like the fow of water. Dont just think your explanation
say it out loud or put it in writing. The additional efort of speaking and writing allows you to more
deeply encode (that is, convert into neural memory structures) what you are learning.
8. Focus.Turn of all interrupting beeps and alarms on your phone and computer, and then turn on a
timer for twenty-fve minutes. Focus intently for those twenty-fve minutes and try to work as diligently as
you can. After the timer goes of, give yourself a small, fun reward. A few of these sessions in a day can
really move your studies forward. Try to set up times and places where studyingnot glancing at your
computer or phoneis just something you naturally do.
9. Eat your frogs frst. Do the hardest thing earliest in the day, when you are fresh.
10. Make a mental contrast.Imagine where youve come from and contrast that with the dream of where
your studies will take you. Post a picture or words in your workspace to remind you of your dream. Look
at that when you fnd your motivation lagging. This work will pay of both for you and those you love!

Ten Rules of Bad Studying
Excerpted from A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel in Math and Science (Even if You Flunked Algebra), by
Barbara Oakley, Penguin, July, 2014
Avoid these techniquesthey can waste your time even while they fool you into thinking youre
1. Passive rereadingsitting passively and running your eyes back over a page. Unless you
can prove that the material is moving into your brain by recalling the main ideas without looking at the
page, rereading is a waste of time.
2. Letting highlights overwhelm you. Highlighting your text can fool your mind into thinking you are
putting something in your brain, when all youre really doing is moving your hand. A little highlighting
here and there is okaysometimes it can be helpful in fagging important points. But if you are using
highlighting as a memory tool, make sure that what you mark is also going into your brain.
3. Merely glancing at a problems solution and thinking you know how to do it. This is one of the
worst errors students make while studying. You need to be able to solve a problem step-by-step, without
looking at the solution.
4. Waiting until the last minute to study. Would you cram at the last minute if you were practicing for a
track meet? Your brain is like a muscleit can handle only a limited amount of exercise on one subject
at a time.
5. Repeatedly solving problems of the same type that you already know how to solve.If you just
sit around solving similar problems during your practice, youre not actually preparing for a testits like
preparing for a big basketball game by just practicing your dribbling.
6. Letting study sessions with friends turn into chat sessions. Checking your problem solving with
friends, and quizzing one another on what you know, can make learning more enjoyable, expose faws in
your thinking, and deepen your learning. But if your joint study sessions turn to fun before the work is
done, youre wasting your time and should fnd another study group.
7. Neglecting to read the textbook before you start working problems. Would you dive into a pool
before you knew how to swim? The textbook is your swimming instructorit guides you toward the
answers. You will founder and waste your time if you dont bother to read it. Before you begin to read,
however, take a quick glance over the chapter or section to get a sense of what its about.
8. Not checking with your instructors or classmates to clear up points of confusion. Professors
are used to lost students coming in for guidanceits our job to help you. The students we worry about
are the ones who dont come in. Dont be one of those students.
9. Thinking you can learn deeply when you are being constantly distracted. Every tiny pull toward
an instant message or conversation means you have less brain power to devote to learning. Every tug of
interrupted attention pulls out tiny neural roots before they can grow.
10. Not getting enough sleep.Your brain pieces together problem-solving techniques when you sleep,
and it also practices and repeats whatever you put in mind before you go to sleep. Prolonged fatigue
allows toxins to build up in the brain that disrupt the neural connections you need to think quickly and
well. If you dont get a good sleep before a test, NOTHING ELSE YOU HAVE DONE WILL MATTER.
Week 1 Reading (NOTE: All these readings are
Chapters 1-3 of A Mind for Numbers are especiall helpf!l in pro"iding helpf!l
infor#ation and additional e$ercises related to the #aterials of Week 1%
Worth&hile Additional 'op!lar Articles:
John Hamilton. (October 17, 2013). "Brains Swee !hemsel"es #lean o$ !o%ins &'rin(
Slee." NPR All Things Considered.
)nne !ra$ton. (J'l* 21, 201+), "!r*, tr* a(ain, St'-* sa*s no. !r*in( har-er ma/es it more
-i0c'lt to learn some asects o$ lan('a(e, ne'roscientists 1n-."Science Daily.
2ichar- #. 3ohs. "How H'man 3emor* 4or/s." How Stuf Works. 5otice that what &r.
3ohs calls "short term memor*" in his e%cellent article is almost the same as "wor/in(
memor*." )lso, &r. 3ohs retains the "se"en slots" theor* o$ wor/in( memor*66researchers
still -i7er in their ersecti"es abo't this.
James 3orehea- (J'ne 18, 2012). "Stan$or- 9ni"ersit*:s #arol &wec/ on the ;rowth
3in-set an- <-'cation."
;retchen 2e*nol-s. ()ril 30, 201+). "4ant to be 3ore #reati"e, !a/e a 4al/." The New
!ork Ti"es.
Bri(i- Sch'lte, (3a* 1=, 201+). ">or a more ro-'cti"e li$e, -a*-ream." CNN O#inion.
S'mathi 2e--*, (J'l* 21, 201+). "4h* Se"en Ho'rs o$ Slee 3i(ht Be Better than
<i(ht." !he 4all Street Jo'rnal.
2obert 4ri(ht, ()ril 21, 2012). "How to Brea/ the ?rocrastination Habit" The Atlantic.
(#harles &'hi((@s boo/,The Power o$ Hait, which is mentione- in the article, is also
&aniel J. Be"itin, ()'('st 8, 201+), "Hit the 2eset B'tton in Co'r Brain," The New !ork
#harlie !*son, ()'('st 1+, 201+), ">ail're to 2elicate," %nside Higher &d. !his is a "er*
interestin( o"er"iew article abo't the state o$ a7airs in e-'cation research.
(ea"ier )!t References:
1-1 *ntrod!ction to the foc!sed and di+!se #odes,
)n-rews6Hanna, J.2. "!he Brain@s &e$a'lt 5etwor/ an- Dts )-ati"e 2ole in Dnternal
3entation." Neuroscientist 1E, no. 3 (J'n 2012). 2F1670.
Dmmor-ino6Can(, 3. H., J. ). #hristo-o'lo', an- G. Sin(h. "2est Ds 5ot D-leness.
Dmlications o$ the Brain@s &e$a'lt 3o-e $or H'man &e"eloment an-
<-'cation." Pers#ecti'es on Psychological Science 7, no. + (2012). 3F26=+.
3o'ssa 35, Steen 32, Ba'rienti ?J, Ha*asa/a S (2012) H#onsistenc* o$ 5etwor/ 3o-'les
in 2estin(6State $32D #onnectome &ata.I P(oS ON& 7(E). e+++2E.
2aichle, 3arc's <, an- )braham L Sn*-er. ") &e$a'lt 3o-e o$ Brain >'nction. ) Brie$
Histor* o$ an <"ol"in( D-ea." Neuro%"age 37, no. + (2007). 10E3680.
1-3 -sing the foc!sed and di+!se #odes: (Or, a little )al. &ill do a)
&ali, Sal"a-or. >i$t* Secrets o$ 3a(ic #ra$tsmanshi. &o"er, 18+E (rerint 1882).
2oot6Bernstein, 2obert S., an- 3ichelle 3. 2oot6Bernstein. S#arks o$ )enius. 5C.
Ho'(hton 3iMin, 1888.
!a/e'chi, H., C. !a/i, H. HashiN'me, C. Sassa, !. 5a(ase, 2. 5o'chi, an- 2. Oawashima.
"!he )ssociation between 2estin( >'nctional #onnecti"it* an- #reati"it*." Cereral
Corte* 22, no. 12 (Jan 10 2012). 2821628.
1-3A What is learning/
3ichael &. >o% an- 3ichael ;reici's, #linical alications o$ restin( state $'nctional
connecti"it* , +ront. Syst. Neurosci., 1= J'ne 2010.
>o%, 3. &., #orbetta, 3., Sn*-er, ). L., Gincent, J. B., an- 2aichle, 3. <. (200=a).
Sontaneo's ne'ronal acti"it* -istin('ishes h'man -orsal an- "entral attention
s*stems. Proceedings o$ the National Acade"y o$ Sciences ,.S.A.103, 100+=P100F1.
>o% 3. &., Sn*-er ). L., Gincent J. B., #orbetta 3., Gan <ssen &. #., 2aichle 3. <. (200F).
!he h'man brain is intrinsicall* or(aniNe- into -*namic, anticorrelate- $'nctional
networ/s. Proceedings o$ the National Acade"y o$ Sciences ,.S.A. 102, 8=73P
;'an( Can( et al. Slee romotes branch6seci1c $ormation o$ -en-ritic sines a$ter
learnin(, Science 3++, 1173 (201+).
1-0 A procrastination pre"ie&
Boice, 2obert. Procrastination and -locking. 4estort, #!. ?rae(er, 188=.
