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[A.M. No. 11-6-10-SC : February 21, 2012]

Please take notice that the Court en banc issued a Resolution
dated FEBRUAR% 21, 2012, which reads as follows:
"A.M. No. 11-6-10-SC (Re: Guidelines for Litigation in Quezon City
Trial Courts).- The Court Resolved toA++R!,E the Guidelines for
Litigation in Quezon City Trial Courts, to it:
To test the !ra"ti"a#ility and feasi#ility of the !ro!osed guidelines, the
Quezon City Trial Courts shall unifor$ly and "onsistently a!!ly and
enfor"e these Guidelines fro$ their date of effe"tivity, and all ho
!ra"ti"e #efore Quezon City Trial Courts shall o#serve and "o$!ly
ith the$.
A. Gu&)e-&.e' Co**o. /o Cr&*&.a- a.) C&0&- Ca'e', &.1-u)&.2
S3e1&a- +ro1ee)&.2' a.) a.) Re2&'/ra/&o. Ca'e'
%. Limitation on pleadings.& 'arties $ay file !leadings su#se(uent to
the "o$!laint, anser and re!ly, regarding any in"ident in a !ending
"ase, only u!on !rior leave of "ourt, and in no "ase to e)"eed *+
!ages in length, dou#le-s!a"ed, using size %* font.
,. Motions. & (a) -otions that do not "onfor$ ith the re(uire$ents
of Rule %. of the Rules of Court are s"ra!s of !a!er that do not $erit
the "ourt/s "onsideration. The #ran"h "ler0 of "ourt shall infor$ the
1udge of non-"o$!liant $otions. The "ourt shall then i$$ediately
issue a final order de"laring the $otion a $ere s"ra! of !a!er
unorthy of any further "ourt a"tion, ithout ne"essity of a hearing
or "o$$ent fro$ the adverse !arty.
(#) Courts shall re(uire only a "o$$ent or o!!osition to any $otion,
hi"h shall #e filed ithin an ine)tendi#le !eriod of . days.
Thereafter, the $otion shall #e su#$itted for resolution #y the "ourt.
2nless alloed, the filing of a re!ly, re1oinder, or sur-re1oinder is
here#y !rohi#ited.
3. Notice and service of processes through private couriers. & (a)
There shall #e !resu$!tive noti"e to a !arty of a "ourt setting if su"h
noti"e a!!ears on the re"ord to have #een $ailed at least ,+ days
!rior to the s"heduled date of hearing if the addressee is fro$ ithin
the 4ational Ca!ital Region, or at least 3+ days if the addressee is
fro$ outside the 4ational Ca!ital Region.
(#) 5 !arty $ay o!t to avail of !rivate "ouriers for the servi"e of
!leadings, $otions and other su#$issions. 'roof of servi"e in su"h
"ase shall either #e a sorn "ertifi"ation or affidavit of servi"e fro$
the "ourier s!e"ifi"ally referring to the date of servi"e and the
"orres!onding tra"0ing nu$#er for the $ail $atter.
*. Postponements. & (a) 6udges shall not grant any !ost!one$ent
e)"e!t for a"ts of God or force majeure
(#) 4o $otion for !ost!one$ent, hether ritten or oral, shall #e
a"ted u!on #y the "ourt unless a""o$!anied #y the original offi"ial
re"ei!t fro$ the 7ffi"e of the Cler0 of Court of Quezon City eviden"ing
!ay$ent of the !ost!one$ent fee.
(") 8n "ivil "ases, in the a#sen"e of "ounsel, the "ourt shall !ro"eed
ith the hearing e! parte ith no right to "ross-e)a$ination. 8f it is
the itness ho is a#sent, the !resentation of su"h itness shall #e
de"lared aived.
8n "ri$inal "ases, in the a#sen"e of "ounsel de parte, the hearing
shall !ro"eed u!on a!!oint$ent #y the "ourt of a "ounsel de oficio. 8f
it is the itness ho is a#sent, the !resentation of su"h itness shall
#e de"lared aived.
8n either "ase, if the s"heduled hearing is una#le to !ro"eed due to
su"h a#sen"e, the "ourt shall re(uire the a#sent "ounsel and9or !arty
to !ay the e)!enses of the !resent !arty or itness for a!!earing in
"ourt on that date.
.. Calendar call & Courts shall "all the "alendar at e)a"tly ::3+ a.$.
or ,:++ !.$., as the "ase $ay #e, to deter$ine hi"h "ases are
ready to !ro"eed. 4o se"ond "all shall #e $ade e)"e!t only of those
"ases here #oth !arties have $anifested their readiness to !ro"eed.
