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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Papa Bear
Mama Bear
Baby Bear
Narrator : Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks.
Goldilocks: Ill go to the forest to play and gather some flowers.
Narrator: When she was in the forest chasing butterflies, she saw a pretty little house.
Goldilocks: I am thirsty I will go o!er there, maybe they can gi!e me a glass of water.
Nattator: "o she went to the house and knocked at the door.
Goldilocks: It seems like theres nobody home# the door is open.
Narrator: $nd she she walked right in.
Goldilocks : %ello, hello#.. is anyone home# is anyone home&
Narrator : Goldilocks went right in. $t the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of soup.
Goldilocks: Oh, I am so hungry.
Narrator: "he tasted the soup from the first bowl.
Goldilocks: 'his soup is too hot
Narrator: "o Goldilocks tasted the soup from the second bowl.
Goldilocks: 'his soup is too cold.
Narrator : "o Goldilocks tasted the last bowl of soup.
Goldilocks: $hhh, this soup is (ust right.
Narrator : $fter she had eaten the three bears) soup she decided she was feeling a little tired.
Goldilocks: I am so tired Ill sit in one of those chairs and rest for a while# then I will lea!e.
Narrator: "o, Goldilocks sat in the first chair.
Goldilocks: 'his chair is too big .
Narrator : "o she sat in the second chair.
Goldilocks: 'his chair is too big, too
Narrator : "o she tried the last and smallest chair.
Goldilocks: $hhh, this chair is (ust right.
Narrator : *ut (ust as she settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces
Goldilocks: $hhhhhhhh
Narrator : Goldilocks was !ery tired by this time, so she went upstairs to the bedroom. "he lay down
in the first bed.
Goldilocks: 'his bed is too hard.
Narrator : 'hen she lay down in the second bed.
Goldilocks: 'his bed is too soft.
Narrator : 'hen she lay down in the third bed.
Goldilocks: +ust right .
Narrator : Goldilocks fell asleep. $s she was sleeping, the three bears came home and went into the
,apa *ear: "omeone)s been eating my soup.
-ama *ear: "omeone)s been eating my soup, too
*aby *ear: "omeone)s been eating my soup, and they ate it all up
Narrator: 'hen the tree bears went into the .i!ing /oom.
,apa *ear: "omeone)s been sitting in my chair
-$ma *ear: "omeone)s been sitting in my chair, too.
*aby *ear: "omeone)s been sitting in my chair, and broke it
Narrator : 'hen the three bears decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the
,apa *ear : "omeone)s been sleeping in my bed
-ama *ear : "omeone)s been sleeping in my bed, too
*aby *ear : "omeone)s been sleeping in my bed, and she)s still there.
Narrator : +ust then, Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears.
Goldilocks: %elp
Narrator: $nd she (umped up and ran out of the room. Goldilocks ran down the stairs, opened the
door, and ran away into the forest. $nd she ne!er returned to the home of the three bears.

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