B*ons, D.3., an- S.B. Beiloc/. "4hen 3ath H'rts. 3ath )n%iet* ?re-icts ?ain 5etwor/
)cti"ation in )nticiation o$ &oin( 3ath." P(oS ON& 7, no. 10 (2012). e+E07=.
Steel, ?iers. The Procrastination &.uation. 5C. 2an-om Ho'se, 2010.
Steel, ?iers. "!he 5at're o$ ?rocrastination. ) 3eta6)nal*tic an- !heoretical 2e"iew o$
Q'intessential Sel$62e('lator* >ail're." Psychological -ulletin 133, no. 1 (Jan 2007). =F68+.
!'c/man, Br'ce 4., an- Henri #. Scho'wenb'r(. "Beha"ioral Dnter"entions $or 2e-'cin(
?rocrastination amon( 9ni"ersit* St'-ents." Dn Counseling the Procrastinator in Acade"ic
Settings/ e-ite- b* H.#. Scho'wenb'r(, #H Ba*, !) ?*ch*l an- J2 >errari 4ashin(ton, &#.
)merican ?s*cholo(ical )ssociation, 200+.
1-1 'ractice #akes per#anent
Brown, J.S., ). #ollins, an- ?. &'('i-."Sit'ate- #o(nition an- the #'lt're o$
Bearnin(." &ducational Researcher 1E, no. 1 (18E8). 326+2.
&'nlos/*, John, Oatherine ) 2awson, <liNabeth J 3arsh, 3itchell J 5athan, an- &aniel !
4illin(ham. "Dmro"in( St'-ents: Bearnin( with <7ecti"e Bearnin( !echniR'es. ?romisin(
&irections $rom #o(niti"e an- <-'cational ?s*cholo(*." Psychological Science in the Pulic
%nterest 1+, no. 1 (2013). +6FE.
<ricsson, Oarl )n-ers. De'elo#"ent o$ Pro$essional &*#ertise. 5C. #ambri-(e 9ni"ersit*
?ress, 2008.
;ear*, &a"i- #. The Origin o$ 0ind. 4ashin(ton, &#. )merican ?s*cholo(ical )ssociation,
;ear*, &a"i- #, ) 4a-e Bo*/in, S'san <mbretson, Galerie 2e*na, 2obert Sie(ler, &aniel B
Berch, an- J ;raban. "!as/ ;ro' 2eorts o$ the 5ational 3athematics )-"isor* ?anelS
#hater +. 2eort o$ the !as/ ;ro' on Bearnin( ?rocesses." Dn, (200E).
;'i-a, )., >. ;obet, H. !ar-ie', an- S. 5icolas. "How #h'n/s, Bon(6!erm 4or/in( 3emor*
an- !emlates O7er a #o(niti"e <%lanation $or 5e'roima(in( &ata on <%ertise
)cR'isition. ) !wo6Sta(e >ramewor/." -rain and Cognition 78, no. 3 ()'( 2012). 2216++.
Oaric/e, Je7re* &. "2etrie"al6Base- Bearnin( )cti"e 2etrie"al ?romotes 3eanin($'l
Bearnin(." Current Directions in Psychological Science 21, no. 3 (2012). 1F76=3.
Oaric/e, Je7re* &, an- ?hilli J ;rimal-i. "2etrie"al6Base- Bearnin(. ) ?ersecti"e $or
<nhancin( 3eanin($'l Bearnin(." &ducational Psychology Re'iew 2+, no. 3 (2012). +0161E.
Oaric/e, Je7re* &, an- Henr* B 2oe-i(er. "!he #ritical Dmortance o$ 2etrie"al $or
Bearnin(." Science 318, no. FE=F (200E). 8==6=E.
Oaric/e, Je7re* &, )n-rew # B'tler, an- Henr* B 2oe-i(er DDD. "3etaco(niti"e Strate(ies
in St'-ent Bearnin(. &o St'-ents ?ractice 2etrie"al 4hen !he* St'-* on !heir
Own,". 0e"ory 17, no. + (2008). +71678.
Oaric/e, J. &., an- J. 2. Bl'nt. "2etrie"al ?ractice ?ro-'ces 3ore Bearnin( !han
<laborati"e St'-*in( with #oncet 3ain(." Science 331, no. =01E (>eb 11 2011). 7726F.
Oaric/e, J.&., an- J.2. Bl'nt. "2esonse to #omment on @2etrie"al ?ractice ?ro-'ces 3ore
Bearnin( !han <laborati"e St'-*in( with #oncet 3ain(@."Science 33+, no. =0FF (2011).
Oornell, 5ate, 3atthew Jensen Ha*s, an- 2obert ) BKor/. "9ns'ccess$'l 2etrie"al )ttemts
<nhance S'bseR'ent Bearnin(." 1ournal o$ &*#eri"ental Psychology2 (earning/ 0e"ory/
and Cognition 3F, no. + (2008). 8E8.
Oornell, 5., ). &. #astel, !. S. <ich, an- 2. ). BKor/. "Sacin( as the >rien- o$ Both 3emor*
an- Dn-'ction in Co'n( an- Ol-er )-'lts." Psychology and Aging2F, no. 2 (J'n 2010). +8E6
3c&aniel, 3. )., an- ). ). #allen-er. "#o(nition, 3emor*, an- <-'cation." Dn Cogniti'e
Psychology o$ 0e"ory/ 3ol 4 o$ (earning and 0e"ory, e-ite- b* Henr* B 2oe-i(er. E186+3.
O%$or-, 9O. <lse"ier, 200E.
2oe-i(er, Henr* B., an- 3ar* ). ?*c. "Dne%ensi"e !echniR'es to Dmro"e <-'cation.
)l*in( #o(niti"e ?s*cholo(* to <nhance <-'cational ?ractice."1ournal o$ A##lied
Research in 0e"ory and Cognition 1, no. + (2012). 2+26+E.
2oe-i(er, Henr* B, an- )n-rew # B'tler. "!he #ritical 2ole o$ 2etrie"al ?ractice in Bon(6
!erm 2etention." Trends in Cogniti'e Sciences 1F, no. 1 (2011). 20627.
2oe-i(er, Henr* B, an- Je7re* & Oaric/e. "!he ?ower o$ !estin( 3emor*. Basic 2esearch
an- Dmlications $or <-'cational ?ractice." Pers#ecti'es on Psychological Science 1, no. 3
(200=). 1E16210.
2ohrer, &o'(, an- Harol- ?ashler. "Dncreasin( 2etention witho't Dncreasin( St'-*
!ime." Current Directions in Psychological Science 1=, no. + (2007). 1E36E=.
!a*lor, Oelli, an- &o'( 2ohrer. "!he <7ects o$ Dnterlea"e- ?ractice." A##lied Cogniti'e
Psychology 2+, no. = (2010). E376+E.
See also e%tensi"e en-note re$erences an- -isc'ssions in #haters 2 an- 3, A 0ind $or
Nu"ers, Barbara Oa/le*, ?en('in, 201+.
1-2 *ntrod!ction to #e#or
Ba--ele*, )., <*senc/, 3. 4., T )n-erson, 3. #. (2008). 0e"ory. 5C. ?s*cholo(* ?ress.
#arenter, S. O., #ee-a, 5. J., 2ohrer, &., Oan(, S. H. O., T ?ashler, H. (2012). 9sin(
sacin( to enhance -i"erse $orms o$ learnin(. 2e"iew o$ recent research an- imlications
$or instr'ction. &ducational Psychology Re'iew/ 45(3), 3=8637E. -oi. 10.1007Js10=+E60126
#owan, 5. (2001). !he ma(ical n'mber + in short6term memor*. ) reconsi-eration o$
mental stora(e caacit*. -eha'ioral and -rain Sciences/ 45(1), E7611+.
&'-ai, C. (200+). !he ne'robiolo(* o$ consoli-ations, or, how stable is the
en(ram, Annual Re'iew o$ Psychology/ 66, F16E=.
&'nlos/*, J., 2awson, O. )., 3arsh, <. J., 5athan, 3. J., T 4illin(ham, &. !. (2013).
Dmro"in( st'-ents: learnin( with e7ecti"e learnin( techniR'es. ?romisin( -irections $rom
co(niti"e an- e-'cational s*cholo(*. Psychological Science in the Pulic %nterest/ 75(1),
;'i-a, )., ;obet, >., !ar-ie', H., T 5icolas, S. (2012). How ch'n/s, lon(6term wor/in(
memor* an- temlates o7er a co(niti"e e%lanation $or ne'roima(in( -ata on e%ertise
acR'isition. ) two6sta(e $ramewor/. -rain and Cognition/ 89(3), 22162++. -oi.
2awson, O. )., T &'nlos/*, J. (2011). OtimiNin( sche-'les o$ retrie"al ractice $or
-'rable an- e0cient learnin(. How m'ch is eno'(h, 1ournal o$ &*#eri"ental Psychology2
)eneral/ 75:(3), 2E3.