The re$aining ti$e after the first "all shall #e divided e(ually a$ong
the ready "ases to ensure that all ill #e heard on that day.
;. "ral offer of evidence. & The offer of eviden"e, the "o$$ent
thereon, and the "ourt ruling shall #e $ade orally. 5 !arty is re(uired
to $a0e his oral offer of eviden"e on the sa$e date as the
!resentation of his last itness, and the o!!osing !arty is re(uired to
i$$ediately inter!ose his o#1e"tion thereto. Thereafter, the 1udge
shall $a0e the ruling on the offer of eviden"e in o!en "ourt.
8n $a0ing the offer, the "ounsel shall "ite the s!e"ifi" !age nu$#ers
of the "ourt re"ord here the e)hi#its #eing offered are found if
atta"hed thereto. The "ourt shall alays ensure that all e)hi#its
offered are su#$itted to the "ourt on the sa$e day.
8f the e)hi#its are not atta"hed to the re"ord, the !arty $a0ing the
offer $ust su#$it the sa$e during the offer of eviden"e in o!en
<. Lack of transcripts of stenographic notes. & 8n"o$!lete or $issing
trans"ri!ts of stenogra!hi" notes is not a valid reason to interru!t or
sus!end the $andatory !eriod for de"iding a "ase. 6udges ho
"ondu"ted the trial in a "ase and heard the testi$onies of so$e or all
of the itnesses shall not defer the su#$ission of the "ase for
1udg$ent on this ground. 8n "ases here the "ase as heard
"o$!letely #y another 1udge, the ne 1udge tas0ed to rite the
de"ision shall #e given ;+ days fro$ assu$!tion to offi"e to re(uire
the "o$!letion of trans"ri!ts #efore the "ase is dee$ed su#$itted for
:. Consolidations & (a) Consolidation of "ases shall only #e alloed
if #oth or all of the "ases sought to #e "onsolidated have not yet
!assed the !re-trial or !reli$inary "onferen"e stage.
(#) 8n "ases involving $ulti!le a""used here a later infor$ation is
filed involving an a""used ho as su#1e"ted to further investigation
#y the 7ffi"e of the City 'rose"utor of Quezon City, over an in"ident
hi"h has the sa$e su#1e"t $atter as a !rior 8nfor$ation9s against
different a""used, the later "ase hen filed under "over of a $otion
for "onsolidation fro$ the 7C'-QC shall no longer #e raffled, #ut shall
#e assigned dire"tly to the "ourt here the earlier "ases are !ending.
8f the earlier "ases are already at the trial stage and itnesses have
#een !resented #y the !rose"ution, the !rose"ution shall #e alloed
to $erely ado!t the eviden"e so far !resented against the ne
a""used, su#1e"t to the latter/s right to "ross-e)a$ine the said
(") 8n "ivil "ases, "onsolidation shall #e granted only if there is
identity of !arties and issues in the affe"ted "ases.
=. #nhibitions & >a"h !arty shall only #e alloed to file one $otion
for inhi#ition in any "ase stri"tly on grounds !rovided for under Rule
%3< of the Rules of Court.
%+. Memoranda. & (a) 5fter "o$!letion of trial, the "ourt shall
re(uire the !arties to su#$it their $e$oranda hi"h shall not e)"eed
,. !ages in length, single-s!a"ed, on legal size !a!er, using size %*
%%. $ree legal assistance. & 8f a !arty fails to (ualify for the servi"es
of the 'u#li" 5ttorney/s 7ffi"e, the 8ntegrated ?ar of the 'hili!!ines
Quezon City Cha!ter shall !rovide free legal assistan"e to the said
!arty. @or this !ur!ose, the 8?'-QC Cha!ter shall su#$it to the
>)e"utive 6udges of the Quezon City trial "ourts, a list of 8?'-QC
layers ho $ay #e a!!ointed #y the "ourts to a"t as "ounsel de
oficio in su"h "ases. The lists shall #e disse$inated a$ong all the trial
"ourts in the station.
B. Gu&)e-&.e' 4or C&0&- Ca'e'
%. Mediation, judicial dispute resolution, preliminar% conference as
mandator% parts of pre&trial & The order setting the "ase for !re-
trial shall also in"lude (a) a referral to the '-C for $andatory
$ediation !ro"eedings in "ases "overed #y the rule, and9or (#) a
setting for 1udi"ial dis!ute resolution, as ell as (") a !reli$inary
"onferen"e #efore the ?ran"h Cler0 of Court. The !re-trial !ro!er
#efore the "ourt $ust ta0e !la"e only after all the foregoing shall
have #een "o$!leted.
