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1. Write a Program to create a GUI form using swing that has the following format.

The user is required to fill all the required information. When the user will fill the
details and click ok then a message will be displayed, showing whether the
information is successfully submitted or the data has an error.

2. Write a program of calculator which looks as below.

3. Write a program with Java GUI that displays the entire EMP table from the
SAMPLE database in the JTABLE object.
4. Write a Java Program which makes a database connection and print the metadata
and name of driver.
5. Modify the program stated in 1 to include the database connectivity with it. The
student details should be entered in the database using prepared statement.
6. Create a pair of classes called ImmediateMessage and ImmediateMessageServer.
Objects of the ImmediateMessageServer class should listen on a specified port
for a connection from other systems, and then displays the information received on
the connection. Objects of the ImmediateMessage class will connect to these
server objects and send a single message to be displayed at the server system.
7. Create a pair of classes called TemparatureServer and TemparatureClient. Objects
of the TemparatureServer class contain a table of current temperatures for a
number of cities around the world. They receive requests from TemparatureClient
objects in the form of datagram. Each datagram contains the name of a city that
the server looks up in its table. The current temperature for the city is returned
by the TemparatureServer object to the TemparatureClient object in a datagram.
If the requested city cannot be found, an empty string is returned.
8. Create a simple application that demonstrates the use of RMI.
9. Create a servlet that prints todays date.
10. Create a servlet for a login page. If the username and password are correct then it
says message Hello <username> else a message login failed.
11. Create a servlet that uses Cookies to store the number of times a user has visited
12. Create a servlet that displays some header information from your request as
well as any form data.
13. Create a servlet filter that changes all text to upper case.
14. Create a JSP that prints current date and time.
15. Create a JSP that adds and subtracts two numbers.
16. Create a JSP that prints odd numbers that come within a range.
17. Create a JSP for login module.
18. Create a simple application of hibernate for inserting contact details that
demonstrates O/R mapping.

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