2ohrer, &o'(, 2obert >. &e-ric/, an- Oaleena B'r(ess. "!he Bene1t o$ Dnterlea"e-
3athematics ?ractice Ds 5ot Bimite- to S'er1ciall* Similar Oin-s o$
?roblems." Psychono"ic -ulletin ; Re'iew in ress (2013).
2ohrer, &., T ?ashler, H. (2010). 2ecent research on h'man learnin( challen(es
con"entional instr'ctional strate(ies. &ducational Researcher/ <9(F), +0=6+12.
1-3 The *#portance of sleep in learning
&Konla(ic, D., ). 2osen$el-, &. Shoham*, #. 3*ers, 3. ;l'c/, an- 2. Stic/(ol-. "Slee
<nhances #ate(or* Bearnin(." (earning ; 0e"ory 1=, no. 12 (&ec 2008). 7F16F.
<ichenba'm, H. "!o Slee, ?erchance to Dnte(rate." PNAS, 10+, no. 1E (3a* 1 2007).
<llenbo(en, J.3., ?.!. H', J.&. ?a*ne, &. !itone, an- 3.?. 4al/er. "H'man 2elational
3emor* 2eR'ires !ime an- Slee." PNAS/ 10+, no. 1E (2007). 772362E.
<rlacher, &aniel, an- 3ichael Schre-l. "?racticin( a 3otor !as/ in a B'ci- &ream <nhances
S'bseR'ent ?er$ormance. ) ?ilot St'-*." The S#ort Psychologist, 2+, no. 2 (2010). 1F76=7.
3oss, 2. The Secret History o$ Drea"ing. 5o"ato, #). 5ew 4orl- Bibrar*, 200E.
Sc'llin, 3. O., an- 3. ). 3c&aniel. "2ememberin( to <%ec'te a ;oal. Slee on
DtA" Psychological Science 21, no. 7 (J'l 2010). 102E63F.
Stic/(ol-, 2obert, an- Je7re* 3 <llenbo(en. "Q'ietA Sleein( Brain at 4or/." Scienti=c
A"erican 0ind 18, no. + (200E). 22628.
4amsle*, <rin J., 3atthew !'c/er, Jessica &. ?a*ne, Joseh ). Bena"i-es, an- 2obert
Stic/(ol-. "&reamin( o$ a Bearnin( !as/ Ds )ssociate- with <nhance- Slee6&een-ent
3emor* #onsoli-ation." Current -iology, 20, no. 8 (2010). EF06FF.
Uie, B'l', Hon(*i Oan(, Qiw' U', 3ichael J #hen, Con(hon( Biao, 3eena/shis'n-aram
!hi*a(araKan, John O:&onnell, et al. "Slee &ri"es 3etabolite #learance $rom the )-'lt
Brain." Science, 3+2, no. =1F= (2013). 373677.
Week 4 Reading (NOTE: All these readings are
Chapters 4 and 7 ofA Mind for Numbersare especially helpful in providing helpful information and
additional exercises related to the materials of Week 2.
Worth&hile 'op!lar Articles
2obin Scott, "!he 30 Secon- Habit !hat #an Ha"e a Bi( Dmact On Co'r Bi$e," >eb 1E,
201+, The Hu>ngton Post. !his is act'all* a won-er$'l article on ch'n/in(A
2ichar- 4iseman, "Be l'c/* 6 it@s an eas* s/ill to learn," The Telegra#h, Jan 8, 2003. Ces,
Ba-* B'c/ &O<S $a"or some66an- $or a reasonA
&a"i- ;lenn,"&i"i-e- )ttention," >ebr'ar* 2E, 2010, The Chronicle o$ Higher &ducation.
Ste'e 0ensing/ "&'nnin(6Or'(er <7ect. 4hen &istorte- Sel$6?ercetion an- Dll'sions o$
#ometence !ric/ <ntertainers, ?oliticians, an- #ities," 5o" 2=, 2013, Rowan +ree Press.
<rrol 3orris, "!he )noso(nosic:s &ilemma. Somethin(:s 4ron( b't Co':ll 5e"er Onow
4hat Dt Ds (?art 1)," J'ne 20, 2010, The New !ork Ti"es/ O#inionator.
3aria Oonni/o"a, "4hat@s Bost as Han-writin( >a-es," J'ne 2, 201+, The New !ork Ti"es.
#arl Limmer, "!his is Co'r Brain on 4ritin(," J'ne 20, 201+, The New !ork Ti"es. ) nice
-isc'ssion o$ the ca'-ate n'cle's, which is in"ol"e- in habit'al, ch'n/in( t*e acti"ities in
all sorts o$ areas, incl'-in( sorts, an- its role in writin( e%ertise.
Johns Ho/ins 3e-icine, "3emories o$ errors $oster $aster learnin(," )'('st 1+,
201+, Science Daily. Ces, mista/es reall* -o hel *o' learnA
(ea"ier )!t References
4-1 What is a ch!nk/
Beiloc/, S. (2010). Choke. 5C. >ree ?ress.
<ricsson, O. ). (2008). De'elo#"ent o$ Pro$essional &*#ertise. 5C. #ambri-(e 9ni"ersit*
;obet, >., T #lar/son, ;. (200+). #h'n/s in e%ert memor*. <"i-ence $or the ma(ical
n'mber $o'rV or is it two, 0e"ory/ 74(=), 73267+7.
;obet, >., Bane, ?. #. 2., #ro/er, S., #hen(, ?. #. H., Jones, ;., Oli"er, D., T ?ine, J. 3.
(2001). #h'n/in( mechanisms in h'man learnin(. Trends in Cogniti'e Sciences/ 6(=), 23=6
;'i-a, )., ;obet, >., !ar-ie', H., T 5icolas, S. (2012). How ch'n/s, lon(6term wor/in(
memor* an- temlates o7er a co(niti"e e%lanation $or ne'roima(in( -ata on e%ertise
acR'isition. ) two6sta(e $ramewor/. -rain and Cognition/ 89(3), 22162++. -oi.
5*h's, <., T #'rran, !. (2010). >'nctional role o$ (amma an- theta oscillations in eiso-ic
memor*. Neuroscience and -ioeha'ioral Re'iews/ <5(7), 10236103F. -oi.'biore".2008.12.01+.
4-4 (o& to for# a ch!nk - 'art 1
Ba--ele*, )lan, 3ichael 4. <*senc/, an- 3ichael #. )n-erson. . 5C. ?s*cholo(* ?ress,
Brans$or-, John &, ). B. Brown, 2. 2. #oc/in(, 3 S'Nanne &ono"an, an- J4 ?elle(rino.
"How ?eole Bearn." 4ashin(ton, &#.5ational )ca-em* ?ress, 2000.
Brent, 2ebecca, an- 2ichar- 3. >el-er. "Bearnin( b* Sol"in( Sol"e- ?roblems." #hemical
<n(ineerin( <-'cation +=, no. 1 (2012). 28630.
#ho, Sooh*'n, )rron 4. S. 3etcal$e, #hristina B. Co'n(, Sri/anth 2*ali, &a"i- #. ;ear*,
an- Gino- 3enon. "Hiocamal6?re$rontal <n(a(ement an- &*namic #a'sal Dnteractions
in the 3at'ration o$ #hil-ren@s >act 2etrie"al." 1ournal o$ Cogniti'e Neuroscience 45/ no. 9
?4:74@2 7A59BCC.
#ooer, ;raham, an- John Sweller. "<7ects o$ Schema )cR'isition an- 2'le )'tomation
on 3athematical ?roblem6Sol"in( !rans$er." 1ournal o$ &ducational Psychology 78, no. +
(18E7). 3+7.
#ree, ;eor(e S, an- Oen 3c2ae. ")nal*Nin( the >actors 9n-erl*in( the Str'ct're an-
#om'tation o$ the 3eanin( o$ #him'n/, #herr*, #hisel, #heese, an- #ello (an- 3an*
Other S'ch #oncrete 5o'ns)." 1ournal o$ &*#eri"ental Psychology B )eneral 132, no. 2
(2003). 1=36200.
;obet, >., an- 5. #harness, e-s. Chess and )a"es. e-ite- b* O. )n-ers <rcisson, 5eil
#harness, ?a'l >elto"ich an- 2obert 2. Ho7man, #ambri-(e Han-boo/ on <%ertise an-
<%ert ?er$ormance. #ambri-(e 9ni"ersit* ?ress, 200=.
;obet, >., an- ;. #lar/son. "#h'n/s in <%ert 3emor*. <"i-ence $or the 3a(ical 5'mber
>o'rV or Ds Dt !wo,". 0e"ory 12, no. = (200+). 7326+7.
;obet, >., ?.#.2. Bane, S. #ro/er, ?.#.H. #hen(, ;. Jones, D. Oli"er, an- J.3. ?ine. "#h'n/in(
3echanisms in H'man Bearnin(." Trends in Cogniti'e Sciences F, no. = (2001). 23=6+3.