The "ourt shall stri"tly i$!ose san"tions for non-a!!earan"e during
$ediation, 1udi"ial dis!ute resolution, and9or !reli$inary "onferen"e
#efore the ?ran"h Cler0 as these are $andatory !arts of !re-trial.
Courts $ust stri"tly "o$!ly ith the Guidelines to #e 7#served in the
Condu"t of 're-Trial under 5.-. 4o. +3-%-+=-AC.
,. Motions relating to pre&trial matters. & (a) -otions relating to the
folloing !re-trial $atters shall #e filed #efore the s"heduled date of
!re-trial, otherise they shall #e #arred:
i. Au$$ary 1udg$ent and 1udg$ent on the !leadings

ii. 5$end$ents to !leadings, in"luding the adding or dro!!ing of

iii. Aus!ension of !ro"eedings
iv. Bis$issals under Rule %;, save for la"0 of 1urisdi"tion over the
su#1e"t $atter of the "ase
(#) The "ourts $ust resolve said $otions not later than 3+ days after
su#$ission. 're-trial !ro!er shall only #e "ondu"ted after su"h
3. 'ffidavits in lieu of direct testimon%. & (a) The dire"t e)a$ination
of all itnesses shall #e !resented through 5ffidavits, !refera#ly in
(uestion-and-anser for$at. 'aragra!hs shall #e "onse"utively
nu$#ered for fa"ility of referen"e.
(#) The 5ffidavits shall ta0e the !la"e of the itness/ dire"t
e)a$ination and no additional oral dire"t testi$ony shall #e alloed
#y the "ourt save for the itness/ identifi"ation and "onfir$ation of
his 5ffidavit and its $ar0ing. The failure to su#$it su"h 5ffidavits on
the date they are re(uired to #e su#$itted shall a$ount to a aiver
of su"h su#$ission and of the !resentation of the itness9es
(") The !arty !resenting the 5ffidavit shall serve a "o!y of the sa$e
on the adverse "ounsel and the "ourt not later than five days #efore
the s"heduled !re-trial. Ce shall also atta"h thereto "o!ies of all
do"u$ents identified and referred to #y the itness in the 5ffidavit
hi"h are intended to #e $ar0ed in eviden"e.
(d) Cross-e)a$ination shall #e "ondu"ted i$$ediately after the
"onfir$ation of the 5ffidavit, and the testi$ony of the itness shall
#e "o$!leted on the sa$e setting.
*. (!ecution in appealed ejectment cases. & 8n e1e"t$ent "ases
#rought to the Regional Trial Court on a!!eal, here the latter/s
de"ision has already #e"o$e final and e)e"utory, a $otion for
e)e"ution of said de"ision shall #e filed only ith and resolved #y the
-etro!olitan Trial Court hi"h originally heard the "ase.
C. Gu&)e-&.e' 4or Cr&*&.a- Ca'e'
%. )chedule of arraignment. & (a) The arraign$ent shall #e set ithin
seven days fro$ re"ei!t #y the "ourt of the "ase, for detained
a""used, and ithin ,+ days fro$ re"ei!t #y the "ourt of the "ase, for
non-detained a""used.
(#) The "ourt $ust set the arraign$ent of the a""used in the
"o$$it$ent order, in the "ase of detained a""used, or in the order of
a!!roval of #ail, in any other "ase.
@or this !ur!ose, here the >)e"utive 6udges and 'airing 6udges a"t
on #ail a!!li"ations of "ases assigned to other "ourts, they shall
"oordinate ith the "ourts to hi"h the "ases are a"tually assigned
for s"heduling !ur!oses.
(") 4oti"e of arraign$ent shall #e sent to the !rivate "o$!lainant or
"o$!laining la enfor"e$ent agent for !ur!oses of !lea #argaining,
!ursuant to Rule %%;, Ae"tion % (f) of the Rules of Court.
,. )uspension of arraignment. & Courts shall stri"tly o#serve the
general rule that there shall #e no sus!ension of arraign$ent e)"e!t
for any of the three grounds stated in Rule %%;, Ae"tion %% of the
Rules of Court.