;obet, >ernan-. "#h'n/in( 3o-els o$ <%ertise. Dmlications $or <-'cation." A##lied
Cogniti'e Psychology 18, no. 2 (200F). 1E3620+.
;'i-a, )., >. ;obet, H. !ar-ie', an- S. 5icolas. "How #h'n/s, Bon(6!erm 4or/in( 3emor*
an- !emlates O7er a #o(niti"e <%lanation $or 5e'roima(in( &ata on <%ertise
)cR'isition. ) !wo6Sta(e >ramewor/." -rain and Cognition 78, no. 3 ()'( 2012). 2216++.
3astasc'sa, <-war- J., 4illiam J. Sn*-er, an- Brian S. Ho*t. &fecti'e %nstruction $or Ste"
Disci#lines. San >rancisco, #). Josse* Bass, 2011.
5*h's, <., an- !. #'rran. ">'nctional 2ole o$ ;amma an- !heta Oscillations in <iso-ic
3emor*." Neuroscience and -ioeha'ioral Re'iews 3+, no. 7 (J'n 2010). 102363F.
Sweller, John, ?a'l )*res, an- Sla"a Oal*'(a. Cogniti'e (oad Theory. 5C. Srin(er, 2011.
4-3 (o& to for# a ch!nk - 'art 4
Ba--ele*, )lan, 3ichael 4. <*senc/, an- 3ichael #. )n-erson. 0e"ory 5C. ?s*cholo(*
?ress, 2008.
Brans$or-, John &, ). B. Brown, 2. 2. #oc/in(, 3 S'Nanne &ono"an, an- J4 ?elle(rino.
"How ?eole Bearn." 4ashin(ton, &#. 5ational )ca-em* ?ress, 2000.
Brent, 2ebecca, an- 2ichar- 3. >el-er. "Bearnin( b* Sol"in( Sol"e- ?roblems." Che"ical
&ngineering &ducation +=, no. 1 (2012). 28630.
#ho, Sooh*'n, )rron 4. S. 3etcal$e, #hristina B. Co'n(, Sri/anth 2*ali, &a"i- #. ;ear*,
an- Gino- 3enon. "Hiocamal6?re$rontal <n(a(ement an- &*namic #a'sal Dnteractions
in the 3at'ration o$ #hil-ren@s >act 2etrie"al." 1ournal o$ Cogniti'e Neuroscience 2+, no. 8
(2012). 1E+86==.
#ooer, ;raham, an- John Sweller. "<7ects o$ Schema )cR'isition an- 2'le )'tomation
on 3athematical ?roblem6Sol"in( !rans$er." 1ournal o$ &ducational Psychology 78, no. +
(18E7). 3+7.
#ree, ;eor(e S, an- Oen 3c2ae. ")nal*Nin( the >actors 9n-erl*in( the Str'ct're an-
#om'tation o$ the 3eanin( o$ #him'n/, #herr*, #hisel, #heese, an- #ello (an- 3an*
Other S'ch #oncrete 5o'ns)." 1ournal o$ &*#eri"ental Psychology B )eneral 132, no. 2
(2003). 1=36200.
;obet, >., an- 5. #harness, e-s. Chess and )a"es. e-ite- b* O. )n-ers <rcisson, 5eil
#harness, ?a'l >elto"ich an- 2obert 2. Ho7man, #ambri-(e Han-boo/ on <%ertise an-
<%ert ?er$ormance. #ambri-(e 9ni"ersit* ?ress, 200=.
;obet, >., an- ;. #lar/son. "#h'n/s in <%ert 3emor*. <"i-ence $or the 3a(ical 5'mber
>o'rV or Ds Dt !wo,". 0e"ory 12, no. = (200+). 7326+7.
;obet, >., ?.#.2. Bane, S. #ro/er, ?.#.H. #hen(, ;. Jones, D. Oli"er, an- J.3. ?ine. "#h'n/in(
3echanisms in H'man Bearnin(." Trends in Cogniti'e Sciences F, no. = (2001). 23=6+3.
;obet, >ernan-. "#h'n/in( 3o-els o$ <%ertise. Dmlications $or <-'cation." A##lied
Cogniti'e Psychology 18, no. 2 (200F). 1E3620+.
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an- !emlates O7er a #o(niti"e <%lanation $or 5e'roima(in( &ata on <%ertise
)cR'isition. ) !wo6Sta(e >ramewor/." -rain and Cognition 78, no. 3 ()'( 2012). 2216++.
3astasc'sa, <-war- J., 4illiam J. Sn*-er, an- Brian S. Ho*t. &fecti'e %nstruction $or Ste"
Disci#lines. San >rancisco, #). Josse* Bass, 2011.
5*h's, <., an- !. #'rran. ">'nctional 2ole o$ ;amma an- !heta Oscillations in <iso-ic
3emor*." Neuroscience and -ioeha'ioral Re'iews 3+, no. 7 (J'n 2010). 102363F.
2ohrer, &o'(, an- Harol- ?ashler. "2ecent 2esearch on H'man Bearnin( #hallen(es
#on"entional Dnstr'ctional Strate(ies." &ducational Researcher 38, no. F (2010). +0=612.
Sweller, John, ?a'l )*res, an- Sla"a Oal*'(a. Cogniti'e (oad Theory. 5C. Srin(er, 2011.
4-0 *ll!sions of Co#petence, the *#portance of Recall, 5ini-testing, and 5aking
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co(niti"e an- e-'cational s*cholo(*. Psychological Science in the Pulic %nterest/ 75(1),
&'nnin(, &. (2011). Cha#ter 62 The DunningBDruger &fect2 On -eing %gnorant o$ OneEs
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;ear*, &. #., Bo*/in, ). 4., <mbretson, S., 2e*na, G., Sie(ler, 2., Berch, &. B., T ;raban, J.
(200E). !as/ ;ro' 2eorts o$ the 5ational 3athematics )-"isor* ?anelS #hater +. 2eort
o$ the !as/ ;ro' on Bearnin( ?rocesses. 200E.
;'i-a, )., ;obet, >., !ar-ie', H., T 5icolas, S. (2012). How ch'n/s, lon(6term wor/in(
memor* an- temlates o7er a co(niti"e e%lanation $or ne'roima(in( -ata on e%ertise
acR'isition. ) two6sta(e $ramewor/. -rain and Cognition/ 89(3), 22162++. -oi.
Oaric/e, J. &. (2012). 2etrie"al6base- learnin( acti"e retrie"al romotes meanin($'l
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Oaric/e, J. &., T Bl'nt, J. 2. (2011). 2esonse to comment on @2etrie"al ractice ro-'ces
more learnin( than elaborati"e st'-*in( with concet main(@.Science/ <<5(=0FF), +F36
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Oaric/e, J. &., B'tler, ). #., T 2oe-i(er DDD, H. B. (2008). 3etaco(niti"e strate(ies in
st'-ent learnin(. &o st'-ents ractice retrie"al when the* st'-* on their own, 0e"ory/
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Oaric/e, J. &., T ;rimal-i, ?. J. (2012). 2etrie"al6base- learnin(. ) ersecti"e $or
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OeresNtes, )., Oaiser, &., Oo"acs, ;., T 2acsman*, 3. (2013). !estin( romotes lon(6term
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s'bseR'ent learnin(. 1ournal o$ &*#eri"ental Psychology2 (earning/ 0e"ory/ and
Cognition/ <6(+), 8E8.
3astasc'sa, <. J., Sn*-er, 4. J., T Ho*t, B. S. (2011). &fecti'e %nstruction $or ST&0
Disci#lines. San >rancisco, #). Josse* Bass.
3c&aniel, 3. )., T #allen-er, ). ). (200E). #o(nition, memor*, an- e-'cation. Dn H. B.
2oe-i(er (<-.), Cogniti'e Psychology o$ 0e"ory/ 3ol 4 o$ (earning and 0e"ory (. E186
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3orris, <. (2010, J'ne 20). "!he )noso(nosic:s &ilemma. Somethin(:s 4ron( b't Co':ll
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?enneba/er, J. 4., ;oslin(, S. &., T >errell, J. &. (2013). &ail* online testin( in lar(e
classes. Boostin( colle(e er$ormance while re-'cin( achie"ement (as. P(oS ON&/ A(11),
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2oe-i(er, H. B., T B'tler, ). #. (2011). !he critical role o$ retrie"al ractice in lon(6term
retention. Trends in Cogniti'e Sciences/ 76(1), 20627.
2oe-i(er, H. B., T Oaric/e, J. &. (200=). !he ower o$ testin( memor*. Basic research an-
imlications $or e-'cational ractice. Pers#ecti'es on Psychological Science/ 7(3), 1E16
2oe-i(er, H. B., T ?*c, 3. ). (2012). Dne%ensi"e techniR'es to imro"e e-'cation.
)l*in( co(niti"e s*cholo(* to enhance e-'cational ractice. 1ournal o$ A##lied
Research in 0e"ory and Cognition/ 7(+), 2+262+E. -oi. 10.101=JK.Karmac.2012.08.002
2ohrer, &., T ?ashler, H. (2010). 2ecent research on h'man learnin( challen(es
con"entional instr'ctional strate(ies. &ducational Researcher/ <9(F), +0=6+12.
4-1 The 6al!e of a 7i8rar of Ch!nks: Co#paction, Transfer, Creati"it, and the 7a&
of 9erendipit
Brans$or-, John &, ). B. Brown, 2. 2. #oc/in(, 3 S'Nanne &ono"an, an- J4 ?elle(rino.
"How ?eole Bearn." 4ashin(ton, &#. 5ational )ca-em* ?ress, 2000.
#ooer, ;raham, an- John Sweller. "<7ects o$ Schema )cR'isition an- 2'le )'tomation
on 3athematical ?roblem6Sol"in( !rans$er." 1ournal o$ &ducational Psychology 78, no. +
(18E7). 3+7.
;obet, >., an- 5. #harness, e-s. Chess and )a"es. e-ite- b* O. )n-ers <rcisson, 5eil
#harness, ?a'l >elto"ich an- 2obert 2. Ho7man, #ambri-(e Han-boo/ on <%ertise an-
<%ert ?er$ormance. #ambri-(e 9ni"ersit* ?ress, 200=.
;obet, >., an- ;. #lar/son. "#h'n/s in <%ert 3emor*. <"i-ence $or the 3a(ical 5'mber
>o'rV or Ds Dt !wo,". 0e"ory 12, no. = (200+). 7326+7.
;obet, >., ?.#.2. Bane, S. #ro/er, ?.#.H. #hen(, ;. Jones, D. Oli"er, an- J.3. ?ine. "#h'n/in(
3echanisms in H'man Bearnin(." Trends in Cogniti'e Sciences F, no. = (2001). 23=6+3.
;obet, >ernan-. "#h'n/in( 3o-els o$ <%ertise. Dmlications $or <-'cation." A##lied
Cogniti'e Psychology 18, no. 2 (200F). 1E3620+.
;'i-a, )., >. ;obet, H. !ar-ie', an- S. 5icolas. "How #h'n/s, Bon(6!erm 4or/in( 3emor*
an- !emlates O7er a #o(niti"e <%lanation $or 5e'roima(in( &ata on <%ertise
)cR'isition. ) !wo6Sta(e >ramewor/." -rain and Cognition 78, no. 3 ()'( 2012). 2216++.
Dschebec/, )., B. Lamarian, 3. Schoc/e, an- 3. &elaNer. ">le%ible !rans$er o$ Onowle-(e in
3ental )rithmetic66an >32D St'-*." Neuro%"age ++, no. 3 (>eb 1 2008). 1103612.
Johnson, Ste"e. Where )ood %deas Co"e +ro". 5C. 2i"erhea-, 2010.
Oo'nios, John, an- 3ar/ Beeman. "!he )haA 3oment. !he #o(niti"e 5e'roscience o$
Dnsi(ht." Current Directions in Psychological Science 1E, no. + (2008). 21061=.
3astasc'sa, <-war- J., 4illiam J. Sn*-er, an- Brian S. Ho*t. &fecti'e %nstruction $or Ste"
Disci#lines. San >rancisco, #). Josse* Bass, 2011.
2oc/e, ).J. %"age and Reality. #hica(o, DB. 9ni"ersit* o$ #hica(o ?ress, 2010.
Simon, H.). "How Bi( Ds a #h'n/,". Science 1E3, no. +12+ (187+). +E26EE.
Simon, H.)., an- 4.;. #hase. "S/ill in #hess. <%eriments with #hess6?la*in( !as/s an-
#om'ter Sim'lation o$ S/ille- ?er$ormance !hrow Bi(ht on Some H'man ?ercet'al an-
3emor* ?rocesses." A"erican Scientist =1, no. + (1873). 38+6+03.
Simonton, &ean Oeith. Scienti=c )enius. 5C. #ambri-(e 9ni"ersit* ?ress, 2008.
Solomon, Dnes. ")nalo(ical !rans$er an- @>'nctional >i%e-ness@ in the Science
#lassroom." 1ournal o$ &ducational Research E7, no. = (188+). 371677.
4-2 O"erlearning, Choking, the Einstell!ng E+ect, and *nterlea"ing
Beiloc/, S. (2010). Choke. 5C. >ree ?ress.
Bilalic, 3., 3cBeo-, ?., T ;obet, >. (200E). DnWe%ibilit* o$ e%erts66realit* or m*th,
Q'anti$*in( the <instell'n( e7ect in chess masters. Cogniti'e #sychology/ 6C(2), 736102.
BilaliX, 3., 3cBeo-, ?., T ;obet, >. (200E). 4h* (oo- tho'(hts bloc/ better ones. !he
mechanism o$ the ernicio's <instell'n( (set) e7ect. Cognition/ 7:A(3), =F26==1. -oi.
#are*, B. (2012). "#o(niti"e science meets re6al(ebra." New !ork Ti"es, Se 2.
&'arte, 5. (2012). H-R )uide to Persuasi'e Presentations. Har"ar- B'siness 2e"iew
>e*nman, 2. (18EF). FSurely !ouEre 1oking/ 0r. +eyn"anF. 5C. 4. 4. 5orton.
;ear*, &. #. (2011). ?rimal brain in the mo-ern classroom. Scienti=c A"erican 0ind/
44(+), ++6+8.
O'hn, !. (18=2). The Structure o$ Scienti=c Re'olutions (2n- (1870) e-.). #hica(o, DB.
9ni"ersit* o$ #hica(o ?ress.
B'chins, ). S. (18+2). 3echaniNation in roblem sol"in(. !he e7ect o$ &instellung. Psychol
0onogr/ 65(=), 168F.
?achman, 3., Sweller, J., T Oal*'(a, S. (2013). Be"els o$ /nowle-(e an- -eliberate
ractice. 1ournal o$ e*#eri"ental #sychology/ 79(2), 10E6118.
2oe-i(er, H. B., T ?*c, 3. ). (2012). Dne%ensi"e techniR'es to imro"e e-'cation.
)l*in( co(niti"e s*cholo(* to enhance e-'cational ractice. 1ournal o$ A##lied
Research in 0e"ory and Cognition/ 7(+), 2+262+E. -oi. 10.101=JK.Karmac.2012.08.002
2ohrer, &., &e-ric/, 2., T B'r(ess, O. (201+). !he bene1t o$ interlea"e- mathematics
ractice is not limite- to s'er1ciall* similar /in-s o$ roblems.Psychono"ic -ulletin ;
Re'iew, 16E. -oi. 10.37FEJs13+23601+60FEE63
2ohrer, &., T ?ashler, H. (2007). Dncreasin( retention witho't increasin( st'-*
time. Current directions in #sychological science/ 7C(+), 1E361E=.
2ohrer, &., T ?ashler, H. (2010). 2ecent research on h'man learnin( challen(es
con"entional instr'ctional strate(ies. &ducational researcher/ <9(F), +0=6+12.
Schoen$el-, ). H. (1882). Bearnin( to thin/ mathematicall*. ?roblem sol"in(,
metaco(nition, an- sense6ma/in( in mathematics. Dn &. ;ro'ws (<-.),Handook $or
Research on 0athe"atics Teaching and (earning. 5C. 3ac3illan.
!a*lor, O., T 2ohrer, &. (2010). !he e7ects o$ interlea"e- ractice. A##lied Cogniti'e
Psychology/ 45(=), E376E+E.

Week 3 Reading (NOTE: All these readings are
What are o!r class#ates saing a8o!t these 8ooks and articles/ Check it o!t
in the Week 3 Reading :or!#
#haters F, =, E611 o$ ) 3in- $or 5'mbers are eseciall* hel$'l in ro"i-in( hel$'l
in$ormation an- a--itional e%ercises relate- to the materials o$ wee/ 3.
Worth&hile 'op!lar Articles
Bene-ict #are*, (3a* 18, 201+), "2ememberin(, as an <%treme Sort,"The New !ork
9ni"ersit* o$ #ali$ornia Bos )n(eles, (J'ne +, 201+), "?oor health, li$est*le $actors lin/e- to
memor* comlaints, e"en amon( *o'n(er a-'lts," 3e-ical ?ress.
(ea"ier )!t References:
3-1 Tackling procrastination;it<s easier, and #ore "al!a8le, than o! think
)inslie, ;., an- 5. Haslam. "Sel$6#ontrol." Dn Choice o'er Ti"e/ e-ite- b* ;. Boewenstein
an- J. <lster 5C. 2'ssell Sa(e >o'n-ation, 1882.
Boice, 2obert. Procrastination and -locking. 4estort, #!. ?rae(er, 188=.
#h', )n(ela, an- Jin 5ame #hoi. "2ethin/in( ?rocrastination. ?ositi"e <7ects o$ @)cti"e@
?rocrastination Beha"ior on )ttit'-es an- ?er$ormance." 1ournal o$ Social Psychology 1+F,
no. 3 (200F). 2+F6=+.