(a) 8n "ase of sus!ension of arraign$ent #y reason of a !ending
!etition for revie ith the B76, no "ourt shall allo a sus!ension
#eyond ;+ days. 8n granting $otions on this ground, the "ourt shall
already set the arraign$ent on the ;%
day fro$ the date of filing of
the !etition ith the B76, or the nearest availa#le trial date
(#) 5 $otion for !reli$inary investigation shall only #e granted here
the a""used as $ade su#1e"t to in(uest !ro"eedings, !ursuant to
Rule %%,, Ae"tion < of the Rules of Court.
(") 8n "ases here a $otion for !reli$inary investigation or re-
investigation is granted #y the "ourt, the 7ffi"e of the City 'rose"utor
of Quezon City shall "o$!lete the !reli$inary investigation or re-
investigation, as the "ase $ay #e, and su#$it its resolution to the
"ourt ithin ;+ days fro$ re"ei!t of the order granting the $otion for
!reli$inary investigation or re-investigation. 2!on la!se of the ;+-day
!eriod ithout a resolution on the !reli$inary investigation or re-
investigation, the "ourt shall !ro"eed ith the arraign$ent of the
a""used. 8n the order granting the $otion for !reli$inary
investigation or re-investigation, the "ourt shall already set the
arraign$ent of the a""used.
(d) The "ourt shall not allo the defer$ent of arraign$ent on ground
of a#sen"e of "ounsel de parte for the a""used if a !rior
!ost!one$ent for the sa$e reason has #een granted and #oth
a""used and "ounsel are duly notified of the arraign$ent. 8n su"h
instan"es, the "ourt shall a!!oint a "ounsel de oficioto assist the
a""used for arraign$ent !ur!oses only.
3. *aiver of reading of the information. & The "ourt, u!on !ersonal
e)a$ination of the a""used, $ay allo a aiver of the reading of the
8nfor$ation u!on the e)!ress understanding and intelligent "onsent
of the a""used and his "ounsel, hi"h "onsent shall #e eviden"ed in
#oth the $inutes9"ertifi"ate of arraign$ent and the order of
arraign$ent. The "ourt shall ensure the a""used/s full understanding
of the "onse(uen"es of the aiver #efore a!!roving the sa$e.
*. Petitions for bail & >)"e!t in "o$!le) "ases involving $ulti!le
a""used and $ulti!le offended !arties, an a!!li"ation for #ail shall #e
heard and resolved ithin ;+ days fro$ the date of the first hearing,
and "onsistent ith the rules, su$$ary in nature, !refera#ly
re(uiring the su#$ission #y the !rose"ution of the affidavits of its
itnesses ith right of "ross-e)a$ination #y the defense.
.. Pre&trial & (a) The "ourt shall s"hedule the arraign$ent and !re-
trial on the sa$e date in all "ases, e)"e!t in "ases hi"h re(uire
$ediation and9or 1udi"ial dis!ute resolution. The !re-trial !ro!er in
the latter "ases $ust #e s"heduled i$$ediately u!on "on"lusion of
$ediation and9or 1udi"ial dis!ute resolution.
(#) 8f the arraign$ent and !re-trial ill #e "ondu"ted on se!arate
dates, the setting of !re-trial and trial dates $ust #e $ade during the
(") The order setting the "ase for !re-trial shall also in"lude (a) a
referral to the '-C for $andatory $ediation !ro"eedings in "ases
"overed #y the rule, and9or (#) a setting for 1udi"ial dis!ute
resolution, as ell as (") a !reli$inary "onferen"e #efore the ?ran"h
Cler0 of Court, !ursuant to 5.-. 4o. +3-%- +=-AC. The !re-trial !ro!er
#efore the "ourt $ust ta0e !la"e only after all the foregoing shall
have #een "o$!leted.
(d) The "ourt shall !ro"eed ith !re-trial des!ite the a#sen"e of the
a""used and9or !rivate "o$!lainant !rovided they ere duly notified
of the sa$e.
(e) Courts $ust stri"tly "o$!ly ith the Guidelines to #e 7#served in
the Condu"t of 're-Trial under 5.-. 4o. +3-%-+=-AC.
;. 'ffidavits in lieu of direct testimon%. & (a) 5s a rule, testi$ony of
itnesses in "ri$inal "ases shall #e given orally in o!en "ourt, e)"e!t
(a.l) hen the !arties agree to su#$it affidavits in lieu of oral
testi$onyD and (a.,) to !rove the "ivil lia#ility.