&'hi((, #harles. The Power o$ Hait. 5C. 2an-om Ho'se, 2012.
<llenbo(en, J.3., ?.!. H', J.&. ?a*ne, &. !itone, an- 3.?. 4al/er. "H'man 2elational
3emor* 2eR'ires !ime an- Slee." PNAS 10+, no. 1E (2007). 772362E.
<mmett, 2ita. The ProcrastinatorEs Handook. 5C. 4al/er T #oman*, 2000.
<msle*, J. The &le"ents o$ 0urder. 5C. O%$or- 9ni"ersit* ?ress, 200F.
>iore, 5eil ). The Now Hait. 5C. ?en('in, 2007.
;raham, ?a'l. ";oo- an- Ba- ?rocrastination."
B*ons, D.3., an- S.B. Beiloc/. "4hen 3ath H'rts. 3ath )n%iet* ?re-icts ?ain 5etwor/
)cti"ation in )nticiation o$ &oin( 3ath." P(oS ON& 7, no. 10 (2012). e+E07=.
?artno*, >. Wait. 5C. ?'blic)7airs, 2012.
Steel, ?iers. "!he 5at're o$ ?rocrastination. ) 3eta6)nal*tic an- !heoretical 2e"iew o$
Q'intessential Sel$62e('lator* >ail're." Psychological -ulletin 133, no. 1 (Jan 2007). =F68+.
. The Procrastination &.uation. 5C. 2an-om Ho'se, 2010.
!ice, &.3., an- 2.>. Ba'meister. "Bon(it'-inal St'-* o$ ?rocrastination, ?er$ormance,
Stress, an- Health. !he #osts an- Bene1ts o$ &aw-lin(."Psychological Science E, no. =
(1887). +F+6FE.
3-4 =o#8ies e"er&here: )igging deeper to !nderstand the ha8it of
Boice, 2obert. Procrastination and -locking. 4estort, #!. ?rae(er, 188=.
&'hi((, #harles. The Power o$ Hait. 5C. 2an-om Ho'se, 2012.
>iore, 5eil ). The Now Hait. 5C. ?en('in, 2007.
3c#lain, &*lan Boeb. "Harnessin( the Brain@s 2i(ht Hemishere to #at're 3an*
Oin(s." New !ork Ti"es, Jan 24 2011.
Steel, ?iers. "!he 5at're o$ ?rocrastination. ) 3eta6)nal*tic an- !heoretical 2e"iew o$
Q'intessential Sel$62e('lator* >ail're." Psychological -ulletin 133, no. 1 (Jan 2007). =F68+.
. The Procrastination &.uation. 5C. 2an-om Ho'se, 2010.
4an, U., H. 5a/atani, O. 9eno, !. )samiN'*a, O. #hen(, an- O. !ana/a. "!he 5e'ral Basis
o$ Dnt'iti"e Best 5e%t63o"e ;eneration in Boar- ;ame <%erts."Science 331, no. =01F (Jan
21 2011). 3+16=.
3-3 9!rf<s !p> 'rocess "ers!s prod!ct
Boice, 2obert. Procrastination and -locking. 4estort, #!. ?rae(er, 188=.
&'hi((, #harles. The Power o$ Hait. 5C. 2an-om Ho'se, 2012.
<ricsson, O )n-ers, 3ichael J ?riet'la, an- <-war- ! #o/el*. "!he 3a/in( o$ an
<%ert." Har'ard -usiness Re'iew EF, no. 7JE (2007). 11+.
>iore, 5eil ). The Now Hait. 5C. ?en('in, 2007.
3c#lain, &*lan Boeb. "Harnessin( the Brain@s 2i(ht Hemishere to #at're 3an*
Oin(s." New !ork Ti"es, Jan 2+ 2011.
Steel, ?iers. "!he 5at're o$ ?rocrastination. ) 3eta6)nal*tic an- !heoretical 2e"iew o$
Q'intessential Sel$62e('lator* >ail're." Psychological -ulletin 133, no. 1 (Jan 2007). =F68+.
. The Procrastination &.uation. 5C. 2an-om Ho'se, 2010.
4an, U., H. 5a/atani, O. 9eno, !. )samiN'*a, O. #hen(, an- O. !ana/a. "!he 5e'ral Basis
o$ Dnt'iti"e Best 5e%t63o"e ;eneration in Boar- ;ame <%erts."Science 331, no. =01F (Jan
21 2011). 3+16=.
3-0 (arnessing o!r ?o#8ies to help o!
Boice, 2obert. Procrastination and -locking. 4estort, #!. ?rae(er, 188=.
&'hi((, #harles. The Power o$ Hait. 5C. 2an-om Ho'se, 2012.
>iore, 5eil ). The Now Hait. 5C. ?en('in, 2007.
3c#lain, &*lan Boeb. "Harnessin( the Brain@s 2i(ht Hemishere to #at're 3an*
Oin(s." New !ork Ti"es, Jan 2+ 2011.
Steel, ?iers. "!he 5at're o$ ?rocrastination. ) 3eta6)nal*tic an- !heoretical 2e"iew o$
Q'intessential Sel$62e('lator* >ail're." Psychological -ulletin 133, no. 1 (Jan 2007). =F68+.
. The Procrastination &.uation. 5C. 2an-om Ho'se, 2010.
4an, U., H. 5a/atani, O. 9eno, !. )samiN'*a, O. #hen(, an- O. !ana/a. "!he 5e'ral Basis
o$ Dnt'iti"e Best 5e%t63o"e ;eneration in Boar- ;ame <%erts."Science 331, no. =01F (Jan
21 2011). 3+16=.
3-1 @!ggling life and learning
Boice, 2obert. Procrastination and -locking. 4estort, #!. ?rae(er, 188=.
&'hi((, #harles. The Power o$ Hait. 5C. 2an-om Ho'se, 2012.
>iore, 5eil ). The Now Hait. 5C. ?en('in, 2007.
3c#lain, &*lan Boeb. "Harnessin( the Brain@s 2i(ht Hemishere to #at're 3an*
Oin(s." New !ork Ti"es, Jan 2+ 2011.
5ewort, #al. How to -eco"e a StraightBa Student2 The ,ncon'entional Strategies Real
College Students ,se to Score High While Studying (ess. 5ew Cor/, 5C. 2an-om Ho'se,
. So )ood They CanEt %gnore !ou. 5C. B'siness ?l's, 2012.
Sc'llin, 3. O., an- 3. ). 3c&aniel. "2ememberin( to <%ec'te a ;oal. Slee on DtA"
Psychological Science 21, no. 7 (J'l 2010). 102E63F.
Steel, ?iers. "!he 5at're o$ ?rocrastination. ) 3eta6)nal*tic an- !heoretical 2e"iew o$
Q'intessential Sel$62e('lator* >ail're." Psychological -ulletin 133, no. 1 (Jan 2007). =F68+.
. The Procrastination &.uation. 5C. 2an-om Ho'se, 2010.
4an, U., H. 5a/atani, O. 9eno, !. )samiN'*a, O. #hen(, an- O. !ana/a. "!he 5e'ral Basis
o$ Dnt'iti"e Best 5e%t63o"e ;eneration in Boar- ;ame <%erts."Science 331, no. =01F (Jan
21 2011). 3+16=.
3-3 )i"ing deeper into to #e#or
Ba--ele*, )lan, 3ichael 4. <*senc/, an- 3ichael #. )n-erson. 0e"ory. 5C. ?s*cholo(*
?ress, 2008.
<llenbo(en, J.3., ?.!. H', J.&. ?a*ne, &. !itone, an- 3.?. 4al/er. "H'man 2elational
3emor* 2eR'ires !ime an- Slee." PNAS 10+, no. 1E (2007). 772362E.
<ricsson, O.)., an- 2.4. 2orin(. "3emor* as a >'ll* Dnte(rate- )sect o$ S/ille- an-
<%ert ?er$ormance." Psychology o$ (earning and 0oti'ation +E (2007). 3F16E0.
>oer, J. 0oonwalking with &instein. 5C. ?en('in, 2011.
;'i-a, )., >. ;obet, H. !ar-ie', an- S. 5icolas. "How #h'n/s, Bon(6!erm 4or/in( 3emor*
an- !emlates O7er a #o(niti"e <%lanation $or 5e'roima(in( &ata on <%ertise
)cR'isition. ) !wo6Sta(e >ramewor/." -rain and Cognition 78, no. 3 ()'( 2012). 2216++.
Be'tner, &., #. Beool-, an- <. S'mWeth. "#o(niti"e Boa- an- Science !e%t
#omrehension. <7ects o$ &rawin( an- 3entall* Dma(in( !e%t #ontent."Co"#uters in
Hu"an -eha'ior 2F (2008). 2E+6E8.
Be"in, J.2., 3.<. Be"in, B.&. ;lasman, an- 3.B. 5or-wall. "3nemonic Gocab'lar*
Dnstr'ction. )--itional <7ecti"eness <"i-ence." Conte"#orary &ducational Psychology 17,
no. 2 (1882). 1F=67+.
Bo(an, Jessica 3., )lan &. #astel, Sara Haber, an- <mil* J. Giehman. "3etaco(nition an-
the Sacin( <7ect. !he 2ole o$ 2eetition, >ee-bac/, an- Dnstr'ction on J'-(ments o$
Bearnin( $or 3asse- an- Sace- 2ehearsal." 0etacognition and (earning 7, no. 3 (2012).
Bon(cam, 3arie/e, #Yline Bo'car-, Jean6#la'-e ;ilho-es, Jean6B'c )nton, 3'riel 2oth,
Br'no 5aNarian, an- Jean6B'c Gela*. "Bearnin( thro'(h Han-6 or !*ewritin( DnW'ences
Gis'al 2eco(nition o$ 5ew ;rahic Shaes. Beha"ioral an- >'nctional Dma(in(
<"i-ence." 1ournal o$ Cogniti'e Neuroscience 20, no. F (200EJ0FJ01 200E). E0261F.
3a('ire, <.)., &.;. ;a-ian, D.S. Johnsr'-e, #.&. ;oo-, J. )shb'rner, 2.S.J. >rac/owia/, an-
#.&. >rith. "5a"i(ation62elate- Str'ct'ral #han(e in the Hiocami o$ !a%i
&ri"ers." Proceedings o$ the National Acade"y o$ Sciences 87, no. E (2000). +38E6+03.
3a('ire, <.)., <.2. Galentine, J.3. 4il-in(, an- 5. Oa'r. "2o'tes to 2ememberin(. !he
Brains Behin- S'erior 3emor*." Nature Neuroscience =, no. 1 (2003). 8068F.
3orris, ?eter <, #atherine O >ritN, Bo'ise Jac/son, <mma 5ichol, an- <liNabeth 2oberts.
"Strate(ies $or Bearnin( ?roer 5ames. <%an-in( 2etrie"al ?ractice, 3eanin( an-
Dma(er*." A##lied Cogniti'e Psychology 18, no. = (200F). 77868E.
3o'ssa, 35, 32 Steen, ?J Ba'rienti, an- S Ha*asa/a. "#onsistenc* o$ 5etwor/ 3o-'les in
2estin(6State >mri #onnectome &ata." P(oS ON& 7, no. E (2012). e+++2E.
Smo/er, !imoth* J, #arrie < 3'rh*, an- )lison O 2oc/well. "#omarin( 3emor* $or
Han-writin( Gers's !*in(." ?aer resente- at the ?rocee-in(s o$ the H'man >actors an-
<r(onomics Societ* )nn'al 3eetin(, 2008.
!hieba't -e Schotten, 3., >. &ell@)cR'a, S. J. >or/el, ). Simmons, >. Ger(ani, &. ;. 3'rh*,
an- 3. #atani. ") BateraliNe- Brain 5etwor/ $or Gis'osatial )ttention." Nat Neurosci 1+,
no. 10 (Oct 2011). 12+F6=.
3-A Creating #eaningf!l gro!ps and the #e#or palace techniB!e
Ba--ele*, )lan, 3ichael 4. <*senc/, an- 3ichael #. )n-erson. 0e"ory. 5C. ?s*cholo(*
?ress, 2008.
<ricsson, O.)., an- 2.4. 2orin(. "3emor* as a >'ll* Dnte(rate- )sect o$ S/ille- an-
<%ert ?er$ormance." Psychology o$ (earning and 0oti'ation +E (2007). 3F16E0.
>oer, J. 0oonwalking with &instein. 5C. ?en('in, 2011.
;'i-a, )., >. ;obet, H. !ar-ie', an- S. 5icolas. "How #h'n/s, Bon(6!erm 4or/in( 3emor*
an- !emlates O7er a #o(niti"e <%lanation $or 5e'roima(in( &ata on <%ertise
)cR'isition. ) !wo6Sta(e >ramewor/." Brain an- #o(nition 78, no. 3 ()'( 2012). 2216++.
Be'tner, &., #. Beool-, an- <. S'mWeth. "#o(niti"e Boa- an- Science !e%t
#omrehension. <7ects o$ &rawin( an- 3entall* Dma(in( !e%t #ontent."Co"#uters in
Hu"an -eha'ior 2F (2008). 2E+6E8.
Be"in, J.2., 3.<. Be"in, B.&. ;lasman, an- 3.B. 5or-wall. "3nemonic Gocab'lar*
Dnstr'ction. )--itional <7ecti"eness <"i-ence." Conte"#orary &ducational Psychology 17,
no. 2 (1882). 1F=67+.
3a('ire, <.)., &.;. ;a-ian, D.S. Johnsr'-e, #.&. ;oo-, J. )shb'rner, 2.S.J. >rac/owia/, an-
#.&. >rith. "5a"i(ation62elate- Str'ct'ral #han(e in the Hiocami o$ !a%i
&ri"ers." Proceedings o$ the National Acade"y o$ Sciences 87, no. E (2000). +38E6+03.
3a('ire, <.)., <.2. Galentine, J.3. 4il-in(, an- 5. Oa'r. "2o'tes to 2ememberin(. !he
Brains Behin- S'erior 3emor*." Nature Neuroscience =, no. 1 (2003). 8068F.
3orris, ?eter <, #atherine O >ritN, Bo'ise Jac/son, <mma 5ichol, an- <liNabeth 2oberts.
"Strate(ies $or Bearnin( ?roer 5ames. <%an-in( 2etrie"al ?ractice, 3eanin( an-
Dma(er*." A##lied Cogniti'e Psychology 18, no. = (200F). 77868E.
Week 0 Reading (NOTE: All these readings are
Chapters 11 - 18 ofA Mind for Numbersare especially helpful in providing helpful information and
additional exercises related to the materials of Week 4.
What are o!r class#ates saing a8o!t these 8ooks and articles/ Check it o!t
in the Week 0 Reading :or!#
Worth&hile 'op!lar Articles and Cooks
#arlin >lora, +riendGuence2 The Sur#rising Ways +riends 0ake ,s Who We Are, )nchor,
?am Bell'c/, (Jan'ar* 20, 2011). .!o 2eall* Bearn, Q'it St'-*in( an- !a/e a !est." The
New !ork Ti"es.
Har"ar- Health ?'blications/ ?0ay 4::9@ F!a/e a &ee Breath/F Har"ar- 3e-ical School.
J'stin 2eich, (3arch 30, 201+). "Bi( &ata 3OO# 2esearch Brea/thro'(h. Bearnin(
)cti"ities Bea- to )chie"ement," &d Tech Researcher.
9ni"ersit* o$ 9tah Health #are O0ce o$ ?'blic )7airs. "2esearchers &eb'n/ 3*th o$
@2i(ht6Brain@ an- @Be$t6Brain@ ?ersonalit* !raits." Science Daily (2013).
>el-er, 2ichar- 3. "3emo to St'-ents 4ho Ha"e Been &isaointe- with !heir !est
;ra-es." Che"ical &ngineering &ducation 33, no. 2 (1888). 13=637.
S'e Barr*, +i*ing 0y )aHe, Basic Boo/s, 2008.
3a(ic <*e, Dnc., 0agic &ye2 A New -ag o$ Tricks, )n-rews 3c3eel ?'blishin(, 188F. See
also the website at*e.comJ.
Worth&hile 'op!lar App
Breathe22ela%, b* the 5ational #enter $or !elehealth T !echnolo(*
(ea"ier )!t References:
0-D *ntrod!ction to &eek 0
>ischer, O. 4., T Bi-ell, !. 2. (200=). &*namic -e"eloment o$ action, tho'(ht, an-
emotion. Dn 4. &amon T 2. 3. Berner (<-s.), Theoretical 0odels o$ Hu"an De'elo#"ent.
Handook o$ Child Psychology. 5C. 4ile*.
Sie(ler, 2. S. (188E). &"erging 0inds2 The Process o$ Change in ChildrenEs Thinking. 5ew
Cor/, 5C. O%$or- 9ni"ersit* ?ress. (See in artic'lar Sie(ler:s Ho"erlain( wa"esI theor*.)
0-1 Create a li"el "is!al #etaphor or analog
Ba--ele*, )lan, 3ichael 4. <*senc/, an- 3ichael #. )n-erson. 0e"ory 5C. ?s*cholo(*
?ress, 2008.
#at, Jor-i. "On 9n-erstan-in(. 3a%well on the 3etho-s o$ Dll'stration an- Scienti1c
3etahor." Studies %n History and Philoso#hy o$ Science ?art B Z32, no. 3 (2001). 38F6++1.
&erman, <man'el. 0odels. -eha'ing. -adly.5ew Cor/, 5C. >ree ?ress, 2011.
>oer, J. 0oonwalking with &instein 5C. ?en('in, 2011.