(#) The 5ffidavits so su#$itted shall ta0e the !la"e of the itness/
dire"t e)a$ination and additional oral dire"t testi$ony shall #e
alloed only u!on the "ourt/s sound dis"retion. The failure to su#$it
5ffidavits on the date they are re(uired to #e su#$itted shall a$ount
to a aiver of su"h su#$ission and of the !resentation of the
itness9es "on"erned.
(") The !arty !resenting the 5ffidavit shall serve a "o!y of the sa$e
on the adverse "ounsel and the "ourt not later than five days #efore
the s"heduled !re-trial. Ce shall also atta"h thereto "o!ies of all
do"u$ents identified and referred to #y the itness in the 5ffidavit
hi"h are intended to #e $ar0ed in eviden"e.
(d) Cross-e)a$ination shall #e "ondu"ted i$$ediately after the
"onfir$ation of the 5ffidavit, and the testi$ony of the itness shall
#e "o$!leted on the sa$e setting.
(") >)!ert testi$ony shall alays #e given orally.
<. +emurrer and submission of case for decision. & (a) 7n"e the
!rose"ution rests its "ase, the "ourt $ust in(uire fro$ the a""used
hether he ill file a de$urer to eviden"e or he ill no longer !resent
eviden"e, and then a"t a""ordingly.
(#) Ehen the defense rests its "ase, unless the !rose"ution e)!ressly
$oves to !resent re#uttal eviden"e, the "ourt shall re(uire the !arties
to su#$it their $e$oranda and in the sa$e order, s"hedule the date
of !ro$ulgation of the 1udg$ent, ithin the !eriod re(uired #y the
la or the rules.
:. Private prosecutors & 8n "ases here the "ivil lia#ility is #eing
!rose"uted #y a !rivate "ounsel, a ritten authority fro$ the 7ffi"e of
the City 'rose"utor of Quezon City in favor of the 'rivate 'rose"utor,
to try the "ase even in the a#sen"e of the 'u#li" 'rose"utor, $ust #e
su#$itted to the "ourt no later than the !re-trial stage.
Eith this authority on re"ord, the "ourt $ay set trial in this "ase and
other "ases #eing tried #y 'rivate 'rose"utors ith delegated
authority, on a se!arate day hen the !resen"e of the 'u#li"
'rose"utor $ay #e dis!ensed ith.
D. A33-&1ab&-&/y o4 /5e Gu&)e-&.e'
These Guidelines shall a!!ly to all nely filed "ases, as ell as
!ending "ases here trial has not started yet, hether or not the !re-
trial has #een "on"luded.
@or !ending "ases here trial has already "o$$en"ed, here the
!arties "onsent to the a!!li"ation of the Guidelines for the re$ainder
of the "ase !ro"eedings, the Guidelines shall #e a!!lied #y the "ourt
to that "ase as ell.
E. Mo.&/or&.2 a.) E0a-ua/&o.
(a) The a!!li"ation of and adheren"e to these Guidelines shall #e
su#1e"t to !eriodi" $onitoring #y the Co$$ittee and its te"hni"al
su!!ort staff.
@or this !ur!ose, Quezon City Trial Courts shall a""o$!lish and
su#$it a !eriodi" re!ort of data on a for$ to #e generated and
distri#uted #y the Co$$ittee. Training in the use of the for$ shall #e
done #y the Co$$ittee/s te"hni"al su!!ort staff.
(#) The !ro1e"t shall #e su#1e"t to (uarterly revies #y the
Co$$ittee. 5t the end of the ;
$onth fro$ su"h date of effe"tivity,
the Co$$ittee shall !re!are a -id-Ter$ Re!ort on the !ro1e"t for
su#$ission to the Au!re$e Court, and at the end of the %,
fro$ su"h date of effe"tivity, the Co$$ittee shall !re!are and su#$it
a @inal Re!ort on the !ro1e"t to the Au!re$e Court.
F. E44e1/&0&/y
These Guidelines shall ta0e effe"t on 5!ril %;, ,+%,, after its
!u#li"ation for to "onse"utive ee0s in to nes!a!ers of general
"ir"ulation in the "ountry and after !osting for one $onth at all floors
of the Call of 6usti"e of Quezon City, in"luding at the 7ffi"es of the
Cler0s of Court of the Regional Trial Court and the -etro!olitan Trial
,elasco, -r, -., on offi"ial #usiness.
.rion and +el Castillo, --., on leave.
Fery truly yours,
6S2).7 ENRI#UE"A E. ,IDA
Cler0 of Court

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