B[tNen, Jeser. 0echanistic %"ages in )eo"etric +or" 5C. O%$or- 9ni"ersit* ?ress, 200F.
3a('ire, <.)., &.;. ;a-ian, D.S. Johnsr'-e, #.&. ;oo-, J. )shb'rner, 2.S.J. >rac/owia/, an-
#.&. >rith. "5a"i(ation62elate- Str'ct'ral #han(e in the Hiocami o$ !a%i
&ri"ers." Proceedings o$ the National Acade"y o$ Sciences 87, no. E (2000). +38E6+03.
3a('ire, <.)., <.2. Galentine, J.3. 4il-in(, an- 5. Oa'r. "2o'tes to 2ememberin(. !he
Brains Behin- S'erior 3emor*." Nature Neuroscience =, no. 1 (2003). 8068F.
2oc/e, ).J. %"age and Reality #hica(o, DB. 9ni"ersit* o$ #hica(o ?ress, 2010.
Solomon, Dnes. ")nalo(ical !rans$er an- @>'nctional >i%e-ness@ in the Science
#lassroom." 1ournal o$ &ducational Research E7, no. = (188+). 371677.
0-4 No need for geni!s en" E the i#poster sndro#e
)mi-Nic, O(nKen, Hartm't J. 2iehle, an- !homas <lbert. "!owar- a ?s*choh*siolo(* o$
<%ertise." Jo'rnal o$ ?s*choh*siolo(* 20, no. + (200=). 2F36FE.
Beiloc/, Sian. #ho/e. 5C. >ree ?ress, 2010.
Bilalic, 3., ?. 3cBeo-, an- >. ;obet. "DnWe%ibilit* o$ <%erts662ealit* or 3*th, Q'anti$*in(
the <instell'n( <7ect in #hess 3asters." #o(niti"e ?s*cholo(* F=, no. 2 (3ar 200E). 736
BilaliX, 3erim , 2obert Ban(ner, 3ichael <rb, an- 4ol$(an( ;ro--. "3echanisms an-
5e'ral Basis o$ ObKect an- ?attern 2eco(nition. ) St'-* with #hess <%erts." Jo'rnal o$
<%erimental ?s*cholo(*. ;eneral 138, no. + (2010). 72E6+2.
BilaliX, 3erim , ?. 3cBeo-, an- >. ;obet. "4h* ;oo- !ho'(hts Bloc/ Better Ones. !he
3echanism o$ the ?ernicio's <instell'n( (Set) <7ect." #o(nition 10E, no. 3 (Se 200E).
BilaliX, 3erim, ). Oiesel, #. ?ohl, 3. <rb, an- 4. ;ro--. "Dt !a/es !woS/ille- 2eco(nition
o$ ObKects <n(a(es Bateral )reas in Both Hemisheres."?BoS O5< =, no. 1 (2011). e1=202.
BilaliX, 3erim, ?eter 3cBeo-, an- >ernan- ;obet. "&oes #hess 5ee- Dntelli(ence, a
St'-* with Co'n( #hess ?la*ers." Dntelli(ence 3F, no. F (2007). +F7670.
#arson, Shelle* H, Jor-an B ?eterson, an- &aniel 3 Hi((ins. "&ecrease- Batent Dnhibition
Ds )ssociate- with Dncrease- #reati"e )chie"ement in Hi(h6>'nctionin( Dn-i"i-'als."
Jo'rnal o$ ?ersonalit* an- Social ?s*cholo(* EF, no. 3 (2003). +886F0=.
#hase, 4.;., an- H.). Simon. "?ercetion in #hess." #o(niti"e ?s*cholo(* +, no. 1 (1873).
<ricsson, Oarl )n-ers. &e"eloment o$ ?ro$essional <%ertise. 5C. #ambri-(e 9ni"ersit*
?ress, 2008.
>el-er, 2. "Dmostors <"er*where." #hemical <n(ineerin( <-'cation 22, no. + (18EE). 1=E6
;obet, >., an- 5. #harness, e-s. #hess an- ;ames. e-ite- b* O. )n-ers <rcisson, 5eil
#harness, ?a'l >elto"ich an- 2obert 2. Ho7man, #ambri-(e Han-boo/ on <%ertise an-
<%ert ?er$ormance. #ambri-(e 9ni"ersit* ?ress, 200=.
;obet, >., an- ;. #lar/son. "#h'n/s in <%ert 3emor*. <"i-ence $or the 3a(ical 5'mber
>o'rV or Ds Dt !wo,". 3emor* 12, no. = (200+). 7326+7.
;obet, >., ?.#.2. Bane, S. #ro/er, ?.#.H. #hen(, ;. Jones, D. Oli"er, an- J.3. ?ine. "#h'n/in(
3echanisms in H'man Bearnin(." !ren-s in #o(niti"e Sciences F, no. = (2001). 23=6+3.
;obet, >ernan-. "#h'n/in( 3o-els o$ <%ertise. Dmlications $or <-'cation." )lie-
#o(niti"e ?s*cholo(* 18, no. 2 (200F). 1E3620+.
;'i-a, )., >. ;obet, H. !ar-ie', an- S. 5icolas. "How #h'n/s, Bon(6!erm 4or/in( 3emor*
an- !emlates O7er a #o(niti"e <%lanation $or 5e'roima(in( &ata on <%ertise
)cR'isition. ) !wo6Sta(e >ramewor/." Brain an- #o(nition 78, no. 3 ()'( 2012). 2216++.
Olein, ;. So'rces o$ ?ower. #ambri-(e, 3). 3D! ?ress, 1888.
Olein, H), an- ;) Olein. "?ercet'alJ#o(niti"e )nal*sis o$ ?ro1cient #ar-io6?'lmonar*
2es'scitation (#r) ?er$ormance." ?aer resente- at the 3i-western ?s*cholo(ical
)ssociation #on$erence, &etroit, 3D, 18E1.
Binhares, )le%an-re, an- )nna <liNabeth !. ). >reitas. "Q'estionin( #hase an- Simon@s
(1873) H?ercetion in #hessI. !he H<%erience 2eco(nitionI H*othesis." 5ew i-eas in
s*cholo(* 2E, no. 1 (2010). =+67E.
?artno*, >. 4ait. 5C. ?'blic)7airs, 2012.
Simon, H.)., an- 4.;. #hase. "S/ill in #hess. <%eriments with #hess6?la*in( !as/s an-
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4hite, H.)., an- ?. Shah. "9ninhibite- Dma(inations. #reati"it* in )-'lts with )ttention6
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4hite, Holl* ), an- ?riti Shah. "#reati"e St*le an- )chie"ement in )-'lts with )ttention6
&e1citJH*eracti"it* &isor-er." ?ersonalit* an- Dn-i"i-'al &i7erences F0, no. F (2011).
4-3 Change o!r tho!ghts, change o!r life
)rmstron(, J Scott. "5at'ral Bearnin( in Hi(her <-'cation." Dn &ncyclo#edia o$ the
Sciences o$ (earning, 2+2=633. Srin(er, 2012.
Ben(tsson, Sara B, Lolt\n 5a(*, Ste$an S/are, Bea >orsman, Hans >orssber(, an- >re-ri/
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&e"eloment." Nature Neuroscience E, no. 8 (200F). 11+E6F0.
#ol"in, ;eo7. Talent %s O'errated. 5C. ?ort$olio, 200E.
&e>elie, Ja"ier. "Brain ?lasticit* an- 3ental ?rocesses. #aKal )(ain." Nature Re'iews
Neuroscience 7, no. 10 (200=). E11617.
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3o-ern 5e'roscience." Trends in Neurosciences 2F, no. 8 (2002). +E16E+.
&e>elie, Ja"ier. CaIalEs -utterGies o$ the Soul2 Science and Art 5C. O%$or- 9ni"ersit*
?ress, 2010.
&oi-(e, 5. The -rain That Changes %tsel$. 5C. ?en('in, 2007.
>iel-s, 2 &o'(las. "4hite 3atter in Bearnin(, #o(nition an- ?s*chiatric &isor-ers." Trends
in Neurosciences 31, no. 7 (200E). 3=1670.
3c#or-, Joan. ") !hirt*6Cear >ollow6' o$ !reatment <7ects." A"erican Psychologist 33,
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Oa/le*, Barbara ). "#oncets an- Dmlications o$ )ltr'ism Bias an- ?atholo(ical
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2am]n * #aKal, Santia(o. Ad'ice $or a !oung %n'estigator. !ranslate- b* 5eel* Swanson
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Shaw, #hristoher )., an- Jill #. 3c<achern, e-s. Toward a Theory o$ Neuro#lasticity. 5C.
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2 (2013). S76S13.
!homas, #., an- #. D. Ba/er. "!eachin( an )-'lt Brain 5ew !ric/s. ) #ritical 2e"iew o$
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4-4 The value of teamwork - Avoiding overconfdence
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4-5 A test checklist/
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4-6 The hard-startjump-to-easy technique
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